
28b70db007caa81b829104c45eda73f30b90e072 — Dominic Ricottone 2 years ago 42bd583
Post and updates

A short post and a set of minor updates. The Title is being shown on
more pages and the Makefile recipe was slightly refactored.
M Makefile => Makefile +6 -5
@@ 1,8 1,8 @@
RSYNC_OPTS=--recursive --links --compress --delete --chown=$(TARGET_USER):$(TARGET_USER)

.PHONY: clean dev build sync

.PHONY: clean
	rm -rf public resources themes
	rm -rf scripts/cv.aux scripts/cv.log scripts/cv.out scripts/cv.tex

@@ 18,14 18,15 @@ static/files/dominic-ricottone.html: content/cv.md
	cat content/cv.md \
		| scripts/cv_html.awk > static/files/dominic-ricottone.html

dev: static/files/dominic-ricottone.pdf static/files/dominic-ricottone.html
	hugo server --buildDrafts --bind --port 8080

.PHONY: build
build: clean static/files/dominic-ricottone.pdf static/files/dominic-ricottone.html

.PHONY: sync
sync: build
	rsync --recursive --links --compress --delete \
		--chown=$(TARGET_USER):$(TARGET_USER) \
		public/ $(TARGET_HOST):/var/deploy/build/blog/public/
	rsync $(RSYNC_OPTS) public/ $(TARGET_HOST):/var/deploy/build/blog/public/

M content/_index.md => content/_index.md +1 -16
@@ 3,21 3,6 @@ title: Welcome!
site_title: true

Dominic Ricottone is a data management analyst in the field of market research.
For three years he has worked at Fors Marsh Group, a data-driven company
specializing in federal contracts. Dominic works on a variety of high-profile
government programs such as:

+ JAMRS Futures Survey
+ FVAP Overseas Citizens Population Survey
+ NIST Manufacturing Extension Program
+ FirstNet Economic Evaluation

Dominic has experience throughout the survey research operations stack, ranging
from survey programming to weight computation. He has drafted technical chapters
for bi-annual research reports. Prior to joining Fors Marsh Group, he has
worked for the Harris Poll in a similar role, and for Chris Harris & Associate
as a political campaign finance intern.

This is the personal website of Dominic Ricottone.
You can find my CV, code repositories, and other personal work here.

M content/about.md => content/about.md +16 -18
@@ 3,29 3,27 @@ title: Who am I? Why am I here?
site_title: true

I live in Chicago but have spent most of my life in Western New York. There's
some quality to Rust Belt cities that just calls to me.
I am a data management analyst in the field of market research.
Currently I work at Fors Marsh Group, which specializes in federal
contracts. My caseload includes:

I have a passion for electronics and computers that I discovered after I'd
already gone to school for Political Science and Economics. I hope to one day
get a job that uses my degree, but no luck so far. In the meantime, I've made
a decent living through a series of jobs that I was in no way qualified for.
Just In Time learning has become a staple of my career.
+ JAMRS Futures Survey
+ FVAP Overseas Citizens Population Survey
+ Active Duty Military Post-Election Voting Survey
+ NIST Manufacturing Extension Program Evaluation
+ FirstNet Economic Evaluation

I have experience across research operations, from programming web
surveys to computing weights.

I live in Chicago but have spent most of my life in Western New York.
I discovered my passion for programming and computer hardware after I'd
already gone to school for Political Science and Economics.

My current side projects are:

+ fleshing out my [personal wiki](https://wiki.dominic-ricottone.com) with
  helpful documentation for statistical programming and server administration,
  as well as transcribing my old college notes
+ a terminal app for controlling both MPD and the Spotify Connect API, a la
  `ncmpcpp` or `ncspot`
+ dead-simple but high-security internet chat

I'm also passionate about international history and culture. I studied Japanese
for three years and spent a semester in Nagoya. My wife and I have a terrible
habit of planning international backpacking vacations that have to be canceled
at the last minute due to closed borders.

If you're looking to hire someone with a weird mixture of programming work
experience and econometrics training, take a look at [my CV](/cv).
+ a static website generator for EPUB e-books

A content/posts/return_to_selfhosted_form.md => content/posts/return_to_selfhosted_form.md +27 -0
@@ 0,0 1,27 @@
title: "Return to self-hosted form"
date: 2022-09-14T15:56:55-05:00
draft: false

Happy to say that I'm back self-hosting (some of) my servers. Notably, I spent
a couple weeks spinning up an instance of Sourcehut on my Raspberry Pi. It was
a ton of fun getting that to work, especially since ARM architectures are
firmly unsupported by upstream.

Several of my servers remain off-premises. My blog, which I see as the entry
point for discovery of my web services, really ought to never go offline. I
can't realistically expect that sort of uptime with a residential network.
MoinMoin is still the bastard child of my deployment, being stuck in
unsupported versions of Python and Alpine Linux. (Planning to work on that
later this year.) And I'm planning on spinning up a WireGuard node in the
cloud, as some of my hardware depends on IPv6 while my home network can't fully
support it. Realistically, these servers are here to stay.


While I was slowly working on my server infrastructure these last few months,
I've been going through all of my older coding projects.
Upgrading the packaging to modern standards has helped me realize how much has
changed in the last decade. Another blog post to come shortly.

M layouts/_default/list.html => layouts/_default/list.html +1 -0
@@ 2,6 2,7 @@
<div id="blog-content">

    <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
    {{ .Content }}

M layouts/_default/single.html => layouts/_default/single.html +1 -0
@@ 9,6 9,7 @@
  {{ end }}

    <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
    {{ .Content }}

M layouts/index.html => layouts/index.html +1 -0
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
{{ define "main" }}

<div id="content">
  <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
  {{ .Content }}

  <hr />