
38fce17728849f91485e47b0df132438031add5e — Dominic Ricottone 1 year, 9 months ago 74a87db
Slight CV update
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M content/cv.md
M content/cv.md => content/cv.md +7 -7
@@ 10,14 10,13 @@ toc: true

<!-- Ignore above content for PDF and HTML versions -->

Five years experience in survey research including data collection, cleaning, and weighting.
Self-trained programmer with proficiencies in SPSS and Stata, and an eagerness to learn new toolsets.
Seeking opportunities to develop analytical and visualization skills in a goal-oriented team.
Over five years experience in survey research including data collection, cleaning, and weighting.
I am proficient in statistical programming especially with SPSS, Stata, and Python.


## Employment
### Fors Marsh Group
### Fors Marsh
*A market research company primarily working federal contracts.
I work on several high-profile surveys that drive national policy-making,
such as the Department of Defense's continuously-running

@@ 105,7 104,7 @@ I worked with Dr. Roehmholdt to draft a case report of penile melanoma.*

## Active Certifications

### SAS
### SAS Institute

 + #### SAS Programming 1: Essentials
   *November 2019*

@@ 125,6 124,7 @@ I worked with Dr. Roehmholdt to draft a case report of penile melanoma.*
   + Training to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities to department information systems

 + #### Identifying and Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information
   *April 2019*
   + Training in the identification and safeguarding of personally identifiable information
   *April 2019 to present*
   + Training in data governance of personally identifiable information
   + Current certificate verification code is HKY75X3TQT