
Complete rework of git CSS

The over-complicated color hierarchy of default cgit CSS is no more.

The navigation tab bar is simplified to plain text with brackets and
margins separating the page links. While not being responsive, this does
declutter the web page significantly.

Section headers are consistently styled like <h2>'s throughout (such as
repo section headers on the index page, and commit subject lines on
commit pages). For now I am leaving table header rows as-is, but I may
go through all pages and edit their appearance as well.

The commit/diff pages have been reworked. The diff options, diff stats,
commit metadata, and commit message components of the page are now shown
as panels with a distinct background and padding.

The colors for the diff page have been reconfigured entirely. As well,
related colors (such as the diff stats bar charts, or the log page
insertions/deletions counts) are brought in line with these colors.

More generally, all colors are now set by CSS variables.

The branch/tag decorations (on the summary, tree, commit, and diff
pages) now are simplified and appear as highlighted text instead of
floating buttons.

The log and plain links on the tree page are finally fixed.
Added active certifications section
Bump jquery version
Automated generation of HTML CV based on Markdown CV
Automated generation of PDF CV based on Markdown CV
Integrating latest version of gallery/image shortcodes
Fix navigation sidebar

On some platforms (i.e. Firefox for Windows), the scrollbar was shown
regardless of whether it was necessary.
Fix cgit CSS

Fix whitespace throughout

Fix selectors for table row highlighting

Fix commit message formatting
Simple HTML sanitization
Complete rewrite of cgit CSS
Slight refactor

I'm trying to replace `var` with `let` everywhere. TBD if that's a good
idea or not.
Refactoring more whitespace
Adding resources not yet in use on public site
Slight refactoring of whitespace
Small structural changes to home page and navigation
Clean up layout files