@@ 1,148 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# std library
+import random
+# custom library
+from mylib.cli import ARGS, read_args_or_stdin, set_verbosity
+# typing
+from typing import *
+def ab(data: List[float],
+ *,
+ alpha: float,
+ beta: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float] = lambda x: x,
+ init_state: float = 0,
+ init_velocity: float = 0,
+ time: float = 1
+ ) -> List[float]:
+ """
+ Alpha-beta filter - Filter out noise of measurements to estimate data.
+ Takes as given:
+ initial state
+ initial velocity of state
+ alpha and beta correction parameters
+ Arguments:
+ data : measurements of state
+ alpha : correction to estimated state
+ beta : correction to estimated velocity of state
+ Options:
+ acceleration : function f such that v1 <- f(v0) [Default: v1 <- v0]
+ init_state : initial state estimate [Default: 0]
+ init_velocity : initial velocity of state [Default: 0]
+ time : the time unit [Default: 1]
+ """
+ estimates = list()
+ x_last = init_state
+ v_last = init_velocity
+ for index, data_point in enumerate(data):
+ #estimate given last values
+ x_est = x_last + (time * v_last)
+ v_est = acceleration(v_last)
+ #correct for residual
+ x_res = (data_point - x_est)
+ x_est += (alpha * x_res)
+ v_est += ( (beta * x_res) / time )
+ x_last = x_est
+ v_last = v_est
+ estimates.append(x_est)
+ return estimates
+# ^ filters
+# v internal functions
+def noise(data: List[float]) -> List[float]:
+ """
+ Introduce random noise (r in [-1,1]) to a set of data points.
+ """
+ def _noise_iter(data: List[float]) -> Iterator[float]:
+ for d in data:
+ yield d + random.uniform(-1,1)
+ return list(_noise_iter(data))
+# ^ internal functions
+# v cli functions
+def print_help():
+ print("Usage: filter -m=METHOD DATA")
+def get_data():
+ data = list()
+ for d in read_args_or_stdin(arg_number=-1, opt_number=-1,
+ opts=('f', 'files')):
+ if not len(d):
+ continue
+ else:
+ data.append( float(d) )
+ return data
+def report_est(data, estimations, alpha, beta, initial_state, initial_velocity):
+ """
+ Prints a report on the estimations to STDOUT.
+ """
+ print("Testing on N={}".format(len(data)))
+ print("Using alpha={:.4f}, beta={:.4f}".format(alpha,beta))
+ print("Initial estimate of {:.4f}, accelerating {:.4f} per time unit".format(initial_state,initial_velocity))
+ print(" Actual: Est.: \n ======== ========")
+ for d,e in zip(data,estimations):
+ print(" {:8.4f} {:8.4f}".format(d,e))
+def print_est(estimations):
+ """
+ Prints the estimations to STDOUT with 4 decimal places of accuracy.
+ """
+ for e in estimations:
+ print("{:.4f}".format(e))
+# ^ cli functions
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ set_verbosity()
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2 or ARGS.any('h', 'help'):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ method = ARGS.getany(('m', 'method'), number=1)
+ try:
+ _method = locals()[method]
+ except: # if no method specified, or if bad method specified
+ print(f'Invalid method {method}')
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ data = get_data()
+ if not data:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ alpha = ARGS.getany(('a', 'alpha'), .05, factory=float, number=1)
+ beta = ARGS.getany(('b', 'beta'), .005, factory=float, number=1)
+ initial = ARGS.getany(('i', 'initial'), 0, factory=float, number=1)
+ delta = ARGS.getany(('d', 'delta'), 0, factory=float, number=1)
+ report = ARGS.any('r', 'report')
+ est = _method(data,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ beta=beta,
+ init_state=initial,
+ init_velocity=delta
+ )
+ if report:
+ report_est(data, est, alpha, beta, initial, delta)
+ else:
+ print_est(est)
+ sys.exit(0)
@@ 1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
+# custom lib
+from mylib.env import ENV, read_stdin
+from mylib.cli import ARGS
+from mylib.fs import File, exists
+# typing
+from typing import *
+def read_args_or_stdin(*,
+ arg_number: int = 1,
+ opts: Tuple[str, ...] = ('f', 'files'),
+ opt_number: int = 1 ) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Input handler for well-behaved scripts.
+ Checks for '-f' or '--file' command line options and N file names following
+ them. Else check for the N first positional argument. Else assume STDIN. If
+ '-' is found at any step, STDIN is used in place.
+ Options:
+ arg_number : Max num. of files from positional arguments [Default: 1]
+ opts : File option flags [Default: 'f', 'file']
+ opt_number : Max num. of files from file options [Default: 1]
+ """
+ # process cli
+ fnames = ARGS.getany(opts, [], number=opt_number)
+ positional = ARGS.positional()
+ if not fnames and positional:
+ fnames = positional[:arg_number]
+ # build buffer
+ if fnames:
+ buffer = list()
+ for fname in fnames:
+ if fname == '-':
+ buffer += read_stdin() # env.read_stdin
+ elif exists(fname): # fs.exists
+ buffer += File(fname).lines()
+ else:
+ pass # TODO: option for raising here
+ else:
+ buffer = read_stdin() # env.read_stdin
+ return buffer
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ lines = read_args_or_stdin()
+ print('\n'.join(lines))