A filter/convolve.py => filter/convolve.py +91 -0
@@ 0,0 1,91 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""filter convolve [OPTIONS] DATA
+Convolution filter - Filter out noise of measurements to estimate data.
+ -k KERNEL, filter data through KERNEL, where KERNEL is one or more
+ --kernel KERNEL numeric factors [Default: 1.0]
+__all__ = ['cli_wrapper', 'filter', 'report']
+import sys
+from typing import List, Dict, Iterator
+def cli_wrapper(
+ **data: Dict,
+) -> None:
+ """Handler for the convolution filter. Checks and cleans given options,
+ and performs optional reporting.
+ """
+ _kernel = _normalize(
+ data["kernel"] if data["kernel"] is not None else [1.0]
+ )
+ _raw = data["data_raw"]
+ _filter = filter(
+ _raw,
+ _kernel,
+ )
+ if data["report"]:
+ sys.stdout.write(report_header(_kernel))
+ for measured, estimated in zip(_raw, _filter):
+ sys.stdout.write("{0:8.4f} {1:8.4f}\n".format(measured, estimated))
+ else:
+ for estimated in _filter:
+ sys.stdout.write("{0:.4f}\n".format(estimated))
+def filter(
+ data: List[float],
+ kernel: List[float]
+) -> Iterator[float]:
+ """Iterate over data, passing it through the kernel.
+ Arguments:
+ data measurements
+ kernel measurement adjustments
+ """
+ length = len(data)
+ #NOTE: for evenly-sized kernels, extra goes to top and left
+ offset = len(kernel) // 2
+ for index in range(length):
+ _sum = 0.0
+ for kernel_index, kernel_point in enumerate(kernel, start=-offset):
+ target = (index + kernel_index) % length
+ _sum += data[target] * kernel_point
+ yield _sum
+def report_header(
+ kernel: List[float],
+) -> str:
+ """Draw a report header summarizing the filter.
+ Appears as:
+ ```
+ Convolution filter
+ kernel=[<value1> ... <valueK>]
+ Raw: Est.:
+ ======== ========
+ ```
+ The estimates then should be printed alongside the raw measurements.
+ """
+ _msg = (
+ "Convolution filter",
+ " kernel={0}".format(kernel),
+ "Raw: Est.:",
+ "======== ========",
+ )
+ return "\n".join(_msg) + "\n"
+def _normalize(kernel: List[float]) -> List[float]:
+ _sum = sum(kernel)
+ if _sum == 1:
+ return kernel
+ else:
+ weight = 1.0/_sum
+ return [factor * weight for factor in kernel]
A filter/kalman.py => filter/kalman.py +186 -0
@@ 0,0 1,186 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""filter kalman [OPTIONS] DATA
+Kalman filter - Filter out normally-distributed noise of measurements to
+estimate data.
+ -d, --delta initial velocity of state per time unit [Default: 0]
+ -i, --inital initial estimate of state [Default: 0]
+ -s, --sigma initial std. deviation of state distribution [Default: 1]
+ -v, --variance variance of data measurements [Default: 1]
+Currently assumed that acceleration is constant and that velocity is non-
+__all__ = ['cli_wrapper', 'filter', 'report']
+import sys
+from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Iterator, Tuple
+def cli_wrapper(**data: Dict):
+ """Handler for the Kalman filter. Checks and cleans given options,
+ and performs optional reporting.
+ """
+ _raw = data["data_raw"]
+ _variance = data["variance"] if data["variance"] is not None else 1
+ _init_state_mu = data["initial_estimate"]
+ _init_state_sigma = data["initial_std_deviation"]
+ _init_velocity_mu = data["delta"] if data["delta"] is not None else 0
+ _init_velocity_sigma = 0 #non-variate velocity
+ _time = 1.0 #constant time unit
+ _acceleration = lambda x: x #constant acceleration
+ _filter = filter(
+ _raw,
+ _variance,
+ _init_state_mu,
+ _init_state_sigma,
+ _init_velocity_mu,
+ _init_velocity_sigma,
+ _acceleration,
+ _time,
+ )
+ if data["report"]:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ report_header(
+ _variance,
+ _init_state_mu,
+ _init_state_sigma,
+ _init_velocity_mu,
+ _init_velocity_sigma,
+ _acceleration,
+ _time,
+ ),
+ )
+ for measured, filtered in zip(_raw, _filter):
+ estimated, variance = filtered
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "{0:8.4f} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f}\n".format(
+ measured, estimated, variance,
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ for estimated, _ in _filter:
+ sys.stdout.write("{0:.4f}\n".format(estimated))
+def filter(
+ data: List[float],
+ variance: float,
+ init_state_mu: float,
+ init_state_sigma: float,
+ init_velocity_mu: float,
+ init_velocity_sigma: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[Tuple[float, float]], Tuple[float,float]],
+ time: float,
+) -> Iterator[Tuple[float,float]]:
+ """Iterate over data, passing it through an alpha-beta filter.
+ Arguments:
+ data measurement from each time interval
+ variance variance of measurements
+ init_state_mu initial estimate of state
+ init_state_sigma std. deviation of state distribution
+ init_velocity_mu initial estimate of velocity
+ init_velocity_sigma std. deviation of velocity distribution
+ acceleration function of v1 <- v0
+ time time unit
+ """
+ # normal distributions as tuples: (E(x), Var(x), )
+ estimated = (init_state_mu, init_state_sigma**2, )
+ velocity = (init_velocity_mu, init_velocity_sigma**2, )
+ for measurement in data:
+ estimated = _add(estimated, _multiply(velocity, (time,0,)))
+ velocity = acceleration(velocity)
+ estimated = _multiply(estimated, (measurement, variance, ))
+ yield estimated
+def report_header(
+ variance: float,
+ init_state_mu: float,
+ init_state_sigma: float,
+ init_velocity_mu: float,
+ init_velocity_sigma: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+ time: float,
+) -> str:
+ """Draw a report header summarizing the filter.
+ Appears as:
+ ```
+ ```
+ The estimates and variances then should be printed alongside the raw
+ measurements.
+ """
+ _msg = (
+ "Kalman filter",
+ "Raw: Est.: Var.:",
+ "======== ======== ========",
+ )
+ return "\n".join(_msg) + "\n"
+def _add(
+ x: Tuple[float, float],
+ y: Tuple[float, float],
+) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+ """Add a normal distribution to another normal distribution or a constant.
+ In the case of two normal distributions (X and Y), the resultant values
+ are:
+ E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y)
+ Var(X + Y) = Var(X) + Var(Y)
+ In the case of a normal distribution (X) and a constant (C), the resultant
+ values are:
+ E(X + C) = E(X) + C
+ Var(X + C) = Var(X)
+ """
+ if y[1] == 0:
+ z = (x[0]+y[0], x[1], )
+ else:
+ z = (x[0]+y[0], x[1]+y[1], )
+ return z
+def _multiply(
+ x: Tuple[float, float],
+ y: Tuple[float, float],
+) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+ """Multiply a normal distribution by another normal distribution or by a
+ constant.
+ Given two normal distributions (X and Y), the resultant values are:
+ E(X * Y) = (Var(Y)E(X) + Var(X)E(Y)) / (Var(X) + Var(Y))
+ Var(X * Y) = (Var(X)Var(Y)) / (Var(X) + Var(Y))
+ Given a normal distribution (X) and a constant (C), the resultant values
+ are:
+ E(X * C) = E(X) * C
+ Var(X * C) = Var(X) * (C^2)
+ """
+ #_print_normal_distribution(x, "X")
+ #_print_normal_distribution(y, "Y")
+ if y[1] == 0:
+ z = ((x[0] * y[0]), (x[1] * y[0]**2), )
+ else:
+ _denom = x[1] + y[1]
+ _mean = ((x[0] * y[1]) + (y[0] * x[1])) / _denom
+ _var = (x[1] * y[1]) / _denom
+ z = (_mean, _var, )
+ #_print_normal_distribution(z, "Z")
+ return z
+def _print_normal_distribution(
+ x: Tuple[float, float],
+ name: str,
+) -> None:
+ sys.stdout.write("{0} = N({1},{2})\n".format(name, x[0], x[1]))
A plot.sh => plot.sh +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
+tmpd="$(mktemp -d)"
+trap 'rm -rf "${tmpd}"' EXIT
+mkfifo "${tmpd}/f1"
+rng uniform -m 5 -d 2 -n 100 \
+ | tee "${tmpd}/f1" \
+ | filter ab -i 100 -d 2 -a 0.2 -b 0.02 \
+ | paste "${tmpd}/f1" - \
+ | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; print "measurements", "estimates"} {print $1, $2}' \
+ | gnuplot -p -e "set terminal dumb; set autoscale; plot '-' using 1:2 with lines notitle"
+rm -rf "${tmpd}"
A rng/__init__.py => rng/__init__.py +0 -0
A rng/__main__.py => rng/__main__.py +59 -0
@@ 0,0 1,59 @@
+#!/usr/main/env python3
+import sys
+from . import cli
+from . import internals
+def main():
+ _config, _positionals = cli.main(sys.argv[1:])
+ if "version" in _config.keys():
+ internals._print_version()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif "list-distributions" in _config.keys():
+ internals._print_distributions("normal", "uniform", "notrandom")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif "distribution" in _config.keys():
+ _dist = config.get("distribution", "")
+ elif len(_positionals) > 0:
+ _dist = _positionals.pop(0)
+ elif "help" in _config.keys():
+ internals._print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ internals._print_usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ _data = {
+ "delta": internals._try_get_float(_config, "delta"),
+ "distribution": _dist,
+ "initial": internals._try_get_float(_config, "initial"),
+ "mu": internals._try_get_float(_config, "mu"),
+ "number": internals._try_get_int(_config, "number"),
+ "offset": internals._try_get_float(_config, "offset"),
+ "report": "report" in _config.keys(),
+ "sigma": internals._try_get_float(_config, "sigma"),
+ }
+ if _dist == "uniform":
+ from . import uniform as implementation
+ elif _dist == "normal":
+ from . import normal as implementation
+ elif _dist == "notrandom":
+ from . import notrandom as implementation
+ elif len(_dist) > 0:
+ internals._print_invalid_distribution(_dist)
+ internals._print_usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if "help" in _config.keys():
+ sys.stdout.write(implementation.__doc__)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ implementation.cli_wrapper(**_data)
+ sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
A rng/cli.py => rng/cli.py +222 -0
@@ 0,0 1,222 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+def main(arguments):
+ config=dict()
+ positional=[]
+ pattern=re.compile(r"(?:-(?:d|h|x|i|m|n|o|r|s|v|V)|--(?:delta|distribution|help|initial|list-distributions|mu|number|offset|report|sigma|version))(?:=.*)?$")
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ attached_value=None
+ while len(arguments) and arguments[0]!="--":
+ if consuming is not None:
+ if config[consuming] is None:
+ config[consuming]=arguments.pop(0)
+ else:
+ config[consuming].append(arguments.pop(0))
+ needing-=1
+ wanting-=1
+ if wanting==0:
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ elif pattern.match(arguments[0]):
+ option = arguments.pop(0).lstrip('-')
+ if '=' in option:
+ option,attached_value=option.split('=',1)
+ if option=="delta":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["delta"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["delta"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="delta",1,1
+ elif option=="distribution":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["distribution"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["distribution"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="distribution",1,1
+ elif option=="help":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "help"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["help"]=True
+ elif option=="initial":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["initial"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["initial"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="initial",1,1
+ elif option=="list-distributions":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "list-distributions"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["list-distributions"]=True
+ elif option=="mu":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["mu"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["mu"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="mu",1,1
+ elif option=="number":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["number"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["number"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="number",1,1
+ elif option=="offset":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["offset"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["offset"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="offset",1,1
+ elif option=="report":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "report"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["report"]=True
+ elif option=="sigma":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["sigma"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["sigma"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="sigma",1,1
+ elif option=="version":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "version"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["version"]=True
+ elif option=="d":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["delta"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["delta"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="delta",1,1
+ elif option=="h":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "help"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["help"]=True
+ elif option=="x":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "help"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["help"]=True
+ elif option=="i":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["initial"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["initial"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="initial",1,1
+ elif option=="m":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["mu"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["mu"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="mu",1,1
+ elif option=="n":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["number"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["number"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="number",1,1
+ elif option=="o":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["offset"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["offset"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="offset",1,1
+ elif option=="r":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "report"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["report"]=True
+ elif option=="s":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ config["sigma"]=attached_value
+ attached_value=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting=None,0,0
+ else:
+ config["sigma"]=None
+ consuming,needing,wanting="sigma",1,1
+ elif option=="v":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "version"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["version"]=True
+ elif option=="V":
+ if attached_value is not None:
+ message=(
+ 'unexpected value while parsing "version"'
+ ' (expected 0 values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ config["version"]=True
+ else:
+ positional.append(arguments.pop(0))
+ if needing>0:
+ message=(
+ f'unexpected end while parsing "{consuming}"'
+ f' (expected {needing} values)'
+ )
+ raise ValueError(message) from None
+ for argument in arguments[1:]:
+ positional.append(argument)
+ return config,positional
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ import sys
+ cfg,pos = main(sys.argv[1:])
+ cfg = {k:v for k,v in cfg.items() if v is not None}
+ if len(cfg):
+ print("Options:")
+ for k,v in cfg.items():
+ print(f"{k:20} = {v}")
+ if len(pos):
+ print("Positional arguments:", ", ".join(pos))
A rng/cli.toml => rng/cli.toml +42 -0
@@ 0,0 1,42 @@
+number = 1
+alternatives = ['d']
+number = 1
+number = 0
+alternatives = ['h', 'x']
+number = 1
+alternatives = ['i']
+number = 0
+number = 1
+alternatives = ['m']
+number = 1
+alternatives = ['n']
+number = 1
+alternatives = ['o']
+number = 0
+alternatives = ['r']
+number = 1
+alternatives = ['s']
+number = 0
+alternatives = ['v', 'V']
A rng/internals.py => rng/internals.py +55 -0
@@ 0,0 1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from typing import *
+VERSION = (1,0,1,)
+def _try_get_float(
+ mapping: Dict,
+ key: str,
+ *,
+ default: Optional[float] = None,
+) -> Optional[float]:
+ if key in mapping:
+ return float(mapping[key])
+ else:
+ return default
+def _try_get_int(
+ mapping: Dict,
+ key: str,
+ *,
+ default: Optional[float] = None,
+) -> Optional[float]:
+ if key in mapping:
+ return int(mapping[key])
+ else:
+ return default
+def _print_help() -> None:
+ _msg = "Usage: rng DISTRIBUTION [OPTIONS]\n"
+ sys.stdout.write(_msg)
+def _print_version() -> None:
+ _msg = "rng {0}\n".format(".".join(str(v) for v in VERSION))
+ sys.stdout.write(_msg)
+def _print_distributions(*dist: str) -> None:
+ _msg = "Valid distributions: {0}\n".format(", ".join(dist))
+ sys.stdout.write(_msg)
+def _print_usage() -> None:
+ _msg = (
+ "Try `rng --list-distributions` and `rng DISTRIBUTION --help`",
+ )
+ sys.stderr.write("\n".join(_msg) + "\n")
+def _print_invalid_distribution(dist: str) -> None:
+ _msg = (
+ "{0}: Invalid distribution '{1}'".format(sys.argv[0], dist),
+ "Try `rng --list-distributions`",
+ )
+ sys.stderr.write("\n".join(_msg) + "\n")
A rng/normal.py => rng/normal.py +73 -0
@@ 0,0 1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""rng normal [OPTIONS]
+Uniform distribution - Generate random data from a normal distribution.
+ -d, --delta velocity of average per time unit [Default: 0]
+ -m, --mu average of distribution [Default: 0]
+ -n, --number number of random data points to generate [Default: 10]
+ -s, --sigma standard deviation of distribution [Default: 1]
+Currently assumed that sigma is constant over time.
+import sys
+import random
+import itertools
+from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Iterator
+def cli_wrapper(**data: Dict):
+ """Handler for the uniform distribution. Checks and cleans given options,
+ and performs optional reporting.
+ """
+ _number = data["number"] if data["number"] is not None else 10
+ _init_mu = data["mu"] if data["mu"] is not None else 0.0
+ _sigma = data["sigma"] if data["sigma"] is not None else 1.0
+ _init_velocity = data["delta"] if data["delta"] is not None else 0.0
+ _acceleration = lambda x: x #constant acceleration
+ _distribution = distribution(
+ _init_mu,
+ _sigma,
+ _init_velocity,
+ _acceleration,
+ )
+ if data["report"]:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ report_header(_init_mu, _sigma, _init_velocity, _acceleration)
+ )
+ if _number > 0:
+ for number in itertools.islice(_distribution, _number):
+ sys.stdout.write("{0:.4f}\n".format(number))
+def distribution(
+ init_mu: float,
+ sigma: float,
+ init_velocity: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+) -> Iterator[float]:
+ mu = init_mu
+ velocity = init_velocity
+ while True:
+ yield random.normalvariate(mu, sigma)
+ mu += velocity
+ velocity = acceleration(velocity)
+# use this in a report function later: μ±
+def report_header(
+ init_mu: float,
+ sigma: float,
+ init_velocity: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+) -> str:
+ _msg = (
+ "Normal distribution",
+ " μ={0:.4f}, σ={1:.4f}".format(init_mu, sigma),
+ " dμ/dt={0:.4f}".format(init_velocity),
+ "Obs.:",
+ "========",
+ )
+ return "\n".join(_msg) + "\n"
A rng/notrandom.py => rng/notrandom.py +66 -0
@@ 0,0 1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""rng notrandom [OPTIONS]
+Generate non-random data.
+ -d, --delta velocity of state per time unit [Default: 0]
+ -i, --initial initial state [Default: 0]
+ -n, --number number of data points to generate [Default: 10]
+import sys
+import itertools
+from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Iterator
+def cli_wrapper(**data: Dict):
+ """Handler for the uniform distribution. Checks and cleans given options,
+ and performs optional reporting.
+ """
+ _number = data["number"] if data["number"] is not None else 10
+ _init_state = data["initial"] if data["initial"] is not None else 0.0
+ _init_velocity = data["delta"] if data["delta"] is not None else 0.0
+ _acceleration = lambda x: x #constant acceleration
+ _distribution = distribution(
+ _init_state,
+ _init_velocity,
+ _acceleration,
+ )
+ if data["report"]:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ report_header(_init_state, _init_velocity, _acceleration)
+ )
+ if _number > 0:
+ for number in itertools.islice(_distribution, _number):
+ sys.stdout.write("{0:.4f}\n".format(number))
+def distribution(
+ init_state: float,
+ init_velocity: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+) -> Iterator[float]:
+ state = init_state
+ velocity = init_velocity
+ while True:
+ yield state
+ state += velocity
+ velocity = acceleration(velocity)
+def report_header(
+ init_state: float,
+ init_velocity: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+ _msg = (
+ "Not random data",
+ " Initial value of {0:.4f}, changing {1:.4f} per time unit".format(
+ init_state, init_velocity,
+ ),
+ "Data:",
+ "========",
+ )
+ return "\n".join(_msg) + "\n"
A rng/uniform.py => rng/uniform.py +75 -0
@@ 0,0 1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""rng uniform [OPTIONS]
+Uniform distribution - Generate random data from a uniform distribution.
+ -d, --delta velocity of average per time unit [Default: 0]
+ -m, --mu average of distribution [Default: 0]
+ -n, --number number of random data points to generate [Default: 10]
+ -o, --offset distance from average to bounds of distribution [Default: 1]
+Currently assumed that sigma is constant over time.
+import sys
+import random
+import itertools
+from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Iterator
+def cli_wrapper(**data: Dict):
+ """Handler for the uniform distribution. Checks and cleans given options,
+ and performs optional reporting.
+ """
+ _number = data["number"] if data["number"] is not None else 10
+ _init_mu = data["mu"] if data["mu"] is not None else 0.0
+ _offset = data["offset"] if data["offset"] is not None else 1.0
+ _init_velocity = data["delta"] if data["delta"] is not None else 0.0
+ _acceleration = lambda x: x #constant acceleration
+ _distribution = distribution(
+ _init_mu,
+ _offset,
+ _init_velocity,
+ _acceleration,
+ )
+ if data["report"]:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ report_header(_init_mu, _offset, _init_velocity, _acceleration)
+ )
+ if _number > 0:
+ for number in itertools.islice(_distribution, _number):
+ sys.stdout.write("{0:.4f}\n".format(number))
+def distribution(
+ init_mu: float,
+ offset: float,
+ init_velocity: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+) -> Iterator[float]:
+ mu = init_mu
+ velocity = init_velocity
+ while True:
+ yield mu + random.uniform(-offset,offset)
+ mu += velocity
+ velocity = acceleration(velocity)
+# use this in a report function later: μ±σ
+def report_header(
+ init_mu: float,
+ offset: float,
+ init_velocity: float,
+ acceleration: Callable[[float], float],
+ _msg = (
+ "Uniform distribution",
+ " μ={0:.4f}, [{1:.4f},{2:.4f}]".format(
+ init_mu, init_mu-offset, init_mu+offset,
+ ),
+ " dμ/dt={0:.4f}".format(init_velocity),
+ "Obs.:",
+ "========",
+ )
+ return "\n".join(_msg) + "\n"