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# huttese
-Sourcehut is only officially supported on x86 Alpine Linux.
-I say **challenge accepted**.
-This repo walks through the process of running Sourcehut within containers (either `docker` or `podman`, possibly other runtimes as well) and even on ARM processors.
-See the [huttese-apk project](https://git.dominic-ricottone.com/~dricottone/huttese-apk).
-## Usage
-Locate all the `*.changeme` files and add your own information in place of my redacted information.
-Select the recipes for your container runtime: `Makefile.docker` or `Makefile.podman`.
-`ln -s Makefile.selection Makefile` to get going from there.
-Select the image for your architecture: `Dockerfile.x86` or `dockerfile.aarch64`.
-`ln -s Dockerfile.selection Dockerfile` to proceed.
-Note that hosting on an ARM machine will additionally require building the APKs.
-See huttese-apk for more information.
-Run `make setup && make image && make dbinit && make start`.
-Then `USER_NAME=admin USER_EMAIL=admin@example.com make addadmin` to setup an admin account.
-Consider also `USER_NAME=me USER_EMAIL=me@example.com make adduser` to setup non-admin accounts.
-Then `make shell` and `passwd git` to enable SSH access to git.
-For subsequent use, run `make image && make dbmigrate && make start`.
-Or to just restart the service if stopped (as by `make stop`), try `make restart`.
-To clean up the main container, use `make clean`.
-To clean up all containers, use `make clean && make cleanup`.
-If you even want to throw out the postgres database, try `sudo rm -f pg/datadir`.
-## To-Do
-There are cron jobs involved with administration:
- + `gitsrht-periodic` runs `git gc` to save storage
- + it also syncs S3 storage, which does not matter here
- + `metasrht-daily` expires audit logs to save storage
- + it also processes payments for billing, which does not matter here
-I should look into options for running these from the host system.
-`lists.sr.ht` will require handling inbound mail, which seems like a whole lot of not fun, but could be managed.
-`builds.sr.ht` requires virtualization by way of qemu running inside a Docker container. Not really within scope of this project.
+This is the repository for my earliest attempts at building, deploying,
+and maintaining a self-hosted sr.ht environment.
+My efforts are now focused on the srht* images found here:
+I am leaving this repository public, but do not recommend using this
## License
-I am supporting this infrastructure only to the ends of maintaining my own deployment.
-Good luck.
I license everything under BSD 0 clause, except for subrepositories where a different license is specified.