
96a76c1ffd27ae3f0262e44d62650699bcf9d0f5 — Dominic Ricottone 5 months ago 8475ba6
Cleanup remaining TODOs
3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

M Makefile
M config.go
M main.go
M Makefile => Makefile +1 -0
@@ 10,6 10,7 @@ GO_SRC!=find * -type f -name '*.go'
GO_LDFLAGS+=-X main.CLIENTID=$(file < clientid.txt)
GO_LDFLAGS+=-X main.CLIENTSECRET=$(file < clientsecret.txt)

nspotify: go.mod $(GO_SRC)
	go build -ldflags "$(GO_LDFLAGS)" .

M config.go => config.go +29 -13
@@ 7,41 7,54 @@ import (
	log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

// Number of tracks to fetch into a buffer.
const fetchingBuffer = 100
// Compile-time configurations.
const (
	// Number of tracks to fetch into a buffer.
	fetchingBuffer = 100

// Number of seconds to wait before rechecking the lazy fetcher.
const fetchingTimeout = 3
	// Number of seconds to wait before rechecking the lazy fetcher.
	fetchingTimeout = 3

// Number of tracks to eagerly load.
const loadEager = 50
	// Number of tracks to eagerly load.
	loadEager = 50

// Number of tracks to lazily load ahead of the cursor.
const loadLookahead = 50
	// Number of tracks to lazily load ahead of the cursor.
	loadLookahead = 50

// Number of seconds to wait before rechecking how many trackers are loaded
// ahead of the cursor.
const loadTimeout = 3
	// Number of seconds to wait before rechecking how many trackers are loaded
	// ahead of the cursor.
	loadTimeout = 3

// TODO: Compile-time variables.
// These should be set by the linker.
// e.g. `go build -ldflags="-X 'main.VERSION=0.1.2'"`
// var (
// 	VERSION = ""
// )

// Command line options.
// Run-time configurations.
var (
	verbose = flag.Bool("verbose", false, "Show debugging messages (same as '-log-level=trace')")
	quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Suppress messages (same as '-log-level=panic')")
	log_level = flag.String("log-level", "", "Set logging level to `[trace|debug|info|warning|error|fatal|panic]`")
	//TODO: log_file = flag.String("log-file", "", "Log to `file`")
	// TODO: log_file = flag.String("log-file", "", "Log to `file`")
	color = flag.Bool("color", true, "Display in color")
	port = flag.Int("port", 8080, "Spotify authenticator port")
	cache = flag.String("cache", "", "Cache `directory`")
	no_cache = flag.Bool("no-cache", false, "Do not use cached authentication, do not cache authentication")
	device = flag.String("device", "", "Spotify device `ID`")
	list_devices = flag.Bool("list-devices", false, "List available Spotify devices and exit")
	// TODO: version = flag.Bool("version", false, "List version and exit")

// Create a pointer to a value, especially a string.
// Credit to `https://stackoverflow.com/a/30716481`:
func Pointer[T any](v T) *T {
	return &v

// Create a context with configurations applied.
func ConfiguredContext() context.Context {
	ctx := context.Background()

@@ 100,6 113,9 @@ func ConfiguredContext() context.Context {
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "device", *device)

	// TODO: Signal `-version` by setting the version variable.
	// ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "version", VERSION)

	return ctx

M main.go => main.go +9 -1
@@ 10,9 10,17 @@ func main() {
	ctx := ConfiguredContext()
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)

	// TODO: Display version mode.
	// version, ok := ctx.Value("version").(string)
	// if ok && (version != "") {
	// 	fmt.Println("nspotify %s", version)
	// 	cancel()
	// 	return
	// }

	// Authenticate with Spotify.
	cli := Authenticate(ctx)
	//TODO: incorporate rate limiting? "set the AutoRetry field on the Client struct to true"
	// TODO: incorporate rate limiting? "set the AutoRetry field on the Client struct to true"

	// List devices mode.
	sdev, ok := ctx.Value("device").(string)