
34611f22ca7abbb3e90c33869d866cc8b0bcb0f0 — Dominic Ricottone 5 days ago 0853dd3
ANES SAS files
3 files changed, 9383 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M data/anes/.gitignore
M data/anes/README.md
A data/anes/anes_timeseries_cdf_syntax_sas_20220916.sas
M data/anes/.gitignore => data/anes/.gitignore +1 -0
@@ 6,4 6,5 @@ sub-data.txt

# 2020

M data/anes/README.md => data/anes/README.md +10 -0
@@ 32,6 32,16 @@ Supplemental data preparation that is appropriate only for Stata.
Sourced from ANES 2020 cumulative data file.
Data prepared in Stata format.

## anes_timeseries_cdf_syntax_rawdata_20220916.dat

Sourced from ANES 2020 cumulative data file.
Raw data in fixed width format.

## anes_timeseries_cdf_syntax_sas_20220916.sas

Sourced from ANES 2020 cumulative data file.
Raw data import routine.

## anes 2004 2012 2020 comparison.do

My work.

A data/anes/anes_timeseries_cdf_syntax_sas_20220916.sas => data/anes/anes_timeseries_cdf_syntax_sas_20220916.sas +9372 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9372 @@
/* This SAS program was automatically generated by Stat/Transfer ver.15.1.1454.0311 */

/* ENCODING CP1252 */

/* The following line should contain the complete path and name of your raw data file */
FILENAME datafile 'anes_timeseries_cdf_syntax_rawdata_20220916.dat' ;

/* The following line should contain the directory in which you wish your SAS file to be stored */
libname library '' ;

/* The following line contains the name (without the extension) for your SAS dataset */
%LET dataset = anes_tim ;

proc format library = library ;
   value VCF0013F
      0 = '0. No Post-election interview data'  
      1 = '1. Post-election interview data present' ;
   value VCF0014F
      0 = '0. No Pre-election interview data present'  
      1 = '1. Pre-election interview data present' ;
   value VCF0015A
      0 = '0. Pre IW not abbreviated [1992:''Long'' form Pre]'  
      1 = '1. Abbreviated pre IW'  
      2 = '2. Spanish Pre' ;
   value VCF0015B
      0 = '0. Post IW is not abbreviated'  
      1 = '1. Abbreviated Post IW'  
      2 = '2. Additional Abbreviated Post IWs' ;
   value VCF0016F
      0 = '0. Fresh Cross case'  
      1 = '1. Panel case (1958 N  =866; 1960 N  =939; 1974 N  =1100;' ;
   value VCF0017F
      0 = '0. All personal'  
      1 = '1. Telephone pre (personal post or no post)'  
      2 = '2. Telephone post (personal pre)'  
      3 = '3. All telephone'  
      4 = '4. All internet'  
      5 = '5. All video (2020)' ;
   value VCF0018A
      0 = '0. IW conducted entirely in English; 2008,2012: beginning language'  
      1 = '1. Some or all of IW translated to Spanish'  
      3 = '3. Some or all of IW translated to French'  
      5 = '5. Some or all of IW translated to non-English language other than Spanish or French'  
      7 = '7. Some or all of IW translated to non-English language but NA which language'  
      9 = '9. NA if English or other language' ;
   value VCF0018B
      0 = '0. IW conducted entirely in English; 2008,2012: beginning language'  
      1 = '1. Some or all of IW translated to Spanish'  
      3 = '3. Some or all of IW translated to French'  
      4 = '4. Some or all of IW conducted in either Spanish or French'  
      5 = '5. Some or all of IW translated to non-English language other than Spanish or French'  
      7 = '7. Some or all of IW translated to non-English language but NA which language'  
      9 = '9. NA if English or other language' ;
   value VCF0019F
      0 = '0. No Pre IW (1952,1960)'  
      1 = '1. R is head of household'  
      2 = '2. R is spouse of head of household'  
      3 = '3. R is neither head of household nor spouse of head'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0050A
      1 = '1. Very high'  
      2 = '2. Fairly high'  
      3 = '3. Average'  
      4 = '4. Fairly low'  
      5 = '5. Very low'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0050B
      0 = '0. no Post IW; abbrev. Post IW (1984); web  mode (2012,2016)'  
      1 = '1. Very high'  
      2 = '2. Fairly high'  
      3 = '3. Average'  
      4 = '4. Fairly low'  
      5 = '5. Very low'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0070A
      1 = '1. Male'  
      2 = '2. Female'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0070B
      0 = '0. no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Male'  
      2 = '2. Female'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0071A
      1 = '1. White'  
      2 = '2. Black'  
      3 = '3. Native American'  
      4 = '4. Asian'  
      7 = '7. Other'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0071B
      0 = '0. no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. White'  
      2 = '2. Black'  
      3 = '3. Native American'  
      4 = '4. Asian'  
      7 = '7. Other'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0071C
      1 = '1. White'  
      2 = '2. Nonwhite (2012: and other)'  
      7 = '7. Other'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0071D
      1 = '1. White'  
      2 = '2. Nonwhite (2012: and other)'  
      7 = '7. Other'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0072A
      1 = '1. Non-Hispanic'  
      2 = '2. Hispanic'  
      7 = '7. Other'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0072B
      0 = '0. no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Non-Hispanic'  
      2 = '2. Hispanic'  
      7 = '7. Other'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0101F
      0 = '00. NA; DK; RF; no Pre IW'  
      97 = '97. 97 years old (1952, 1974, 1996 and later: or older); 2012,2016: 90='  
      98 = '98. 98 years old (1958-1962, 1966, 1968: or older)'  
      99 = '99. 99 years old (1976-1990,1994,2002: or older)' ;
   value VCF0102F
      0 = '0. NA; DK; RF; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. 17 - 24'  
      2 = '2. 25 - 34'  
      3 = '3. 35 - 44'  
      4 = '4. 45 - 54'  
      5 = '5. 55 - 64'  
      6 = '6. 65 - 74'  
      7 = '7. 75 - 99 and over (except 1954)' ;
   value VCF0103F
      0 = '0. NA; DK; RF; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. 1991 - present'  
      2 = '2. 1975 - 1990'  
      3 = '3. 1959 - 1974'  
      4 = '4. 1943 - 1958'  
      5 = '5. 1927 - 1942'  
      6 = '6. 1911 - 1926'  
      7 = '7. 1895 - 1910'  
      8 = '8. Before 1895' ;
   value VCF0104F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Male'  
      2 = '2. Female'  
      3 = '3. Other (2016)' ;
   value VCF0105A
      1 = '1. White non-Hispanic (1948-2012)'  
      2 = '2. Black non-Hispanic (1948-2012)'  
      3 = '3. Asian or Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic (1966-2012)'  
      4 = '4. American Indian or Alaska Native non-Hispanic (1966-2012)'  
      5 = '5. Hispanic (1966-2012)'  
      6 = '6. Other or multiple races, non-Hispanic (1968-2012)'  
      7 = '7. Non-white and non-black (1948-1964)'  
      9 = '9. Missing' ;
   value VCF0105B
      0 = '0. Missing, pre-1966 data'  
      1 = '1. White non-Hispanic'  
      2 = '2. Black non-Hispanic'  
      3 = '3. Hispanic'  
      4 = '4. Other or multiple races, non-Hispanic'  
      9 = '9. Missing, DK/REF/NA' ;
   value VCF0106F
      0 = '0. Missing, pre-1966 data'  
      1 = '1. White non-Hispanic'  
      2 = '2. Black non-Hispanic'  
      3 = '3. Other'  
      9 = '9. Missing, DK/REF/NA' ;
   value VCF0107F
      0 = '0. Short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)'  
      1 = '1. Yes, Mexican-American, Chicano'  
      2 = '2. Yes, Puerto Rican'  
      3 = '3. Yes, other Hispanic'  
      4 = '4. Yes, Hispanic but DK/NA type'  
      7 = '7. No, not Hispanic'  
      8 = '8. DK if Hispanic'  
      9 = '9. NA if Hispanic' ;
   value VCF0108F
      0 = '0. Short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)'  
      1 = '1. Yes, R is Hispanic'  
      2 = '2. No, R is not Hispanic'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0109F
      0 = '000. Short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)'  
      877 = '877. ''American''; ''Just American''; none; neither'  
      888 = '888. DK' ;
   value VCF0110F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section'  
      1 = '1. Grade school or less (0-8 grades); 2020: less than high school credential'  
      2 = '2. High school (12 grades or fewer, incl. non-college'  
      3 = '3. Some college (13 grades or more but no degree;'  
      4 = '4. College or advanced degree (no cases 1948)' ;
   value VCF0111F
      0 = '0. NA; telephone (RDD) sample (2000)'  
      1 = '1. Central cities'  
      2 = '2. Suburban areas'  
      3 = '3. Rural, small towns, outlying and adjacent areas' ;
   value VCF0112F
      0 = '0. NA (1948)'  
      1 = '1. Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT)'  
      2 = '2. North Central (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND,'  
      3 = '3. South (AL, AR, DE, D.C., FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC'  
      4 = '4. West (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA,' ;
   value VCF0113F
      1 = '1. South'  
      2 = '2. Nonsouth' ;
   value VCF0114F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; refused to answer; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. 0 to 16 percentile'  
      2 = '2. 17 to 33 percentile'  
      3 = '3. 34 to 67 percentile'  
      4 = '4. 68 to 95 percentile'  
      5 = '5. 96 to 100 percentile' ;
   value VCF0115F
      0 = '0. NA; member of armed forces; no occupation and not a'  
      1 = '1. Professional and managerial'  
      2 = '2. Clerical and sales workers'  
      3 = '3. Skilled, semi-skilled and service workers'  
      4 = '4. Laborers, except farm'  
      5 = '5. Farmers, farm managers, farm laborers and foremen;'  
      6 = '6. Homemakers (1972-1992: 7 IN VCF0116, 4 in VCF0118;' ;
   value VCF0116F
      1 = '1. Working now'  
      2 = '2. Temporarily laid off'  
      4 = '4. Unemployed'  
      5 = '5. Retired'  
      6 = '6. Permanently disabled'  
      7 = '7. Homemaker'  
      8 = '8. Student'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK' ;
   value VCF0117F
      1 = '1. Working now'  
      2 = '2. Temporarily laid off'  
      4 = '4. Unemployed (1972 adds ''looking for work.'')'  
      5 = '5. Retired'  
      6 = '6. Permanently disabled'  
      7 = '7. Housewife (not working at least 20 hrs. per wk.)'  
      8 = '8. Student (not working at least 20 hrs. per wk.)'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK' ;
   value VCF0118F
      1 = '1. Employed'  
      2 = '2. Not employed: laid off, unemployed, on strike,'  
      3 = '3. Retired'  
      4 = '4. Homemaker (since 1972: not working 20 or more hrs/wk;'  
      5 = '5. Student (since 1972: not working 20 or more hrs/wk;'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0119F
      1 = '1. Employed'  
      2 = '2. Not employed: laid off, unemployed, on strike,'  
      3 = '3. Retired (1966 adds ''over 65'')'  
      4 = '4. Homemaker (see VCF0118)'  
      5 = '5. Student (see VCF0118)'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0120F
      0 = '000. R has never worked (unemployed or disabled)--'  
      998 = '998. R is member of armed forces or former member' ;
   value VCF0121F
      0 = '000. R has never worked (unemployed or disabled)-'  
      998 = '998. Head is member of armed forces or former member'  
      999 = '999. NA if Head is working now/has ever worked; Head''s' ;
   value VCF0122F
      0 = '000. R has never worked (unemployed or disabled)--'  
      998 = '998. R is member of armed forces or former member; R''s' ;
   value VCF0123F
      0 = '000. Head has never worked (unemployed or'  
      998 = '998. Head is member of armed forces or former member;'  
      999 = '999. NA if Head is working now/has ever worked; Head''s' ;
   value VCF0124F
      0 = '00. R is housewife, student (or student with job),'  
      98 = '98. R is member of armed forces or former member; R''s'  
      99 = '99. NA if R is working now/ has ever worked; R''s' ;
   value VCF0125F
      0 = '00. Head is housewife, student (or student with'  
      98 = '98. Head is member of armed forces or former member;'  
      99 = '99. NA if Head is working now/has ever worked; Head''s' ;
   value VCF0126F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; father wasn''t living/not raised by father/no'  
      1 = '1. Professional and managerial'  
      2 = '2. Clerical and sales workers'  
      3 = '3. Skilled, semi-skilled and service workers'  
      4 = '4. Laborers, except farm'  
      5 = '5. Farmers, farm managers, farm laborers and foremen' ;
   value VCF0126A
      0 = '0. Father wasn''t living; not raised by father; no'  
      1 = '1. Professional, technical and kindred workers'  
      2 = '2. Managers, officials and proprietors exc. farm'  
      3 = '3. Clerical and kindred workers, sales workers'  
      4 = '4. Craftsmen, foremen and kindred workers and'  
      5 = '5. Operative and kindred workers'  
      6 = '6. Service workers, including private household'  
      7 = '7. Laborers, except farm'  
      8 = '8. Farm laborers and foremen; farmers; owners,'  
      9 = '9. Occupation not reported (NA); members of armed' ;
   value VCF0126B
      0 = '00. Father wasn''t living; not raised by father; no'  
      1 = '01. Professional, technical and kindred workers'  
      2 = '02. Managers and administrators, except farm'  
      3 = '03. Sales workers'  
      4 = '04. Clerical and kindred workers'  
      5 = '05. Craftsmen and kindred workers'  
      6 = '06. Operatives, except transport'  
      7 = '07. Transport equipment operatives'  
      8 = '08. Laborers, except farm'  
      9 = '09. Farmers (owners and tenants), farm managers,'  
      10 = '10. Farm foreman, farm laborer (wage-worker)'  
      11 = '11. Service workers, except private household and'  
      12 = '12. Government protective services: firemen; police;'  
      13 = '13. Private household workers'  
      14 = '14. Member of armed forces'  
      15 = '15. Not in labor force'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0126C
      0 = '00. Father wasn''t living; not raised by father;'  
      1 = '01. Executive, administrative and managerial'  
      2 = '02. Professional speciality occupations'  
      3 = '03. Technicians and related support occupations'  
      4 = '04. Sales occupation'  
      5 = '05. Administrative support, including clerical'  
      6 = '06. Private household'  
      7 = '07. Protective service'  
      8 = '08. Service exc. protective and household'  
      9 = '09. Farming, forestry and fishing occupations'  
      10 = '10. Precision production, craft and repair occupations'  
      11 = '11. Machine operators, assemblers and inspectors'  
      12 = '12. Transportation and material, moving occupations'  
      13 = '13. Handler, equipment cleaners, helpers and laborers'  
      14 = '14. Member of armed forces'  
      15 = '15. Not in labor force'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0127F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross'  
      1 = '1. Yes, someone (1948: head) in household belongs to a'  
      2 = '2. No, no one in household belongs to a labor union' ;
   value VCF0127A
      0 = '00. No one'  
      11 = '11. Respondent only'  
      12 = '12. Spouse only'  
      13 = '13. Other household member only'  
      21 = '21. R and spouse'  
      22 = '22. R and other household member'  
      23 = '23. Spouse and other household member'  
      31 = '31. R, spouse and other household member'  
      99 = '99. DK; NA; DK/NA if anyone in union; short-form ''new''' ;
   value VCF0127B
      0 = '0. No one'  
      1 = '1. R only'  
      2 = '2. Someone other than R only'  
      3 = '3. R and someone other than R'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross' ;
   value VCF0128F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; refused to answer; no Pre IW; no Post IW;'  
      1 = '1. Protestant'  
      2 = '2. Catholic [Roman Catholic]'  
      3 = '3. Jewish'  
      4 = '4. Other and none (also includes DK preference)' ;
   value VCF0128A
      1 = '1. Mainline Protestant'  
      2 = '2. Evangelical Protestant'  
      3 = '3. Catholic [Roman Catholic]'  
      4 = '4. Jewish'  
      5 = '5. Non-traditional orthodox'  
      6 = '6. Non-Christian/Non-Jewish'  
      7 = '7. Atheist, agnostic, none'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; refused to answer; no Pre IW; no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF0128B
      0 = '0. Mainline Protestant'  
      1 = '1. Evangelical Protestant'  
      2 = '2. Black Protestant Church'  
      3 = '3. Catholic [roman catholic]'  
      4 = '4. Jewish'  
      5 = '5. Non-traditional orthodox'  
      6 = '6. Non-Christian/Non-Jewish'  
      7 = '7. Atheist, agnostic, none'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; refused to answer; no Pre IW; no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF0129F
      996 = '996. Refused'  
      998 = '998. DK; none; no preference'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0130F
      0 = '0. Religion Inap (1970-1988); atheists and agnostics are'  
      1 = '1. Every week (Except 1970: almost every week)'  
      2 = '2. Almost every week (no cases in 1970)'  
      3 = '3. Once or twice a month'  
      4 = '4. A few times a year'  
      5 = '5. Never (1990 and later: ''No'' in filter)'  
      7 = '7. No religious preference (1970-1988)'  
      8 = '8. DK how often/DK if attend'  
      9 = '9. NA/RF how often/NA/RF if attend' ;
   value VCF0130A
      0 = '0. Every week - more than once a week'  
      1 = '1. Every week - once a week or NA if once a week/more'  
      2 = '2. Almost every week'  
      3 = '3. Once or twice a month'  
      4 = '4. A few times a year'  
      5 = '5. Never (''No'' in filter)'  
      8 = '8. DK how often/DK if attend'  
      9 = '9. NA how often/NA if attend; short-form ''new''' ;
   value VCF0131F
      0 = '0. Religion refused/NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Regularly'  
      2 = '2. Often'  
      4 = '4. Seldom'  
      5 = '5. Never'  
      7 = '7. No religious preference (1960-1968)'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0132F
      998 = '998. DK'  
      999 = '999. NA; RF; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0133F
      998 = '998. DK'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0134F
      1 = '1. Farm/country (including ''in the country, not on a'  
      2 = '2. Not farm/country'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0135F
      1 = '1. In a large city (in 1978-1992 this includes'  
      2 = '2. Not in a large city (in 1978-1992 this includes all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0136F
      1 = '1. Farm, rural, ''country'''  
      2 = '2. Town, ''small town'''  
      3 = '3. City, not a large city'  
      4 = '4. Large city'  
      5 = '5. Other; mixture of communities; ''suburb'''  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0137F
      1 = '1. On a farm'  
      2 = '2. In the country, not on a farm'  
      3 = '3. In a small city or town (under 50,000)'  
      4 = '4. In a medium-sized city (50,000-100,000)'  
      5 = '5. In a large city (100,000-500,000)'  
      6 = '6. In a suburb of a large city'  
      7 = '7. In a very large city (over 500,000)'  
      8 = '8. In a suburb of a very large city'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0138F
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One'  
      2 = '2. Two'  
      3 = '3. Three'  
      4 = '4. Four'  
      5 = '5. Five'  
      6 = '6. Six'  
      7 = '7. Seven'  
      8 = '8. Eight or more'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Pre IW; Panel (1992,1996,2002)' ;
   value VCF0138A
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One'  
      2 = '2. Two'  
      3 = '3. Three'  
      4 = '4. Four'  
      5 = '5. Five'  
      6 = '6. Six'  
      7 = '7. Seven'  
      8 = '8. Eight'  
      9 = '9. NA; Panel (1992,1996,2002)' ;
   value VCF0138B
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One'  
      2 = '2. Two'  
      3 = '3. Three'  
      4 = '4. Four'  
      5 = '5. Five'  
      6 = '6. Six'  
      7 = '7. Seven'  
      8 = '8. Eight'  
      9 = '9. NA; Panel (1992,1996,2002)' ;
   value VCF0138C
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One'  
      2 = '2. Two'  
      3 = '3. Three'  
      4 = '4. Four'  
      5 = '5. Five'  
      6 = '6. Six'  
      7 = '7. Seven'  
      8 = '8. Eight'  
      9 = '9. NA; Panel (1992,1996,2002)' ;
   value VCF0138D
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One'  
      2 = '2. Two'  
      3 = '3. Three'  
      4 = '4. Four'  
      5 = '5. Five'  
      6 = '6. Six'  
      7 = '7. Seven'  
      8 = '8. Eight'  
      9 = '9. NA; Panel (1992,1996,2002)' ;
   value VCF0138E
      1 = '1. 1 - 1/2 years or less'  
      2 = '2. Over 1 - 1/2 years up to and including 2 -1/2 years'  
      3 = '3. Over 2 - 1/2 years up to and including 3 - 1/2 years'  
      4 = '4. Over 3 - 1/2 years up to and including 4 - 1/2 years'  
      5 = '5. Over 4 - 1/2 years up to and including 5 - 1/2 years'  
      6 = '6. Over 5 - 1/2 years up to and including 10 - 1/2 years'  
      7 = '7. Over 10 - 1/2 years up to and including 14- 1/2 years'  
      8 = '8. Over 14 - 1/2 years up to 18 years'  
      9 = '9. NA; no children; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0139F
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One'  
      2 = '2. Two'  
      3 = '3. Three'  
      4 = '4. Four'  
      5 = '5. Five'  
      6 = '6. Six'  
      7 = '7. Seven'  
      8 = '8. Eight or more'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0140F
      1 = '1. 8 grades or less (''grade school'')'  
      2 = '2. 9-12 grades (''high school''), no diploma/equivalency; ; less than high school credential (2020)'  
      3 = '3. 12 grades, diploma or equivalency'  
      4 = '4. 12 grades, diploma or equivalency plus non-academic'  
      5 = '5. Some college, no degree; junior/community college'  
      6 = '6. BA level degrees; advanced degrees incl. LLB'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; RF; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section' ;
   value VCF0140A
      1 = '1. 8 grades or less (''grade school'')'  
      2 = '2. 9-12 grades (''high school''), no diploma/equivalency; ; less than high school credential (2020)'  
      3 = '3. 12 grades, diploma or equivalency'  
      4 = '4. 12 grades, diploma or equivalency plus non-academic'  
      5 = '5. Some college, no degree; junior/community college'  
      6 = '6. BA level degrees'  
      7 = '7. Advanced degrees incl. LLB'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; RF; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0141F
      1 = '1. 8 grades or less (''grade school'')'  
      2 = '2. 9-12 grades (''high school''), no diploma/equivalency'  
      3 = '3. 12 grades, diploma or equivalency'  
      4 = '4. 12 grades, diploma or equivalency plus non-academic'  
      5 = '5. Some college, no degree; junior/community college'  
      6 = '6. BA level degrees; advanced degrees incl. LLB'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; head of family not determined (1986)' ;
   value VCF0142F
      998 = '998. DK'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0143F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; RF; no Pre IW; short-form ''new'' Cross Section' ;
   value VCF0144F
      199 = '199. U.S.'  
      998 = '998. DK'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0145F
      199 = '199. U.S.'  
      998 = '998. DK'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Pre I' ;
   value VCF0146F
      1 = '1. Yes, own'  
      2 = '2. No, not owned'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; RF; no Pre IW; short form (1992)' ;
   value VCF0147F
      1 = '1. Married'  
      2 = '2. Never married'  
      3 = '3. Divorced'  
      4 = '4. Separated'  
      5 = '5. Widowed'  
      7 = '7. Partners; not married (VOLUNTEERED [exc.1986,2012])'  
      8 = '8. R not married/partnered, refused to say whether never married, divorced, separated or widowed (1992 only); DK'  
      9 = '9.  NA; no Pre IW; unmarried at time of IW (1952 only); short-form ''new'' Cross-Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0148F
      0 = '0. Lower class (VOLUNTEERED)'  
      1 = '1. Average working'  
      2 = '2. Working--NA average or upper'  
      3 = '3. Upper working'  
      4 = '4. Average middle'  
      5 = '5. Middle class--NA average or upper'  
      6 = '6. Upper middle'  
      7 = '7. Upper class (VOLUNTEERED)'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; other (incl. refused to accept idea of' ;
   value VCF0148A
      1 = '1. Average working'  
      2 = '2. Working--NA average or upper'  
      3 = '3. Upper working'  
      4 = '4. Average middle'  
      5 = '5. Middle class--NA average or upper'  
      6 = '6. Upper middle'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; other (incl. refused to accept idea of' ;
   value VCF0149F
      1 = '1. Yes, think of self as member of class and that class is'  
      2 = '2. No, don''t think of self as member of class, but if had'  
      3 = '3. Yes, think of self as member of class and that class is'  
      4 = '4. No, don''t think of self as member of class, but if'  
      5 = '5. Refuses to accept idea of class (except 1964, 1966,'  
      6 = '6. Other (in 1964, 1966 and 1968, also includes ''refuses'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Pre IW; short form (1992)' ;
   value VCF0150F
      10 = '10. Working now'  
      15 = '15. Working now and retired--20 or more hrs/wk'  
      16 = '16. Working now and permanently disabled--20 or more'  
      17 = '17. Working now and homemaker--20 or more hrs/wk'  
      18 = '18. Working now and student--20 or more hrs/wk'  
      20 = '20. Temporarily laid off'  
      40 = '40. Unemployed'  
      50 = '50. Retired, no current occupation'  
      51 = '51. Retired and working now--less than 20 hrs/wk'  
      60 = '60. Permanently disabled, no current occupation'  
      61 = '61. Permanently disabled and working--less than 20 hrs/wk'  
      70 = '70. Homemaker, no other occupation'  
      71 = '71. Homemaker and working now--less than 20 hrs/wk'  
      75 = '75. Homemaker and student, no other occupation'  
      80 = '80. Student, no current occupation'  
      81 = '81. Student and working now--less than 20 hrs/wk'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0151F
      0 = '0. NA; member of armed forces; no occupation and not a'  
      1 = '1. Professional and managerial'  
      2 = '2. Clerical and sales workers'  
      3 = '3. Skilled, semi-skilled and service workers'  
      4 = '4. Laborers, except farm'  
      5 = '5. Farmers, farm managers, farm laborers and foremen;'  
      6 = '6. Homemakers (1980-later: no other occupation (any' ;
   value VCF0152F
      10 = '010. Protestant, no denomination given'  
      30 = '030. Community church'  
      99 = '099. Christian (NFS); just Christian'  
      100 = '100. 7th Day Adventist'  
      101 = '101. Sabbatarian'  
      109 = '109. Adventist (NFS)'  
      110 = '110. Episcopalian; Anglican'  
      120 = '120. American Baptist Association'  
      121 = '121. American Baptist Churches U.S.A. (inaccurately known as Northern Baptist)'  
      122 = '122. Baptist Bible Fellowship'  
      123 = '123. Baptist General Conference'  
      124 = '124. Baptist Missionary Association of America'  
      125 = '125. Conservative Baptist Association of America'  
      126 = '126. General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (G.A.R.B.)'  
      127 = '127. National Association of Free Will Baptists (United Free Will Baptist Church)'  
      128 = '128. Primitive Baptists'  
      129 = '129. National Baptist Convention in the U.S.A.*'  
      130 = '130. National Baptist Convention of America*'  
      131 = '131. National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.*'  
      132 = '132. Progressive National Baptist Convention*'  
      133 = '133. National Baptist Convention NFS'  
      134 = '134. Reformed Baptist (Calvinist)'  
      135 = '135. Southern Baptist Convention'  
      136 = '136. Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship'  
      149 = '149. Baptist (NFS)'  
      150 = '150. United Church of Christ (includes Congregational, Evangelical and Reformed)'  
      155 = '155. Congregational Christian'  
      160 = '160. Church of the Brethren'  
      161 = '161. Brethren (NFS)'  
      162 = '162. Mennonite Church'  
      163 = '163. Moravian Church'  
      164 = '164. Old Order Amish'  
      165 = '165. Quakers (Friends)'  
      166 = '166. Evangelical Covenant Church (not Anabaptist in tradition)'  
      167 = '167. Evangelical Free Church (not Anabaptist in tradition)'  
      168 = '168. Brethren in Christ'  
      169 = '169. Apostolic Christian Church of America'  
      170 = '170. Mennonite Brethren'  
      171 = '171. Apostolic Christian Church Nazarene'  
      180 = '180. Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA)'  
      181 = '181. Church of God (Anderson, IN)'  
      182 = '182. Church of the Nazarene'  
      183 = '183. Free Methodist Church'  
      184 = '184. Salvation Army'  
      185 = '185. Wesleyan Church'  
      186 = '186. Church of God of Findlay, OH'  
      199 = '199. Holiness (NFS); Church of God (NFS); R not or NA whether R Pentecostal or Charismatic'  
      200 = '200. Plymouth Brethren'  
      201 = '201. Independent Fundamentalist Churches of America'  
      219 = '219. Independent-Fundamentalist (NFS)'  
      220 = '220. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (formerly Lutheran Church in America and The American Lutheran Church); ELCA'  
      221 = '221. Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod; LC-MS'  
      222 = '222. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod; WELS'  
      224 = '224. Lutheran Free Church; Association of Free Lutheran Churches; AFLC'  
      225 = '225. Church of the Lutheran Brethren'  
      229 = '229. Lutheran (NFS)'  
      230 = '230. United Methodist Church; Evangelical United Brethren'  
      231 = '231. African Methodist Episcopal Church'  
      232 = '232. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church'  
      233 = '233. Christian Methodist Episcopal Church'  
      234 = '234. Primitive Methodist'  
      240 = '240. Fire-Baptized Holiness'  
      242 = '242. Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ; AJLC'  
      243 = '243. Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith; COOLJC'  
      244 = '244. Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith; CLJC'  
      245 = '245. Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ'  
      246 = '246. International Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ'  
      249 = '249. Methodist (NFS)'  
      250 = '250. Assemblies of God'  
      251 = '251. Church of God (Cleveland, TN)'  
      252 = '252. Church of God (Huntsville, AL)'  
      253 = '253. International Church of the Four Square Gospel'  
      254 = '254. Pentecostal Church of God'  
      255 = '255. Pentecostal Holiness Church'  
      256 = '256. United Pentecostal Church International'  
      257 = '257. Church of God in Christ (incl. NA whether 258)'  
      258 = '258. Church of God in Christ (International)'  
      260 = '260. Church of God of the Apostolic Faith'  
      261 = '261. Church of God in Prophecy'  
      262 = '262. Vineyard Fellowship'  
      263 = '263. Open Bible Standard Churches'  
      264 = '264. Full Gospel'  
      267 = '267. Apostolic Pentecostal'  
      270 = '270. Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.'  
      271 = '271. Cumberland Presbyterian Church'  
      272 = '272. Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)'  
      275 = '275. Evangelical Presbyterian'  
      276 = '276. Reformed Presbyterian (NFS)'  
      279 = '279. Presbyterian (NFS)'  
      280 = '280. Christian Reformed Church (inaccurately known as Dutch Reformed)'  
      281 = '281. Reformed Church in America'  
      289 = '289. Reformed (NFS)'  
      290 = '290. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)'  
      291 = '291. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ'  
      292 = '292. Churches of Christ; Church of Christ (NFS)'  
      293 = '293. Christian Congregation'  
      300 = '300. Christian Scientists'  
      301 = '301. Mormons; Latter Day Saints'  
      303 = '303. Unitarian; Universalist'  
      304 = '304. Jehovah''s Witnesses'  
      305 = '305. Unity; Unity Church; Christ Church Unity'  
      306 = '306. Fundamentalist Adventist (Worldwide Church of God)'  
      400 = '400. Roman Catholic'  
      501 = '501. Orthodox'  
      502 = '502. Conservative'  
      503 = '503. Reformed'  
      524 = '524. Jewish, other, no preference, NFS'  
      600 = '600. Catholic and  Protestant'  
      650 = '650. Messianic Judaism; Jews for Jesus'  
      695 = '695. More than 1 major religion (e.g., Christian, Jewish, Muslim etc.)'  
      700 = '700. Greek Rite Catholic'  
      701 = '701. Greek Orthodox'  
      702 = '702. Russian Orthodox'  
      703 = '703. Rumanian Orthodox'  
      704 = '704. Serbian Orthodox'  
      705 = '705. Syrian Orthodox'  
      706 = '706. Armenian Orthodox'  
      707 = '707. Georgian Orthodox'  
      708 = '708. Ukranian Orthodox'  
      719 = '719. Eastern Orthodox (NFS)'  
      720 = '720. Muslim; Mohammedan; Islam'  
      721 = '721. Buddhist'  
      722 = '722. Hindu'  
      723 = '723. Bahai'  
      724 = '724. American Indian Religions (Native American Religions)'  
      725 = '725. New Age'  
      726 = '726. Wicca (Wiccan)'  
      727 = '727. Pagan'  
      730 = '730. Sikh'  
      732 = '732. Konko Church'  
      735 = '735. Spiritualists'  
      736 = '736. Religious science; science of mind (not Scientology or Christian Science)'  
      740 = '740. Other non-Christian/non-Jewish'  
      750 = '750. Scientology [added 2000]'  
      790 = '790. Religious/ethical cults'  
      870 = '870. Other'  
      998 = '998. None; agnostic; atheist; no preference; don''t know preference; DK;'  
      999 = '999. NA; short-form ''new'' Cross Section (1992)' ;
   value VCF0153A
      0 = '0. Mother wasn''t living; not raised by mother; no'  
      1 = '1. Professional, technical and kindred workers'  
      2 = '2. Managers, officials and proprietors exc. farm'  
      3 = '3. Clerical and kindred workers, sales workers'  
      4 = '4. Craftsmen, foremen and kindred workers and'  
      5 = '5. Operative and kindred workers'  
      6 = '6. Service workers, including private household'  
      7 = '7. Laborers, except farm'  
      8 = '8. Farm laborers and foremen; farmers; owners,'  
      9 = '9. Occupation not reported (NA); members of armed' ;
   value VCF0153B
      0 = '00. Mother wasn''t living; not raised by mother; no'  
      1 = '01. Professional, technical and kindred workers'  
      2 = '02. Managers and administrators, except farm'  
      3 = '03. Sales workers'  
      4 = '04. Clerical and kindred workers'  
      5 = '05. Craftsmen and kindred workers'  
      6 = '06. Operatives, except transport'  
      7 = '07. Transport equipment operatives'  
      8 = '08. Laborers, except farm'  
      9 = '09. Farmers (owners and tenants), farm managers,'  
      10 = '10. Farm foreman, farm laborer (wage-worker)'  
      11 = '11. Service workers, except private household and'  
      12 = '12. Government protective services: firemen; police;'  
      13 = '13. Private household workers'  
      14 = '14. Member of armed forces'  
      15 = '15. Not in labor force'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0153C
      0 = '00. Mother wasn''t living; not raised by mother;'  
      1 = '01. Executive, administrative and managerial'  
      2 = '02. Professional speciality occupations'  
      3 = '03. Technicians and related support occupations'  
      4 = '04. Sales occupation'  
      5 = '05. Administrative support, including clerical'  
      6 = '06. Private household'  
      7 = '07. Protective service'  
      8 = '08. Service exc. protective and household'  
      9 = '09. Farming, forestry and fishing occupations'  
      10 = '10. Precision production, craft and repair occupations'  
      11 = '11. Machine operators, assemblers and inspectors'  
      12 = '12. Transportation and material moving occupations'  
      13 = '13. Handler, equipment cleaners, helpers and laborers'  
      14 = '14. Member of armed forces'  
      15 = '15. Not in labor force'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0154A
      0 = '00. DK; NA; honworking homemaker/student; R has never' ;
   value VCF0154B
      0 = '00. DK; NA; honworking homemaker/student; R has never'  
      1 = '1. Executive, administrative and managerial'  
      2 = '2. Professional specialty occupations'  
      3 = '3. Technicians and related support occupations'  
      4 = '4. Sales occupation'  
      5 = '5. Administrative support, including clerical'  
      6 = '6. Private household'  
      7 = '7. Protective service'  
      8 = '8. Service except protective and household'  
      9 = '9. Farming, forestry and fishing occupations'  
      10 = '10. Precision production, craft and repair occupations'  
      11 = '11. Machine operators, assemblers and inspectors'  
      12 = '12. Transportation and material moving occupations'  
      13 = '13. Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers and laborers'  
      14 = '14. Member of armed forces' ;
   value VCF0155F
      0 = '0. R is nonworking homemaker or student; R is'  
      1 = '1. A lot'  
      3 = '3. Somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Not much at all'  
      8 = '8. DK; refused'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0156F
      0 = '0. R is not currently working'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0157F
      0 = '0. R is not currently working'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0201F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0202F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0203F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0204F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0205F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0206F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK  (exc. 1964-1968: see VCF0201 note)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); breakoff, sufficient partial (2016)' ;
   value VCF0207F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK  (exc. 1964-1968: see VCF0201 note)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); breakoff, sufficient partial (2016)' ;
   value VCF0208F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0209F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0210F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0211F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0212F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0213F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0214F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1964-1968: see note preceding VCF0201)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0215F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0216F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0217F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK  (exc. 1964-1968: see VCF0201 note)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); breakoff, sufficient partial (2016)' ;
   value VCF0218F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0219F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0220F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0221F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0222F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0223F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0224F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0225F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0226F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0227F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK  (exc. 1964-1968: see VCF0201 note)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); breakoff, sufficient partial (2016)' ;
   value VCF0228F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0229F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0230F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. Post IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0231F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0232F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0233F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK  (exc. 1964-1968: see VCF0201 note)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); breakoff, sufficient partial (2016)' ;
   value VCF0234F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0235F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0236F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0253F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0290F
      998 = '998. DK in VCF0218 or VCF0224'  
      999 = '999. NA' ;
   value VCF0291F
      2 = '2. Most Republican'  
      50 = '50. Neutral'  
      99 = '99. Most Democratic'  
      998 = '998. DK in VCF0218 or VCF0224'  
      999 = '999. NA' ;
   value VCF0301F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; other; refused to answer; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Strong Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Weak Democrat'  
      3 = '3. Independent - Democrat'  
      4 = '4. Independent - Independent'  
      5 = '5. Independent - Republican'  
      6 = '6. Weak Republican'  
      7 = '7. Strong Republican' ;
   value VCF0302F
      1 = '1. Republican'  
      2 = '2. Independent'  
      3 = '3. No preference; none; neither'  
      4 = '4. Other'  
      5 = '5. Democrat'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; refused' ;
   value VCF0303F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; other; refused to answer; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Democrats (including leaners)'  
      2 = '2. Independents'  
      3 = '3. Republicans (including leaners)' ;
   value VCF0305F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; other; refused to answer; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Independent or Apolitical'  
      2 = '2. Leaning Independent'  
      3 = '3. Weak Partisan'  
      4 = '4. Strong Partisan' ;
   value VCF0306F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; R had no'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Independent (some years also: shifted around)'  
      3 = '3. Republican'  
      4 = '4. Other; minor party; apolitical; never voted, didn''t'  
      9 = '9. DK (exc. 1988)' ;
   value VCF0307F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; R had no'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Independent'  
      3 = '3. Republican'  
      4 = '4. Other; minor party; apolitical; never voted, didn''t'  
      9 = '9. DK (exc. 1988)' ;
   value VCF0308F
      0 = '0. NA; R had no father/father substitute'  
      1 = '1. Didn''t pay much attention'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat interested'  
      3 = '3. Very much interested'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0309F
      0 = '0. NA; R had no mother/mother substitute'  
      1 = '1. Didn''t pay much attention'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat interested'  
      3 = '3. Very much interested'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0310F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; version B (2008)'  
      1 = '1. Not much interested'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat interested'  
      3 = '3. Very much interested'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0311F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Don''t care very much or DK, pro-con, depends, and'  
      2 = '2. Care a good deal' ;
   value VCF0312F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Not very much, not at all, DK, pro-con, depends, other'  
      2 = '2. Very much, pretty much' ;
   value VCF0313F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); abbrev'  
      1 = '1. Hardly at all (1960,1962: not much at all)'  
      2 = '2. Only now and then'  
      3 = '3. Some of the time (1960,1962: fairly closely)'  
      4 = '4. Most of the time (1960,1962: very closely)'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0314F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four positive mentions (likes)'  
      5 = '5. Five positive mentions (likes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0315F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      5 = '5. Five negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0316F
      -5 = '-5. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      5 = '+5. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0317F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      10 = '10. Ten mentions'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0318F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four positive mentions (likes)'  
      5 = '5. Five positive mentions (likes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0319F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      5 = '5. Five negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0320F
      -5 = '-5. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      5 = '+5. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0321F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      10 = '10. Ten mentions'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0322F
      -10 = '-10. Maximum Republican'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      10 = '+10. Maximum Democrat'  
      999 = '999. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0323F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      20 = '20. Twenty mentions'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0324F
      -10 = '-10. Ten Republican mentions, no Democratic'  
      0 = '0. No mentions'  
      10 = '+10. Ten Democratic mentions, no Republican'  
      999 = '999. No Pre IW; form II (1972); form B (1986); form A' ;
   value VCF0338F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0339F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986)'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0340F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986)'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0341F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986)'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0342F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0343F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0344F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0345F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0346F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); no Post IW; R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980,1982 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980-1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0347F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); no Post IW; R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980,1982 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980-1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0348F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); no Post IW; R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980,1982 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980-1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0349F
      0 = '0. Form B (1986); no Post IW; R selected for Post'  
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980,1982 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980-1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0350F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0351F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0352F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0353F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0354F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0355F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0356F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0357F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0358F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0359F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0360F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0361F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0362F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0363F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0364F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0365F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0366F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0367F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0368F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0369F
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Quite well'  
      3 = '3. Not too well'  
      4 = '4. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0370F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0371F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0372F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0373F
      1 = '1. Yes, have felt'  
      2 = '2. No, haven''t felt (1980 only: DK)'  
      8 = '8. DK (exc. 1980,1984)'  
      9 = '9. NA (1984 only: DK)' ;
   value VCF0374F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. RF; NA' ;
   value VCF0375A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0375B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0375C
      9987 = '9987. DK much about party'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0375D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0376B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0376D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0377B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0377D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0378B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0378D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0379B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0379D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0380F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. RF; NA' ;
   value VCF0381A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0381B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0381C
      9987 = '9987. DK much about party'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0381D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0382B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0382D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0383B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0383D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0384B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0384D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0385B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0385D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0386F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. RF; NA' ;
   value VCF0387A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0387B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0387C
      9987 = '9987. DK much about party'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0387D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0388B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0388D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0389B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0389D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0390B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0390D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0391B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0391D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0392F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. RF; NA' ;
   value VCF0393A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0393B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0393C
      9987 = '9987. DK much about party'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0393D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0394B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0394D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0395B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0395D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0396B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0396D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0397B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0397D
      1 = '01. People within party'  
      2 = '02. Government management'  
      3 = '03. Government activity, government philosophy'  
      4 = '04. Domestic policies, welfare and economic'  
      5 = '05. Domestic policies, other'  
      6 = '06. Foreign policy'  
      7 = '07. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      8 = '08. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      9 = '09. General party attitudes/responses'  
      10 = '10. Other' ;
   value VCF0401F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four positive mentions (likes)'  
      5 = '5. Five positive mentions (likes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0402F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      5 = '5. Five negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0403F
      -5 = '-5. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      5 = '+5. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0404F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      10 = '10. Ten mentions'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0405F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four positive mentions (likes)'  
      5 = '5. Five positive mentions (likes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0406F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      5 = '5. Five negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      9 = '9. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0407F
      -5 = '-5. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      5 = '+5. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0408F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      10 = '10. Ten mentions'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0409F
      -10 = '-10. Maximum Republican'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      10 = '+10. Maximum Democratic'  
      999 = '999. No Pre IW; form II (1972)' ;
   value VCF0410F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      20 = '20. Twenty mentions'  
      99 = '99. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0411F
      -10 = '-10. Ten Republican mentions, no Democratic'  
      0 = '0. No mentions'  
      10 = '+10. Ten Democratic mentions, no Republican'  
      999 = '999. No Pre IW; form II (1972); abbrev. IW form' ;
   value VCF0412F
      98 = '98. DK/don''t recognize in VCF0424 or VCF0426'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0413F
      2 = '2. Most Republican'  
      50 = '50. Neutral'  
      99 = '99. Most Democratic'  
      998 = '998. DK/don''t recognize in VCF0424 or VCF0426'  
      999 = '999. NA' ;
   value VCF0414F
      98 = '98. DK/don''t recognize in VCF0425 or VCF0427'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0415F
      2 = '2. Most Republican'  
      50 = '50. Neutral'  
      99 = '99. Most Democratic'  
      998 = '998. DK/don''t recognize in VCF0425 or VCF0427'  
      999 = '999. NA' ;
   value VCF0424F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0425F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0426F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0427F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0428F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0429F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0432F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0433F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0434F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0435F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0436F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1978 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0437F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0438F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0439F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1978 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0440F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0441F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1978 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0442F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1978 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0443F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968); don''t recognize (1978 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0444F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc.1968)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0445F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1984,1986,1988,1994,1996)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0446F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1978 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0447F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0448F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0449F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0450F
      0 = '0. NA; form II (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Approve'  
      2 = '2. Disapprove'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0451F
      0 = '0. NA; form II (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Approve, strongly'  
      2 = '2. Approve, not strongly'  
      3 = '3. Disapprove, not strongly'  
      4 = '4. Disapprove, strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0471F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0472F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0473F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0475F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0476A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0476B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0476C
      9987 = '9987. Don''t know much about candidate'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0476D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0477B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0477D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0478B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0478D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0479B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0479D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0480B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0480D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0481F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0482A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0482B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0482C
      9987 = '9987. Don''t know much about candidate'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0482D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0483B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0483D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0484B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0484D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0485B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0485D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0486B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0486D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0487F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0488A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0488B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0488C
      9987 = '9987. Don''t know much about candidate'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0488D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK ;RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0489B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0489D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0490B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0490D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0491B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0491D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0492B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0492D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0493F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0494A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0494B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0494C
      9987 = '9987. Don''t know much about candidate'  
      9988 = '9988. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      9989 = '9989. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0494D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other'  
      87 = '87. Don''t know much about party/candidate; not involved in'  
      89 = '89. DK; RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF0495B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0495D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0496B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0496D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0497B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0497D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0498B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF0498D
      21 = '21. Experience and abilities'  
      22 = '22. Character and background'  
      23 = '23. Personal attraction'  
      24 = '24. Issues - NA whether domestic or foreign'  
      25 = '25. Stand on domestic policies'  
      26 = '26. Stand on foreign affairs'  
      27 = '27. Bad for/anti/keep in check/cease favoring group or interest'  
      28 = '28. Good for/better for/help to/made up of/fair to group or interest'  
      29 = '29. Candidate as party representative*'  
      30 = '30. Other' ;
   value VCF0501F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; form II,III,IV'  
      1 = '1. No difference'  
      2 = '2. Yes, a difference'  
      9 = '9. DK; yes, a difference but don''t know what (1964,1966);' ;
   value VCF0502F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (1984); form'  
      1 = '1. Yes, Democrats more conservative'  
      2 = '2. Yes, Republicans more conservative'  
      9 = '9. No, both the same; DK; no guess (1970-1976); other' ;
   value VCF0502A
      0 = '0. NA whether one more conservative; yes, one more'  
      1 = '1. Yes, Democrats more conservative'  
      2 = '2. Yes, Republicans more conservative'  
      5 = '5. No, both the same'  
      9 = '9. DK whether one more conservative; yes, one more' ;
   value VCF0503F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA self-placement (1984-1996);'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate, middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0504F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA self-placement (1984-1996);'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate, middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0507F
      0 = '0. NA; no opinion for R''s opinion on this'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      2 = '2. No difference'  
      3 = '3. Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK which party'  
      9 = '9. NA party placement' ;
   value VCF0508F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK self-placement(1972,'  
      1 = '1. Government insurance plan'  
      7 = '7. Private insurance plan'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0509F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK self-placement (1972,'  
      1 = '1. Government insurance plan'  
      7 = '7. Private insurance plan'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0512F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/no opinion for self-'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      2 = '2. No difference'  
      3 = '3. Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK which party' ;
   value VCF0513F
      0 = '0. DK/NA/haven''t thought much about self-'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on his own'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement'  
      9 = '9. NA party placement' ;
   value VCF0514F
      0 = '0. DK/NA/haven''t thought much about self-'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on his own'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement'  
      9 = '9. NA party placement' ;
   value VCF0517F
      0 = '0. DK self-placement (1972-1984,1990,1994); NA'  
      1 = '1. Government should help minority groups'  
      7 = '7. Minority groups should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement'  
      9 = '9. NA party placement' ;
   value VCF0518F
      0 = '0. DK self-placement (1972-1984,1990,1994); NA'  
      1 = '1. Government should help minority groups'  
      7 = '7. Minority groups should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement'  
      9 = '9. NA party placement' ;
   value VCF0521F
      0 = '0. Filter response is that R has no opinion/interest for'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      2 = '2. No difference'  
      3 = '3. Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK which party' ;
   value VCF0521A
      0 = '0. R''s own opinion is: thinks govt. not getting too'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      2 = '2. No difference'  
      3 = '3. Republicans'  
      9 = '9. DK which party; no opinion' ;
   value VCF0522F
      0 = '0. NA; Form II (1972); no Pre IW; question not'  
      1 = '1. Better by Democrats'  
      2 = '2. Same by both'  
      3 = '3. Better by Republicans'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends (1972); neither (2000)' ;
   value VCF0523F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form II,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      2 = '2. Not much difference'  
      3 = '3. Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0524F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; NA/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Protect rights of accused'  
      7 = '7. Stop crime regardless of rights of accused'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0525F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; NA/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Protect rights of accused'  
      7 = '7. Stop crime regardless of rights of accused'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0528F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Solve problems of poverty and unemployment'  
      7 = '7. Use all available force'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0529F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Solve problems of poverty and unemployment'  
      7 = '7. Use all available force'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0533F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Bus to achieve integration'  
      7 = '7. Keep children in neighborhood schools'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0534F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Bus to achieve integration'  
      7 = '7. Keep children in neighborhood schools'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0537F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0538F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0541F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government should provide many fewer services: reduce'  
      7 = '7. Government should provide many more services: increase'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0542F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government should provide many fewer services: reduce'  
      7 = '7. Government should provide many more services: increase'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0545F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Cooperate more/get along with Russia'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher/big mistake'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0546F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/NA/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Cooperate more/get along with Russia'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher/big mistake'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0549F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0550F
      0 = '0. NA party placement; DK/haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      8 = '8. DK party placement' ;
   value VCF0601F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Disapprove'  
      2 = '2. Pro-con, depends, don''t know'  
      3 = '3. Approve' ;
   value VCF0602F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Disapprove'  
      2 = '2. Pro-con, depends, don''t know'  
      3 = '3. Approve' ;
   value VCF0603F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Disapprove'  
      2 = '2. Pro-con, depends, don''t know'  
      3 = '3. Approve' ;
   value VCF0604F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984: See'  
      1 = '1. None of the time (VOLUNTEERED); almost never (1966'  
      2 = '2. Some of the time'  
      3 = '3. Most of the time'  
      4 = '4. Just about always'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends' ;
   value VCF0605F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984: See'  
      1 = '1. Few big interests'  
      2 = '2. Benefit of all'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; depends; other; refused to choose; both' ;
   value VCF0606F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984: See'  
      1 = '1. A lot'  
      2 = '2. Some'  
      3 = '3. Not very much'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0607F
      0 = '0. MD; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Don''t know what they''re doing'  
      2 = '2. Know what they''re doing'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; depends; other; refused to choose; both' ;
   value VCF0608F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984: See'  
      1 = '1. Quite a few; quite a lot (1958-1972)'  
      2 = '2. Not many'  
      3 = '3. Hardly any'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0609F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; form B (1986)'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree (1988 and later only)'  
      9 = '9. DK; not sure; it depends; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0610F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      9 = '9. DK; it depends; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0611F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      9 = '9. DK; it depends; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0612F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say;' ;
   value VCF0613F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree (1988 and later only)'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0614F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree (1988 and later only)'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0615F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; IW conducted prior to addition'  
      1 = '1. Agree (2000: agree strongly/somewhat)'  
      2 = '2. Disagree (2000: disagree strongly/somewhat)'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree (2000, 2002 only)'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0616F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree (1988, 1990, 1992 only)'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0617F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0618F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0619F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Can''t be too careful'  
      2 = '2. Most people can be trusted'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; both; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0620F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Just look out for themselves'  
      2 = '2. Try to be helpful'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; both; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0621F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Would take advantage'  
      2 = '2. Would try to be fair'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; both; can''t say; refused to say' ;
   value VCF0622F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Not much'  
      2 = '2. Some'  
      3 = '3. A good deal'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; can''t say' ;
   value VCF0623F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV 1972)'  
      1 = '1. Not much'  
      2 = '2. Some'  
      3 = '3. A good deal'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; can''t say' ;
   value VCF0624F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Not much'  
      2 = '2. Some'  
      3 = '3. A good deal'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; can''t say' ;
   value VCF0625F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form 2 whites (1970); form'  
      1 = '1. Not much'  
      2 = '2. Some'  
      3 = '3. A good deal'  
      9 = '9. DK; other; depends; can''t say' ;
   value VCF0626F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Have to change plans'  
      2 = '2. Things work out as expected'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; it depends; both other; refused to choose' ;
   value VCF0627F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Too much luck to plan'  
      2 = '2. Plan ahead'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; it depends; both; other; refused to' ;
   value VCF0628F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Haven''t been sure'  
      2 = '2. Pretty sure'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; it depends; both; other; refused to' ;
   value VCF0629F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Problems of life too big'  
      2 = '2. Can run own life'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; it depends; both; other; refused to' ;
   value VCF0630F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form I,III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. National government'  
      2 = '2. State government'  
      3 = '3. Local government'  
      9 = '9. DK; none; all; other; depends; refuses to choose;' ;
   value VCF0631F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form I,III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. National government'  
      2 = '2. State government'  
      3 = '3. Local government'  
      9 = '9. DK; none; all; other; depends; refuses to choose;' ;
   value VCF0632F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form I,III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Congress'  
      2 = '2. Supreme Court'  
      3 = '3. President'  
      4 = '4. Political parties'  
      9 = '9. DK; all; none' ;
   value VCF0633F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form I,III,IV (1972); answered'  
      1 = '1. Congress'  
      2 = '2. Supreme Court'  
      3 = '3. President'  
      4 = '4. Political parties'  
      9 = '9. DK; all; none' ;
   value VCF0634F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form I,III,IV (1972); answered'  
      1 = '1. Congress'  
      2 = '2. Supreme Court'  
      3 = '3. President'  
      4 = '4. Political parties'  
      9 = '9. DK; all; none' ;
   value VCF0640F
      0 = '0. R has not identified any problem'  
      1 = '1. Good job'  
      3 = '3. Only fair'  
      5 = '5. Poor job'  
      8 = '8. Don''t know'  
      9 = '9. NA; R not selected (1996,2000); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF0648F
      0 = '0. Least efficacious'  
      100 = '100. Most efficacious'  
      999 = '999. Not scored in both VCF0609 and VCF0613' ;
   value VCF0649F
      0 = '0. Least responsive'  
      100 = '100. Most responsive'  
      999 = '999. Not scored in both VCF0622 and VCF0624' ;
   value VCF0650F
      0 = '0. Very poor job'  
      2 = '2. Poor job'  
      4 = '4. Fair job'  
      6 = '6. Good job'  
      8 = '8. Very good job'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven''t thought about it;' ;
   value VCF0651F
      0 = '0. Very poor job'  
      2 = '2. Poor job'  
      4 = '4. Fair job'  
      6 = '6. Good job'  
      8 = '8. Very good job'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven''t thought about it;' ;
   value VCF0652F
      0 = '0. Very poor job'  
      2 = '2. Poor job'  
      4 = '4. Fair job'  
      6 = '6. Good job'  
      8 = '8. Very good job'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven''t thought about it;' ;
   value VCF0653F
      0 = '0. Very poor job'  
      2 = '2. Poor job'  
      4 = '4. Fair job'  
      6 = '6. Good job'  
      8 = '8. Very good job'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven''t thought about it;' ;
   value VCF0654F
      0 = '0. Very poor job'  
      2 = '2. Poor job'  
      4 = '4. Fair job'  
      6 = '6. Good job'  
      8 = '8. Very good job'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven''t thought about it;' ;
   value VCF0655F
      0 = '0. Very poor job'  
      2 = '2. Poor job'  
      4 = '4. Fair job'  
      6 = '6. Good job'  
      8 = '8. Very good job'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven''t thought about it;' ;
   value VCF0656F
      0 = '0. Least trusting'  
      100 = '100. Most trusting'  
      999 = '999. Not scored in all of: VCF0604, VCF0605, VCF0606,' ;
   value VCF0675F
      1 = '1. Just about always'  
      2 = '2. Most of the time'  
      3 = '3. Only some of the time'  
      4 = '4. Almost never'  
      5 = '5. None of the time [VOL]'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0700F
      1 = '1. Democratic candidate'  
      2 = '2. Republican candidate'  
      7 = '7. Other candidate'  
      8 = '8. DK; depends'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Pre IW' ;
   value VCF0701F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Pre IW; form II (1972)'  
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes' ;
   value VCF0702F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; refused to say if voted;'  
      1 = '1. No, did not vote'  
      2 = '2. Yes, voted' ;
   value VCF0703F
      0 = '0. DK/NA if voted; DK/NA whether registered (includes'  
      1 = '1. Not registered, and did not vote'  
      2 = '2. Registered, but did not vote'  
      3 = '3. Voted (registered)' ;
   value VCF0704F
      0 = '0. Did not vote; DK/NA if voted; refused to say if'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican'  
      3 = '3. Major third party candidate (Wallace 1968/Anderson' ;
   value VCF0704A
      0 = '0. Did not vote; DK/NA if voted; refused to say if'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican' ;
   value VCF0705F
      0 = '0. Did not vote; DK/NA if voted; refused to say if'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican'  
      3 = '3. Other (incl. 3d/minor party candidates and write-ins)' ;
   value VCF0706F
      0 = '0. DK/NA if voted; refused to say if voted; DK/NA if'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican'  
      3 = '3. Major third party candidate (Wallace 1968/Anderson'  
      4 = '4. Other (incl. 3d/minor party candidates and write-ins)'  
      7 = '7. Did not vote or voted but not for president (exc.1972)' ;
   value VCF0707F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; R did not vote; R refused to say if'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican' ;
   value VCF0708F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; R did not vote; refused to say if voted;'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican' ;
   value VCF0709F
      0 = '0. DK/NA who voted for in presidential or congressional'  
      1 = '1. Dem. Pres. - Dem. Congressional'  
      2 = '2. Dem. Pres. - Rep. Congressional'  
      3 = '3. Rep. Pres. - Dem. Congressional'  
      4 = '4. Rep. Pres. - Rep. Congressional' ;
   value VCF0710F
      0 = '0. DK/NA who voted for in presidential or congressional'  
      1 = '1. Dem. Pres. - Dem. Senate'  
      2 = '2. Dem. Pres. - Rep. Senate'  
      3 = '3. Rep. Pres. - Dem. Senate'  
      4 = '4. Rep. Pres. - Rep. Senate' ;
   value VCF0711F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Pre IW; R has never voted'  
      1 = '1. Different party'  
      2 = '2. Same party; mostly same party (1952-1970)' ;
   value VCF0712F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; unspecified ''other''; R did not vote; DK/NA'  
      1 = '1. Knew all along (incl.: always vote for same party;'  
      2 = '2. When candidate announced (exc. 1948)'  
      3 = '3. During conventions'  
      4 = '4. Post-convention period'  
      5 = '5. Last two weeks of campaign'  
      6 = '6. On election day' ;
   value VCF0713F
      0 = '0. DK (1964 only); NA; no Pre IW; DK/NA/RF (1952'  
      1 = '1. Democratic candidate (with or without qualifications,'  
      2 = '2. Republican candidate (with or without qualifications,'  
      3 = '3. Undecided; DK (except 1964)'  
      4 = '4. R does not intend to vote (incl. ''no, qualified'' if'  
      9 = '9. Other candidate' ;
   value VCF0714F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; R replies DK who will win'  
      1 = '1. Will win by quite a bit'  
      2 = '2. Close race'  
      9 = '9. DK; pro-con; depends; etc.' ;
   value VCF0715F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; R did not vote; DK, NA if voted; refused to'  
      1 = '1. Straight ticket - Democratic'  
      2 = '2. Split ticket - mostly Democratic'  
      3 = '3. Split ticket - about half and half, NA how split'  
      4 = '4. Split ticket - mostly Republican'  
      5 = '5. Straight ticket - Republican' ;
   value VCF0716F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; R did not vote; DK, NA if voted; refused to'  
      1 = '1. Split-ticket'  
      2 = '2. Straight ticket' ;
   value VCF0717F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes' ;
   value VCF0718F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes' ;
   value VCF0719F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes' ;
   value VCF0720F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes' ;
   value VCF0721F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No (includes ''not asked for money'' in 1966,1968)'  
      2 = '2. Yes (includes ''tax check-off'' in 1976)' ;
   value VCF0722F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes' ;
   value VCF0723F
      0 = '0. DK/NA in all questions; no Post IW; form III,IV'  
      1 = '1. Lowest level of participation (none)'  
      6 = '6. Highest level of participation in campaign activities' ;
   value VCF0723A
      0 = '0. DK/NA in all questions; no Post IW; form III,IV'  
      1 = '1. Lowest level of participation (none)'  
      4 = '4. Highest level of participation in campaign activities' ;
   value VCF0724F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No, didn''t watch TV programs about the campaign'  
      2 = '2. Yes, watched TV program(s) about the campaign [a' ;
   value VCF0725F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No, didn''t listen to radio programs about campaign'  
      2 = '2. Yes, listened to radio program(s) [quite a lot' ;
   value VCF0726F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No, didn''t read magazines about the campaign'  
      2 = '2. Yes, read magazine(s) [quite a lot (1952), not very' ;
   value VCF0727F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No, read no newspapers about the campaign'  
      2 = '2. Yes, read newspaper(s) about the campaign' ;
   value VCF0728F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. No media'  
      5 = '5. All four media' ;
   value VCF0729F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. Incorrect party mentioned; DK; No'  
      2 = '2. Correct party mentioned' ;
   value VCF0730F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972);'  
      1 = '1. Incorrect party mentioned; DK; No'  
      2 = '2. Correct party mentioned' ;
   value VCF0731F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0732F
      1 = '1. Every day'  
      2 = '2. 3 or 4 times a week'  
      3 = '3. Once or twice a week'  
      4 = '4. Less often'  
      5 = '5. Never/No (to lead-in)'  
      9 = '9. DK/NA how often; DK/NA if ever discuss; no Post' ;
   value VCF0733F
      0 = '0. None or never discuss politics (''no'' to lead-in)'  
      1 = '1. One day'  
      2 = '2. Two days'  
      3 = '3. Three days'  
      4 = '4. Four days'  
      5 = '5. Five days'  
      6 = '6. Six days'  
      7 = '7. Every day'  
      9 = '9. DK/NA how often; DK/NA if ever discuss; NA how often' ;
   value VCF0734F
      0 = '0. NA who will vote for; no Pre IW; no Post IW;'  
      1 = '1. INTENDED Democratic: voted Democratic'  
      2 = '2. INTENDED undecided: voted Democratic;'  
      3 = '3. INTENDED Republican: voted Democratic'  
      4 = '4. INTENDED Democratic: did not vote/voted ''other'''  
      5 = '5. INTENDED undecided: did not vote/voted ''other'''  
      6 = '6. INTENDED Republican: did not vote/voted ''other'''  
      7 = '7. INTENDED Democratic: voted Republican'  
      8 = '8. INTENDED undecided: voted Republican; INTENDED'  
      9 = '9. INTENDED Republican: voted Republican' ;
   value VCF0735F
      0 = '00. R did not vote; NA/DK if voted; refused to say if'  
      31 = '31. Democratic candidate'  
      32 = '32. Republican candidate'  
      33 = '33. Democratic incumbent'  
      34 = '34. Republican incumbent'  
      35 = '35. Democratic candidate'  
      36 = '36. Republican candidate'  
      39 = '39. Independent/minor party incumbent'  
      71 = '71. Democratic incumbent in district with 2 incumbents (2012)'  
      72 = '72. Republican incumbent in district with 2 incumbents (2012)'  
      81 = '81. Democratic candidate'  
      82 = '82. Republican candidate'  
      83 = '83. Democratic incumbent'  
      84 = '84. Republican incumbent'  
      85 = '85. Democratic challenger'  
      86 = '86. Republican challenger'  
      91 = '91. DEMOCRAT -- no name given'  
      92 = '92. REPUBLICAN--no name given'  
      97 = '97. Non-incumbent minor party candidate; non-incumbent'  
      98 = '98. DK; refused to name candidate'  
      99 = '99. NA; District of Columbia (1982,1986,1996);' ;
   value VCF0736F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; R did not vote; R refused to say if'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      5 = '5. Republican'  
      7 = '7. Other' ;
   value VCF0737F
      1 = '1. No'  
      2 = '2. Yes (includes Rs who reported voting)'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington, D.C.; NA if R' ;
   value VCF0738F
      0 = '0. R was not registered'  
      1 = '1. Democratic party'  
      5 = '5. Republican party'  
      6 = '6. Voters: not required to declare party (VOLUNTEERED);'  
      7 = '7. Independent'  
      8 = '8. Other party'  
      9 = '9. DK; absentee voter; NA; nonvoter who declares' ;
   value VCF0738A
      0 = '0. R was not registered'  
      1 = '1. Democratic party'  
      5 = '5. Republican party'  
      6 = '6. No party/none (1976 also includes: none required)'  
      8 = '8. Other'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; DK/NA if R registered; form II (1972)' ;
   value VCF0739F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF0740F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF0741F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF0742F
      0 = '0. DK; NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF0743F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0744F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0745F
      0 = '0. R does not have access'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; DK/NA if has access; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0746F
      1 = '1. Yes, there were groups'  
      5 = '5. No, no groups tried to encourage'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0747F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No, no information available'  
      7 = '7. No, don''t attend church [VOL]'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0748F
      1 = '1. On election day'  
      5 = '5. Some time before'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; R did not vote; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0749F
      1 = '01. Less than one week, 1-6 days'  
      2 = '02. One week; 7 days'  
      3 = '03. 1-2 weeks; 8-14 days'  
      4 = '04. 2-3 weeks; 15-21 days'  
      5 = '05. 3-4 weeks; 22-28 days'  
      6 = '06. One month; 29-31 days'  
      7 = '07. More than one month; 32-60 days'  
      11 = '11. A few days; a couple of days; several days -- NFS'  
      12 = '12. A few weeks; a couple of weeks; several weeks -- NFS'  
      91 = '91. More than a few days -- NFS'  
      92 = '92. More than a few weeks --NFS'  
      97 = '97. Other'  
      99 = '99. DK; NA; R did not vote; R did not vote before' ;
   value VCF0750F
      1 = '1. In person'  
      5 = '5. Absentee ballot'  
      7 = '7. R volunteers: by mail [OREGON ONLY]'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; R did not vote; R did not vote prior to' ;
   value VCF0801F
      0 = '00. Most liberal'  
      49 = '49. Neutral'  
      97 = '97. Most conservative'  
      98 = '98. DK in VCF0211 or VCF0212; don''t recognize OR can''t'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)' ;
   value VCF0803F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972); R not'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate, middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0804F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form III,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Liberal'  
      2 = '2. Moderate, middle of the road'  
      3 = '3. Conservative'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0805F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW'  
      1 = '1. Opinion: help people get doctors and hospital care at'  
      2 = '2. Opinion: stay out of this'  
      9 = '9. No opinion; DK; not sure; depends; no interest; both;' ;
   value VCF0806F
      0 = '0. NA; Form II (1972); version NEW (2008); no Post IW;'  
      1 = '1. Government insurance plan'  
      7 = '7. Private insurance plan'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0808F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Yes, government should see to it that every person'  
      2 = '2. Yes, should let each person get ahead on his own'  
      9 = '9. Depends; other; both; no opinion; DK; no interest;' ;
   value VCF0809F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form A (1986); version NEW (2008);'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on his own'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0811F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form I,III (1972); short'  
      1 = '1. Solve problems of poverty and unemployment'  
      7 = '7. Use all available force'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0813F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (1984); form A'  
      1 = '1. Not much at all'  
      2 = '2. Some'  
      3 = '3. A lot'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends' ;
   value VCF0814F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (1984); form A'  
      1 = '1. Too slowly'  
      2 = '2. About right (1968 only: pro-con)'  
      3 = '3. Too fast'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; other' ;
   value VCF0815F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. Desegregation'  
      2 = '2. In between'  
      3 = '3. Strict segregation'  
      9 = '9. Don''t know' ;
   value VCF0816F
      0 = '0. NA; Form A (1986); form B (1990); no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Yes, R has an opinion: see to it that white and black'  
      2 = '2. Yes, R has an opinion: stay out of this area (except'  
      9 = '9. No, no opinion; DK; depends; no interest/concern;' ;
   value VCF0817F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (1984: See VCF0015)'  
      1 = '1. Bus to achieve integration'  
      7 = '7. Keep children in neighborhood schools'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0818F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree but not very strongly'  
      3 = '3. Not sure; depends; DK; no opinion'  
      4 = '4. Disagree but not very strongly'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0819F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. White people have a right to keep Negroes out of their'  
      2 = '2. Negroes have a right to live wherever they can afford'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; can''t decide; both' ;
   value VCF0820F
      0 = '0. NA; no whites in R''s area; Rs erroneously not'  
      1 = '1. None of them'  
      2 = '2. Less than half'  
      3 = '3. About half'  
      4 = '4. Most of them'  
      5 = '5. All of them'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0821F
      0 = '0. NA; no Blacks in R''s area'  
      1 = '1. None of them'  
      2 = '2. Less than half'  
      3 = '3. About half'  
      4 = '4. Most of them'  
      5 = '5. All of them'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0822F
      0 = '0. NA; Form II,III,IV (1972); no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Poor job'  
      2 = '2. Only fair'  
      3 = '3. Good job'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0823F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; telephone IW (1984:'  
      1 = '1. Agree (1956-1960: incl. ''agree strongly'' and ''agree'  
      2 = '2. Disagree (1956-1960: incl. ''disagree strongly'' and'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; not sure; no opinion, can''t say; refused' ;
   value VCF0824F
      0 = '0. R has made choice on 7pt scale VCF0803'  
      1 = '1. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Moderate (''middle of the road'')'  
      5 = '5. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. R refuses to choose'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA in either question; technical error (2020)' ;
   value VCF0825F
      0 = '0. NA; Form II (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Less likely'  
      2 = '2. About the same chances'  
      3 = '3. More likely'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends' ;
   value VCF0826F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; refused to answer'  
      1 = '1. No, should have stayed out'  
      2 = '2. Yes, did right thing'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. Depends (1964-1972); both (1964-1972); other (1964,' ;
   value VCF0827F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Pull out entirely'  
      2 = '2. Keep trying to get a peaceful settlement (1952); keep'  
      3 = '3. Take a stronger stand (1952: and bomb Manchuria and'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; pro-con; no opinion; other; have not paid' ;
   value VCF0827A
      0 = '0. Haven''t thought much about it (1972 only)'  
      1 = '1. Immediate withdrawal'  
      7 = '7. Complete military victory'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; assigned to Post administration' ;
   value VCF0828F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form II,IV (1972)'  
      1 = '1. Cut military spending'  
      2 = '2. Continue spending at least at present level'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; pro-con; other' ;
   value VCF0829F
      0 = '0. NA; Form I (1972); no Post IW; telephone IW'  
      1 = '1. Opinion: the government has not gotten too strong'  
      2 = '2. Opinion: the government is getting too powerful'  
      9 = '9. DK; depends; other; pro-con; no interest; no opinion' ;
   value VCF0830F
      0 = '0. NA; telephone IW (2000); no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Government should help minority groups/blacks'  
      7 = '7. Minority groups/ blacks should help themselves'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0832F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Protect rights of accused'  
      7 = '7. Stop crime regardless of rights of accused'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0833F
      1 = '1. Approve'  
      5 = '5. Disapprove'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0834F
      0 = '0. NA; version NEW (2008); telephone IW (2000)'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0836F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW or Post is not form B (1952: see'  
      1 = '1. Agree (1952: incl. ''agree quite a bit'' and ''agree a'  
      2 = '2. Disagree (1952: incl. ''disagree quite a bit'' and'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0837F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Abortion should never be permitted'  
      2 = '2. Abortion should be permitted only if the life and'  
      3 = '3. Abortion should be permitted if, due to personal'  
      4 = '4. Abortion should never be forbidden, since one should'  
      9 = '9. DK; other' ;
   value VCF0838F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; version NEW (2008)'  
      1 = '1. By law, abortion should never be permitted'  
      2 = '2. The law should permit abortion only in case of rape,'  
      3 = '3. The law should permit abortion for reasons other than'  
      4 = '4. By law, a woman should always be able to obtain an'  
      9 = '9. DK; other' ;
   value VCF0839F
      0 = '0. NA; version NEW (2008); telephone IW (2000)'  
      1 = '1. Government should provide many fewer services: reduce'  
      7 = '7. Government should provide many more services: increase'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0840F
      1 = '1. Favor'  
      5 = '5. Oppose'  
      8 = '8. DK; other (1994,1998)'  
      9 = '9. NA; short version or Spanish language' ;
   value VCF0841F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW'  
      1 = '1. Cooperate more/try to get along with Russia'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher/big mistake to try to get along'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0842F
      0 = '0. NA; telephone IW (2000)'  
      1 = '1. Much tougher regulations to protet the environment'  
      7 = '7. Regulations already too much of a burden on business'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0843F
      0 = '0. NA; version NEW (2008); telephone IW (2000)'  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      9 = '9. DK; haven''t thought much about it' ;
   value VCF0844F
      1 = '1. Extremely willing'  
      2 = '2. Very willing'  
      3 = '3. Somewhat willing'  
      4 = '4. Not very willing'  
      5 = '5. Never willing'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0845F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984, see'  
      1 = '1. The Bible is God''s word and all it says is true'  
      2 = '2. The Bible was written by men inspired by God but it'  
      3 = '3. The Bible is a good book because it was written by'  
      4 = '4. The Bible was written by men who lived so long ago'  
      9 = '9. DK; other' ;
   value VCF0846F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984, see'  
      1 = '1. Yes, important'  
      2 = '2. Little to no importance'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0847F
      0 = '0. NA; DK/NA if religion important in R''s life;'  
      1 = '1. Some'  
      2 = '2. Quite a bit'  
      3 = '3. A great deal'  
      5 = '5. Religion not important'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0848F
      0 = '0. NA; no Pre IW; no Post IW; form B (1986); form'  
      1 = '1. Not worried'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat worried'  
      3 = '3. Very worried (1956-1982: pretty worried)'  
      9 = '9. DK' ;
   value VCF0848A
      1 = '1. Not worried'  
      3 = '3. Somewhat worried'  
      5 = '5. Very worried'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form A (1990); no Post IW; personal IW' ;
   value VCF0849F
      0 = '0. NA to follow-up; R not administered 7pt scale'  
      1 = '1. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Moderate (''middle of the road'')'  
      5 = '5. Conservative'  
      6 = '6. Refuses to choose (in follow-up [exc. 1988'  
      9 = '9. NA to entire question' ;
   value VCF0850F
      0 = '0. NA; form B (1990); short form or Spanish language'  
      1 = '1. The Bible is the actual Word of God and is to be'  
      2 = '2. The Bible is the Word of God but not everything in'  
      3 = '3. The Bible is a book written by men and is not the'  
      9 = '9. Other; DK' ;
   value VCF0851F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0852F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0853F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0854F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0860F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0861F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0862F
      0 = '0. NA; no junior high in area (1964,1968)'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0863F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0864F
      0 = '0. NA; R doesn''t work; R works alone (1968,1972)'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0865F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0866F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. All white'  
      2 = '2. Mostly white'  
      3 = '3. About half and half'  
      4 = '4. Mostly Negro/black'  
      5 = '5. All Negro/black'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0867F
      1 = '1. For'  
      5 = '5. Against'  
      8 = '8. DK; 1990-1994: refused; 1996 and later: other'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form A (1986); form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0867A
      1 = '1. Favor strongly'  
      2 = '2. Favor not strongly'  
      4 = '4. Oppose not strongly'  
      5 = '5. Oppose strongly'  
      7 = '7. DK if favor/oppose; 1990-1994: refused; 1996 and'  
      8 = '8. Favor/oppose but DK if strongly or not strongly'  
      9 = '9. NA if strongly or not strongly; NA whether favor' ;
   value VCF0870F
      0 = '0. NA'  
      1 = '1. Better'  
      3 = '3. Stayed same'  
      5 = '5. Worse'  
      8 = '8. DK' ;
   value VCF0871F
      0 = '0. DK/NA if better or worse'  
      1 = '1. Much better'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat better'  
      3 = '3. Stayed same'  
      4 = '4. Somewhat worse'  
      5 = '5. Much worse'  
      8 = '8. DK much or somewhat better/worse'  
      9 = '9. NA much or somewhat better/worse' ;
   value VCF0872F
      1 = '1. Get better'  
      3 = '3. Stay about the same'  
      5 = '5. Get worse'  
      8 = '8. DK; RF; depends (1990); version F (2008)'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0873F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; short form or spanish-language' ;
   value VCF0875F
      0 = '00. None; ''there were no issues;'' ''there was no campaign'  
      1 = '01. AGRICULTURAL'  
      5 = '05. LABOR ISSUES'  
      6 = '06. NATURAL RESOURCES'  
      7 = '07. PUBLIC ORDER'  
      8 = '08. RACIAL PROBLEMS'  
      9 = '09. SOCIAL WELFARE'  
      97 = '97. Other problems (incl. specific campaign issues)'  
      98 = '98. DK (exc. 1960,1964,1966)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984);' ;
   value VCF0875A
      0 = '000. no Post IW; Form I,III,IV (1972)'  
      991 = '991. 1968: No problem mentioned; no second or third'  
      996 = '996. No mentions, DK (1960,1964)'  
      997 = '997. No problem mentioned, DK (1966); no second or third'  
      998 = '998. DK (1968,1970,1972)'  
      999 = '999. NA (1960,1964,1966,1968,1970,1972)' ;
   value VCF0875B
      0 = '000. no Post IW; R not selected for half-sample'  
      990 = '990. Other specific mentions of important problems'  
      995 = '995. ''There were no issues''; ''there were no issues, just'  
      996 = '996. ''There was no campaign in my district'''  
      998 = '998. DK'  
      999 = '999. NA' ;
   value VCF0876F
      1 = '1. Favor'  
      5 = '5. Oppose'  
      8 = '8. DK; depends (1988)'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0876A
      1 = '1. Favor strongly'  
      2 = '2. Favor not strongly'  
      4 = '4. Oppose not strongly'  
      5 = '5. Oppose strongly'  
      7 = '7. DK if favor or oppose; depends (1988); DK if'  
      9 = '9. NA if favor or oppose; NA if favor/oppose' ;
   value VCF0877F
      1 = '1. Yes, think so'  
      5 = '5. Don''t think so'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0877A
      1 = '1. Feel strongly should be allowed'  
      2 = '2. Feel not strongly should be allowed'  
      4 = '4. Feel not strongly should not be allowed'  
      5 = '5. Feel strongly should not be allowed'  
      7 = '7. DK if favor or oppose; depends (1988); DK if'  
      9 = '9. NA if favor or oppose; NA if favor/oppose' ;
   value VCF0878F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0879F
      1 = '1. Increased a lot'  
      2 = '2. Increased a little'  
      3 = '3. Same as now'  
      4 = '4. Decreased a little'  
      5 = '5. Decreased a lot'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0879A
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      3 = '3. Same as now'  
      5 = '5. Decreased'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF0880F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form II,III,IV (1972); R'  
      1 = '1. Better Now'  
      2 = '2. Same (2004: Volunteered)'  
      3 = '3. Worse Now'  
      9 = '9. DK; uncertain; depends' ;
   value VCF0880A
      1 = '1. Much better'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat better'  
      3 = '3. Same'  
      4 = '4. Somewhat worse'  
      5 = '5. Much worse'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK/NA if better or worse in past year;' ;
   value VCF0880B
      1 = '1. Getting better'  
      3 = '3. Stayed the same'  
      5 = '5. Getting worse'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF0881F
      0 = '0. NA; Form B (1986); no Pre IW; no Post IW; form'  
      1 = '1. Better off (1956-1960,1964: get better)'  
      2 = '2. Same (1956-1960,1964: stay the way it is)'  
      3 = '3. Worse off (1956-1960,1964: get worse)'  
      9 = '9. DK; both; uncertain' ;
   value VCF0886F
      1 = '1.   Increased'  
      2 = '2.   Same'  
      3 = '3.   Decreased (before 2012: or cut out entirely)'  
      8 = '8.   DK'  
      9 = '9.   NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0887F
      1 = '1.   Increased'  
      2 = '2.   Same'  
      3 = '3.   Decreased (before 2012: or cut out entirely)'  
      8 = '8.   DK'  
      9 = '9.   NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0888F
      1 = '1.   Increased'  
      2 = '2.   Same'  
      3 = '3.   Decreased (before 2012: or cut out entirely)'  
      8 = '8.   DK'  
      9 = '9.   NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0889F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased or cut out entirely'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0890F
      1 = '1.   Increased'  
      2 = '2.   Same'  
      3 = '3.   Decreased (before 2012: or cut out entirely)'  
      8 = '8.   DK'  
      9 = '9.   NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0891F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased or cut out entirely'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0892F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased or cut out entirely'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0893F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased or cut out entirely'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0894F
      1 = '1.   Increased'  
      2 = '2.   Same'  
      3 = '3.   Decreased (before 2012: or cut out entirely)'  
      8 = '8.   DK'  
      9 = '9.   NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0900F
      0 = '00. NA; wrong district identified'  
      98 = '98. At large district'  
      99 = '99. District of Columbia' ;
   value VCF0900B
      9999 = '9999. 00,98,99 in VCF0900 or 00,99 in VCF0901a' ;
   value VCF0901A
      0 = '00. Wrong district identified (2000)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0902F
      0 = '00. Washington D.C.; California (1974 only, due to redistricting type of race could not be determined); wrong district i'  
      12 = '12. Democratic incumbent running--Republican challenger'  
      13 = '13. Democratic incumbent--other challenger'  
      14 = '14. Democratic incumbent running--unopposed'  
      19 = '19. Democratic incumbent running--Republican challenger and others'  
      21 = '21. Republican incumbent running--Democratic challenger'  
      23 = '23. Republican incumbent--other challenger'  
      24 = '24. Republican incumbent running--unopposed'  
      29 = '29. Republican incumbent running--Democratic challenger and others'  
      31 = '31. Other incumbent running--Democratic challenger'  
      32 = '32. Other incumbent running--Republican challenger'  
      34 = '34. Other incumbent running--unopposed'  
      35 = '35. Other incumbent running--Democratic and Republican challengers'  
      36 = '36. Other incumbent running--Republican and other challengers'  
      37 = '37. Other incumbent running--Democratic and other challengers'  
      39 = '39. Other incumbent running -- Democratic, Republican, other challengers'  
      40 = '40. Democratic and Republican incumbents running--no other candidate (see note)'  
      41 = '41. Two Democratic incumbents running (see note)'  
      45 = '45. Two Republican incumbents running (see note)'  
      49 = '49. Democratic and Republican incumbents running--other candidate (see note)'  
      51 = '51. No incumbent Repr. running--Democratic candidate unopposed'  
      52 = '52. No incumbent Repr. running--Republican candidate unopposed'  
      53 = '53. No incumbent Repr. running--other candidate unopposed'  
      55 = '55. No incumbent Repr. running--Democratic and Republican candidates'  
      56 = '56. No incumbent Repr. running--Republican and other candidates'  
      57 = '57. No incumbent Repr. running--Democratic and other candidates'  
      59 = '59. No incumbent Repr. running--Democratic and Republican and other candidates'  
      83 = '83. No identifiable incumbent, Democratic cand in open race due to redistricting'  
      84 = '84. No identifiable incumbent, Republican cand in open race due to redistricting'  
      85 = '85. No identifiable incumbent, Dem and Rep cands in open race due to redistricting'  
      89 = '89. No identifiable incumbent, Dem, Rep and other cands in open race due to redistricting'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF0903F
      1 = '1. US House Representative is running for re-election in'  
      2 = '2. US House Representative is NOT running for re-'  
      9 = '9. no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984);' ;
   value VCF0904F
      0 = '0. No incumbent running in CD'  
      1 = '1. Running incumbent is unopposed'  
      2 = '2. Running incumbent is opposed'  
      9 = '9. Washington D.C.; no Post IW; wrong district' ;
   value VCF0905F
      1 = '1. Major party candidate, unopposed by 2nd major party candidate'  
      2 = '2. Two or more major party candidates'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984);' ;
   value VCF0906F
      990 = '990. No Democratic candidate'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; wrong' ;
   value VCF0907F
      990 = '990. No Republican candidate'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; wrong' ;
   value VCF0908F
      990 = '990. Incumbent is not running'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; wrong' ;
   value VCF0909F
      990 = '990. Incumbent is unopposed or not running'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; wrong' ;
   value VCF0910F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact at all'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbreviated IW (1984);' ;
   value VCF0911F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911-917;' ;
   value VCF0912F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911-917;' ;
   value VCF0913F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911-VCF0917;' ;
   value VCF0914F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911-VCF0917;' ;
   value VCF0915F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911-VCF917;' ;
   value VCF0916F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911' ;
   value VCF0917F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0910); NA VCF0911' ;
   value VCF0918F
      0 = '0. No incumbent candidate running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0919F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact at all'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; telephone IW' ;
   value VCF0920F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0920-926;' ;
   value VCF0921F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0920-926;' ;
   value VCF0922F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0920-926;' ;
   value VCF0923F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0920-926;' ;
   value VCF0924F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0920-926;' ;
   value VCF0925F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0920-926;' ;
   value VCF0926F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0919); NA VCF0919-926;' ;
   value VCF0927F
      0 = '0. Incumbent candidate unopposed or not running;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0928F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact at all'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; telephone IW' ;
   value VCF0929F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929' ;
   value VCF0930F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929' ;
   value VCF0931F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929' ;
   value VCF0932F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929' ;
   value VCF0933F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929' ;
   value VCF0934F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929-VCF935;' ;
   value VCF0935F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0928); NA VCF0929' ;
   value VCF0936F
      0 = '0. No Democratic candidate running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0937F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; telephone IW' ;
   value VCF0938F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0939F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0940F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0941F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0942F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0943F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0944F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running; no contact; only'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact made (9 in VCF0937); NA VCF0938' ;
   value VCF0945F
      0 = '0. No Republican candidate running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0946F
      0 = '0. No contacts'  
      1 = '1. One contact'  
      2 = '2. Two contacts'  
      3 = '3. Three contacts'  
      4 = '4. Four contacts'  
      5 = '5. Five contacts'  
      6 = '6. Six contacts'  
      7 = '7. Seven contacts'  
      8 = '8. Incumbent not running'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.;' ;
   value VCF0946A
      0 = '0. MD in VCF0946'  
      1 = '1. Yes, contact'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact' ;
   value VCF0947F
      0 = '0. No contacts'  
      1 = '1. One contact'  
      2 = '2. Two contacts'  
      3 = '3. Three contacts'  
      4 = '4. Four contacts'  
      5 = '5. Five contacts'  
      6 = '6. Six contacts'  
      7 = '7. Seven contacts'  
      8 = '8. Incumbent not running or running unopposed'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; telephone' ;
   value VCF0947A
      0 = '0. MD in VCF0947'  
      1 = '1. Yes, contact'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact' ;
   value VCF0948F
      0 = '0. No contacts'  
      1 = '1. One contact'  
      2 = '2. Two contacts'  
      3 = '3. Three contacts'  
      4 = '4. Four contacts'  
      5 = '5. Five contacts'  
      6 = '6. Six contacts'  
      7 = '7. Seven contacts'  
      8 = '8. Democrat not running'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; telephone' ;
   value VCF0948A
      0 = '0. MD in VCF0948'  
      1 = '1. Yes, contact'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact' ;
   value VCF0949F
      0 = '0. No contacts'  
      1 = '1. One contact'  
      2 = '2. Two contacts'  
      3 = '3. Three contacts'  
      4 = '4. Four contacts'  
      5 = '5. Five contacts'  
      6 = '6. Six contacts'  
      7 = '7. Seven contacts'  
      8 = '8. Republican not running'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; telephone' ;
   value VCF0949A
      0 = '0. MD in VCF0949'  
      1 = '1. Yes, contact'  
      5 = '5. No, no contact' ;
   value VCF0950F
      0 = '0. Incumbent not running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0951F
      0 = '0. never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0952F
      0 = '0. never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0953F
      0 = '0. never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0954F
      0 = '0. never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent;'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0955F
      0 = '0. never (or DK/NA if) received response; never'  
      1 = '1. Very satisfied'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Not very satisfied'  
      5 = '5. Not at all satisfied'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0956F
      0 = '0. Incumbent not running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0957F
      0 = '0. Doesn''t know (or DK/NA if knows) of anyone'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0958F
      0 = '0. Person/group did not get (or DK/NA if got) a'  
      1 = '1. Very satisfied (1978-1984: Yes; satisfied)'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Not very satisfied (1978-1984: Somewhat dissatisfied)'  
      5 = '5. Not at all satisfied (1978-1984: No; not satisfied)'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0959F
      0 = '0. Incumbent not running'  
      1 = '1. Very helpful'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat helpful'  
      3 = '3. Not very helpful'  
      7 = '7. Depends'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0960F
      0 = '0. Incumbent not running'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; DK; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; abbrev' ;
   value VCF0961F
      0 = '0. No recent incumbent (1990, NJ01: 10 cases)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0962F
      0 = '0. Never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent; no recent'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0963F
      0 = '0. Never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent; no recent'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0964F
      0 = '0. Never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent; no recent'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0965F
      0 = '0. Never (or DK/NA if) contacted incumbent; no recent'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0966F
      0 = '0. Never (or DK/NA if) received response; never (or'  
      1 = '1. Very satisfied'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Not very satisfied'  
      5 = '5. Not at all satisfied'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0967F
      0 = '0. No recent incumbent (1990, NJ01: 10 cases)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0968F
      0 = '0. Doesn''t know (or DK/NA if knows) of anyone else; no'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0969F
      0 = '0. Person/group did not get (of DK/NA if got) a'  
      1 = '1. Very satisfied (1978,1980: Yes; satisfied)'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Not very satisfied (1978,1980: Somewhat dissatisfied)'  
      5 = '5. Not at all satisfied (1978,1980: No; not satisfied)'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0970F
      0 = '0. No recent incumbent (1990, NJ01: 10 cases)'  
      1 = '1. Very helpful'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat helpful'  
      3 = '3. Not very helpful'  
      7 = '7. Depends'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia' ;
   value VCF0971F
      0 = '0. No recent incumbent (1990, NJ01: 10 cases)'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; no Post IW; District of Columbia (1986)' ;
   value VCF0972F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No; DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; Washington D.C.; form II,III,' ;
   value VCF0973F
      1 = '1. NAME:valid, PARTY: correct'  
      2 = '2. NAME:valid, PARTY: incorrect'  
      3 = '3. NAME:valid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      4 = '4. NAME:invalid, PARTY: any'  
      5 = '5. NAME:invalid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      6 = '6. NAME:DK/NA, PARTY: any'  
      7 = '7. NAME:DK, PARTY: DK/NA;'  
      9 = '9. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF0974F
      1 = '1. NAME:valid, PARTY: correct'  
      2 = '2. NAME:valid, PARTY: incorrect'  
      3 = '3. NAME:valid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      4 = '4. NAME:invalid, PARTY: any'  
      5 = '5. NAME:invalid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      6 = '6. NAME:DK/NA, PARTY: any'  
      7 = '7. NAME:DK, PARTY: DK/NA;'  
      9 = '9. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF0975F
      1 = '1. NAME:valid, PARTY: correct'  
      2 = '2. NAME:valid, PARTY: incorrect'  
      3 = '3. NAME:valid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      4 = '4. NAME:invalid, PARTY: any'  
      5 = '5. NAME:invalid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      6 = '6. NAME:DK/NA, PARTY: any;'  
      7 = '7. NAME:DK, PARTY: DK/NA;'  
      9 = '9. abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF0976F
      0 = '00. R''s recall of any name(s) incorrect/DK/NA; any party'  
      10 = '10. R''s recall correct for one name; party mention'  
      11 = '11. R''s recall correct for one name; party mention correct'  
      20 = '20. R''s recall correct for 2 names; both party mentions'  
      21 = '21. R''s recall correct for 2 names; one party mention'  
      22 = '22. R''s recall correct for 2 names; both party mentions'  
      30 = '30. R''s recall correct for 3 names; all party mentions'  
      31 = '31. R''s recall correct for 3 names; one party mention'  
      32 = '32. R''s recall correct for 3 names; two party mentions'  
      33 = '33. R''s recall correct for 3 names; all party mentions'  
      99 = '99. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW ;' ;
   value VCF0977F
      1 = '1. Yes, candidate was/ one candidate was/ (some years:'  
      3 = '3. No, candidate wasn''t/neither candidate was'  
      5 = '5. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no major party candidate running; no Post' ;
   value VCF0978F
      1 = '1. CORRECT: correct incumbency status; correct candidate'  
      2 = '2. INCORRECT: incorrect incumbency status; incorrect'  
      9 = '9. DK if incumbent; DK which is incumbent; NA if' ;
   value VCF0980F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if liked anything about candidate; liked'  
      8 = '8. No Democratic candidate in R''s district (includes'  
      9 = '9. NA if liked anything about candidate; liked' ;
   value VCF0981F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if disliked anything about candidate; disliked'  
      8 = '8. No Democratic candidate in R''s district (includes'  
      9 = '9. NA if disliked anything about candidate; disliked' ;
   value VCF0982F
      -4 = '-4. maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. neutral'  
      4 = '+4. maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0980,VCF0981)' ;
   value VCF0983F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      8 = '8. Eight or more mentions'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0980,VCF0981)' ;
   value VCF0984F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more positive mentions (likes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if liked anything about candidate; liked something'  
      8 = '8. No Republican candidate in R''s district (includes'  
      9 = '9. NA if liked anything about candidate; liked' ;
   value VCF0985F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if disliked anything about candidate; disliked'  
      8 = '8. No Republican candidate in R''s district (includes'  
      9 = '9. NA if disliked anything about candidate; disliked' ;
   value VCF0986F
      -4 = '-4. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      4 = '+4. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0984,VCF0985)' ;
   value VCF0987F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      8 = '8. Eight or more mentions'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0984,VCF0985)' ;
   value VCF0988F
      -8 = '-8. Maximum Republican'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      8 = '+8. Maximum Democratic'  
      999 = '999. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0980,VCF0981,' ;
   value VCF0989F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      16 = '16. Sixteen or more mentions'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0980,VCF0981,' ;
   value VCF0990F
      -8 = '-8. Eight or more Republican mentions, no Democratic'  
      8 = '+8. Eight or more Democratic mentions, no Republican'  
      999 = '999. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0980,VCF0981,' ;
   value VCF0991F
      0 = '0. No running incumbent (includes Washington D.C.)'  
      1 = '1. Approve'  
      5 = '5. Disapprove'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; incorrect district assignment ;' ;
   value VCF0992F
      1 = '1. Approve'  
      5 = '5. Disapprove'  
      8 = '8. DK; pro-con; both'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF0993F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more positive mentions (likes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if liked anything about candidate; liked something'  
      8 = '8. No running incumbent candidate in R''s district'  
      9 = '9. NA if liked anything about candidate; liked' ;
   value VCF0994F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if disliked anything about candidate; disliked'  
      8 = '8. No running incumbent candidate in R''s district'  
      9 = '9. NA if disliked anything about candidate; disliked' ;
   value VCF0995F
      -4 = '-4. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      4 = '+4. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0993,VCF0994)' ;
   value VCF0996F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      8 = '8. Eight or more mentions'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0993,VCF0994)' ;
   value VCF0997F
      0 = '0. Zero positive mentions (likes)'  
      1 = '1. One positive mention (likes)'  
      2 = '2. Two positive mentions (likes)'  
      3 = '3. Three positive mentions (likes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more positive mentions (likes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if liked anything about candidate; liked'  
      8 = '8. No running incumbent candidate in R''s district'  
      9 = '9. NA if liked anything about candidate; liked' ;
   value VCF0998F
      0 = '0. Zero negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      1 = '1. One negative mention (dislikes)'  
      2 = '2. Two negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      3 = '3. Three negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      4 = '4. Four or more negative mentions (dislikes)'  
      6 = '6. ''I don''t know anything about this candidate'''  
      7 = '7. DK if disliked anything about candidate; disliked'  
      8 = '8. No running incumbent candidate in R''s district'  
      9 = '9. NA if disliked anything about candidate; disliked' ;
   value VCF0999F
      -4 = '-4. Maximum negative'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      4 = '+4. Maximum positive'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0997,VCF0998)' ;
   value VCF1000F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      8 = '8. Eight or more mentions'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in VCF0997,VCF0998)' ;
   value VCF1001F
      -8 = '-8. Maximum challenger'  
      0 = '0. Neutral'  
      8 = '+8. Maximum incumbent'  
      999 = '999. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0993,VCF0994,' ;
   value VCF1002F
      0 = '0. Zero mentions'  
      16 = '16. Sixteen or more mentions'  
      99 = '99. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0993,VCF0994,' ;
   value VCF1003F
      -8 = '-8. Eight or more challenger mentions, no incumbent'  
      8 = '+8. Eight or more incumbent mentions, no challenger'  
      999 = '999. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0993,VCF0994,' ;
   value VCF1004F
      1 = '1. R is:Democrat; INCUMBENT:Democrat'  
      2 = '2. R is:Republican; INCUMBENT:Republican'  
      3 = '3. R is:Democrat; INCUMBENT:Republican'  
      4 = '4. R is:Republican; INCUMBENT:Democrat'  
      9 = '9. R does not have major party partisanship or NA if has' ;
   value VCF1005F
      1 = '1. R Voted: R is partisan of same party as incumbent'  
      2 = '2. R Voted: R is partisan of same major party as'  
      3 = '3. R is major party partisan but R did not vote, DK/NA'  
      9 = '9. R does not have major party partisanship or NA if has' ;
   value VCF1006F
      31 = '31. Democratic candidate in race without running'  
      32 = '32. Republican candidate in race without running'  
      33 = '33. Democratic incumbent'  
      34 = '34. Republican incumbent'  
      35 = '35. Democratic challenger to Republican incumbent'  
      36 = '36. Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent'  
      39 = '39. Incumbent Independent/liberal/conservative/minor'  
      80 = '80. Nonincumbent Independent/liberal/conservative/minor'  
      97 = '97. Name given not on candidate list for House'  
      99 = '99. R says s/he remembers names but when asked for name' ;
   value VCF1007F
      31 = '31. Democratic candidate in race without running'  
      32 = '32. Republican candidate in race without running'  
      33 = '33. Democratic incumbent'  
      34 = '34. Republican incumbent'  
      35 = '35. Democratic challenger to Republican incumbent'  
      36 = '36. Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent'  
      39 = '39. Incumbent Independent/liberal/conservative/minor'  
      80 = '80. Nonincumbent Independent/liberal/conservative/minor'  
      97 = '97. Name given not on candidate list for House'  
      99 = '99. R says s/he remembers names but when asked for name' ;
   value VCF1008F
      31 = '31. Democratic candidate in race without running'  
      32 = '32. Republican candidate in race without running'  
      33 = '33. Democratic incumbent'  
      34 = '34. Republican incumbent'  
      35 = '35. Democratic challenger to Republican incumbent'  
      36 = '36. Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent'  
      39 = '39. Incumbent Independent/liberal/conservative/minor'  
      80 = '80. Nonincumbent Independent/liberal/conservative/minor'  
      97 = '97. Name given not on candidate list for House'  
      99 = '99. R says s/he remembers names but when asked for name' ;
   value VCF1009F
      1 = '1. 1 Recall: Democratic candidate'  
      2 = '2. 1 Recall: Republican candidate'  
      3 = '3. 2 Recalls: both major party candidates (in races'  
      4 = '4. 0 Recalls: no major party candidate recall'  
      9 = '9. Washington D.C.; no Post IW; short form' ;
   value VCF1010F
      1 = '1. 1 Recall: Own major party''s candidate'  
      2 = '2. 1 Recall: Other major party''s candidate'  
      3 = '3. 2 Recalls: both major party candidates (in races'  
      4 = '4. 0 Recall: no major party candidate recall'  
      9 = '9. Washington D.C.; no Post IW; short form' ;
   value VCF1011F
      1 = '1. R''s Vote: for major party candidate from party same'  
      2 = '2. R''s Vote: for major party candidate from party'  
      9 = '9. R did not vote or DK/NA if voted; R voted but not (or' ;
   value VCF1012F
      1 = '1. R''s Vote: for incumbent candidate in race involving'  
      2 = '2. R''s Vote: for candidate other than incumbent in race'  
      9 = '9. R did not vote or DK/NA if voted; R voted but' ;
   value VCF1013F
      1 = '1. R''s Vote: for winner'  
      2 = '2. R''s Vote: for candidate other than the winner (incl'  
      9 = '9. R did not vote or DK/NA if voted; R voted but not' ;
   value VCF1014F
      1 = '1. WINNER: incumbent, Democrat'  
      2 = '2. WINNER: incumbent, Republican'  
      3 = '3. WINNER: challenger, Republican (loser: Democratic'  
      4 = '4. WINNER: challenger, Democrat (loser: Republican'  
      5 = '5. WINNER: open-seat candidate, Democrat (race'  
      6 = '6. WINNER: open-seat candidate, Republican (race'  
      7 = '7. WINNER: uncontested open-seat candidate, Democrat'  
      8 = '8. WINNER: uncontested open-seat candidate, Republican'  
      9 = '9. Washington D.C.; California (1974 only, due to' ;
   value VCF1015F
      99 = '99. NA; no Pre IW; abbrev. Pre IW (1980, see' ;
   value VCF1016F
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF1017F
      998 = '998. DK in VCF0906 or VCF0907'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF1018F
      0 = '0. Most Republican'  
      50 = '50. Neutral'  
      100 = '100. Most Democratic'  
      998 = '998. DK in VCF0906 or VCF0907'  
      999 = '999. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF1020F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984); short' ;
   value VCF1021A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1021B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1022B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1023B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1024B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1025B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1026F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984); short' ;
   value VCF1027A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1027B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1028B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1029B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1030B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1031B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1032F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984); short' ;
   value VCF1033A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1033B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1034B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1035B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1036B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1037B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1038F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984); short' ;
   value VCF1039A
      8888 = '8888. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      8889 = '8889. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1039B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)'  
      88 = '88. DK (mention 1 only)'  
      89 = '89. RF; NA (mention 1 only)' ;
   value VCF1040B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1041B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1042B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF1043B
      11 = '11. People within party (0001-0097)'  
      12 = '12. Party characteristics (0101-0197)'  
      21 = '21. Candidate experience, ability (0201-0297)'  
      22 = '22. Candidate leadership qualities (0301-0397)'  
      23 = '23. Candidate personal qualities (0401-0498)'  
      24 = '24. Candidate party connections (0500-0597)'  
      31 = '31. Government management (0601-0697)'  
      32 = '32. Government activity/philosophy (0801-0897)'  
      33 = '33. Domestic policies (0901-1097)'  
      34 = '34. Foreign policies (1101-1199,1300-1310)'  
      35 = '35. Group connections (1201-1299)'  
      40 = '40. Miscellaneous (0701-0797,8877)'  
      50 = '50. Events unique to one campaign (5001-5004)' ;
   value VCF9001F
      0 = '0. 1 Year or less (2002,2004: less than 1 year)'  
      1 = '1. 13-23 Mos. (1988-1992 only) (2002,2004: 12-18 months)'  
      2 = '2. 2 Years (1994-later: includes 13-23 months)'  
      3 = '3. 3 Years'  
      89 = '89. 89 Years or more'  
      90 = '90. ''All of life'' (regardless of number of years)'  
      99 = '99. DK; NA; Panel (2002)' ;
   value VCF9002F
      0 = '0. Panel (2002)'  
      1 = '1. 4 years or less'  
      2 = '2. 5-9 years'  
      3 = '3. 10-19 years'  
      4 = '4. 20-29 years'  
      5 = '5. 30 or more years (2004: includes 76 years or more)'  
      6 = '6. ''All of life'' (regardless of number of years)'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA' ;
   value VCF9003F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9004F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9005F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1980 and later)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9006F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1984,1988,2004)'  
      99 = '99. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9007F
      97 = '97. 97-100 Degrees'  
      98 = '98. DK; don''t recognize (1984,1986,1988,1990,1992,1996)'  
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF9008F
      1 = '1. Better by Democrats'  
      3 = '3. Same by both'  
      5 = '5. Better by Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF9009F
      1 = '1. Approve strongly'  
      2 = '2. Approve not strongly'  
      4 = '4. Disapprove not strongly'  
      5 = '5. Disapprove strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK if approve/disapprove strongly or not strongly;'  
      9 = '9. NA if approve/disapprove strongly or not strongly' ;
   value VCF9010F
      1 = '1. Better by Democrats'  
      3 = '3. Same by both'  
      5 = '5. Better by Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF9011F
      1 = '1. Better by Democrats'  
      3 = '3. Same by both'  
      5 = '5. Better by Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF9012F
      0 = '0. R has not identified any problem'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      3 = '3. Not much difference'  
      5 = '5. Republicans'  
      8 = '8. DK; other (1972 only); neither'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form I, II, IV (1972); short' ;
   value VCF9013F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9014F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9015F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9016F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9017F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9018F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9019F
      1 = '1. Maintaining order in the nation'  
      2 = '2. Giving the people more say in important political'  
      3 = '3. Fighting rising prices'  
      4 = '4. Protecting freedom of speech'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9020F
      1 = '1. Maintaining order in the nation'  
      2 = '2. Giving the people more say in important political'  
      3 = '3. Fighting rising prices'  
      4 = '4. Protecting freedom of speech'  
      8 = '8. DK 2nd choice'  
      9 = '9. NA 2nd choice; no Post IW; NA or DK 1st choice' ;
   value VCF9021F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9022F
      0 = '0. R did not vote or DK/NA/refused to say if voted; R'  
      1 = '1. Strong'  
      5 = '5. Not strong'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9023F
      0 = '0. R voted or DK/NA/refused to say if voted (for'  
      1 = '1. Preference: Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Preference: Republican'  
      3 = '3. Preference: Other'  
      7 = '7. No preference (1968 and later)'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9024F
      0 = '0. R did not vote or DK/NA/refused to say if voted; R'  
      1 = '1. Strong'  
      5 = '5. Not strong'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984);' ;
   value VCF9025F
      0 = '0. No gubernatorial race in state (includes Washington'  
      1 = '1. Democrat'  
      2 = '2. Republican'  
      3 = '3. Other'  
      9 = '9. DK; NA; did not vote; DK/NA/refused to say if' ;
   value VCF9026F
      1 = '1. Voted: Democratic Pres. Primary (1988: or caucus)'  
      2 = '2. Voted: Republican Pres. Primary (1988: or caucus)'  
      3 = '3. Voted: DK/NA/Refused which Pres. Primary (1988: or'  
      5 = '5. Voted: ''Other'' (minor party) Pres. Primary (1972,1976)'  
      7 = '7. Did not vote in Pres. Primary (1988: or caucus)'  
      9 = '9. DK/NA/refused to say if voted in primary/caucus;' ;
   value VCF9027F
      0 = '0. R did not vote in previous election; R has never voted'  
      1 = '1. Voted: Democratic Pres. Candidate'  
      2 = '2. Voted: Republican Pres. Candidate'  
      3 = '3. Voted: DK/NA/Refused which Pres. Candidate'  
      5 = '5. Voted: Other candidate'  
      9 = '9. DK/NA/refused to say if voted in previous presidential' ;
   value VCF9028F
      1 = '1. Democratic Pres. candidate'  
      2 = '2. Republican Pres. candidate'  
      3 = '3. Other Pres. candidate'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Pre IW; Washington D.C.' ;
   value VCF9029F
      1 = '1. Close race'  
      3 = '3. Win by quite a bit'  
      8 = '8. DK; depends'  
      9 = '9. NA; NA who R thinks will carry R''s state (9 in' ;
   value VCF9030F
      1 = '1. Yes, contact: Democratic party'  
      2 = '2. Yes, contact: Republican party'  
      3 = '3. Yes, contact: both major parties'  
      4 = '4. Yes, contact: other'  
      5 = '5. Yes, contact: DK which party'  
      6 = '6. Yes, contact: NA which party'  
      7 = '7. No contact'  
      8 = '8. DK if contact'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact; no Post IW; form II,III,IV' ;
   value VCF9030A
      1 = '1. Yes, contact by major party'  
      2 = '2. No contact by major party'  
      8 = '8. DK if contact; contact but DK/NA which party'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact; no Post IW; form II,III,IV' ;
   value VCF9030B
      1 = '1. Yes, contact by Democratic party'  
      2 = '2. No contact by Democratic party'  
      8 = '8. DK if contact; contact but DK/NA which party'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact; no Post IW; form II,III,IV' ;
   value VCF9030C
      1 = '1. Yes, contact by Republican party'  
      2 = '2. No contact by Republican party'  
      8 = '8. DK if contact; contact but DK/NA which party'  
      9 = '9. NA if contact; no Post IW; form II,III,IV' ;
   value VCF9031F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK/RF'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984);' ;
   value VCF9032F
      0 = '0. None (''No'')'  
      1 = '1. Good many'  
      3 = '3. Several'  
      5 = '5. One or two'  
      8 = '8. DK how many'  
      9 = '9. NA how many; DK/NA whether listened to any; no' ;
   value VCF9033F
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One day'  
      7 = '7. Every day'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); short form or Spanish' ;
   value VCF9034F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9035F
      0 = '0. None'  
      1 = '1. One day'  
      7 = '7. Every day'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); short form or Spanish' ;
   value VCF9036F
      1 = '1. Republicans - correct'  
      2 = '2. Democrats - correct'  
      4 = '4. Republicans - incorrect'  
      5 = '5. Democrats - incorrect'  
      7 = '7. Other (comments)'  
      8 = '8. DK (No)'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9037F
      0 = '0. NA opinion; DK/NA whether ''interested enough;'''  
      1 = '1. See to it that black people get fair treatment in'  
      5 = '5. 1992 and later: Not the federal government''s'  
      9 = '9. Other; depends; DK; no interest' ;
   value VCF9038F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9039F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form A (1986); form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9040F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form A (1986); form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9041F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form A (1986); form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9042F
      1 = '1. Agree strongly'  
      2 = '2. Agree somewhat'  
      3 = '3. Neither agree nor disagree'  
      4 = '4. Disagree somewhat'  
      5 = '5. Disagree strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form A (1986); form B (1990)' ;
   value VCF9043F
      0 = '0. NA; no Post IW; form A (1990); short form IW'  
      1 = '1. By law, prayer should not be allowed in public'  
      2 = '2. The law should allow public schools to schedule time'  
      3 = '3. The law should allow public schools to schedule time'  
      4 = '4. By law, public schools should schedule a time when'  
      9 = '9. Other, DK' ;
   value VCF9043A
      1 = '1. Strongly'  
      5 = '5. Not strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; other/DK/NA opinion (except 1990,1996);' ;
   value VCF9044F
      1 = '1. Much better'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat better'  
      3 = '3. Same (''haven''t made much difference'')'  
      4 = '4. Somewhat worse'  
      5 = '5. Much worse'  
      6 = '6. Better, DK/NA how much'  
      7 = '7. Worse, DK/NA how much'  
      8 = '8. DK if better/worse/same'  
      9 = '9. NA if better/worse/same' ;
   value VCF9044A
      1 = '1. Better'  
      2 = '2. Same (''haven''t made much difference'')'  
      3 = '3. Worse'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF9045F
      1 = '1. Weaker (1958,1960,1964,1968: less strong)'  
      3 = '3. Same'  
      5 = '5. Stronger'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA' ;
   value VCF9046F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased'  
      7 = '7. Cut out entirely (volunteered)'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9047F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased'  
      7 = '7. Cut out entirely (volunteered)'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9048F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased'  
      7 = '7. Cut out entirely (volunteered)'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9049F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased'  
      7 = '7. Cut out entirely (volunteered)'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW (1984); abbrev. telephone IW' ;
   value VCF9050F
      1 = '1. Increased'  
      2 = '2. Same'  
      3 = '3. Decreased'  
      7 = '7. Cut out entirely (volunteered)'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; abbrev. telephone IW (1984)' ;
   value VCF9051F
      1 = '1. Schools should be allowed to start with prayer'  
      5 = '5. Religion does not belong in the school'  
      8 = '8. Other; depends; both (1964-1968); DK; no interest'  
      9 = '9. NA opinion; DK/NA if interested; no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9052F
      1 = '1. Very well'  
      2 = '2. Fairly well'  
      4 = '4. Not too well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1986)' ;
   value VCF9053F
      1 = '1. Gone up a lot'  
      2 = '2. Gone up a little'  
      3 = '3. Same'  
      4 = '4. Fallen behind a little'  
      5 = '5. Fallen behind a lot'  
      6 = '6. Gone up, DK/NA how much'  
      7 = '7. Fallen behind, DK/NA how much'  
      8 = '8. DK if gone up/fallen behind/stayed same'  
      9 = '9. NA if gone up/fallen behind/stayed same; Form B' ;
   value VCF9054F
      1 = '1. U.S. Senate race in state'  
      2 = '2. No U.S. Senate race in state'  
      9 = '9. no Post IW; Washington D.C.' ;
   value VCF9055F
      0 = '00. Washington D.C.; no Post IW'  
      51 = '51. DEMOCRATIC CAND UNOPPOSED (Democratic incumbent not'  
      52 = '52. REPUBLICAN CAND UNOPPOSED (Democratic incumbent not'  
      55 = '55. DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS (Democratic'  
      61 = '61. DEMOCRATIC CAND UNOPPOSED (Republican incumbent not'  
      62 = '62. REPUBLICAN CAND UNOPPOSED (Republican incumbent not'  
      65 = '65. DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS (Republican'  
      75 = '75. DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS (other incumbent not'  
      95 = '95. 2 Senate elections in state [regular Senate election' ;
   value VCF9056F
      990 = '990. No Democratic candidate'  
      996 = '996. No race in state; Washington D.C.'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9057F
      990 = '990. No Republican candidate'  
      996 = '996. No race in state; Washington D.C.'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9058F
      990 = '990. No incumbent candidate'  
      996 = '996. No race in state; Washington D.C.'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9059F
      990 = '990. No incumbent candidate; incumbent candidate is'  
      996 = '996. No race in state; Washington D.C.'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9060F
      996 = '996. No race in state; Washington D.C.; 2 senate'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9061F
      996 = '996. Race in state; Washington D.C.; 2 Senate'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9062F
      996 = '996. Race in state; Washington D.C.; 2 Senate'  
      997 = '997. R doesn''t recognize name'  
      998 = '998. DK where to rate; can''t judge'  
      999 = '999. NA; refused; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9063F
      0 = '0. No Senate race in state'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No; DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; Washington D.C.' ;
   value VCF9064F
      0 = '0. No Senate race in state'  
      1 = '1. NAME: valid, PARTY: correct'  
      2 = '2. NAME: valid, PARTY: incorrect'  
      3 = '3. NAME: valid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      4 = '4. NAME: invalid, PARTY: any'  
      5 = '5. NAME: invalid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      6 = '6. NAME: DK/NA, PARTY: any'  
      7 = '7. NAME: DK, PARTY: DK/NA;'  
      9 = '9. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9065F
      0 = '0. No Senate race in state'  
      1 = '1. NAME: valid, PARTY: correct'  
      2 = '2. NAME: valid, PARTY: incorrect'  
      3 = '3. NAME: valid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      4 = '4. NAME: invalid, PARTY: any'  
      5 = '5. NAME: invalid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      6 = '6. NAME: DK/NA, PARTY: any'  
      7 = '7. NAME: DK, PARTY: DK/NA;'  
      9 = '9. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9066F
      0 = '0. No Senate race in state'  
      1 = '1. NAME: valid, PARTY: correct'  
      2 = '2. NAME: valid, PARTY: incorrect'  
      3 = '3. NAME: valid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      4 = '4. NAME: invalid, PARTY: any'  
      5 = '5. NAME: invalid, PARTY: DK/NA'  
      6 = '6. NAME: DK/NA, PARTY: any'  
      7 = '7. NAME: DK, PARTY: DK/NA;'  
      9 = '9. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9067F
      0 = '00. R''s recall of any name(s) incorrect/DK/NA and any'  
      10 = '10. R''s recall correct for one name; party mention'  
      11 = '11. R''s recall correct for one name; party mention correct'  
      20 = '20. R''s recall correct for 2 names; both party mentions'  
      21 = '21. R''s recall correct for 2 names; one party mention'  
      22 = '22. R''s recall correct for 2 names; both party mentions'  
      30 = '30. R''s recall correct for 3 names; all party mentions'  
      31 = '31. R''s recall correct for 3 names; one party mention'  
      32 = '32. R''s recall correct for 3 names; two party mentions'  
      33 = '33. R''s recall correct for 3 names; three party mentions'  
      97 = '97. No Senate race in state'  
      99 = '99. Abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9069F
      0 = '0. No running incumbent (includes Washington D.C.)'  
      1 = '1. Approve strongly'  
      2 = '2. Approve not strongly'  
      4 = '4. Disapprove not strongly'  
      5 = '5. Disapprove strongly'  
      8 = '8. DK strongly or not strongly; DK if approve/'  
      9 = '9. NA strongly or not strongly; NA if approve/' ;
   value VCF9070F
      0 = '0. No running incumbent (includes Washington D.C.)'  
      1 = '1. Agreed'  
      3 = '3. Agreed and disagreed about equally (1982: Agree'  
      5 = '5. Disagreed'  
      8 = '8. Haven''t paid much attention (1986,1988); haven''t'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9071F
      0 = '0. No running incumbent (includes Washington D.C.);'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9072F
      0 = '0. No running incumbent (includes Washington D.C.); R'  
      1 = '1. Agreed'  
      5 = '5. Disagreed'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9073F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; short-form or Spanish language IW (1992)' ;
   value VCF9074F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Cooperate more/try to get along with Russia'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher/big mistake to try to get along'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9075F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9076F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government should help minority blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (2000)' ;
   value VCF9077F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government insurance plan'  
      7 = '7. Private insurance plan'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form II (1972)' ;
   value VCF9078F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government should provide many fewer services: Reduce'  
      7 = '7. Government should provide many more services:'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; short-form or Spanish language IW (1992);' ;
   value VCF9079F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on his own'  
      8 = '8. DK; haven''t thought much about it'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; form II (1972); short-form or' ;
   value VCF9080F
      0 = '0. DK/Haven''t thought about self-rating on same 7pt'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; forms III, IV (1972); R' ;
   value VCF9081F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); short-form or Spanish' ;
   value VCF9082F
      1 = '1. Try to cooperate more with Russia (1984,1988)/'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher with Russia (1984,1988)/Big'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9083F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); no Post IW; telephone IW' ;
   value VCF9084F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government should help Blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (2000)' ;
   value VCF9085F
      0 = '0. ''Haven''t thought much about it'' for Democratic'  
      1 = '1. Government insurance plan'  
      7 = '7. Private insurance plan'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); Form II (1972)' ;
   value VCF9086F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Gov''t provide many fewer servcies, reduce spending'  
      7 = '7. Gov''t provide many more services, increase spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); short-form or Spanish' ;
   value VCF9087F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''Haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); Form II (1972); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9088F
      0 = '0. R did not rate self on same 7pt scale (see above)'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; mail questionnaire; no Post IW; R' ;
   value VCF9089F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''Haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version OLD (2008); short-form or Spanish' ;
   value VCF9090F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Try to cooperate more with Russia (1984,1988)/'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher with Russia (1984,1988)/Big'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9091F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''Haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s palce is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; version NEW (2008) telephone IW' ;
   value VCF9092F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''Haven''t thought much'  
      1 = '1. Government should help Blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; telephone IW (2000)' ;
   value VCF9093F
      0 = '0. ''Haven''t thought much about it'' for Republican'  
      1 = '1. Government insurance plan'  
      7 = '7. Private insurance plan'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form II (1972); version NEW (2008)' ;
   value VCF9094F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Gov''t provide many fewer services, reduce spending'  
      7 = '7. Gov''t provide many more services, increase spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); short-form or Spanish' ;
   value VCF9095F
      0 = '0. R self-rating is DK or ''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; version NEW (2008); Form II (1972); no Post IW;' ;
   value VCF9096F
      0 = '0. R did not rate self on same 7pt scale (see above)'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; mail questionnaire; no Post IW; R' ;
   value VCF9097F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9098F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government should help Blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9099F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Gov''t provide many fewer services, reduce spending'  
      7 = '7. Gov''t provide many more services, increase spending'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone (1984); no Post IW; telephone' ;
   value VCF9100F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone (1984); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9101F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW (1980,2000); telephone IW (2000)' ;
   value VCF9102F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9103F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government should help Blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9104F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Gov''t provide many fewer services, reduce spending'  
      7 = '7. Gov''t provide many more services, increase spending'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone IW (1984,2000); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9105F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone IW (1984); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9106F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize (incl. no recognition on'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; R selected for branching' ;
   value VCF9107F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9108F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government should help Blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9109F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government should provide many fewer services: reduce'  
      7 = '7. Government should provide many more services: increase'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone IW (1984,2000); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9110F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone (1984); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9111F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; R selected for branching' ;
   value VCF9112F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Women and men should have an equal role'  
      7 = '7. Women''s place is in the home'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9113F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government should help Blacks/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks/minorities should help themselves'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9114F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Gov''t provide many fewer services, reduce spending'  
      7 = '7. Gov''t provide many more services, increase spending'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; telephone IW (1984,2000); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9115F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA;telephone(1984); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9116F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK or ''haven''t thought much about'  
      1 = '1. Extremely liberal'  
      2 = '2. Liberal'  
      3 = '3. Slightly liberal'  
      4 = '4. Moderate; middle of the road'  
      5 = '5. Slightly conservative'  
      6 = '6. Conservative'  
      7 = '7. Extremely conservative'  
      8 = '8. DK/Don''t Recognize'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; R selected for branching' ;
   value VCF9117F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK/''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Try to cooperate more with Russia (1984,1988)/'  
      7 = '7. Get much tougher with Russia (1984,1988)/Big'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9118F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK/''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Greatly decrease defense spending'  
      7 = '7. Greatly increase defense spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; short-form or Spanish language IW (1992)' ;
   value VCF9119F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK/''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Government should help blacks (1988a)/minorities'  
      7 = '7. Blacks (1988a)/Minorities (1988b)/Minority groups'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9120F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK/''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Gov''t provide many fewer services, reduce spending a'  
      7 = '7. Gov''t provide many more services, increase spending'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; short-form or Spanish language IW (1992)' ;
   value VCF9121F
      0 = '0. R self-rating was DK/''haven''t thought much about it'''  
      1 = '1. Government see to job and good standard of living'  
      7 = '7. Government let each person get ahead on own'  
      8 = '8. DK'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW; short-form or Spanish language' ;
   value VCF9122F
      1 = '1. One politically eligible adult'  
      7 = '7. Seven or more politically eligible adults'  
      9 = '9. NA; Panel (1992,1996)' ;
   value VCF9123F
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF9124F
      99 = '99. NA' ;
   value VCF9125F
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      5 = '5. No'  
      9 = '9. NA; no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9131F
      1 = '1. Less government the better'  
      2 = '2. More things government should be doing'  
      8 = '8. DK; both, depends (1990,1992)'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9132F
      1 = '1. Strong government'  
      2 = '2. Free market'  
      8 = '8. DK; both, depends (1990,1992)'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9133F
      1 = '1. Gotten involved in things'  
      2 = '2. Problems we face are bigger'  
      8 = '8. DK; both, depends (1990,1992)'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9134F
      1 = '1. Cooperative'  
      2 = '2. Self-reliant'  
      8 = '8. DK; both, depends (1990)'  
      9 = '9. NA; Form B (1990); no Post IW' ;
   value VCF9149F
      0 = '000. Records not checked (1984,1986 only)'  
      998 = '998. R self-report registered outside of area, attempt' ;
   value VCF9150F
      0 = '0. no Post IW (no self-report of registration)'  
      1 = '1. Yes, implicit (R self-report voted)'  
      2 = '2. Yes, explicit'  
      3 = '3. No, not registered; DK; NA; etc.' ;
   value VCF9151F
      0 = '0. no Post IW (no self-report of vote)'  
      1 = '1. Yes, voted'  
      5 = '5. No, did not vote'  
      8 = '8. DK; NA; refused'  
      9 = '9. 1976 non-Panel Rs' ;
   value VCF9152F
      0 = '0. 1976 non-Panel Rs'  
      1 = '1. Yes, attempted'  
      2 = '2. No: R says is not registered (1984-1990);'  
      3 = '3. No: No respondent named and/or insufficient address'  
      4 = '4. No: Same-day registration (1964,1980)'  
      5 = '5. No: Records not sent out due to: Office error (1980);'  
      7 = '7. No: Office refuses all access to registration records' ;
   value VCF9153F
      0 = '0. Office not identified (0 in VCF9149: 1984,1986 only);'  
      1 = '1. Office records appear to be adequate, no information'  
      2 = '2. Some office voting records not accessible*'  
      3 = '3. R''s name unknown and/or insufficient address and/or'  
      5 = '5. No office voting records accessible***'  
      8 = '8. DK (1980: 0,9 in orig. dataset var 1207: 27 cases'  
      9 = '9. Office refused (7 in VCF9152)' ;
   value VCF9154F
      0 = '0. 3,7 in VCF9152 (all years); 2 in VCF9152 (1984'  
      1 = '1. Yes, a registration record was found that matches'  
      2 = '2. A registration record was found but it is inactive/'  
      5 = '5. No registration record was found'  
      8 = '8. DK (1980 ONLY: code 9 in original var 1207, 31 cases'  
      9 = '9. 1976 non-Panel Rs' ;
   value VCF9155F
      0 = '0. 3,7 in VCF9152 (all years); 2 in VCF9152 (1984'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      3 = '3. Registration record was found, no record of R voting'  
      5 = '5. No registration record found; no record of voting'  
      9 = '9. 1976 non-Panel Rs' ;
   value VCF9201F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t heard of (2008,2012 only)'  
      0 = '0. Strongly dislike'  
      10 = '10. Strongly like' ;
   value VCF9202F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t heard of (2008,2012 only)'  
      0 = '0. Strongly dislike'  
      10 = '10. Strongly like' ;
   value VCF9203F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9204F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, skip: no party represents views; no Post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Democratic'  
      2 = '2. Republican'  
      7 = '7. Other {SPECIFY}' ;
   value VCF9205F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Democrats'  
      2 = '2. No difference'  
      3 = '3. Republican'  
      7 = '7. Neither party {VOL} (exc. 1996,2004)' ;
   value VCF9206F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. One party control both'  
      2 = '2. Control is split'  
      3 = '3. It doesn''t matter' ;
   value VCF9207F
      -9 = '-9. NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t heard of (2008,2012 only)'  
      0 = '0. Strongly dislike'  
      10 = '10. Strongly like' ;
   value VCF9208F
      -9 = '-9. NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t heard of (2008,2012 only)'  
      0 = '0. Strongly dislike'  
      10 = '10. Strongly like' ;
   value VCF9209F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9210F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9211F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9212F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9213F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9214F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9215F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9216F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9217F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Approve'  
      2 = '2. Disapprove' ;
   value VCF9218F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Approve'  
      2 = '2. Disapprove' ;
   value VCF9219F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data; half sample administration (2000)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. More secure'  
      2 = '2. No change'  
      3 = '3. Less secure' ;
   value VCF9220F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short or Spanish questionnaire (1992); half sample administration (2000)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Gotten better'  
      2 = '2. Stayed the same'  
      3 = '3. Gotten worse' ;
   value VCF9221F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Very good job'  
      2 = '2. Good job'  
      3 = '3. Bad job'  
      4 = '4. Very bad job' ;
   value VCF9222F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Right direction'  
      2 = '2. Wrong track' ;
   value VCF9223F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no Post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely likely'  
      2 = '2. Very likely'  
      3 = '3. Somewhat likely'  
      4 = '4. Not at all likely' ;
   value VCF9224F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9225F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (1986); programming error (2004)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Better'  
      2 = '2. Stayed same'  
      3 = '3. Worse' ;
   value VCF9226F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, DK/RF/NA whether better or worse; half sample administration (1986); programming error (2004)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Much better'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat better'  
      3 = '3. Same'  
      4 = '4. Somewhat worse'  
      5 = '5. Much worse' ;
   value VCF9227F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Larger'  
      2 = '2. About the same'  
      3 = '3. Smaller' ;
   value VCF9228F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, DK/RF/NA whether larger or smaller; no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Much larger'  
      2 = '2. Somewhat larger'  
      3 = '3. About the same'  
      4 = '4. Somewhat smaller'  
      5 = '5. Much smaller' ;
   value VCF9229F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data; programming error (2004)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. More unemployment'  
      2 = '2. About the same'  
      3 = '3. Less unemployment' ;
   value VCF9230F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Discourage companies'  
      2 = '2. Should stay out of this matter'  
      3 = '3. Encourage companies' ;
   value VCF9231F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data; half sample administration (2000)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t thought'  
      1 = '1. Favor new limits'  
      2 = '2. Oppose new limits' ;
   value VCF9232F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Favor'  
      2 = '2. Neither favor nor oppose'  
      3 = '3. Oppose' ;
   value VCF9233F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, DK/RF/NA whether favor or oppose; no post data; programming error (2016)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Favor a great deal'  
      2 = '2. Favor moderately'  
      3 = '3. Favor a little'  
      4 = '4. Neither favor nor oppose'  
      5 = '5. Oppose a little'  
      6 = '6. Oppose moderately'  
      7 = '7. Oppose a great deal' ;
   value VCF9234F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data; half  sample administration (2008); VOL: other (1992,1996,2000,2004,2008,2012)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. By law, abortion should never be permitted'  
      2 = '2. The law should permit only in cases of rape, incest or danger'  
      3 = '3. The law should permit for reasons other than rape, incest or danger'  
      4 = '4. By law, a woman should always be able to obtain an abortion' ;
   value VCF9235F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data; half  sample administration (2008); VOL: other (1992,1996,2000,2004,2008,2012)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. By law, abortion should never be permitted'  
      2 = '2. The law should permit only in cases of rape, incest or danger'  
      3 = '3. The law should permit for reasons other than rape, incest or danger'  
      4 = '4. By law, a woman should always be able to obtain an abortion' ;
   value VCF9236F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK; depends (VOL)'  
      1 = '1. Favor'  
      2 = '2. Oppose' ;
   value VCF9237F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, DK/RF/NA whether favor or oppose; no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Favor strongly'  
      2 = '2. Favor not strong'  
      4 = '4. Oppose not strong'  
      5 = '5. Oppose strongly' ;
   value VCF9238F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK; depends (VOL)'  
      1 = '1. More difficult'  
      2 = '2. Keep these rules about the same'  
      3 = '3. Make it easier' ;
   value VCF9239F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely important'  
      2 = '2. Very important'  
      3 = '3. Somewhat important'  
      4 = '4. Not too important'  
      5 = '5. Not at all important' ;
   value VCF9240F
      -9 = '-9. NA; Inap, no Post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      0 = '0. Left'  
      10 = '10. Right' ;
   value VCF9241F
      -9 = '-9. NA; Inap, no Post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t heard of (2004,2008,2012)'  
      0 = '0. Left'  
      10 = '10. Right' ;
   value VCF9242F
      -9 = '-9. NA; Inap, no Post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      -7 = '-7. Haven''t heard of (2004,2008,2012)'  
      0 = '0. Left'  
      10 = '10. Right' ;
   value VCF9243F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, R not Christian; programming error (2016)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9244F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Always'  
      2 = '2. Most of the time'  
      3 = '3. About half the time'  
      4 = '4. Once in a while'  
      5 = '5. Never' ;
   value VCF9245F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely satisfied'  
      2 = '2. Very satisfied'  
      3 = '3. Moderately satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Slightly satisfied'  
      5 = '5. Not satisfied at all' ;
   value VCF9246F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short questionnaire (1992); no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Curiosity'  
      2 = '2. Both (VOL)'  
      3 = '3. Good manners' ;
   value VCF9247F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short questionnaire (1992); no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Obedience'  
      2 = '2. Both (VOL)'  
      3 = '3. Self-reliance'  
      4 = '4. Neither (2020)' ;
   value VCF9248F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short questionnaire (1992); no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Being considerate'  
      2 = '2. Both (VOL)'  
      3 = '3. Well behaved' ;
   value VCF9249F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short questionnaire (1992); no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Independence'  
      2 = '2. Both (VOL)'  
      3 = '3. Respect for elders' ;
   value VCF9250F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Won''t make a difference'  
      5 = '5. Can make a big difference' ;
   value VCF9251F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008,2012); no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Extremely well'  
      2 = '2. Very well'  
      3 = '3. Moderately well'  
      4 = '4. Slightly well'  
      5 = '5. Not well at all' ;
   value VCF9252F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration (2008,2012); no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. All the time'  
      2 = '2. Most of the time'  
      3 = '3. About half the time'  
      4 = '4. Some of the time'  
      5 = '5. Never' ;
   value VCF9253F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. It doesn''t make a difference who is in power'  
      5 = '5. It makes a big difference who is in power' ;
   value VCF9254F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Satisfied'  
      2 = '2. Fairly satisfied'  
      3 = '3. Not very satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Not at all satisfied' ;
   value VCF9255F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Very satisfied'  
      2 = '2. Fairly satisfied'  
      3 = '3. Not very satisfied'  
      4 = '4. Not at all satisfied' ;
   value VCF9256F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9257F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9258F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap,  no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9259F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, half sample administration; no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Always'  
      2 = '2. Most of the time'  
      3 = '3. About half the time'  
      4 = '4. Some of the time'  
      5 = '5. Never' ;
   value VCF9260F
      -9 = '-9. Inap, no post data'  
      1 = '1. Correctly identifies'  
      2 = '2. No identification; identification is incomplete or wrong' ;
   value VCF9261F
      -9 = '-9. Inap, no post data'  
      1 = '1. Correctly identifies'  
      2 = '2. No identification; identification is incomplete or wrong' ;
   value VCF9262F
      -9 = '-9. Inap, no post data'  
      1 = '1. Correctly identifies'  
      2 = '2. No identification; identification is incomplete or wrong' ;
   value VCF9263F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; DK (1980,1982 only); Inap, R did not contribute to candidate; no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK (exc. 1980,1982)'  
      1 = '1. Democratic party'  
      2 = '2. Both Democratic and Republican parties'  
      3 = '3. Republican party'  
      7 = '7. Other party only; nonpartisan only (1980,1982 only)' ;
   value VCF9264F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; DK (1980,1982 only); Inap, R did not contribute to party; no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK (exc. 1980,1982)'  
      1 = '1. Democratic party'  
      2 = '2. Both Democratic and Republican parties'  
      3 = '3. Republican party'  
      7 = '7. Other party only' ;
   value VCF9265F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short or Spanish questionnaire (1992); Form II (1972)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9266F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. English more'  
      2 = '2. Both Equally (Bilingual) {VOL}'  
      3 = '3. Spanish more'  
      7 = '7. Other {SPECIFY}' ;
   value VCF9267F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK where to rate'  
      -7 = '-7. Don''t recognize' ;
   value VCF9268F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK where to rate'  
      -7 = '-7. Don''t recognize' ;
   value VCF9269F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK where to rate'  
      -7 = '-7. Don''t recognize' ;
   value VCF9270F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Hard-working'  
      7 = '7. Lazy' ;
   value VCF9271F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Hard-working'  
      7 = '7. Lazy' ;
   value VCF9272F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Hard-working'  
      7 = '7. Lazy' ;
   value VCF9273F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Hard-working'  
      7 = '7. Lazy' ;
   value VCF9274F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Too much influence'  
      2 = '2. Just about the right amount'  
      3 = '3. Too little influence' ;
   value VCF9275F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, no post data'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Too much influence'  
      2 = '2. Just about the right amount'  
      3 = '3. Too little influence' ;
   value VCF9277F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, not currently working or temporarily laid off'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Someone else'  
      2 = '2. Other and self (both)'  
      3 = '3. Self only' ;
   value VCF9278F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, not currently working/TLO; works only for self'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9279F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Heterosexual or straight'  
      2 = '2. Bisexual'  
      3 = '3. Homosexual or gay (or lesbian)' ;
   value VCF9280F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9281F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA; Inap, short or Spanish questionnaire (1992)'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;
   value VCF9282F
      -9 = '-9. RF; NA'  
      -8 = '-8. DK'  
      1 = '1. Yes'  
      2 = '2. No' ;

DATA library.&dataset ;
INFILE datafile LRECL=1876;
   Version $ 1-28           VCF0004  29-32           VCF0006  33-38        
   VCF0006a  39-48          VCF0009x  49-54          VCF0010x  55-60       
   VCF0011x  61-66          VCF0009y  67-72          VCF0010y  73-78       
   VCF0011y  79-84          VCF0009z  85-102         VCF0010z  103-120     
   VCF0011z  121-138        VCF9999  139-149         VCF0012  150          
   VCF0013  151             VCF0014  152             VCF0015a  153         
   VCF0015b  154            VCF0016  155             VCF0017  156          
   VCF0018a  157            VCF0018b  158            VCF0019  159          
   VCF0050a  160            VCF0050b  161            VCF0070a  162         
   VCF0070b  163            VCF0071a  164            VCF0071b  165         
   VCF0071c  166            VCF0071d  167            VCF0072a  168         
   VCF0072b  169            VCF0101  170-171         VCF0102  172          
   VCF0103  173             VCF0104  174             VCF0105a  175         
   VCF0105b  176            VCF0106  177             VCF0107  178          
   VCF0108  179             VCF0109  180-182         VCF0110  183          
   VCF0111  184             VCF0112  185             VCF0113  186          
   VCF0114  187             VCF0115  188             VCF0116  189          
   VCF0117  190             VCF0118  191             VCF0119  192          
   VCF0120  193-195         VCF0121  196-198         VCF0122  199-201      
   VCF0123  202-204         VCF0124  205-206         VCF0125  207-208      
   VCF0126  209             VCF0126a  210            VCF0126b  211-212     
   VCF0126c  213-214        VCF0127  215             VCF0127a  216-217     
   VCF0127b  218            VCF0128  219             VCF0128a  220         
   VCF0128b  221            VCF0129  222-224         VCF0130  225          
   VCF0130a  226            VCF0131  227             VCF0132  228-230      
   VCF0133  231-233         VCF0134  234             VCF0135  235          
   VCF0136  236             VCF0137  237             VCF0138  238          
   VCF0138a  239            VCF0138b  240            VCF0138c  241         
   VCF0138d  242            VCF0138e  243            VCF0139  244          
   VCF0140  245             VCF0140a  246            VCF0141  247          
   VCF0142  248-250         VCF0143  251             VCF0144  252-254      
   VCF0145  255-257         VCF0146  258             VCF0147  259          
   VCF0148  260             VCF0148a  261            VCF0149  262          
   VCF0150  263-264         VCF0151  265             VCF0152  266-268      
   VCF0153a  269            VCF0153b  270-271        VCF0153c  272-273     
   VCF0154a  274-275        VCF0154b  276-277        VCF0155  278          
   VCF0156  279             VCF0157  280             VCF0170a  281-284     
   VCF0170b  285-287        VCF0170c  288-292        VCF0170d  293-297     
   VCF0201  298-299         VCF0202  300-301         VCF0203  302-303      
   VCF0204  304-305         VCF0205  306-307         VCF0206  308-309      
   VCF0207  310-311         VCF0208  312-313         VCF0209  314-315      
   VCF0210  316-317         VCF0211  318-319         VCF0212  320-321      
   VCF0213  322-323         VCF0214  324-325         VCF0215  326-327      
   VCF0216  328-329         VCF0217  330-331         VCF0218  332-333      
   VCF0219  334-335         VCF0220  336-337         VCF0221  338-339      
   VCF0222  340-341         VCF0223  342-343         VCF0224  344-345      
   VCF0225  346-347         VCF0226  348-349         VCF0227  350-351      
   VCF0228  352-353         VCF0229  354-355         VCF0230  356-357      
   VCF0231  358-359         VCF0232  360-361         VCF0233  362-363      
   VCF0234  364-365         VCF0235  366-367         VCF0236  368-369      
   VCF0253  370-371         VCF0290  372-374         VCF0291  375-377      
   VCF0301  378             VCF0302  379             VCF0303  380          
   VCF0305  381             VCF0306  382             VCF0307  383          
   VCF0308  384             VCF0309  385             VCF0310  386          
   VCF0311  387             VCF0312  388             VCF0313  389          
   VCF0314  390             VCF0315  391             VCF0316  392-393      
   VCF0317  394-395         VCF0318  396             VCF0319  397          
   VCF0320  398-399         VCF0321  400-401         VCF0322  402-404      
   VCF0323  405-406         VCF0324  407-409         VCF0338  410          
   VCF0339  411             VCF0340  412             VCF0341  413          
   VCF0342  414             VCF0343  415             VCF0344  416          
   VCF0345  417             VCF0346  418             VCF0347  419          
   VCF0348  420             VCF0349  421             VCF0350  422          
   VCF0351  423             VCF0352  424             VCF0353  425          
   VCF0354  426             VCF0355  427             VCF0356  428          
   VCF0357  429             VCF0358  430             VCF0359  431          
   VCF0360  432             VCF0361  433             VCF0362  434          
   VCF0363  435             VCF0364  436             VCF0365  437          
   VCF0366  438             VCF0367  439             VCF0368  440          
   VCF0369  441             VCF0370  442             VCF0371  443          
   VCF0372  444             VCF0373  445             VCF0374  446          
   VCF0375a  447-450        VCF0375b  451-452        VCF0375c  453-456     
   VCF0375d  457-458        VCF0376a  459-462        VCF0376b  463-464     
   VCF0376c  465-468        VCF0376d  469-470        VCF0377a  471-474     
   VCF0377b  475-476        VCF0377c  477-480        VCF0377d  481-482     
   VCF0378a  483-486        VCF0378b  487-488        VCF0378c  489-492     
   VCF0378d  493-494        VCF0379a  495-498        VCF0379b  499-500     
   VCF0379c  501-504        VCF0379d  505-506        VCF0380  507          
   VCF0381a  508-511        VCF0381b  512-513        VCF0381c  514-517     
   VCF0381d  518-519        VCF0382a  520-523        VCF0382b  524-525     
   VCF0382c  526-529        VCF0382d  530-531        VCF0383a  532-535     
   VCF0383b  536-537        VCF0383c  538-541        VCF0383d  542-543     
   VCF0384a  544-547        VCF0384b  548-549        VCF0384c  550-553     
   VCF0384d  554-555        VCF0385a  556-559        VCF0385b  560-561     
   VCF0385c  562-565        VCF0385d  566-567        VCF0386  568          
   VCF0387a  569-572        VCF0387b  573-574        VCF0387c  575-578     
   VCF0387d  579-580        VCF0388a  581-584        VCF0388b  585-586     
   VCF0388c  587-590        VCF0388d  591-592        VCF0389a  593-596     
   VCF0389b  597-598        VCF0389c  599-602        VCF0389d  603-604     
   VCF0390a  605-608        VCF0390b  609-610        VCF0390c  611-614     
   VCF0390d  615-616        VCF0391a  617-620        VCF0391b  621-622     
   VCF0391c  623-626        VCF0391d  627-628        VCF0392  629          
   VCF0393a  630-633        VCF0393b  634-635        VCF0393c  636-639     
   VCF0393d  640-641        VCF0394a  642-645        VCF0394b  646-647     
   VCF0394c  648-651        VCF0394d  652-653        VCF0395a  654-657     
   VCF0395b  658-659        VCF0395c  660-663        VCF0395d  664-665     
   VCF0396a  666-669        VCF0396b  670-671        VCF0396c  672-675     
   VCF0396d  676-677        VCF0397a  678-681        VCF0397b  682-683     
   VCF0397c  684-687        VCF0397d  688-689        VCF0401  690          
   VCF0402  691             VCF0403  692-693         VCF0404  694-695      
   VCF0405  696             VCF0406  697             VCF0407  698-699      
   VCF0408  700-701         VCF0409  702-704         VCF0410  705-706      
   VCF0411  707-709         VCF0412  710-712         VCF0413  713-715      
   VCF0414  716-717         VCF0415  718-720         VCF0424  721-722      
   VCF0425  723-724         VCF0426  725-726         VCF0427  727-728      
   VCF0428  729-730         VCF0429  731-732         VCF0432  733-734      
   VCF0433  735-736         VCF0434  737-738         VCF0435  739-740      
   VCF0436  741-742         VCF0437  743-744         VCF0438  745-746      
   VCF0439  747-748         VCF0440  749-750         VCF0441  751-752      
   VCF0442  753-754         VCF0443  755-756         VCF0444  757-758      
   VCF0445  759-760         VCF0446  761-762         VCF0447  763-764      
   VCF0448  765-766         VCF0449  767-768         VCF0450  769          
   VCF0451  770             VCF0471  771-772         VCF0472  773-774      
   VCF0473  775-776         VCF0475  777             VCF0476a  778-781     
   VCF0476b  782-783        VCF0476c  784-787        VCF0476d  788-789     
   VCF0477a  790-793        VCF0477b  794-795        VCF0477c  796-799     
   VCF0477d  800-801        VCF0478a  802-805        VCF0478b  806-807     
   VCF0478c  808-811        VCF0478d  812-813        VCF0479a  814-817     
   VCF0479b  818-819        VCF0479c  820-823        VCF0479d  824-825     
   VCF0480a  826-829        VCF0480b  830-831        VCF0480c  832-835     
   VCF0480d  836-837        VCF0481  838             VCF0482a  839-842     
   VCF0482b  843-844        VCF0482c  845-848        VCF0482d  849-850     
   VCF0483a  851-854        VCF0483b  855-856        VCF0483c  857-860     
   VCF0483d  861-862        VCF0484a  863-866        VCF0484b  867-868     
   VCF0484c  869-872        VCF0484d  873-874        VCF0485a  875-878     
   VCF0485b  879-880        VCF0485c  881-884        VCF0485d  885-886     
   VCF0486a  887-890        VCF0486b  891-892        VCF0486c  893-896     
   VCF0486d  897-898        VCF0487  899             VCF0488a  900-903     
   VCF0488b  904-905        VCF0488c  906-909        VCF0488d  910-911     
   VCF0489a  912-915        VCF0489b  916-917        VCF0489c  918-921     
   VCF0489d  922-923        VCF0490a  924-927        VCF0490b  928-929     
   VCF0490c  930-933        VCF0490d  934-935        VCF0491a  936-939     
   VCF0491b  940-941        VCF0491c  942-945        VCF0491d  946-947     
   VCF0492a  948-951        VCF0492b  952-953        VCF0492c  954-957     
   VCF0492d  958-959        VCF0493  960             VCF0494a  961-964     
   VCF0494b  965-966        VCF0494c  967-970        VCF0494d  971-972     
   VCF0495a  973-976        VCF0495b  977-978        VCF0495c  979-982     
   VCF0495d  983-984        VCF0496a  985-988        VCF0496b  989-990     
   VCF0496c  991-994        VCF0496d  995-996        VCF0497a  997-1000    
   VCF0497b  1001-1002      VCF0497c  1003-1006      VCF0497d  1007-1008   
   VCF0498a  1009-1012      VCF0498b  1013-1014      VCF0498c  1015-1018   
   VCF0498d  1019-1020      VCF0501  1021            VCF0502  1022         
   VCF0502a  1023           VCF0503  1024            VCF0504  1025         
   VCF0507  1026            VCF0508  1027            VCF0509  1028         
   VCF0512  1029            VCF0513  1030            VCF0514  1031         
   VCF0517  1032            VCF0518  1033            VCF0521  1034         
   VCF0521a  1035           VCF0522  1036            VCF0523  1037         
   VCF0524  1038            VCF0525  1039            VCF0528  1040         
   VCF0529  1041            VCF0533  1042            VCF0534  1043         
   VCF0537  1044            VCF0538  1045            VCF0541  1046         
   VCF0542  1047            VCF0545  1048            VCF0546  1049         
   VCF0549  1050            VCF0550  1051            VCF0601  1052         
   VCF0602  1053            VCF0603  1054            VCF0604  1055         
   VCF0605  1056            VCF0606  1057            VCF0607  1058         
   VCF0608  1059            VCF0609  1060            VCF0610  1061         
   VCF0611  1062            VCF0612  1063            VCF0613  1064         
   VCF0614  1065            VCF0615  1066            VCF0616  1067         
   VCF0617  1068            VCF0618  1069            VCF0619  1070         
   VCF0620  1071            VCF0621  1072            VCF0622  1073         
   VCF0623  1074            VCF0624  1075            VCF0625  1076         
   VCF0626  1077            VCF0627  1078            VCF0628  1079         
   VCF0629  1080            VCF0630  1081            VCF0631  1082         
   VCF0632  1083            VCF0633  1084            VCF0634  1085         
   VCF0640  1086            VCF0648  1087-1089       VCF0649  1090-1092    
   VCF0650  1093            VCF0651  1094            VCF0652  1095         
   VCF0653  1096            VCF0654  1097            VCF0655  1098         
   VCF0656  1099-1101       VCF0675  1102            VCF0700  1103         
   VCF0701  1104            VCF0702  1105            VCF0703  1106         
   VCF0704  1107            VCF0704a  1108           VCF0705  1109         
   VCF0706  1110            VCF0707  1111            VCF0708  1112         
   VCF0709  1113            VCF0710  1114            VCF0711  1115         
   VCF0712  1116            VCF0713  1117            VCF0714  1118         
   VCF0715  1119            VCF0716  1120            VCF0717  1121         
   VCF0718  1122            VCF0719  1123            VCF0720  1124         
   VCF0721  1125            VCF0722  1126            VCF0723  1127         
   VCF0723a  1128           VCF0724  1129            VCF0725  1130         
   VCF0726  1131            VCF0727  1132            VCF0728  1133         
   VCF0729  1134            VCF0730  1135            VCF0731  1136         
   VCF0732  1137            VCF0733  1138            VCF0734  1139         
   VCF0735  1140-1141       VCF0736  1142            VCF0737  1143         
   VCF0738  1144            VCF0738a  1145           VCF0739  1146         
   VCF0740  1147            VCF0741  1148            VCF0742  1149         
   VCF0743  1150            VCF0744  1151            VCF0745  1152         
   VCF0746  1153            VCF0747  1154            VCF0748  1155         
   VCF0749  1156-1157       VCF0750  1158            VCF0801  1159-1160    
   VCF0803  1161            VCF0804  1162            VCF0805  1163         
   VCF0806  1164            VCF0808  1165            VCF0809  1166         
   VCF0811  1167            VCF0813  1168            VCF0814  1169         
   VCF0815  1170            VCF0816  1171            VCF0817  1172         
   VCF0818  1173            VCF0819  1174            VCF0820  1175         
   VCF0821  1176            VCF0822  1177            VCF0823  1178         
   VCF0824  1179            VCF0825  1180            VCF0826  1181         
   VCF0827  1182            VCF0827a  1183           VCF0828  1184         
   VCF0829  1185            VCF0830  1186            VCF0832  1187         
   VCF0833  1188            VCF0834  1189            VCF0836  1190         
   VCF0837  1191            VCF0838  1192            VCF0839  1193         
   VCF0840  1194            VCF0841  1195            VCF0842  1196         
   VCF0843  1197            VCF0844  1198            VCF0845  1199         
   VCF0846  1200            VCF0847  1201            VCF0848  1202         
   VCF0848a  1203           VCF0849  1204            VCF0850  1205         
   VCF0851  1206            VCF0852  1207            VCF0853  1208         
   VCF0854  1209            VCF0860  1210            VCF0861  1211         
   VCF0862  1212            VCF0863  1213            VCF0864  1214         
   VCF0865  1215            VCF0866  1216            VCF0867  1217         
   VCF0867a  1218           VCF0870  1219            VCF0871  1220         
   VCF0872  1221            VCF0873  1222            VCF0875  1223-1224    
   VCF0875a  1225-1227      VCF0875b  1228-1230      VCF0876  1231         
   VCF0876a  1232           VCF0877  1233            VCF0877a  1234        
   VCF0878  1235            VCF0879  1236            VCF0879a  1237        
   VCF0880  1238            VCF0880a  1239           VCF0880b  1240        
   VCF0881  1241            VCF0886  1242            VCF0887  1243         
   VCF0888  1244            VCF0889  1245            VCF0890  1246         
   VCF0891  1247            VCF0892  1248            VCF0893  1249         
   VCF0894  1250            VCF0900  1251-1252       VCF0900b  1253-1256   
   VCF0900c $ 1257-1260     VCF0901a  1261-1262      VCF0901b $ 1263-1264  
   VCF0902  1265-1266       VCF0903  1267            VCF0904  1268         
   VCF0905  1269            VCF0906  1270-1272       VCF0907  1273-1275    
   VCF0908  1276-1278       VCF0909  1279-1281       VCF0910  1282         
   VCF0911  1283            VCF0912  1284            VCF0913  1285         
   VCF0914  1286            VCF0915  1287            VCF0916  1288         
   VCF0917  1289            VCF0918  1290            VCF0919  1291         
   VCF0920  1292            VCF0921  1293            VCF0922  1294         
   VCF0923  1295            VCF0924  1296            VCF0925  1297         
   VCF0926  1298            VCF0927  1299            VCF0928  1300         
   VCF0929  1301            VCF0930  1302            VCF0931  1303         
   VCF0932  1304            VCF0933  1305            VCF0934  1306         
   VCF0935  1307            VCF0936  1308            VCF0937  1309         
   VCF0938  1310            VCF0939  1311            VCF0940  1312         
   VCF0941  1313            VCF0942  1314            VCF0943  1315         
   VCF0944  1316            VCF0945  1317            VCF0946  1318         
   VCF0946a  1319           VCF0947  1320            VCF0947a  1321        
   VCF0948  1322            VCF0948a  1323           VCF0949  1324         
   VCF0949a  1325           VCF0950  1326            VCF0951  1327         
   VCF0952  1328            VCF0953  1329            VCF0954  1330         
   VCF0955  1331            VCF0956  1332            VCF0957  1333         
   VCF0958  1334            VCF0959  1335            VCF0960  1336         
   VCF0961  1337            VCF0962  1338            VCF0963  1339         
   VCF0964  1340            VCF0965  1341            VCF0966  1342         
   VCF0967  1343            VCF0968  1344            VCF0969  1345         
   VCF0970  1346            VCF0971  1347            VCF0972  1348         
   VCF0973  1349            VCF0974  1350            VCF0975  1351         
   VCF0976  1352-1353       VCF0977  1354            VCF0978  1355         
   VCF0980  1356            VCF0981  1357            VCF0982  1358-1359    
   VCF0983  1360-1361       VCF0984  1362            VCF0985  1363         
   VCF0986  1364-1365       VCF0987  1366-1367       VCF0988  1368-1370    
   VCF0989  1371-1372       VCF0990  1373-1375       VCF0991  1376         
   VCF0992  1377            VCF0993  1378            VCF0994  1379         
   VCF0995  1380-1381       VCF0996  1382-1383       VCF0997  1384         
   VCF0998  1385            VCF0999  1386-1387       VCF1000  1388-1389    
   VCF1001  1390-1392       VCF1002  1393-1394       VCF1003  1395-1397    
   VCF1004  1398            VCF1005  1399            VCF1006  1400-1401    
   VCF1007  1402-1403       VCF1008  1404-1405       VCF1009  1406         
   VCF1010  1407            VCF1011  1408            VCF1012  1409         
   VCF1013  1410            VCF1014  1411            VCF1015  1412-1413    
   VCF1016  1414-1415       VCF1017  1416-1418       VCF1018  1419-1421    
   VCF1020  1422            VCF1021a  1423-1426      VCF1021b  1427-1428   
   VCF1022a  1429-1432      VCF1022b  1433-1434      VCF1023a  1435-1438   
   VCF1023b  1439-1440      VCF1024a  1441-1444      VCF1024b  1445-1446   
   VCF1025a  1447-1450      VCF1025b  1451-1452      VCF1026  1453         
   VCF1027a  1454-1457      VCF1027b  1458-1459      VCF1028a  1460-1463   
   VCF1028b  1464-1465      VCF1029a  1466-1469      VCF1029b  1470-1471   
   VCF1030a  1472-1475      VCF1030b  1476-1477      VCF1031a  1478-1481   
   VCF1031b  1482-1483      VCF1032  1484            VCF1033a  1485-1488   
   VCF1033b  1489-1490      VCF1034a  1491-1494      VCF1034b  1495-1496   
   VCF1035a  1497-1500      VCF1035b  1501-1502      VCF1036a  1503-1506   
   VCF1036b  1507-1508      VCF1037a  1509-1512      VCF1037b  1513-1514   
   VCF1038  1515            VCF1039a  1516-1519      VCF1039b  1520-1521   
   VCF1040a  1522-1525      VCF1040b  1526-1527      VCF1041a  1528-1531   
   VCF1041b  1532-1533      VCF1042a  1534-1537      VCF1042b  1538-1539   
   VCF1043a  1540-1543      VCF1043b  1544-1545      VCF9001  1546-1547    
   VCF9002  1548            VCF9003  1549-1550       VCF9004  1551-1552    
   VCF9005  1553-1554       VCF9006  1555-1556       VCF9007  1557-1558    
   VCF9008  1559            VCF9009  1560            VCF9010  1561         
   VCF9011  1562            VCF9012  1563            VCF9013  1564         
   VCF9014  1565            VCF9015  1566            VCF9016  1567         
   VCF9017  1568            VCF9018  1569            VCF9019  1570         
   VCF9020  1571            VCF9021  1572            VCF9022  1573         
   VCF9023  1574            VCF9024  1575            VCF9025  1576         
   VCF9026  1577            VCF9027  1578            VCF9028  1579         
   VCF9029  1580            VCF9030  1581            VCF9030a  1582        
   VCF9030b  1583           VCF9030c  1584           VCF9031  1585         
   VCF9032  1586            VCF9033  1587            VCF9034  1588         
   VCF9035  1589            VCF9036  1590            VCF9037  1591         
   VCF9038  1592            VCF9039  1593            VCF9040  1594         
   VCF9041  1595            VCF9042  1596            VCF9043  1597         
   VCF9043a  1598           VCF9044  1599            VCF9044a  1600        
   VCF9045  1601            VCF9046  1602            VCF9047  1603         
   VCF9048  1604            VCF9049  1605            VCF9050  1606         
   VCF9051  1607            VCF9052  1608            VCF9053  1609         
   VCF9054  1610            VCF9055  1611-1612       VCF9056  1613-1615    
   VCF9057  1616-1618       VCF9058  1619-1621       VCF9059  1622-1624    
   VCF9060  1625-1627       VCF9061  1628-1630       VCF9062  1631-1633    
   VCF9063  1634            VCF9064  1635            VCF9065  1636         
   VCF9066  1637            VCF9067  1638-1639       VCF9069  1640         
   VCF9070  1641            VCF9071  1642            VCF9072  1643         
   VCF9073  1644            VCF9074  1645            VCF9075  1646         
   VCF9076  1647            VCF9077  1648            VCF9078  1649         
   VCF9079  1650            VCF9080  1651            VCF9081  1652         
   VCF9082  1653            VCF9083  1654            VCF9084  1655         
   VCF9085  1656            VCF9086  1657            VCF9087  1658         
   VCF9088  1659            VCF9089  1660            VCF9090  1661         
   VCF9091  1662            VCF9092  1663            VCF9093  1664         
   VCF9094  1665            VCF9095  1666            VCF9096  1667         
   VCF9097  1668            VCF9098  1669            VCF9099  1670         
   VCF9100  1671            VCF9101  1672            VCF9102  1673         
   VCF9103  1674            VCF9104  1675            VCF9105  1676         
   VCF9106  1677            VCF9107  1678            VCF9108  1679         
   VCF9109  1680            VCF9110  1681            VCF9111  1682         
   VCF9112  1683            VCF9113  1684            VCF9114  1685         
   VCF9115  1686            VCF9116  1687            VCF9117  1688         
   VCF9118  1689            VCF9119  1690            VCF9120  1691         
   VCF9121  1692            VCF9122  1693            VCF9123  1694-1695    
   VCF9124  1696-1697       VCF9125  1698            VCF9131  1699         
   VCF9132  1700            VCF9133  1701            VCF9134  1702         
   VCF9149  1703-1705       VCF9150  1706            VCF9151  1707         
   VCF9152  1708            VCF9153  1709            VCF9154  1710         
   VCF9155  1711            VCF9201  1712-1713       VCF9202  1714-1715    
   VCF9203  1716-1717       VCF9204  1718-1719       VCF9205  1720-1721    
   VCF9206  1722-1723       VCF9207  1724-1725       VCF9208  1726-1727    
   VCF9209  1728-1729       VCF9210  1730-1731       VCF9211  1732-1733    
   VCF9212  1734-1735       VCF9213  1736-1737       VCF9214  1738-1739    
   VCF9215  1740-1741       VCF9216  1742-1743       VCF9217  1744-1745    
   VCF9218  1746-1747       VCF9219  1748-1749       VCF9220  1750-1751    
   VCF9221  1752-1753       VCF9222  1754-1755       VCF9223  1756-1757    
   VCF9224  1758-1759       VCF9225  1760-1761       VCF9226  1762-1763    
   VCF9227  1764-1765       VCF9228  1766-1767       VCF9229  1768-1769    
   VCF9230  1770-1771       VCF9231  1772-1773       VCF9232  1774-1775    
   VCF9233  1776-1777       VCF9234  1778-1779       VCF9235  1780-1781    
   VCF9236  1782-1783       VCF9237  1784-1785       VCF9238  1786-1787    
   VCF9239  1788-1789       VCF9240  1790-1791       VCF9241  1792-1793    
   VCF9242  1794-1795       VCF9243  1796-1797       VCF9244  1798-1799    
   VCF9245  1800-1801       VCF9246  1802-1803       VCF9247  1804-1805    
   VCF9248  1806-1807       VCF9249  1808-1809       VCF9250  1810-1811    
   VCF9251  1812-1813       VCF9252  1814-1815       VCF9253  1816-1817    
   VCF9254  1818-1819       VCF9255  1820-1821       VCF9256  1822-1823    
   VCF9257  1824-1825       VCF9258  1826-1827       VCF9259  1828-1829    
   VCF9260  1830-1831       VCF9261  1832-1833       VCF9262  1834-1835    
   VCF9263  1836-1837       VCF9264  1838-1839       VCF9265  1840-1841    
   VCF9266  1842-1843       VCF9267  1844-1846       VCF9268  1847-1849    
   VCF9269  1850-1852       VCF9270  1853-1854       VCF9271  1855-1856    
   VCF9272  1857-1858       VCF9273  1859-1860       VCF9274  1861-1862    
   VCF9275  1863-1864       VCF9277  1865-1866       VCF9278  1867-1868    
   VCF9279  1869-1870       VCF9280  1871-1872       VCF9281  1873-1874    
   VCF9282  1875-1876     ;                       

   Version = "Version Number Of Release"
   VCF0004 = "Year of Study"
   VCF0006 = "Study Respondent Number: Year-level Case ID"
   VCF0006a = "Unique Respondent Number (Cross-year ID for panel cases)"
   VCF0009x = "Weight: For 1970 type 0 - 2012,2016 FTF sample"
   VCF0010x = "Weight: For 1970 type 1 - 2012,2016 FTF sample"
   VCF0011x = "Weight: For 1970 type 2 - 2012,2016 FTF sample"
   VCF0009y = "Weight: For 1970 type 0 - 2012,2016 Web sample"
   VCF0010y = "Weight: For 1970 type 1 - 2012,2016 Web sample"
   VCF0011y = "Weight: For 1970 type 2 - 2012,2016 Web sample"
   VCF0009z = "Weight: For 1970 type 0 - 2012,2016,2020 full sample"
   VCF0010z = "Weight: For 1970 type 1 - 2012,2016 full sample"
   VCF0011z = "Weight: For 1970 type 2 - 2012,2016 full sample"
   VCF9999 = "Weight: post-election weight full sample"
   VCF0012 = "Form Filter for Paper Questionnaires"
   VCF0013 = "Completion - Post-election (flag)"
   VCF0014 = "Completion - Pre-election (flag)"
   VCF0015a = "Abbreviated Interview - Pre"
   VCF0015b = "Abbreviated Interview - Post"
   VCF0016 = "Cross-section composition: fresh Cross or panel case"
   VCF0017 = "Mode of Interview"
   VCF0018a = "Language of Interview - Pre"
   VCF0018b = "Language of Interview - Post"
   VCF0019 = "R Relationship to Head of HH 1952-1986"
   VCF0050a = "Respondent Level of Political Info - Pre"
   VCF0050b = "Respondent Level of Political Info - Post"
   VCF0070a = "Interviewer Gender - Pre"
   VCF0070b = "Interviewer Gender - Post"
   VCF0071a = "Interviewer Race Full - Pre"
   VCF0071b = "Interviewer Race Full - Post"
   VCF0071c = "Interviewer Race 2-category - Pre"
   VCF0071d = "Interviewer Race 2-category - Post"
   VCF0072a = "Interviewer Ethnicity - Pre"
   VCF0072b = "Interviewer Ethnicity - Post"
   VCF0101 = "Respondent - Age"
   VCF0102 = "Respondent - Age Group"
   VCF0103 = "Respondent - Cohort"
   VCF0104 = "Respondent - Gender"
   VCF0105a = "Race-ethnicity summary, 7 categories"
   VCF0105b = "Race-ethnicity summary, 4 categories"
   VCF0106 = "Race summary, 3 categories"
   VCF0107 = "Respondent - Hispanic Origin Type"
   VCF0108 = "Respondent - Hispanic Origin"
   VCF0109 = "Respondent - Ethnicity"
   VCF0110 = "Respondent - Education 4-category"
   VCF0111 = "Urbanism"
   VCF0112 = "Census Region"
   VCF0113 = "Political South/Nonsouth"
   VCF0114 = "Respondent Family - Income Group"
   VCF0115 = "Respondent - Occupation Group 6-category"
   VCF0116 = "Respondent - Work Status 7-category"
   VCF0117 = "Head of HH - Work Status 7-category 1948-1986"
   VCF0118 = "Respondent - Work Status 5-category"
   VCF0119 = "Head of HH - Work Status 5-category 1952-1986"
   VCF0120 = "Respondent - Prestige Score S.E.I. Rank 1976-1984"
   VCF0121 = "Head of HH - Prestige Score S.E.I. Rank 1976-1984"
   VCF0122 = "Respondent - Prestige Score NORC Rank 1976-1982"
   VCF0123 = "Head of HH - Prestige Score NORC Rank 1976-1982"
   VCF0124 = "Respondent - Prestige Score S.E.S. Rank 1968-1974"
   VCF0125 = "Head of HH - Prestige Score S.E.S. Rank 1968-1974"
   VCF0126 = "Father of Respondent - Occupation 5-category 1952-1996"
   VCF0126a = "Father of Respondent Occupation 8-category 1970-1976"
   VCF0126b = "Father of Respondent - Occupation Group 1978-1982,1996"
   VCF0126c = "Father of Respondent - Occupation Group 1984-1988,1992"
   VCF0127 = "Household - Union Membership"
   VCF0127a = "Household - Who Belongs to Union 8-category"
   VCF0127b = "Household - Who Belongs to Union 4-category"
   VCF0128 = "Respondent - Religion Major Group"
   VCF0128a = "Respondent - Religion 7-category 1960-1988"
   VCF0128b = "Respondent - Religion 8-category 1990-1996"
   VCF0129 = "Respondent - Religion Full Code 1960-1988,2002"
   VCF0130 = "Respondent - Church Attendance 1970-"
   VCF0130a = "Respondent - Church Attendance 1990-"
   VCF0131 = "Respondent - Church Attendance 1952-1968"
   VCF0132 = "Respondent - Where Grew Up: State 1968-"
   VCF0133 = "Respondent - Where Grew Up: State 1952-1966"
   VCF0134 = "Respondent - Where Grew Up: Farm 1952-1994,2000"
   VCF0135 = "Respondent - Where Grew Up: Large City 1952-1994,2000"
   VCF0136 = "Respondent - Where Grew Up: Urbanism 1956-1976"
   VCF0137 = "Respondent - Where Grew Up: Urbanism 1978-2000"
   VCF0138 = "Number of Children in family"
   VCF0138a = "Number Children Under Age 6 in HH"
   VCF0138b = "Number Children Ages 6-9 in HH"
   VCF0138c = "Number Children Ages 10-13 in HH"
   VCF0138d = "Number Children Ages 14-17 in HH"
   VCF0138e = "Age Youngest Child in HH"
   VCF0139 = "Respondent - How Many Children Does R Have"
   VCF0140 = "Respondent - Education 6-category"
   VCF0140a = "Respondent - Education 7-category"
   VCF0141 = "Head of HH - Education 6-category 1962-1986"
   VCF0142 = "Respondent - Place of Birth"
   VCF0143 = "Respondent Parents - Native Born"
   VCF0144 = "Respondent Father - Where Born"
   VCF0145 = "Respondent Mother - Where Born"
   VCF0146 = "Respondent Family - Home Ownership"
   VCF0147 = "Respondent - Marital Status"
   VCF0148 = "Respondent - Social Class 8-category"
   VCF0148a = "Respondent - Average or Upper Middle/Working Class"
   VCF0149 = "Respondent - Think of Self as Member of Social Class"
   VCF0150 = "Respondent - Work Status 16-category"
   VCF0151 = "Respondent - Occupation Group 5-Category"
   VCF0152 = "Respondent - Religion Full Code 1990-"
   VCF0153a = "Mother of Respondent - Occupation 8-category 1970-1976"
   VCF0153b = "Mother of Respondent - Occupation Group 1978-1982"
   VCF0153c = "Mother of Respondent - Occupation Group 1984-1988"
   VCF0154a = "Respondent - Occupation 71-category"
   VCF0154b = "Respondent - Occupation 14-category"
   VCF0155 = "Respondent - Worried about Find/Losing Job"
   VCF0156 = "Respondent - Working R Laid off Last 6 Months"
   VCF0157 = "Respondent - Working R Hours Reduced/Cut in Pay"
   VCF0170a = "County of IW 1956-1960"
   VCF0170b = "County of IW 1964-1976"
   VCF0170c = "County of IW 1968-1982"
   VCF0170d = "County of IW 1970,1978-1998"
   VCF0201 = "Thermometer - Democrats"
   VCF0202 = "Thermometer - Republicans"
   VCF0203 = "Thermometer - Protestants"
   VCF0204 = "Thermometer - Catholics"
   VCF0205 = "Thermometer - Jews"
   VCF0206 = "Thermometer - Blacks"
   VCF0207 = "Thermometer - Whites"
   VCF0208 = "Thermometer - Southerners"
   VCF0209 = "Thermometer - Big Business"
   VCF0210 = "Thermometer - Labor Unions"
   VCF0211 = "Thermometer - Liberals"
   VCF0212 = "Thermometer - Conservatives"
   VCF0213 = "Thermometer - Military"
   VCF0214 = "Thermometer - Policemen/Police"
   VCF0215 = "Thermometer - Black Militants"
   VCF0216 = "Thermometer - Civil Rights Leaders"
   VCF0217 = "Thermometer - Chicanos/Hispanics"
   VCF0218 = "Thermometer - Democratic Party"
   VCF0219 = "Thermometer - Middle Class People"
   VCF0220 = "Thermometer - People on Welfare"
   VCF0221 = "Thermometer - Political Independents"
   VCF0222 = "Thermometer - Political Parties"
   VCF0223 = "Thermometer - Poor People"
   VCF0224 = "Thermometer - Republican Party"
   VCF0225 = "Thermometer - Womens Libbers"
   VCF0226 = "Thermometer - Young People"
   VCF0227 = "Thermometer - Asian-Americans"
   VCF0228 = "Thermometer - Congress"
   VCF0229 = "Thermometer - Environmentalists"
   VCF0230 = "Thermometer - Anti-Abortionists"
   VCF0231 = "Thermometer - Federal Government"
   VCF0232 = "Thermometer - Gays and Lesbians"
   VCF0233 = "Thermometer - Illegal Aliens"
   VCF0234 = "Thermometer - Christian Fundamentalists"
   VCF0235 = "Thermometer - Radical Students"
   VCF0236 = "Thermometer - Farmers"
   VCF0253 = "Thermometer - Feminists"
   VCF0290 = "Thermometer Average - Major Parties"
   VCF0291 = "Thermometer Index - Major Parties"
   VCF0301 = "Party Identification of Respondent- 7-point Scale"
   VCF0302 = "Party Identification of Respondent- Initial Party ID Response"
   VCF0303 = "Party Identification of Respondent- Summary 3-Category"
   VCF0305 = "Party Identification of Respondent- Strength of Partisanship"
   VCF0306 = "Party Identification of Respondent's Father"
   VCF0307 = "Party Identification of Respondent's Mother"
   VCF0308 = "Political Interest of Respondent's Father"
   VCF0309 = "Political Interest of Respondent's Mother"
   VCF0310 = "Interest in the Elections"
   VCF0311 = "Does Respondent Care Which Party Wins Presidential Election"
   VCF0312 = "Respondent Care(d) Which Party Wins Congressional Election"
   VCF0313 = "Interest in Public Affairs"
   VCF0314 = "Democratic Party: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0315 = "Democratic Party: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0316 = "Democratic Party: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0317 = "Democratic Party: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0318 = "Republican Party: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0319 = "Republican Party: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0320 = "Republican Party: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0321 = "Republican Party: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0322 = "Major Parties: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0323 = "Major Parties: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0324 = "Major Parties: Relative Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0338 = "President- Intelligent"
   VCF0339 = "President- Compassionate"
   VCF0340 = "President- Decent"
   VCF0341 = "President- Inspiring"
   VCF0342 = "President- Knowledgeable"
   VCF0343 = "President- Moral"
   VCF0344 = "President- Leadership"
   VCF0345 = "President- Cares"
   VCF0346 = "President- Angry"
   VCF0347 = "President- Afraid"
   VCF0348 = "President- Hopeful"
   VCF0349 = "President- Proud"
   VCF0350 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Intelligent"
   VCF0351 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Compassionate"
   VCF0352 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Decent"
   VCF0353 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Inspiring"
   VCF0354 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Knowledgeable"
   VCF0355 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Moral"
   VCF0356 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Leadership"
   VCF0357 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Cares"
   VCF0358 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Angry"
   VCF0359 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Afraid"
   VCF0360 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Hopeful"
   VCF0361 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Proud"
   VCF0362 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Intelligent"
   VCF0363 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Compassionate"
   VCF0364 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Decent"
   VCF0365 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Inspiring"
   VCF0366 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Knowledgeable"
   VCF0367 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Moral"
   VCF0368 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Leadership"
   VCF0369 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Cares"
   VCF0370 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Angry"
   VCF0371 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Afraid"
   VCF0372 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Hopeful"
   VCF0373 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Proud"
   VCF0374 = "Likes Anything about Democratic party"
   VCF0375a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0375b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0375c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0375d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0376a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0376b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0376c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0376d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0377a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0377b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0377c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0377d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0378a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0378b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0378c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0378d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0379a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0379b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0379c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Party"
   VCF0379d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0380 = "Dislikes Anything about Democratic party"
   VCF0381a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0381b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0381c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0381d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0382a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0382b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0382c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0382d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0383a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0383b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0383c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0383d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0384a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0384b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0384c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0384d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0385a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0385b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0385c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Party"
   VCF0385d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0386 = "Likes Anything about Republican party"
   VCF0387a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0387b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0387c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0387d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0388a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0388b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0388c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0388d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0389a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0389b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0389c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0389d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0390a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0390b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0390c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0390d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0391a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0391b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0391c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Republican Party"
   VCF0391d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0392 = "Dislikes Anything about Republican party"
   VCF0393a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0393b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0393c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0393d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0394a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0394b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0394c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0394d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0395a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0395b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0395c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0395d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0396a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0396b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0396c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0396d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0397a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0397b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0397c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Party"
   VCF0397d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Party COLLAPSED"
   VCF0401 = "Democratic Presidential Cand: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0402 = "Democratic Presidential Cand: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0403 = "Democratic Presidential Cand: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0404 = "Democratic Presidential Cand: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0405 = "Republican Presidential Cand: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0406 = "Republican Presidential Cand: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0407 = "Republican Presidential Cand: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0408 = "Republican Presidential Cand: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0409 = "Presidential Candidates: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0410 = "Presidential Candidates: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0411 = "Presidential Candidates: Relative Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0412 = "Thermometer Average - Presidential Candidates"
   VCF0413 = "Thermometer Index - Presidential Candidates"
   VCF0414 = "Thermometer Average - Vice-Presidential Candidates"
   VCF0415 = "Thermometer Index - Vice-Presidential Candidates"
   VCF0424 = "Thermometer - Democratic Presidential Candidate"
   VCF0425 = "Thermometer - Democratic Vice-presidential Candidate"
   VCF0426 = "Thermometer - Republican Presidential Candidate"
   VCF0427 = "Thermometer - Republican Vice-presidential Candidate"
   VCF0428 = "Thermometer - U.S. President"
   VCF0429 = "Thermometer - Vice-president"
   VCF0432 = "Thermometer - Hubert Humphrey"
   VCF0433 = "Thermometer - Ted Kennedy"
   VCF0434 = "Thermometer - Eugene McCarthy"
   VCF0435 = "Thermometer - George McGovern"
   VCF0436 = "Thermometer - Walter Mondale"
   VCF0437 = "Thermometer - Edmund Muskie"
   VCF0438 = "Thermometer - George Bush Sr."
   VCF0439 = "Thermometer - George Wallace"
   VCF0440 = "Thermometer - Spiro Agnew"
   VCF0441 = "Thermometer - Gerald Ford"
   VCF0442 = "Thermometer - Richard Nixon"
   VCF0443 = "Thermometer - Ronald Reagan"
   VCF0444 = "Thermometer - Nelson Rockefeller"
   VCF0445 = "Thermometer - Robert Dole"
   VCF0446 = "Thermometer - Jimmy Carter"
   VCF0447 = "Thermometer - Bill Clinton"
   VCF0448 = "Thermometer - Al Gore"
   VCF0449 = "Thermometer - Ross Perot"
   VCF0450 = "Approve of President Performance"
   VCF0451 = "Strength Approve/Disapprove President Performance"
   VCF0471 = "Thermometer - Hillary Clinton"
   VCF0472 = "Thermometer - Pat Buchanan"
   VCF0473 = "Thermometer - Dan Quayle"
   VCF0475 = "Likes Anything about Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0476a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0476b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0476c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0476d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0477a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0477b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0477c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0477d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0478a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0478b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0478c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0478d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0479a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0479b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0479c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0479d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0480a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0480b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0480c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0480d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0481 = "Dislikes Anything about Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0482a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0482b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0482c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0482d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0483a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0483b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0483c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0483d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0484a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0484b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0484c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0484d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0485a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0485b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0485c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0485d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0486a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0486b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0486c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand"
   VCF0486d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0487 = "Likes anything about Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0488a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0488b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0488c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0488d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0489a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0489b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0489c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0489d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0490a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0490b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0490c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0490d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0491a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0491b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0491c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0491d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0492a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0492b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0492c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0492d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Like About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0493 = "Dislikes anything about Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0494a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0494b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0494c = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0494d = "1952-1968 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0495a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0495b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0495c = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0495d = "1952-1968 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0496a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0496b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0496c = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0496d = "1952-1968 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0497a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0497b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0497c = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0497d = "1952-1968 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0498a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0498b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0498c = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand"
   VCF0498d = "1952-1968 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican Presidential Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF0501 = "Difference Between Major Parties"
   VCF0502 = "Which Major Party is More Conservative 3-Category"
   VCF0502a = "Which Major Party is More Conservative 4-Category"
   VCF0503 = "Democratic Party- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF0504 = "Republican Party- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF0507 = "Which Party Favors Government Help With Medical Care"
   VCF0508 = "Democratic Party- Government Health Insurance Scale"
   VCF0509 = "Republican Party- Government Health Insurance Scale"
   VCF0512 = "Which Party Favors Guaranteed Jobs and Standard of Living"
   VCF0513 = "Democratic Party- Guaranteed Jobs-Living Scale"
   VCF0514 = "Republican Party- Guaranteed Jobs-Living Scale"
   VCF0517 = "Democratic Party- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF0518 = "Republican Party- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF0521 = "Which Party Favors Stronger Government"
   VCF0521a = "Which Party Favors Stronger Government w/ No Opinion"
   VCF0522 = "Which Party Will Best Avoid War/Bigger War"
   VCF0523 = "Which Party Favors Military Spending Cut"
   VCF0524 = "Democratic Party- Rights of Accused Scale"
   VCF0525 = "Republican Party- Rights of Accused Scale"
   VCF0528 = "Democratic Party- Urban Unrest Scale"
   VCF0529 = "Republican Party- Urban Unrest Scale"
   VCF0533 = "Democratic Party- School Busing Scale"
   VCF0534 = "Republican Party- School Busing Scale"
   VCF0537 = "Democratic Party- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF0538 = "Republican Party- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF0541 = "Democratic Party- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF0542 = "Republican Party- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF0545 = "Democratic Party- Cooperation with U.S.S.R. Scale"
   VCF0546 = "Republican Party- Cooperation with U.S.S.R. Scale"
   VCF0549 = "Democratic Party- Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF0550 = "Republican Party- Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF0601 = "Approve Participation in Protests"
   VCF0602 = "Approve Civil Disobedience"
   VCF0603 = "Approve Demonstrations"
   VCF0604 = "Trust the Federal Government To Do What is Right"
   VCF0605 = "Federal Government Run by Few Interests or for the Benefit of All"
   VCF0606 = "How Much Does the Federal Government Waste Tax Money"
   VCF0607 = "How Many Government Officials Are Smart"
   VCF0608 = "How Many Government Officials Are Crooked"
   VCF0609 = "Government Officials Care What People Like Respondent Think"
   VCF0610 = "Congressmen Lose Touch with Constituents"
   VCF0611 = "Parties Only Interested in Votes"
   VCF0612 = "Voting is the Only Way to Have a Say in Government"
   VCF0613 = "People like Respondent Have Any Say in What the Government Does"
   VCF0614 = "Politics and Government Seem Too Complicated"
   VCF0615 = "Matter Whether Respondent Votes or Not"
   VCF0616 = "Should Those Who Don't Care About Election Outcome Vote"
   VCF0617 = "Should Someone Vote If Their Party Can't Win"
   VCF0618 = "A Good Many Local Elections Unimportant"
   VCF0619 = "Most People Can Be Trusted OR: Can't Be Too Careful With People"
   VCF0620 = "People Are Helpful OR: People Look Out for Themselves"
   VCF0621 = "People Will Take Advantage of Others OR: People Will Try to be Fair"
   VCF0622 = "How Much Government Pays Attention to What People Think"
   VCF0623 = "How Much Parties Make Government Pay Attention to People"
   VCF0624 = "How Much Elections Make Government Pay Attention to People"
   VCF0625 = "How Much Attention Congressmen Pay to Constituents"
   VCF0626 = "Respondent Usually Able to Carry Out Plans as Expected"
   VCF0627 = "Better to Plan Life a Good Way Ahead"
   VCF0628 = "Sure Life Would Work out as Expected"
   VCF0629 = "Can Run Life as Wanted"
   VCF0630 = "Government Level Respondent Has Most Faith in"
   VCF0631 = "Government Level Respondent Has Least Faith in"
   VCF0632 = "Branch of Government Respondent Trusts Most"
   VCF0633 = "Branch of Government Respondent Trusts 2nd Most"
   VCF0634 = "Branch of Government Respondent Trusts Least"
   VCF0640 = "Government Handling of Most Important Problem mentioned by Respondent"
   VCF0648 = "External Efficacy Index"
   VCF0649 = "Government Responsiveness Index"
   VCF0650 = "Federal Government Performance Rating"
   VCF0651 = "State Government Performance Rating"
   VCF0652 = "Local Government Performance Rating"
   VCF0653 = "Presidency Performance Rating"
   VCF0654 = "Congress Performance Rating"
   VCF0655 = "Supreme Court Performance Rating"
   VCF0656 = "Trust in Government Index"
   VCF0675 = "How Much of the Time Does Respondent Trust the Media to Report Fairly"
   VCF0700 = "Who Will Be Elected President in November"
   VCF0701 = "Registered to Vote Pre-Election"
   VCF0702 = "Did Respondent Vote in the National Elections"
   VCF0703 = "Register and Turnout SUMMARY"
   VCF0704 = "Vote for President- Major Candidates"
   VCF0704a = "Vote for President- Major Parties"
   VCF0705 = "Vote for President- Major Parties and Other"
   VCF0706 = "Vote and Nonvote- President"
   VCF0707 = "Vote for Congressman"
   VCF0708 = "Vote for Senator"
   VCF0709 = "Vote Ticket-splitting- President/House"
   VCF0710 = "Vote Ticket-splitting- President/Senate"
   VCF0711 = "Does Respondent Always Vote for the Same Party"
   VCF0712 = "Timing of Respondent's Presidential Vote Decision"
   VCF0713 = "Respondent Pre-election Intent for Vote for President"
   VCF0714 = "Will the Presidential Election Be Close"
   VCF0715 = "State/Local Vote Straight Ticker or Split 5-Category"
   VCF0716 = "State/Local Vote Straight Ticker or Split 2-Category"
   VCF0717 = "Respondent Try to Influence the Vote of Others During the Campaign"
   VCF0718 = "Respondent Attend Political Meetings/Rallies During the Campaign"
   VCF0719 = "Respondent Work for Party or Candidate During the Campaign"
   VCF0720 = "Respondent Display Candidate Button/Sticker During the Campaign"
   VCF0721 = "Respondent Donate Money to Party or Candidate During the Campaign"
   VCF0722 = "Has Respondent Ever Written a Letter to a Public Official"
   VCF0723 = "Count of Campaign Participation Activities 6-Category"
   VCF0723a = "Count of Campaign Participation Activities 4-Category"
   VCF0724 = "Watch TV Programs about the Election Campaigns"
   VCF0725 = "Hear Programs about Campaigns on the Radio 2-Category"
   VCF0726 = "Articles about Election Campaigns in Magazines"
   VCF0727 = "Number of Articles about Election Campaigns in Magazines"
   VCF0728 = "Count of Media Exposure Types"
   VCF0729 = "Party with House Majority Before the Election"
   VCF0730 = "Party with House Majority After the Election"
   VCF0731 = "Respondent Discuss Politics with Family and Friends"
   VCF0732 = "How Often Respondent Discusses Politics with Family and Friends"
   VCF0733 = "How Often in the Last Week Respondent Discussed Politics"
   VCF0734 = "Intended Presidential Vote versus Actual Presidential Vote"
   VCF0735 = "Vote for U.S. House- Candidate Code"
   VCF0736 = "Vote for U.S. House- Party"
   VCF0737 = "Registered to Vote Post-Election"
   VCF0738 = "Party of Registration Post-election"
   VCF0738a = "Party of Registration Pre-election"
   VCF0739 = "Respondent Made $1 Tax Checkoff for Political Contribution"
   VCF0740 = "Contribute to Political Party During the Campaigns"
   VCF0741 = "Contribute to PAC During the Campaigns"
   VCF0742 = "Give Money to Individual Candidate During the Campaigns"
   VCF0743 = "Does R Belong to Political Organization or Club"
   VCF0744 = "Have Access to Internet"
   VCF0745 = "Saw Election Campaign Information on the Internet"
   VCF0746 = "Did Religious/Moral Group Try to Influence Respondent Vote"
   VCF0747 = "Information about Candidates/Parties/Issues at Church"
   VCF0748 = "Voted on Election Day or Before"
   VCF0749 = "How Long Before Election Did Respondent Vote"
   VCF0750 = "Vote in Person Or with Absentee Ballot"
   VCF0801 = "Thermometer Index - Rating of Liberals and Conservatives"
   VCF0803 = "Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF0804 = "Liberal-Conservative Scale 1972- COLLAPSED"
   VCF0805 = "Government Assistance with Medical Care"
   VCF0806 = "Government Health Insurance Scale"
   VCF0808 = "Guaranteed Jobs and Income"
   VCF0809 = "Guaranteed Jobs and Income Scale"
   VCF0811 = "Urban Unrest Scale"
   VCF0813 = "How Much Has the Position of Blacks Changed"
   VCF0814 = "Civil Rights Pushes Too Fast or Not Fast Enough"
   VCF0815 = "Segregation or Desegregation"
   VCF0816 = "Should Government Ensure School Integration"
   VCF0817 = "School Busing Scale"
   VCF0818 = "Should Government Ensure Fair Jobs/Housing for Blacks"
   VCF0819 = "Open Housing"
   VCF0820 = "Do Whites in the Area Favor Segregation"
   VCF0821 = "Do Blacks in the Area Favor Desegregation"
   VCF0822 = "Rating of Government Economic Policy"
   VCF0823 = "Better off if U.S. Unconcerned with Rest of World"
   VCF0824 = "If Compelled to Choose Liberal or Conservative"
   VCF0825 = "How Likely for U.S. to be at War/in Bigger War"
   VCF0826 = "Did U.S. Do Right Thing Getting Involved in War"
   VCF0827 = "How Should U.S. Proceed in Current War"
   VCF0827a = "U.S. Stand in Vietnam Scale"
   VCF0828 = "Should Government Cut Military Spending"
   VCF0829 = "Is the Government in Washington Too Strong"
   VCF0830 = "Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF0832 = "Rights of the Accused Scale"
   VCF0833 = "Favor or Oppose Equal Rights Amendment"
   VCF0834 = "Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF0836 = "Should Women Stay out of Politics"
   VCF0837 = "When Should Abortion Be Allowed"
   VCF0838 = "By Law, When Should Abortion Be Allowed"
   VCF0839 = "Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF0840 = "Favor or Oppose Term Limits"
   VCF0841 = "Cooperation with U.S.S.R. Scale"
   VCF0842 = "Environmental Regulation Scale"
   VCF0843 = "Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF0844 = "How Willing Should U.S. Be to Use Military Force"
   VCF0845 = "Authority of the Bible 1964-1990"
   VCF0846 = "Is Religion Important to Respondent"
   VCF0847 = "How Much Guidance from Religion"
   VCF0848 = "Concern about Conventional War"
   VCF0848a = "Concern about Nuclear War"
   VCF0849 = "Liberal-Conservative Position 1984- COLLAPSED"
   VCF0850 = "Authority of the Bible 1984-"
   VCF0851 = "Newer Lifestyles Contribute to Society Breakdown"
   VCF0852 = "Should Adjust View of Moral Behavior to Changes"
   VCF0853 = "Should be More Emphasis on Traditional Values"
   VCF0854 = "Tolerance of Different Moral Standards"
   VCF0860 = "Racial Composition of Neighborhood- Respondent Description"
   VCF0861 = "Racial Composition of Grade School- Respondent Description"
   VCF0862 = "Racial Composition of Junior High School"
   VCF0863 = "Racial Composition of High School- Respondent Description"
   VCF0864 = "Racial Composition of Work Place- Respondent Description"
   VCF0865 = "Racial Composition of Where R Shops- Respondent Description"
   VCF0866 = "Racial Composition of Friends"
   VCF0867 = "Affirmative Action in Hiring/Promotion [1 of 2]"
   VCF0867a = "Affirmative Action in Hiring/Promotion [2 of 2]"
   VCF0870 = "Better or Worse Economy in Past Year"
   VCF0871 = "How Much Better or Worse Economy in Past Year"
   VCF0872 = "Better or Worse Economy in Next Year"
   VCF0873 = "Did R Delay Medical/Dental Treatment Due to the Expense"
   VCF0875 = "Mention 1: What is the Most Important National Problem"
   VCF0875a = "Mention 2: What is the Most Important National Problem"
   VCF0875b = "Mention 3: What is the Most Important National Problem"
   VCF0876 = "Law to Protect Homosexuals Against Discrimination"
   VCF0876a = "Strength of Position on Law to Protect Homosexuals Against Discrimination"
   VCF0877 = "Favor or Oppose Gays in the Military"
   VCF0877a = "Strength of Position on Gays in the Military"
   VCF0878 = "Should Gays/Lesbians Be Able to Adopt Children"
   VCF0879 = "Increase or Decrease Number of Immigrants to U.S. 6-Category"
   VCF0879a = "Increase or Decrease Number of Immigrants to U.S. 4-Category"
   VCF0880 = "Better or Worse Off in Past Year"
   VCF0880a = "How Much Better/Worse Off in Past Year"
   VCF0880b = "Financial Situation Better/Worse in Past Few Years"
   VCF0881 = "Better or Worse Off in Next Year"
   VCF0886 = "Federal Spending- Poor/Poor People"
   VCF0887 = "Federal Spending- Child Care"
   VCF0888 = "Federal Spending- Dealing with Crime"
   VCF0889 = "Federal Spending- Aids Research/Fight Aids"
   VCF0890 = "Federal Spending- Public Schools"
   VCF0891 = "Federal Spending- Fin Aid for College Students"
   VCF0892 = "Federal Spending- Foreign Aid"
   VCF0893 = "Federal Spending- The Homeless"
   VCF0894 = "Federal Spending- Welfare Programs"
   VCF0900 = "Congressional District of Residence"
   VCF0900b = "State and Congressional District- FIPS"
   VCF0900c = "State and Congressional District- Postal Abbrev and CD"
   VCF0901a = "State Code- FIPS"
   VCF0901b = "State Postal Abbrev"
   VCF0902 = "Type of U.S. House Race"
   VCF0903 = "Is House Incumbent Running"
   VCF0904 = "Is House Incumbent Opposed"
   VCF0905 = "Number of Candidates in U.S. House Race"
   VCF0906 = "Thermometer - Democratic House Candidate"
   VCF0907 = "Thermometer - Republican House Candidate"
   VCF0908 = "Thermometer - Incumbent House Candidate"
   VCF0909 = "Thermometer - Challenger House Candidate"
   VCF0910 = "Contact with Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0911 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Met Him"
   VCF0912 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Attended Meeting"
   VCF0913 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Talked to Staff"
   VCF0914 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Received Mail"
   VCF0915 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Read About"
   VCF0916 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Heard on Radio"
   VCF0917 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent: Saw on TV"
   VCF0918 = "Know Anyone Who had Contact with Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0919 = "Challenger to Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0920 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Met Him"
   VCF0921 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Attended Meeting"
   VCF0922 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Talked to Staff"
   VCF0923 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Received Mail"
   VCF0924 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Read About"
   VCF0925 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Heard on Radio"
   VCF0926 = "Challenger to U.S. House Running Incumbent: Saw on TV"
   VCF0927 = "Know Anyone Who had Contact with Challenger to Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0928 = "Contact with U.S. House Democratic Cand"
   VCF0929 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Met Him"
   VCF0930 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Attended Meeting"
   VCF0931 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Talked to Staff"
   VCF0932 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Received Mail"
   VCF0933 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Read About"
   VCF0934 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Heard on Radio"
   VCF0935 = "U.S. House Democratic Cand: Saw on TV"
   VCF0936 = "Know Anyone Who had Contact with U.S. House Democratic Cand"
   VCF0937 = "Contact with U.S. House Republican Cand"
   VCF0938 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Met Him"
   VCF0939 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Attended Meeting"
   VCF0940 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Talked to Staff"
   VCF0941 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Received Mail"
   VCF0942 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Read About"
   VCF0943 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Heard on Radio"
   VCF0944 = "U.S. House Republican Cand: Saw on TV"
   VCF0945 = "Know Anyone Who had Contact with U.S. House Republican Cand"
   VCF0946 = "Count of Contact Types- Running U.S. House Incumbent Cand"
   VCF0946a = "Yes/No Any Contact with Running U.S. House Incumbent Cand"
   VCF0947 = "Count of Contact Types- Challenger to Running U.S. House Incumbent Cand"
   VCF0947a = "Yes/No Any Contact with Challenger to Running U.S. House Incumbent Cand"
   VCF0948 = "Count of Contact Types- U.S. House Democratic Cand"
   VCF0948a = "Yes/No Any Contact with U.S. House Democratic Cand"
   VCF0949 = "Count of Contact Types- U.S. House Republican Cand"
   VCF0949a = "Yes/No Any Contact with U.S. House Republican Cand"
   VCF0950 = "Contacted Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0951 = "Contacted Running U.S. House Incumbent to Express Opinion"
   VCF0952 = "Contacted Running U.S. House Incumbent to Seek Information"
   VCF0953 = "Contacted Running U.S. House Incumbent to Seek Help"
   VCF0954 = "Response to Contact with Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0955 = "Satisfied w/Response from Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0956 = "Know Anyone (Else) Who Contacted Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0957 = "Other Person Get Response from Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0958 = "Other Person Satisfied w/Response from Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0959 = "Would Running U.S. House Incumbent be Helpful with Problem"
   VCF0960 = "Running U.S. House Incumbent Done Anything Special for District"
   VCF0961 = "Contacted Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0962 = "Contacted Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent to Express Opinion"
   VCF0963 = "Contacted Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent to Seek Information"
   VCF0964 = "Contacted Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent to Seek Help"
   VCF0965 = "Response to Contact with Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0966 = "Satisfied w/Response from Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0967 = "Know Anyone (Else) Who Contacted Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0968 = "Other Person Get Response from Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0969 = "Other Person Satisfied with Response fr Running/Retiring U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0970 = "Would Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent be Helpful with Problem"
   VCF0971 = "Running or Retiring U.S. House Incumbent Done Anything Special for District"
   VCF0972 = "Recall Names of U.S. House Candidates"
   VCF0973 = "Recall Correct Name of U.S. House Candidate"
   VCF0974 = "Recall Correct Name of U.S. House Candidate"
   VCF0975 = "Recall Correct Name of U.S. House Candidate"
   VCF0976 = "Number of Recalled Names of U.S. House Candidates"
   VCF0977 = "Know If One U.S. House Candidate Was Already in the U.S. House"
   VCF0978 = "Correct Whether a U.S. House Candidate Was Already in Office"
   VCF0980 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0981 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0982 = "Democratic U.S. House Candidate Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0983 = "Democratic U.S. House Candidate Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0984 = "Republican U.S. House Cand: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0985 = "Republican U.S. House Cand: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0986 = "Republican U.S. House Cand: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0987 = "Republican U.S. House Cand: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0988 = "Republican U.S. House Candidate Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0989 = "U.S. House Candidate Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0990 = "U.S. House Candidate Relative Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0991 = "Approve/Disapprove of Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF0992 = "Approve/Disapprove of U.S. Congress"
   VCF0993 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0994 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0995 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0996 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF0997 = "Challenger to Incum U.S. House Cand: Respondent Likes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0998 = "Challenger to Incum U.S. House Cand: Respondent Dislikes - Number of Mentions"
   VCF0999 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand: Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF1000 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand: Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF1001 = "U.S. House Candidate Affect (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF1002 = "U.S. House Candidate Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF1003 = "U.S. House Candidate Relative Salience (Likes-Dislikes)"
   VCF1004 = "Party of Respondent/Party of U.S. House Incumbent from district of IW"
   VCF1005 = "Party of Voter Respondent/ Party of U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF1006 = "Candidate Code of Correctly Recalled U.S. House Candidate from IW district"
   VCF1007 = "Candidate Code of Correctly Recalled U.S. House Candidate from IW district"
   VCF1008 = "Candidate Code of Correctly Recalled U.S. House Candidate from IW district"
   VCF1009 = "Party of Recalled U.S. House Candidate Name(s) from district of IW"
   VCF1010 = "Is Recalled U.S. House Cand Name From Own Party"
   VCF1011 = "Respondent Vote for U.S. House Candidate From Own Party in district of IW"
   VCF1012 = "Respondent Vote for Incumbent U.S. House Candidate in district of IW"
   VCF1013 = "Respondent Vote for Winning U.S. House Candidate in district of IW"
   VCF1014 = "Winning U.S. House Candidate in district of IW"
   VCF1015 = "Number of Days Pre-Election IW Conducted Before Election"
   VCF1016 = "Number of Days Post-Election IW Conducted After Election"
   VCF1017 = "Thermometer Average - U.S. House Candidates"
   VCF1018 = "Thermometer Index - U.S. House Candidats"
   VCF1020 = "Likes anything about Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1021a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1021b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1022a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1022b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1023a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1023b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1024a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1024b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1025a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1025b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1026 = "Dislikes anything about Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1027a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1027b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1028a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1028b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1029a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1029b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1030a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1030b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1031a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1031b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Democratic U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1032 = "Likes anything about Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1033a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1033b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1034a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1034b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1035a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1035b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1036a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1036b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1037a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1037b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Like About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1038 = "Dislikes anything about Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1039a = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1039b = "1972-2004 Mention 1: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1040a = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1040b = "1972-2004 Mention 2: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1041a = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1041b = "1972-2004 Mention 3: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1042a = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1042b = "1972-2004 Mention 4: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF1043a = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand"
   VCF1043b = "1972-2004 Mention 5: Dislike About Republican U.S. House Cand COLLAPSED"
   VCF9001 = "Length of Residence in Community"
   VCF9002 = "Length of Residence in Home"
   VCF9003 = "Thermometer - Evangelical Groups"
   VCF9004 = "Thermometer - Elderly"
   VCF9005 = "Thermometer - Supreme Court"
   VCF9006 = "Thermometer - Women"
   VCF9007 = "Thermometer - Jesse Jackson"
   VCF9008 = "Which Party Would Best Handle Pollution and Protecting Environment"
   VCF9009 = "Approve of President Performance on Economy"
   VCF9010 = "Which Would Best Handle Inflation"
   VCF9011 = "Which Would Best Handle Unemployment"
   VCF9012 = "Which Party Would Best Handle Most Important Problem"
   VCF9013 = "Society Ensure Equal Opportunity to Succeed"
   VCF9014 = "We Have Gone Too Far Pushing Equal Rights"
   VCF9015 = "Big Problem that Not Everyone Has Equal Chance"
   VCF9016 = "Not Big Problem if Some Have More Chance in Life"
   VCF9017 = "Should Worry less about How Equal People Are"
   VCF9018 = "U.S. Fewer Problems if Everyone Treated Equally"
   VCF9019 = "Most Desirable Goal for the Nation: #1"
   VCF9020 = "Most Desirable Goal for the Nation: #2"
   VCF9021 = "Did Anyone Talk to R about Voting or Registering"
   VCF9022 = "Voter Strength of Preference- Presidential Cand"
   VCF9023 = "Nonvoter Preference- Presidential Cand"
   VCF9024 = "Voter Strength of Preference- U.S. House Cand"
   VCF9025 = "Vote for Governor- Party"
   VCF9026 = "Vote in Presidential year Primary- Party"
   VCF9027 = "Vote in Previous Presidential Election - Party"
   VCF9028 = "Which Presidential Candidate Will Win in State"
   VCF9029 = "Which Presidential Race in State Be Close"
   VCF9030 = "Contacted By Which Major Party"
   VCF9030a = "Contacted By Any Major Party"
   VCF9030b = "Contacted By Democratic Party"
   VCF9030c = "Contacted By Republican Party"
   VCF9031 = "Contacted By Anyone Other than Parties"
   VCF9032 = "Hear Programs about Campaigns on the Radio 4-Category"
   VCF9033 = "Number of Days Read Newspaper in Last Week"
   VCF9034 = "Read Daily Newspaper"
   VCF9035 = "Number of Days Watched National TV News in Past Week"
   VCF9036 = "Party with Senate Majority Before the Election"
   VCF9037 = "Government Should Ensure Fair Jobs for Blacks"
   VCF9038 = "Guaranteed Equal Opportunity Is Not Government Job"
   VCF9039 = "Conditions Make it Difficult for Blacks to Succeed"
   VCF9040 = "Blacks Should Not Have Special Favors to Succeed"
   VCF9041 = "Blacks Must Try Harder to Succeed"
   VCF9042 = "Blacks Gotten Less than They Deserve Over the Past Few Years"
   VCF9043 = "School Prayer Allowed 4-Category"
   VCF9043a = "Strength of Opinion When School Prayer Allowed 4-Category"
   VCF9044 = "Effect of Federal Economic Policies 7-Category"
   VCF9044a = "Effect of Federal Economic Policies 3-Category"
   VCF9045 = "Position of the U.S. Weaker/Stronger in the Past Year"
   VCF9046 = "Federal Spending- Food Stamps"
   VCF9047 = "Federal Spending- Improve and Protect the Environment"
   VCF9048 = "Federal Spending- Space/Science/Technology"
   VCF9049 = "Federal Spending- Social Security"
   VCF9050 = "Federal Spending- Assistance to Blacks"
   VCF9051 = "School Prayer Allowed 2-Category"
   VCF9052 = "Are Things in U.S. Going Well or Not"
   VCF9053 = "Income Kept Up with Costs in Last Year"
   VCF9054 = "Senate Race in State"
   VCF9055 = "Type of U.S. Senate Race"
   VCF9056 = "Thermometer - Senate Democratic Candidate"
   VCF9057 = "Thermometer - Senate Republican Candidate"
   VCF9058 = "Thermometer - Senate Incumbent Candidate"
   VCF9059 = "Thermometer - Senate Challenger"
   VCF9060 = "Thermometer - Senator in State with Senate Race"
   VCF9061 = "Thermometer - Senator 1 in State with No Senate Race)"
   VCF9062 = "Thermometer - Senator 2 in State with No Senate Race)"
   VCF9063 = "Recall Names of U.S. Senate Candidates"
   VCF9064 = "Recall Correct Name of U.S. Senate Candidate"
   VCF9065 = "Recall Correct Name of U.S. Senate Candidate"
   VCF9066 = "Recall Correct Name of U.S. Senate Candidate"
   VCF9067 = "Number of Recalled Names of U.S. Senate Candidates"
   VCF9069 = "Strength Approve/Disapprove Running U.S. House Incumbent"
   VCF9070 = "Agreement w/ Running House Incumbent's Legislative Votes"
   VCF9071 = "Remember Running U.S. House Incumbent Vote on Any Bill"
   VCF9072 = "Agree With Running U.S. House Incumbent Vote on Bill"
   VCF9073 = "President on Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF9074 = "President on Cooperation with USSR Scale"
   VCF9075 = "President on Women's Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9076 = "President on Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9077 = "President on Government Health Insurance Scale"
   VCF9078 = "President on Government Spending/Services Scale"
   VCF9079 = "President on Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9080 = "President on Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9081 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF9082 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Cooperation with U.S.S.R. Scale"
   VCF9083 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9084 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9085 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Government Health Insurance Scale"
   VCF9086 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF9087 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9088 = "Democratic Presidential Cand- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9089 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF9090 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Cooperation with U.S.S.R. Scale"
   VCF9091 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9092 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9093 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Government Health Insurance Scale"
   VCF9094 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF9095 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9096 = "Republican Presidential Cand- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9097 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9098 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9099 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF9100 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand- Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9101 = "Democratic U.S. House Cand- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9102 = "Republican U.S. House Cand- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9103 = "Republican U.S. House Cand- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9104 = "Republican U.S. House Cand- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF9105 = "Republican U.S. House Cand- Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9106 = "Republican U.S. House Cand- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9107 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9108 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9109 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF9110 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9111 = "Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9112 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Women Equal Role Scale"
   VCF9113 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9114 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Government Services-Spending Scale"
   VCF9115 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9116 = "Challenger to Incumbent U.S. House Cand- Liberal-Conservative Scale"
   VCF9117 = "Federal Government on Cooperation with USSR Scale"
   VCF9118 = "Federal Government on Defense Spending Scale"
   VCF9119 = "Federal Government on Aid to Blacks Scale"
   VCF9120 = "Federal Government on Government Services/Spending Scale"
   VCF9121 = "Federal Government on Guaranteed Jobs and Living Scale"
   VCF9122 = "Number of Politically Eligible Adults in HH"
   VCF9123 = "Number of Pre-Election Interviewer Calls"
   VCF9124 = "Number of Post-Election Interviewer Calls"
   VCF9125 = "Post-Election Persuasion Letter 1978-2012"
   VCF9131 = "Less Government Better OR Government Do More"
   VCF9132 = "Govt Handle Economy OR Free Market Can Handle"
   VCF9133 = "Govt Too Involved in Things OR Problems Require"
   VCF9134 = "More Important to Be Cooperative OR Self-reliant"
   VCF9149 = "Election Office Number"
   VCF9150 = "R Registration Status (Self-reported)"
   VCF9151 = "R Turnout (Self-reported)"
   VCF9152 = "Attempted Validation of Registration"
   VCF9153 = "Status of Office Voting Records"
   VCF9154 = "Was R Registration Validated"
   VCF9155 = "Was R Vote Validated"
   VCF9201 = "CSES: Like-dislike (11pt) scale placement for Democratic party"
   VCF9202 = "CSES: Like-dislike (11pt) scale placement for Republican party"
   VCF9203 = "CSES: Do any of the parties in the U.S. represent R's view reasonably well"
   VCF9204 = "CSES: Which political party is it that represents R's views best"
   VCF9205 = "Which party would do a better job handling the nation's economy"
   VCF9206 = "Better when one party controls both the Presidency and U.S. Congress or when control is split"
   VCF9207 = "CSES: Like-dislike (11pt) scale placement for Democratic Presidential candidate"
   VCF9208 = "CSES: Like-dislike (11pt) scale placement for Republican Presidential candidate"
   VCF9209 = "How well does _provides strong leadership_ describe: Democratic Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9210 = "How well does _really cares about people like you_ describe: Democratic Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9211 = "How well does _knowledgeable_ describe: Democratic Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9212 = "How well does _honest_ describe: Democratic Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9213 = "How well does _provides strong leadership_ describe: Republican Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9214 = "How well does _really cares about people like you_ describe: Republican Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9215 = "How well does _knowledgeable_ describe: Republican Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9216 = "How well does _honest_ describe: Republican Presidential candidate (no RB, 5 cat)"
   VCF9217 = "Does R approve or disapprove of the way current U.S. President is handling foreign relations"
   VCF9218 = "Does R approve or disapprove of the way current U.S. President is handling health care"
   VCF9219 = "Current U.S. President retrospective: U.S. more or less secure, or not changed"
   VCF9220 = "Current U.S. President retrospective (since beginning of term): economy better, worse, or same"
   VCF9221 = "CSES: How good or bad a job has the government done in general over the last term of the current administration"
   VCF9222 = "Are things in this country on the right track or have things seriously gotten off on the wrong track"
   VCF9223 = "How likely is it that recent immigration levels will take jobs away from people already here"
   VCF9224 = "Is R invested in the stock market"
   VCF9225 = "Has unemployment in the country gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse in the past year"
   VCF9226 = "Much or somewhat that the level of unemployment has gotten better/worse"
   VCF9227 = "Does R think the difference in incomes between rich and poor in the U.S. is larger, smaller, or about the same as 20 years ago"
   VCF9228 = "Much or somewhat larger/smaller gap in incomes between rich and poor in the U.S. than 20 years ago"
   VCF9229 = "Will unemployment get better, stay the same, or get worse in the next 12 months"
   VCF9230 = "Should the federal government encourage or discourage American companies to replace U.S. workers with foreign workers, or stay out"
   VCF9231 = "Does R favor or oppose placing limits on imports to protect American jobs (or haven't you thought much about this)"
   VCF9232 = "Does R favor or oppose the U.S. government torturing people who are suspected of being terrorists, to try to get information"
   VCF9233 = "How much does R favor/oppose use of U.S. govt torture [of those suspected of being terrorists]"
   VCF9234 = "Abortion issue placement for Democratic Presidential candidate"
   VCF9235 = "Abortion issue placement for Republican Presidential candidate"
   VCF9236 = "Does R favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder"
   VCF9237 = "R strongly or not strongly favor/oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder"
   VCF9238 = "Should the government make it more difficult or easier to buy a gun, or should the rules stay the same as they are now"
   VCF9239 = "How important is gun control issue to R"
   VCF9240 = "CSES: Left-right (11pt) scale placement for R"
   VCF9241 = "CSES: Left-right (11pt) scale placement for Democratic party"
   VCF9242 = "CSES: Left-right (11pt) scale placement for Republican party"
   VCF9243 = "Would R call self a born-again Christian /consider self a born-again Christian / had the deep religious experience described as being born again"
   VCF9244 = "How often can R trust people"
   VCF9245 = "How satisfied is R with R's life"
   VCF9246 = "Which is more important for a child to have: curiosity or good manners"
   VCF9247 = "Which is more important for a child to have: obedience or self-reliance"
   VCF9248 = "Which is more important for a child to be: considerate or well-behaved"
   VCF9249 = "Which is more important for a child to have: independence or respect for elders"
   VCF9250 = "CSES: Who votes for makes a big diffence - (5pt) scale placement for R"
   VCF9251 = "How well does R understand the important political issues facing our country"
   VCF9252 = "How often do politics and government seem so complicated that R can't really understand what's going on"
   VCF9253 = "CSES: Make big difference who is in power (5pt) scale placement for R"
   VCF9254 = "CSES: How satisfied is R with the way democracy works in the U.S. (4cat: satisfied-not at all satisfied)"
   VCF9255 = "CSES: How satisfied is R with the way democracy works in the U.S. (4cat: very satisfied-not at all satisfied)"
   VCF9256 = "Was R able to devote any time to volunteer work in the last 12 months"
   VCF9257 = "Has R worked with others to deal with issue in community during the past 12 months"
   VCF9258 = "Did R attend a meeting about an issue in community or schools during the past 12 months"
   VCF9259 = "How often does R follow information about politics and government"
   VCF9260 = "What job or office is held by named Speaker of the U.S. House"
   VCF9261 = "What job or office is held by named Vice-President"
   VCF9262 = "What job or office is held by named Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court"
   VCF9263 = "What was the party of the running candidate to which R gave money"
   VCF9264 = "What was the political party to which R gave money"
   VCF9265 = "PRE-ELECTION: Did R vote in the state Presidential primary election or caucus"
   VCF9266 = "(HISPANIC Rs) For information about politics does R get the most information from Spanish or English language television, radio, and newspapers"
   VCF9267 = "Thermometer for: Muslims"
   VCF9268 = "Thermometer for: rich people"
   VCF9269 = "Thermometer for: Christians"
   VCF9270 = "Hardworking-lazy (7pt) scale placement for whites"
   VCF9271 = "Hardworking-lazy (7pt) scale placement for blacks"
   VCF9272 = "Hardworking-lazy (7pt) scale placement for Hispanic-Americans"
   VCF9273 = "Hardworking-lazy (7pt) scale placement for Asian Americans"
   VCF9274 = "In American life and politics, do blacks have too much, about the right amount of, or too little influence"
   VCF9275 = "In American politics, do blacks have too much, about the right amount of, or too little influence"
   VCF9277 = "Does working/temporarily laid off R work for someone else, self, or what"
   VCF9278 = "Does working/temporarily laid off R work for the federal, state, or local government"
   VCF9279 = "Does R consider self to be heterosexual or straight, homosexual or [gay/lesbian], or bisexual"
   VCF9280 = "Does R know anyone among family and friends who is bisexual or gay"
   VCF9281 = "Does R have any (1994: some) kind of health insurance"
   VCF9282 = "Is R living with family members" ;

 /* User Missing Value Specifications */
  IF VCF0012 = 9 THEN VCF0012 =. ;
  IF VCF0018a = 9 THEN VCF0018a =. ;
  IF VCF0018b = 9 THEN VCF0018b =. ;
  IF VCF0019 >= 9 OR VCF0019 = 0 THEN VCF0019 =. ;
  IF VCF0050a = 9 THEN VCF0050a =. ;
  IF VCF0050b >= 9 OR VCF0050b = 0 THEN VCF0050b =. ;
  IF VCF0070a = 9 THEN VCF0070a =. ;
  IF VCF0070b >= 9 OR VCF0070b = 0 THEN VCF0070b =. ;
  IF VCF0071a = 9 THEN VCF0071a =. ;
  IF VCF0071b >= 9 OR VCF0071b = 0 THEN VCF0071b =. ;
  IF VCF0071c = 9 THEN VCF0071c =. ;
  IF VCF0071d >= 9 OR VCF0071d = 0 THEN VCF0071d =. ;
  IF VCF0072a = 9 THEN VCF0072a =. ;
  IF VCF0072b >= 9 OR VCF0072b = 0 THEN VCF0072b =. ;
  IF VCF0101 = 0 THEN VCF0101 =. ;
  IF VCF0102 = 0 THEN VCF0102 =. ;
  IF VCF0103 = 0 THEN VCF0103 =. ;
  IF VCF0104 = 0 THEN VCF0104 =. ;
  IF VCF0105a = 9 THEN VCF0105a =. ;
  IF VCF0105b >= 9 OR VCF0105b = 0 THEN VCF0105b =. ;
  IF VCF0106 >= 9 OR VCF0106 = 0 THEN VCF0106 =. ;
  IF VCF0107 >= 8 OR VCF0107 = 0 THEN VCF0107 =. ;
  IF VCF0108 >= 8 OR VCF0108 = 0 THEN VCF0108 =. ;
  IF VCF0109 >= 98 OR VCF0109 = 0 THEN VCF0109 =. ;
  IF VCF0110 = 0 THEN VCF0110 =. ;
  IF VCF0111 = 0 THEN VCF0111 =. ;
  IF VCF0112 = 0 THEN VCF0112 =. ;
  IF VCF0113 = 0 THEN VCF0113 =. ;
  IF VCF0114 = 0 THEN VCF0114 =. ;
  IF VCF0115 = 0 THEN VCF0115 =. ;
  IF VCF0116 >= 9 OR VCF0116 = 0 THEN VCF0116 =. ;
  IF VCF0117 >= 9 OR VCF0117 = 0 THEN VCF0117 =. ;
  IF VCF0118 >= 9 OR VCF0118 = 0 THEN VCF0118 =. ;
  IF VCF0119 >= 9 OR VCF0119 = 0 THEN VCF0119 =. ;
  IF VCF0120 >= 998 OR VCF0120 = 0 THEN VCF0120 =. ;
  IF VCF0121 >= 998 OR VCF0121 = 0 THEN VCF0121 =. ;
  IF VCF0122 >= 998 OR VCF0122 = 0 THEN VCF0122 =. ;
  IF VCF0123 >= 998 OR VCF0123 = 0 THEN VCF0123 =. ;
  IF VCF0124 >= 98 OR VCF0124 = 0 THEN VCF0124 =. ;
  IF VCF0125 >= 98 OR VCF0125 = 0 THEN VCF0125 =. ;
  IF VCF0126 = 0 THEN VCF0126 =. ;
  IF VCF0126a >= 9 OR VCF0126a = 0 THEN VCF0126a =. ;
  IF VCF0126b >= 98 OR VCF0126b = 0 THEN VCF0126b =. ;
  IF VCF0126c >= 98 OR VCF0126c = 0 THEN VCF0126c =. ;
  IF VCF0127 = 0 THEN VCF0127 =. ;
  IF VCF0127a = 99 THEN VCF0127a =. ;
  IF VCF0127b = 9 THEN VCF0127b =. ;
  IF VCF0128 = 0 THEN VCF0128 =. ;
  IF VCF0128a = 9 THEN VCF0128a =. ;
  IF VCF0128b = 9 THEN VCF0128b =. ;
  IF VCF0129 >= 996 OR VCF0129 = 0 THEN VCF0129 =. ;
  IF VCF0130 >= 8 OR VCF0130 = 0 THEN VCF0130 =. ;
  IF VCF0130a >= 9 OR VCF0130a = 8 THEN VCF0130a =. ;
  IF VCF0131 >= 9 OR VCF0131 = 0 THEN VCF0131 =. ;
  IF VCF0132 >= 998 OR VCF0132 = 0 THEN VCF0132 =. ;
  IF VCF0133 >= 998 OR VCF0133 = 0 THEN VCF0133 =. ;
  IF VCF0134 >= 8 OR VCF0134 = 0 THEN VCF0134 =. ;
  IF VCF0135 >= 8 OR VCF0135 = 0 THEN VCF0135 =. ;
  IF VCF0136 >= 9 OR VCF0136 = 0 THEN VCF0136 =. ;
  IF VCF0137 >= 9 OR VCF0137 = 0 THEN VCF0137 =. ;
  IF VCF0138 = 9 THEN VCF0138 =. ;
  IF VCF0138a = 9 THEN VCF0138a =. ;
  IF VCF0138b = 9 THEN VCF0138b =. ;
  IF VCF0138c = 9 THEN VCF0138c =. ;
  IF VCF0138d = 9 THEN VCF0138d =. ;
  IF VCF0138e = 9 THEN VCF0138e =. ;
  IF VCF0139 = 9 THEN VCF0139 =. ;
  IF VCF0140 >= 8 OR VCF0140 = 0 THEN VCF0140 =. ;
  IF VCF0140a >= 8 OR VCF0140a = 0 THEN VCF0140a =. ;
  IF VCF0141 >= 8 OR VCF0141 = 0 THEN VCF0141 =. ;
  IF VCF0142 >= 998 OR VCF0142 = 0 THEN VCF0142 =. ;
  IF VCF0143 >= 8 OR VCF0143 = 0 THEN VCF0143 =. ;
  IF VCF0144 >= 998 OR VCF0144 = 0 THEN VCF0144 =. ;
  IF VCF0145 >= 998 OR VCF0145 = 0 THEN VCF0145 =. ;
  IF VCF0146 >= 8 OR VCF0146 = 0 THEN VCF0146 =. ;
  IF VCF0147 >= 8 OR VCF0147 = 0 THEN VCF0147 =. ;
  IF VCF0148 = 9 THEN VCF0148 =. ;
  IF VCF0148a = 9 THEN VCF0148a =. ;
  IF VCF0149 >= 9 OR VCF0149 = 0 THEN VCF0149 =. ;
  IF VCF0150 >= 99 OR VCF0150 = 0 THEN VCF0150 =. ;
  IF VCF0151 = 0 THEN VCF0151 =. ;
  IF VCF0152 >= 998 OR VCF0152 = 0 THEN VCF0152 =. ;
  IF VCF0153a >= 9 OR VCF0153a = 0 THEN VCF0153a =. ;
  IF VCF0153b >= 98 OR VCF0153b = 0 THEN VCF0153b =. ;
  IF VCF0153c >= 98 OR VCF0153c = 0 THEN VCF0153c =. ;
  IF VCF0154a >= 98 OR VCF0154a = 0 THEN VCF0154a =. ;
  IF VCF0154b >= 98 OR VCF0154b = 0 THEN VCF0154b =. ;
  IF VCF0155 >= 8 OR VCF0155 = 0 THEN VCF0155 =. ;
  IF VCF0156 >= 8 OR VCF0156 = 0 THEN VCF0156 =. ;
  IF VCF0157 >= 8 OR VCF0157 = 0 THEN VCF0157 =. ;
  IF VCF0170a = 0 THEN VCF0170a =. ;
  IF VCF0170b = 0 THEN VCF0170b =. ;
  IF VCF0170c = 0 THEN VCF0170c =. ;
  IF VCF0170d = 0 THEN VCF0170d =. ;
  IF VCF0201 >= 99 OR VCF0201 = 98 THEN VCF0201 =. ;
  IF VCF0202 >= 99 OR VCF0202 = 98 THEN VCF0202 =. ;
  IF VCF0203 >= 99 OR VCF0203 = 98 THEN VCF0203 =. ;
  IF VCF0204 >= 99 OR VCF0204 = 98 THEN VCF0204 =. ;
  IF VCF0205 >= 99 OR VCF0205 = 98 THEN VCF0205 =. ;
  IF VCF0206 >= 99 OR VCF0206 = 98 THEN VCF0206 =. ;
  IF VCF0207 >= 99 OR VCF0207 = 98 THEN VCF0207 =. ;
  IF VCF0208 >= 99 OR VCF0208 = 98 THEN VCF0208 =. ;
  IF VCF0209 >= 99 OR VCF0209 = 98 THEN VCF0209 =. ;
  IF VCF0210 >= 99 OR VCF0210 = 98 THEN VCF0210 =. ;
  IF VCF0211 >= 99 OR VCF0211 = 98 THEN VCF0211 =. ;
  IF VCF0212 >= 99 OR VCF0212 = 98 THEN VCF0212 =. ;
  IF VCF0213 >= 99 OR VCF0213 = 98 THEN VCF0213 =. ;
  IF VCF0214 >= 99 OR VCF0214 = 98 THEN VCF0214 =. ;
  IF VCF0215 >= 99 OR VCF0215 = 98 THEN VCF0215 =. ;
  IF VCF0216 >= 99 OR VCF0216 = 98 THEN VCF0216 =. ;
  IF VCF0217 >= 99 OR VCF0217 = 98 THEN VCF0217 =. ;
  IF VCF0218 >= 99 OR VCF0218 = 98 THEN VCF0218 =. ;
  IF VCF0219 >= 99 OR VCF0219 = 98 THEN VCF0219 =. ;
  IF VCF0220 >= 99 OR VCF0220 = 98 THEN VCF0220 =. ;
  IF VCF0221 >= 99 OR VCF0221 = 98 THEN VCF0221 =. ;
  IF VCF0222 >= 99 OR VCF0222 = 98 THEN VCF0222 =. ;
  IF VCF0223 >= 99 OR VCF0223 = 98 THEN VCF0223 =. ;
  IF VCF0224 >= 99 OR VCF0224 = 98 THEN VCF0224 =. ;
  IF VCF0225 >= 99 OR VCF0225 = 98 THEN VCF0225 =. ;
  IF VCF0226 >= 99 OR VCF0226 = 98 THEN VCF0226 =. ;
  IF VCF0227 >= 99 OR VCF0227 = 98 THEN VCF0227 =. ;
  IF VCF0228 >= 99 OR VCF0228 = 98 THEN VCF0228 =. ;
  IF VCF0229 >= 99 OR VCF0229 = 98 THEN VCF0229 =. ;
  IF VCF0230 >= 99 OR VCF0230 = 98 THEN VCF0230 =. ;
  IF VCF0231 >= 99 OR VCF0231 = 98 THEN VCF0231 =. ;
  IF VCF0232 >= 99 OR VCF0232 = 98 THEN VCF0232 =. ;
  IF VCF0233 >= 99 OR VCF0233 = 98 THEN VCF0233 =. ;
  IF VCF0234 >= 99 OR VCF0234 = 98 THEN VCF0234 =. ;
  IF VCF0235 >= 99 OR VCF0235 = 98 THEN VCF0235 =. ;
  IF VCF0236 >= 99 OR VCF0236 = 98 THEN VCF0236 =. ;
  IF VCF0253 >= 99 OR VCF0253 = 98 THEN VCF0253 =. ;
  IF VCF0290 >= 999 OR VCF0290 = 998 THEN VCF0290 =. ;
  IF VCF0291 >= 999 OR VCF0291 = 998 THEN VCF0291 =. ;
  IF VCF0301 = 0 THEN VCF0301 =. ;
  IF VCF0302 >= 9 OR VCF0302 = 8 THEN VCF0302 =. ;
  IF VCF0303 = 0 THEN VCF0303 =. ;
  IF VCF0305 = 0 THEN VCF0305 =. ;
  IF VCF0306 >= 9 OR VCF0306 = 0 THEN VCF0306 =. ;
  IF VCF0307 >= 9 OR VCF0307 = 0 THEN VCF0307 =. ;
  IF VCF0308 >= 9 OR VCF0308 = 0 THEN VCF0308 =. ;
  IF VCF0309 >= 9 OR VCF0309 = 0 THEN VCF0309 =. ;
  IF VCF0310 = 0 THEN VCF0310 =. ;
  IF VCF0311 = 0 THEN VCF0311 =. ;
  IF VCF0312 = 0 THEN VCF0312 =. ;
  IF VCF0313 = 0 THEN VCF0313 =. ;
  IF VCF0314 = 9 THEN VCF0314 =. ;
  IF VCF0315 = 9 THEN VCF0315 =. ;
  IF VCF0316 = 99 THEN VCF0316 =. ;
  IF VCF0317 = 99 THEN VCF0317 =. ;
  IF VCF0318 = 9 THEN VCF0318 =. ;
  IF VCF0319 = 9 THEN VCF0319 =. ;
  IF VCF0320 = 99 THEN VCF0320 =. ;
  IF VCF0321 = 99 THEN VCF0321 =. ;
  IF VCF0322 = 999 THEN VCF0322 =. ;
  IF VCF0323 = 99 THEN VCF0323 =. ;
  IF VCF0324 = 999 THEN VCF0324 =. ;
  IF VCF0338 >= 8 OR VCF0338 = 0 THEN VCF0338 =. ;
  IF VCF0339 >= 8 OR VCF0339 = 0 THEN VCF0339 =. ;
  IF VCF0340 >= 8 OR VCF0340 = 0 THEN VCF0340 =. ;
  IF VCF0341 >= 8 OR VCF0341 = 0 THEN VCF0341 =. ;
  IF VCF0342 >= 8 OR VCF0342 = 0 THEN VCF0342 =. ;
  IF VCF0343 >= 8 OR VCF0343 = 0 THEN VCF0343 =. ;
  IF VCF0344 >= 8 OR VCF0344 = 0 THEN VCF0344 =. ;
  IF VCF0345 >= 8 OR VCF0345 = 0 THEN VCF0345 =. ;
  IF VCF0346 >= 8 OR VCF0346 = 0 THEN VCF0346 =. ;
  IF VCF0347 >= 8 OR VCF0347 = 0 THEN VCF0347 =. ;
  IF VCF0348 >= 8 OR VCF0348 = 0 THEN VCF0348 =. ;
  IF VCF0349 >= 8 OR VCF0349 = 0 THEN VCF0349 =. ;
  IF VCF0350 >= 8 OR VCF0350 = 0 THEN VCF0350 =. ;
  IF VCF0351 >= 8 OR VCF0351 = 0 THEN VCF0351 =. ;
  IF VCF0352 >= 8 OR VCF0352 = 0 THEN VCF0352 =. ;
  IF VCF0353 >= 8 OR VCF0353 = 0 THEN VCF0353 =. ;
  IF VCF0354 >= 8 OR VCF0354 = 0 THEN VCF0354 =. ;
  IF VCF0355 >= 8 OR VCF0355 = 0 THEN VCF0355 =. ;
  IF VCF0356 >= 8 OR VCF0356 = 0 THEN VCF0356 =. ;
  IF VCF0357 >= 8 OR VCF0357 = 0 THEN VCF0357 =. ;
  IF VCF0358 >= 8 OR VCF0358 = 0 THEN VCF0358 =. ;
  IF VCF0359 >= 8 OR VCF0359 = 0 THEN VCF0359 =. ;
  IF VCF0360 >= 8 OR VCF0360 = 0 THEN VCF0360 =. ;
  IF VCF0361 >= 8 OR VCF0361 = 0 THEN VCF0361 =. ;
  IF VCF0362 >= 8 OR VCF0362 = 0 THEN VCF0362 =. ;
  IF VCF0363 >= 8 OR VCF0363 = 0 THEN VCF0363 =. ;
  IF VCF0364 >= 8 OR VCF0364 = 0 THEN VCF0364 =. ;
  IF VCF0365 >= 8 OR VCF0365 = 0 THEN VCF0365 =. ;
  IF VCF0366 >= 8 OR VCF0366 = 0 THEN VCF0366 =. ;
  IF VCF0367 >= 8 OR VCF0367 = 0 THEN VCF0367 =. ;
  IF VCF0368 >= 8 OR VCF0368 = 0 THEN VCF0368 =. ;
  IF VCF0369 >= 8 OR VCF0369 = 0 THEN VCF0369 =. ;
  IF VCF0370 >= 8 OR VCF0370 = 0 THEN VCF0370 =. ;
  IF VCF0371 >= 8 OR VCF0371 = 0 THEN VCF0371 =. ;
  IF VCF0372 >= 8 OR VCF0372 = 0 THEN VCF0372 =. ;
  IF VCF0373 >= 8 OR VCF0373 = 0 THEN VCF0373 =. ;
  IF VCF0374 >= 9 OR VCF0374 = 8 THEN VCF0374 =. ;
  IF VCF0375a >= 8889 OR VCF0375a = 8888 THEN VCF0375a =. ;
  IF VCF0375b >= 89 OR VCF0375b = 88 THEN VCF0375b =. ;
  IF VCF0375c >= 9988 OR VCF0375c = 9987 THEN VCF0375c =. ;
  IF VCF0375d >= 89 OR VCF0375d = 87 THEN VCF0375d =. ;
  IF VCF0380 >= 9 OR VCF0380 = 8 THEN VCF0380 =. ;
  IF VCF0381a >= 8889 OR VCF0381a = 8888 THEN VCF0381a =. ;
  IF VCF0381b >= 89 OR VCF0381b = 88 THEN VCF0381b =. ;
  IF VCF0381c >= 9988 OR VCF0381c = 9987 THEN VCF0381c =. ;
  IF VCF0381d >= 89 OR VCF0381d = 87 THEN VCF0381d =. ;
  IF VCF0386 >= 9 OR VCF0386 = 8 THEN VCF0386 =. ;
  IF VCF0387a >= 8889 OR VCF0387a = 8888 THEN VCF0387a =. ;
  IF VCF0387b >= 89 OR VCF0387b = 88 THEN VCF0387b =. ;
  IF VCF0387c >= 9988 OR VCF0387c = 9987 THEN VCF0387c =. ;
  IF VCF0387d >= 89 OR VCF0387d = 87 THEN VCF0387d =. ;
  IF VCF0392 >= 9 OR VCF0392 = 8 THEN VCF0392 =. ;
  IF VCF0393a >= 8889 OR VCF0393a = 8888 THEN VCF0393a =. ;
  IF VCF0393b >= 89 OR VCF0393b = 88 THEN VCF0393b =. ;
  IF VCF0393c >= 9988 OR VCF0393c = 9987 THEN VCF0393c =. ;
  IF VCF0393d >= 89 OR VCF0393d = 87 THEN VCF0393d =. ;
  IF VCF0401 = 9 THEN VCF0401 =. ;
  IF VCF0402 = 9 THEN VCF0402 =. ;
  IF VCF0403 = 99 THEN VCF0403 =. ;
  IF VCF0404 = 99 THEN VCF0404 =. ;
  IF VCF0405 = 9 THEN VCF0405 =. ;
  IF VCF0406 = 9 THEN VCF0406 =. ;
  IF VCF0407 = 99 THEN VCF0407 =. ;
  IF VCF0408 = 99 THEN VCF0408 =. ;
  IF VCF0409 = 999 THEN VCF0409 =. ;
  IF VCF0410 = 99 THEN VCF0410 =. ;
  IF VCF0411 = 999 THEN VCF0411 =. ;
  IF VCF0412 >= 99 OR VCF0412 = 98 THEN VCF0412 =. ;
  IF VCF0413 >= 999 OR VCF0413 = 998 THEN VCF0413 =. ;
  IF VCF0414 >= 99 OR VCF0414 = 98 THEN VCF0414 =. ;
  IF VCF0415 >= 999 OR VCF0415 = 998 THEN VCF0415 =. ;
  IF VCF0424 >= 99 OR VCF0424 = 98 THEN VCF0424 =. ;
  IF VCF0425 >= 99 OR VCF0425 = 98 THEN VCF0425 =. ;
  IF VCF0426 >= 99 OR VCF0426 = 98 THEN VCF0426 =. ;
  IF VCF0427 >= 99 OR VCF0427 = 98 THEN VCF0427 =. ;
  IF VCF0428 >= 99 OR VCF0428 = 98 THEN VCF0428 =. ;
  IF VCF0429 >= 99 OR VCF0429 = 98 THEN VCF0429 =. ;
  IF VCF0432 >= 99 OR VCF0432 = 98 THEN VCF0432 =. ;
  IF VCF0433 >= 99 OR VCF0433 = 98 THEN VCF0433 =. ;
  IF VCF0434 >= 99 OR VCF0434 = 98 THEN VCF0434 =. ;
  IF VCF0435 >= 99 OR VCF0435 = 98 THEN VCF0435 =. ;
  IF VCF0436 >= 99 OR VCF0436 = 98 THEN VCF0436 =. ;
  IF VCF0437 >= 99 OR VCF0437 = 98 THEN VCF0437 =. ;
  IF VCF0438 >= 99 OR VCF0438 = 98 THEN VCF0438 =. ;
  IF VCF0439 >= 99 OR VCF0439 = 98 THEN VCF0439 =. ;
  IF VCF0440 >= 99 OR VCF0440 = 98 THEN VCF0440 =. ;
  IF VCF0441 >= 99 OR VCF0441 = 98 THEN VCF0441 =. ;
  IF VCF0442 >= 99 OR VCF0442 = 98 THEN VCF0442 =. ;
  IF VCF0443 >= 99 OR VCF0443 = 98 THEN VCF0443 =. ;
  IF VCF0444 >= 99 OR VCF0444 = 98 THEN VCF0444 =. ;
  IF VCF0445 >= 99 OR VCF0445 = 98 THEN VCF0445 =. ;
  IF VCF0446 >= 99 OR VCF0446 = 98 THEN VCF0446 =. ;
  IF VCF0447 >= 99 OR VCF0447 = 98 THEN VCF0447 =. ;
  IF VCF0448 >= 99 OR VCF0448 = 98 THEN VCF0448 =. ;
  IF VCF0449 >= 99 OR VCF0449 = 98 THEN VCF0449 =. ;
  IF VCF0450 = 0 THEN VCF0450 =. ;
  IF VCF0451 = 0 THEN VCF0451 =. ;
  IF VCF0471 >= 99 OR VCF0471 = 98 THEN VCF0471 =. ;
  IF VCF0472 >= 99 OR VCF0472 = 98 THEN VCF0472 =. ;
  IF VCF0473 >= 99 OR VCF0473 = 98 THEN VCF0473 =. ;
  IF VCF0475 >= 9 OR VCF0475 = 8 THEN VCF0475 =. ;
  IF VCF0476a >= 8889 OR VCF0476a = 8888 THEN VCF0476a =. ;
  IF VCF0476b >= 89 OR VCF0476b = 88 THEN VCF0476b =. ;
  IF VCF0476c >= 9988 OR VCF0476c = 9987 THEN VCF0476c =. ;
  IF VCF0476d >= 89 OR VCF0476d = 87 THEN VCF0476d =. ;
  IF VCF0481 >= 9 OR VCF0481 = 8 THEN VCF0481 =. ;
  IF VCF0482a >= 8889 OR VCF0482a = 8888 THEN VCF0482a =. ;
  IF VCF0482b >= 89 OR VCF0482b = 88 THEN VCF0482b =. ;
  IF VCF0482c >= 9988 OR VCF0482c = 9987 THEN VCF0482c =. ;
  IF VCF0482d >= 89 OR VCF0482d = 87 THEN VCF0482d =. ;
  IF VCF0487 >= 9 OR VCF0487 = 8 THEN VCF0487 =. ;
  IF VCF0488a >= 8889 OR VCF0488a = 8888 THEN VCF0488a =. ;
  IF VCF0488b >= 89 OR VCF0488b = 88 THEN VCF0488b =. ;
  IF VCF0488c >= 9988 OR VCF0488c = 9987 THEN VCF0488c =. ;
  IF VCF0488d >= 89 OR VCF0488d = 87 THEN VCF0488d =. ;
  IF VCF0493 >= 9 OR VCF0493 = 8 THEN VCF0493 =. ;
  IF VCF0494a >= 8889 OR VCF0494a = 8888 THEN VCF0494a =. ;
  IF VCF0494b >= 89 OR VCF0494b = 88 THEN VCF0494b =. ;
  IF VCF0494c >= 9988 OR VCF0494c = 9987 THEN VCF0494c =. ;
  IF VCF0494d >= 89 OR VCF0494d = 87 THEN VCF0494d =. ;
  IF VCF0501 = 0 THEN VCF0501 =. ;
  IF VCF0502 = 0 THEN VCF0502 =. ;
  IF VCF0502a = 0 THEN VCF0502a =. ;
  IF VCF0503 >= 8 OR VCF0503 = 0 THEN VCF0503 =. ;
  IF VCF0504 >= 8 OR VCF0504 = 0 THEN VCF0504 =. ;
  IF VCF0507 >= 8 OR VCF0507 = 0 THEN VCF0507 =. ;
  IF VCF0508 >= 8 OR VCF0508 = 0 THEN VCF0508 =. ;
  IF VCF0509 >= 8 OR VCF0509 = 0 THEN VCF0509 =. ;
  IF VCF0512 >= 8 OR VCF0512 = 0 THEN VCF0512 =. ;
  IF VCF0513 >= 8 OR VCF0513 = 0 THEN VCF0513 =. ;
  IF VCF0514 >= 8 OR VCF0514 = 0 THEN VCF0514 =. ;
  IF VCF0517 >= 8 OR VCF0517 = 0 THEN VCF0517 =. ;
  IF VCF0518 >= 8 OR VCF0518 = 0 THEN VCF0518 =. ;
  IF VCF0521 = 0 THEN VCF0521 =. ;
  IF VCF0521a = 0 THEN VCF0521a =. ;
  IF VCF0522 = 0 THEN VCF0522 =. ;
  IF VCF0523 >= 8 OR VCF0523 = 0 THEN VCF0523 =. ;
  IF VCF0524 >= 8 OR VCF0524 = 0 THEN VCF0524 =. ;
  IF VCF0525 >= 8 OR VCF0525 = 0 THEN VCF0525 =. ;
  IF VCF0528 >= 8 OR VCF0528 = 0 THEN VCF0528 =. ;
  IF VCF0529 >= 8 OR VCF0529 = 0 THEN VCF0529 =. ;
  IF VCF0533 >= 8 OR VCF0533 = 0 THEN VCF0533 =. ;
  IF VCF0534 >= 8 OR VCF0534 = 0 THEN VCF0534 =. ;
  IF VCF0537 >= 8 OR VCF0537 = 0 THEN VCF0537 =. ;
  IF VCF0538 >= 8 OR VCF0538 = 0 THEN VCF0538 =. ;
  IF VCF0541 >= 8 OR VCF0541 = 0 THEN VCF0541 =. ;
  IF VCF0542 >= 8 OR VCF0542 = 0 THEN VCF0542 =. ;
  IF VCF0545 >= 8 OR VCF0545 = 0 THEN VCF0545 =. ;
  IF VCF0546 >= 8 OR VCF0546 = 0 THEN VCF0546 =. ;
  IF VCF0549 >= 8 OR VCF0549 = 0 THEN VCF0549 =. ;
  IF VCF0550 >= 8 OR VCF0550 = 0 THEN VCF0550 =. ;
  IF VCF0601 = 0 THEN VCF0601 =. ;
  IF VCF0602 = 0 THEN VCF0602 =. ;
  IF VCF0603 = 0 THEN VCF0603 =. ;
  IF VCF0604 = 0 THEN VCF0604 =. ;
  IF VCF0605 = 0 THEN VCF0605 =. ;
  IF VCF0606 = 0 THEN VCF0606 =. ;
  IF VCF0607 = 0 THEN VCF0607 =. ;
  IF VCF0608 = 0 THEN VCF0608 =. ;
  IF VCF0609 = 0 THEN VCF0609 =. ;
  IF VCF0610 = 0 THEN VCF0610 =. ;
  IF VCF0611 = 0 THEN VCF0611 =. ;
  IF VCF0612 = 0 THEN VCF0612 =. ;
  IF VCF0613 = 0 THEN VCF0613 =. ;
  IF VCF0614 = 0 THEN VCF0614 =. ;
  IF VCF0615 = 0 THEN VCF0615 =. ;
  IF VCF0616 = 0 THEN VCF0616 =. ;
  IF VCF0617 = 0 THEN VCF0617 =. ;
  IF VCF0618 = 0 THEN VCF0618 =. ;
  IF VCF0619 = 0 THEN VCF0619 =. ;
  IF VCF0620 = 0 THEN VCF0620 =. ;
  IF VCF0621 = 0 THEN VCF0621 =. ;
  IF VCF0622 = 0 THEN VCF0622 =. ;
  IF VCF0623 = 0 THEN VCF0623 =. ;
  IF VCF0624 = 0 THEN VCF0624 =. ;
  IF VCF0625 = 0 THEN VCF0625 =. ;
  IF VCF0626 = 0 THEN VCF0626 =. ;
  IF VCF0627 = 0 THEN VCF0627 =. ;
  IF VCF0628 = 0 THEN VCF0628 =. ;
  IF VCF0629 = 0 THEN VCF0629 =. ;
  IF VCF0630 = 0 THEN VCF0630 =. ;
  IF VCF0631 = 0 THEN VCF0631 =. ;
  IF VCF0632 = 0 THEN VCF0632 =. ;
  IF VCF0633 = 0 THEN VCF0633 =. ;
  IF VCF0634 = 0 THEN VCF0634 =. ;
  IF VCF0640 >= 9 OR VCF0640 = 0 THEN VCF0640 =. ;
  IF VCF0648 = 999 THEN VCF0648 =. ;
  IF VCF0649 = 999 THEN VCF0649 =. ;
  IF VCF0650 = 9 THEN VCF0650 =. ;
  IF VCF0651 = 9 THEN VCF0651 =. ;
  IF VCF0652 = 9 THEN VCF0652 =. ;
  IF VCF0653 = 9 THEN VCF0653 =. ;
  IF VCF0654 = 9 THEN VCF0654 =. ;
  IF VCF0655 = 9 THEN VCF0655 =. ;
  IF VCF0656 = 999 THEN VCF0656 =. ;
  IF VCF0675 = 9 THEN VCF0675 =. ;
  IF VCF0700 = 9 THEN VCF0700 =. ;
  IF VCF0701 = 0 THEN VCF0701 =. ;
  IF VCF0702 = 0 THEN VCF0702 =. ;
  IF VCF0703 = 0 THEN VCF0703 =. ;
  IF VCF0704 = 0 THEN VCF0704 =. ;
  IF VCF0704a = 0 THEN VCF0704a =. ;
  IF VCF0705 = 0 THEN VCF0705 =. ;
  IF VCF0706 = 0 THEN VCF0706 =. ;
  IF VCF0707 = 0 THEN VCF0707 =. ;
  IF VCF0708 = 0 THEN VCF0708 =. ;
  IF VCF0709 = 0 THEN VCF0709 =. ;
  IF VCF0710 = 0 THEN VCF0710 =. ;
  IF VCF0711 = 0 THEN VCF0711 =. ;
  IF VCF0712 = 0 THEN VCF0712 =. ;
  IF VCF0713 = 0 THEN VCF0713 =. ;
  IF VCF0714 = 0 THEN VCF0714 =. ;
  IF VCF0715 = 0 THEN VCF0715 =. ;
  IF VCF0716 = 0 THEN VCF0716 =. ;
  IF VCF0717 = 0 THEN VCF0717 =. ;
  IF VCF0718 = 0 THEN VCF0718 =. ;
  IF VCF0719 = 0 THEN VCF0719 =. ;
  IF VCF0720 = 0 THEN VCF0720 =. ;
  IF VCF0721 = 0 THEN VCF0721 =. ;
  IF VCF0722 = 0 THEN VCF0722 =. ;
  IF VCF0723 = 0 THEN VCF0723 =. ;
  IF VCF0723a = 0 THEN VCF0723a =. ;
  IF VCF0724 = 0 THEN VCF0724 =. ;
  IF VCF0725 = 0 THEN VCF0725 =. ;
  IF VCF0726 = 0 THEN VCF0726 =. ;
  IF VCF0727 = 0 THEN VCF0727 =. ;
  IF VCF0728 = 0 THEN VCF0728 =. ;
  IF VCF0729 = 0 THEN VCF0729 =. ;
  IF VCF0730 = 0 THEN VCF0730 =. ;
  IF VCF0731 >= 9 OR VCF0731 = 8 THEN VCF0731 =. ;
  IF VCF0732 = 9 THEN VCF0732 =. ;
  IF VCF0733 = 9 THEN VCF0733 =. ;
  IF VCF0734 = 0 THEN VCF0734 =. ;
  IF VCF0735 >= 98 OR VCF0735 = 0 THEN VCF0735 =. ;
  IF VCF0736 = 0 THEN VCF0736 =. ;
  IF VCF0737 = 9 THEN VCF0737 =. ;
  IF VCF0738 >= 9 OR VCF0738 = 0 THEN VCF0738 =. ;
  IF VCF0738a >= 9 OR VCF0738a = 0 THEN VCF0738a =. ;
  IF VCF0739 = 0 THEN VCF0739 =. ;
  IF VCF0740 = 0 THEN VCF0740 =. ;
  IF VCF0741 = 0 THEN VCF0741 =. ;
  IF VCF0742 = 0 THEN VCF0742 =. ;
  IF VCF0743 = 9 THEN VCF0743 =. ;
  IF VCF0744 = 9 THEN VCF0744 =. ;
  IF VCF0745 >= 9 OR VCF0745 = 0 THEN VCF0745 =. ;
  IF VCF0746 = 9 THEN VCF0746 =. ;
  IF VCF0747 = 9 THEN VCF0747 =. ;
  IF VCF0748 = 9 THEN VCF0748 =. ;
  IF VCF0749 = 99 THEN VCF0749 =. ;
  IF VCF0750 = 9 THEN VCF0750 =. ;
  IF VCF0801 >= 99 OR VCF0801 = 98 THEN VCF0801 =. ;
  IF VCF0803 = 0 THEN VCF0803 =. ;
  IF VCF0804 = 0 THEN VCF0804 =. ;
  IF VCF0805 = 0 THEN VCF0805 =. ;
  IF VCF0806 = 0 THEN VCF0806 =. ;
  IF VCF0808 = 0 THEN VCF0808 =. ;
  IF VCF0809 = 0 THEN VCF0809 =. ;
  IF VCF0811 >= 9 OR VCF0811 = 0 THEN VCF0811 =. ;
  IF VCF0813 = 0 THEN VCF0813 =. ;
  IF VCF0814 = 0 THEN VCF0814 =. ;
  IF VCF0815 = 0 THEN VCF0815 =. ;
  IF VCF0816 = 0 THEN VCF0816 =. ;
  IF VCF0817 = 0 THEN VCF0817 =. ;
  IF VCF0818 >= 9 OR VCF0818 = 0 THEN VCF0818 =. ;
  IF VCF0819 = 0 THEN VCF0819 =. ;
  IF VCF0820 = 0 THEN VCF0820 =. ;
  IF VCF0821 = 0 THEN VCF0821 =. ;
  IF VCF0822 >= 9 OR VCF0822 = 0 THEN VCF0822 =. ;
  IF VCF0823 = 0 THEN VCF0823 =. ;
  IF VCF0824 >= 9 OR VCF0824 = 0 THEN VCF0824 =. ;
  IF VCF0825 = 0 THEN VCF0825 =. ;
  IF VCF0826 >= 9 OR VCF0826 = 0 THEN VCF0826 =. ;
  IF VCF0827 = 0 THEN VCF0827 =. ;
  IF VCF0827a >= 9 OR VCF0827a = 0 THEN VCF0827a =. ;
  IF VCF0828 = 0 THEN VCF0828 =. ;
  IF VCF0829 = 0 THEN VCF0829 =. ;
  IF VCF0830 = 0 THEN VCF0830 =. ;
  IF VCF0832 = 0 THEN VCF0832 =. ;
  IF VCF0833 = 9 THEN VCF0833 =. ;
  IF VCF0834 = 0 THEN VCF0834 =. ;
  IF VCF0836 = 0 THEN VCF0836 =. ;
  IF VCF0837 = 0 THEN VCF0837 =. ;
  IF VCF0838 = 0 THEN VCF0838 =. ;
  IF VCF0839 = 0 THEN VCF0839 =. ;
  IF VCF0840 = 9 THEN VCF0840 =. ;
  IF VCF0841 = 0 THEN VCF0841 =. ;
  IF VCF0842 = 0 THEN VCF0842 =. ;
  IF VCF0843 = 0 THEN VCF0843 =. ;
  IF VCF0844 = 9 THEN VCF0844 =. ;
  IF VCF0845 = 0 THEN VCF0845 =. ;
  IF VCF0846 >= 8 OR VCF0846 = 0 THEN VCF0846 =. ;
  IF VCF0847 >= 8 OR VCF0847 = 0 THEN VCF0847 =. ;
  IF VCF0848 = 0 THEN VCF0848 =. ;
  IF VCF0849 >= 9 OR VCF0849 = 0 THEN VCF0849 =. ;
  IF VCF0850 = 0 THEN VCF0850 =. ;
  IF VCF0851 = 9 THEN VCF0851 =. ;
  IF VCF0852 = 9 THEN VCF0852 =. ;
  IF VCF0853 = 9 THEN VCF0853 =. ;
  IF VCF0854 = 9 THEN VCF0854 =. ;
  IF VCF0860 >= 8 OR VCF0860 = 0 THEN VCF0860 =. ;
  IF VCF0861 >= 8 OR VCF0861 = 0 THEN VCF0861 =. ;
  IF VCF0862 >= 8 OR VCF0862 = 0 THEN VCF0862 =. ;
  IF VCF0863 >= 8 OR VCF0863 = 0 THEN VCF0863 =. ;
  IF VCF0864 >= 8 OR VCF0864 = 0 THEN VCF0864 =. ;
  IF VCF0865 >= 8 OR VCF0865 = 0 THEN VCF0865 =. ;
  IF VCF0866 >= 8 OR VCF0866 = 0 THEN VCF0866 =. ;
  IF VCF0867 = 9 THEN VCF0867 =. ;
  IF VCF0867a >= 9 OR VCF0867a = 8 THEN VCF0867a =. ;
  IF VCF0870 >= 8 OR VCF0870 = 0 THEN VCF0870 =. ;
  IF VCF0871 >= 8 OR VCF0871 = 0 THEN VCF0871 =. ;
  IF VCF0872 >= 9 OR VCF0872 = 8 THEN VCF0872 =. ;
  IF VCF0873 >= 9 OR VCF0873 = 8 THEN VCF0873 =. ;
  IF VCF0875 >= 98 OR VCF0875 = 0 THEN VCF0875 =. ;
  IF VCF0875a >= 991 OR VCF0875a = 0 THEN VCF0875a =. ;
  IF VCF0875b >= 995 OR VCF0875b = 0 THEN VCF0875b =. ;
  IF VCF0876 = 9 THEN VCF0876 =. ;
  IF VCF0876a = 9 THEN VCF0876a =. ;
  IF VCF0877 = 9 THEN VCF0877 =. ;
  IF VCF0877a = 9 THEN VCF0877a =. ;
  IF VCF0878 = 9 THEN VCF0878 =. ;
  IF VCF0879 = 9 THEN VCF0879 =. ;
  IF VCF0879a = 9 THEN VCF0879a =. ;
  IF VCF0880 >= 9 OR VCF0880 = 0 THEN VCF0880 =. ;
  IF VCF0880a >= 9 OR VCF0880a = 8 THEN VCF0880a =. ;
  IF VCF0880b >= 8 OR VCF0880b = 0 THEN VCF0880b =. ;
  IF VCF0881 >= 9 OR VCF0881 = 0 THEN VCF0881 =. ;
  IF VCF0886 = 9 THEN VCF0886 =. ;
  IF VCF0887 = 9 THEN VCF0887 =. ;
  IF VCF0888 = 9 THEN VCF0888 =. ;
  IF VCF0889 = 9 THEN VCF0889 =. ;
  IF VCF0890 = 9 THEN VCF0890 =. ;
  IF VCF0891 = 9 THEN VCF0891 =. ;
  IF VCF0892 >= 9 THEN VCF0892 =. ;
  IF VCF0893 = 9 THEN VCF0893 =. ;
  IF VCF0894 = 9 THEN VCF0894 =. ;
  IF VCF0900b = 9999 THEN VCF0900b =. ;
  IF VCF0901a >= 99 OR VCF0901a = 0 THEN VCF0901a =. ;
  IF VCF0902 >= 99 OR VCF0902 = 0 THEN VCF0902 =. ;
  IF VCF0903 = 9 THEN VCF0903 =. ;
  IF VCF0904 >= 9 OR VCF0904 = 0 THEN VCF0904 =. ;
  IF VCF0905 = 9 THEN VCF0905 =. ;
  IF VCF0906 >= 997 OR VCF0906 = 990 THEN VCF0906 =. ;
  IF VCF0907 >= 997 OR VCF0907 = 990 THEN VCF0907 =. ;
  IF VCF0908 >= 997 OR VCF0908 = 990 THEN VCF0908 =. ;
  IF VCF0909 >= 997 OR VCF0909 = 990 THEN VCF0909 =. ;
  IF VCF0910 >= 9 OR VCF0910 = 0 THEN VCF0910 =. ;
  IF VCF0911 >= 9 OR VCF0911 = 0 THEN VCF0911 =. ;
  IF VCF0912 >= 9 OR VCF0912 = 0 THEN VCF0912 =. ;
  IF VCF0913 >= 9 OR VCF0913 = 0 THEN VCF0913 =. ;
  IF VCF0914 >= 9 OR VCF0914 = 0 THEN VCF0914 =. ;
  IF VCF0915 >= 9 OR VCF0915 = 0 THEN VCF0915 =. ;
  IF VCF0916 >= 9 OR VCF0916 = 0 THEN VCF0916 =. ;
  IF VCF0917 >= 9 OR VCF0917 = 0 THEN VCF0917 =. ;
  IF VCF0918 >= 9 OR VCF0918 = 0 THEN VCF0918 =. ;
  IF VCF0919 >= 9 OR VCF0919 = 0 THEN VCF0919 =. ;
  IF VCF0920 >= 9 OR VCF0920 = 0 THEN VCF0920 =. ;
  IF VCF0921 >= 9 OR VCF0921 = 0 THEN VCF0921 =. ;
  IF VCF0922 >= 9 OR VCF0922 = 0 THEN VCF0922 =. ;
  IF VCF0923 >= 9 OR VCF0923 = 0 THEN VCF0923 =. ;
  IF VCF0924 >= 9 OR VCF0924 = 0 THEN VCF0924 =. ;
  IF VCF0925 >= 9 OR VCF0925 = 0 THEN VCF0925 =. ;
  IF VCF0926 >= 9 OR VCF0926 = 0 THEN VCF0926 =. ;
  IF VCF0927 >= 9 OR VCF0927 = 0 THEN VCF0927 =. ;
  IF VCF0928 >= 9 OR VCF0928 = 0 THEN VCF0928 =. ;
  IF VCF0929 >= 9 OR VCF0929 = 0 THEN VCF0929 =. ;
  IF VCF0930 >= 9 OR VCF0930 = 0 THEN VCF0930 =. ;
  IF VCF0931 >= 9 OR VCF0931 = 0 THEN VCF0931 =. ;
  IF VCF0932 >= 9 OR VCF0932 = 0 THEN VCF0932 =. ;
  IF VCF0933 >= 9 OR VCF0933 = 0 THEN VCF0933 =. ;
  IF VCF0934 >= 9 OR VCF0934 = 0 THEN VCF0934 =. ;
  IF VCF0935 >= 9 OR VCF0935 = 0 THEN VCF0935 =. ;
  IF VCF0936 >= 9 OR VCF0936 = 0 THEN VCF0936 =. ;
  IF VCF0937 >= 9 OR VCF0937 = 0 THEN VCF0937 =. ;
  IF VCF0938 >= 9 OR VCF0938 = 0 THEN VCF0938 =. ;
  IF VCF0939 >= 9 OR VCF0939 = 0 THEN VCF0939 =. ;
  IF VCF0940 >= 9 OR VCF0940 = 0 THEN VCF0940 =. ;
  IF VCF0941 >= 9 OR VCF0941 = 0 THEN VCF0941 =. ;
  IF VCF0942 >= 9 OR VCF0942 = 0 THEN VCF0942 =. ;
  IF VCF0943 >= 9 OR VCF0943 = 0 THEN VCF0943 =. ;
  IF VCF0944 >= 9 OR VCF0944 = 0 THEN VCF0944 =. ;
  IF VCF0945 >= 9 OR VCF0945 = 0 THEN VCF0945 =. ;
  IF VCF0946 >= 9 OR VCF0946 = 8 THEN VCF0946 =. ;
  IF VCF0946a = 0 THEN VCF0946a =. ;
  IF VCF0947 >= 9 OR VCF0947 = 8 THEN VCF0947 =. ;
  IF VCF0947a = 0 THEN VCF0947a =. ;
  IF VCF0948 >= 9 OR VCF0948 = 8 THEN VCF0948 =. ;
  IF VCF0948a = 0 THEN VCF0948a =. ;
  IF VCF0949 >= 9 OR VCF0949 = 8 THEN VCF0949 =. ;
  IF VCF0949a = 0 THEN VCF0949a =. ;
  IF VCF0950 >= 9 OR VCF0950 = 0 THEN VCF0950 =. ;
  IF VCF0951 >= 9 OR VCF0951 = 0 THEN VCF0951 =. ;
  IF VCF0952 >= 9 OR VCF0952 = 0 THEN VCF0952 =. ;
  IF VCF0953 >= 9 OR VCF0953 = 0 THEN VCF0953 =. ;
  IF VCF0954 >= 9 OR VCF0954 = 0 THEN VCF0954 =. ;
  IF VCF0955 >= 9 OR VCF0955 = 0 THEN VCF0955 =. ;
  IF VCF0956 >= 9 OR VCF0956 = 0 THEN VCF0956 =. ;
  IF VCF0957 >= 9 OR VCF0957 = 0 THEN VCF0957 =. ;
  IF VCF0958 >= 9 OR VCF0958 = 0 THEN VCF0958 =. ;
  IF VCF0959 >= 9 OR VCF0959 = 0 THEN VCF0959 =. ;
  IF VCF0960 >= 9 OR VCF0960 = 0 THEN VCF0960 =. ;
  IF VCF0961 >= 9 OR VCF0961 = 0 THEN VCF0961 =. ;
  IF VCF0962 >= 9 OR VCF0962 = 0 THEN VCF0962 =. ;
  IF VCF0963 >= 9 OR VCF0963 = 0 THEN VCF0963 =. ;
  IF VCF0964 >= 9 OR VCF0964 = 0 THEN VCF0964 =. ;
  IF VCF0965 >= 9 OR VCF0965 = 0 THEN VCF0965 =. ;
  IF VCF0966 >= 9 OR VCF0966 = 0 THEN VCF0966 =. ;
  IF VCF0967 >= 9 OR VCF0967 = 0 THEN VCF0967 =. ;
  IF VCF0968 >= 9 OR VCF0968 = 0 THEN VCF0968 =. ;
  IF VCF0969 >= 9 OR VCF0969 = 0 THEN VCF0969 =. ;
  IF VCF0970 >= 9 OR VCF0970 = 0 THEN VCF0970 =. ;
  IF VCF0971 >= 9 OR VCF0971 = 0 THEN VCF0971 =. ;
  IF VCF0972 = 9 THEN VCF0972 =. ;
  IF VCF0973 = 9 THEN VCF0973 =. ;
  IF VCF0974 = 9 THEN VCF0974 =. ;
  IF VCF0975 = 9 THEN VCF0975 =. ;
  IF VCF0976 = 99 THEN VCF0976 =. ;
  IF VCF0977 = 9 THEN VCF0977 =. ;
  IF VCF0978 = 9 THEN VCF0978 =. ;
  IF VCF0980 >= 7 OR VCF0980 = 6 THEN VCF0980 =. ;
  IF VCF0981 >= 7 OR VCF0981 = 6 THEN VCF0981 =. ;
  IF VCF0982 = 99 THEN VCF0982 =. ;
  IF VCF0983 = 99 THEN VCF0983 =. ;
  IF VCF0984 >= 7 OR VCF0984 = 6 THEN VCF0984 =. ;
  IF VCF0985 >= 7 OR VCF0985 = 6 THEN VCF0985 =. ;
  IF VCF0986 = 99 THEN VCF0986 =. ;
  IF VCF0987 = 99 THEN VCF0987 =. ;
  IF VCF0988 = 999 THEN VCF0988 =. ;
  IF VCF0989 = 99 THEN VCF0989 =. ;
  IF VCF0990 = 999 THEN VCF0990 =. ;
  IF VCF0991 >= 9 OR VCF0991 = 0 THEN VCF0991 =. ;
  IF VCF0992 = 9 THEN VCF0992 =. ;
  IF VCF0993 >= 7 OR VCF0993 = 6 THEN VCF0993 =. ;
  IF VCF0994 >= 7 OR VCF0994 = 6 THEN VCF0994 =. ;
  IF VCF0995 = 99 THEN VCF0995 =. ;
  IF VCF0996 = 99 THEN VCF0996 =. ;
  IF VCF0997 >= 7 OR VCF0997 = 6 THEN VCF0997 =. ;
  IF VCF0998 >= 7 OR VCF0998 = 6 THEN VCF0998 =. ;
  IF VCF0999 = 99 THEN VCF0999 =. ;
  IF VCF1000 = 99 THEN VCF1000 =. ;
  IF VCF1001 = 999 THEN VCF1001 =. ;
  IF VCF1002 = 99 THEN VCF1002 =. ;
  IF VCF1003 = 999 THEN VCF1003 =. ;
  IF VCF1004 >= 9 OR VCF1004 = 0 THEN VCF1004 =. ;
  IF VCF1005 >= 9 OR VCF1005 = 0 THEN VCF1005 =. ;
  IF VCF1006 >= 97 OR VCF1006 = 0 THEN VCF1006 =. ;
  IF VCF1007 >= 97 OR VCF1007 = 0 THEN VCF1007 =. ;
  IF VCF1008 >= 97 OR VCF1008 = 0 THEN VCF1008 =. ;
  IF VCF1009 >= 9 OR VCF1009 = 0 THEN VCF1009 =. ;
  IF VCF1010 >= 9 OR VCF1010 = 0 THEN VCF1010 =. ;
  IF VCF1011 = 9 THEN VCF1011 =. ;
  IF VCF1012 >= 9 OR VCF1012 = 0 THEN VCF1012 =. ;
  IF VCF1013 >= 9 OR VCF1013 = 0 THEN VCF1013 =. ;
  IF VCF1014 >= 9 OR VCF1014 = 0 THEN VCF1014 =. ;
  IF VCF1015 = 99 THEN VCF1015 =. ;
  IF VCF1016 = 99 THEN VCF1016 =. ;
  IF VCF1017 >= 999 OR VCF1017 = 998 THEN VCF1017 =. ;
  IF VCF1018 >= 999 OR VCF1018 = 998 THEN VCF1018 =. ;
  IF VCF1020 >= 9 OR VCF1020 = 8 THEN VCF1020 =. ;
  IF VCF1021a >= 8889 OR VCF1021a = 8888 THEN VCF1021a =. ;
  IF VCF1021b >= 89 OR VCF1021b = 88 THEN VCF1021b =. ;
  IF VCF1026 >= 9 OR VCF1026 = 8 THEN VCF1026 =. ;
  IF VCF1027a >= 8889 OR VCF1027a = 8888 THEN VCF1027a =. ;
  IF VCF1027b >= 89 OR VCF1027b = 88 THEN VCF1027b =. ;
  IF VCF1032 >= 9 OR VCF1032 = 8 THEN VCF1032 =. ;
  IF VCF1033a >= 8889 OR VCF1033a = 8888 THEN VCF1033a =. ;
  IF VCF1033b >= 89 OR VCF1033b = 88 THEN VCF1033b =. ;
  IF VCF1038 >= 9 OR VCF1038 = 8 THEN VCF1038 =. ;
  IF VCF1039a >= 8889 OR VCF1039a = 8888 THEN VCF1039a =. ;
  IF VCF1039b >= 89 OR VCF1039b = 88 THEN VCF1039b =. ;
  IF VCF9001 = 99 THEN VCF9001 =. ;
  IF VCF9002 >= 9 OR VCF9002 = 0 THEN VCF9002 =. ;
  IF VCF9003 >= 99 OR VCF9003 = 98 THEN VCF9003 =. ;
  IF VCF9004 >= 99 OR VCF9004 = 98 THEN VCF9004 =. ;
  IF VCF9005 >= 99 OR VCF9005 = 98 THEN VCF9005 =. ;
  IF VCF9006 >= 99 OR VCF9006 = 98 THEN VCF9006 =. ;
  IF VCF9007 >= 99 OR VCF9007 = 98 THEN VCF9007 =. ;
  IF VCF9008 = 9 THEN VCF9008 =. ;
  IF VCF9009 = 9 THEN VCF9009 =. ;
  IF VCF9010 = 9 THEN VCF9010 =. ;
  IF VCF9011 = 9 THEN VCF9011 =. ;
  IF VCF9012 >= 9 OR VCF9012 = 0 THEN VCF9012 =. ;
  IF VCF9013 = 9 THEN VCF9013 =. ;
  IF VCF9014 = 9 THEN VCF9014 =. ;
  IF VCF9015 = 9 THEN VCF9015 =. ;
  IF VCF9016 = 9 THEN VCF9016 =. ;
  IF VCF9017 = 9 THEN VCF9017 =. ;
  IF VCF9018 = 9 THEN VCF9018 =. ;
  IF VCF9019 >= 9 OR VCF9019 = 8 THEN VCF9019 =. ;
  IF VCF9020 >= 9 OR VCF9020 = 8 THEN VCF9020 =. ;
  IF VCF9021 >= 9 OR VCF9021 = 8 THEN VCF9021 =. ;
  IF VCF9022 >= 8 OR VCF9022 = 0 THEN VCF9022 =. ;
  IF VCF9023 >= 9 OR VCF9023 = 0 THEN VCF9023 =. ;
  IF VCF9024 >= 8 OR VCF9024 = 0 THEN VCF9024 =. ;
  IF VCF9025 >= 9 OR VCF9025 = 0 THEN VCF9025 =. ;
  IF VCF9026 = 9 THEN VCF9026 =. ;
  IF VCF9027 >= 9 OR VCF9027 = 0 THEN VCF9027 =. ;
  IF VCF9028 = 9 THEN VCF9028 =. ;
  IF VCF9029 = 9 THEN VCF9029 =. ;
  IF VCF9030 >= 9 OR VCF9030 = 8 THEN VCF9030 =. ;
  IF VCF9030a >= 9 OR VCF9030a = 8 THEN VCF9030a =. ;
  IF VCF9030b >= 9 OR VCF9030b = 8 THEN VCF9030b =. ;
  IF VCF9030c >= 9 OR VCF9030c = 8 THEN VCF9030c =. ;
  IF VCF9031 >= 9 OR VCF9031 = 8 THEN VCF9031 =. ;
  IF VCF9032 >= 9 OR VCF9032 = 8 THEN VCF9032 =. ;
  IF VCF9033 >= 9 OR VCF9033 = 8 THEN VCF9033 =. ;
  IF VCF9034 >= 9 OR VCF9034 = 8 THEN VCF9034 =. ;
  IF VCF9035 >= 9 OR VCF9035 = 8 THEN VCF9035 =. ;
  IF VCF9036 = 9 THEN VCF9036 =. ;
  IF VCF9037 = 0 THEN VCF9037 =. ;
  IF VCF9038 = 9 THEN VCF9038 =. ;
  IF VCF9039 = 9 THEN VCF9039 =. ;
  IF VCF9040 = 9 THEN VCF9040 =. ;
  IF VCF9041 = 9 THEN VCF9041 =. ;
  IF VCF9042 = 9 THEN VCF9042 =. ;
  IF VCF9043 = 0 THEN VCF9043 =. ;
  IF VCF9043a >= 9 OR VCF9043a = 8 THEN VCF9043a =. ;
  IF VCF9044 >= 8 OR VCF9044 = 0 THEN VCF9044 =. ;
  IF VCF9044a = 9 THEN VCF9044a =. ;
  IF VCF9045 = 9 THEN VCF9045 =. ;
  IF VCF9046 = 9 THEN VCF9046 =. ;
  IF VCF9047 = 9 THEN VCF9047 =. ;
  IF VCF9048 = 9 THEN VCF9048 =. ;
  IF VCF9049 = 9 THEN VCF9049 =. ;
  IF VCF9050 = 9 THEN VCF9050 =. ;
  IF VCF9051 = 9 THEN VCF9051 =. ;
  IF VCF9052 >= 9 OR VCF9052 = 8 THEN VCF9052 =. ;
  IF VCF9053 >= 9 OR VCF9053 = 8 THEN VCF9053 =. ;
  IF VCF9054 = 9 THEN VCF9054 =. ;
  IF VCF9055 = 0 THEN VCF9055 =. ;
  IF VCF9056 >= 996 OR VCF9056 = 990 THEN VCF9056 =. ;
  IF VCF9057 >= 996 OR VCF9057 = 990 THEN VCF9057 =. ;
  IF VCF9058 >= 996 OR VCF9058 = 990 THEN VCF9058 =. ;
  IF VCF9059 >= 996 OR VCF9059 = 990 THEN VCF9059 =. ;
  IF VCF9060 >= 997 OR VCF9060 = 996 THEN VCF9060 =. ;
  IF VCF9061 >= 997 OR VCF9061 = 996 THEN VCF9061 =. ;
  IF VCF9062 >= 997 OR VCF9062 = 996 THEN VCF9062 =. ;
  IF VCF9063 >= 9 OR VCF9063 = 0 THEN VCF9063 =. ;
  IF VCF9064 >= 9 OR VCF9064 = 0 THEN VCF9064 =. ;
  IF VCF9065 >= 9 OR VCF9065 = 0 THEN VCF9065 =. ;
  IF VCF9066 >= 9 OR VCF9066 = 0 THEN VCF9066 =. ;
  IF VCF9067 >= 99 OR VCF9067 = 97 THEN VCF9067 =. ;
  IF VCF9069 >= 9 OR VCF9069 = 0 THEN VCF9069 =. ;
  IF VCF9070 >= 8 OR VCF9070 = 0 THEN VCF9070 =. ;
  IF VCF9071 >= 8 OR VCF9071 = 0 THEN VCF9071 =. ;
  IF VCF9072 >= 8 OR VCF9072 = 0 THEN VCF9072 =. ;
  IF VCF9073 >= 8 OR VCF9073 = 0 THEN VCF9073 =. ;
  IF VCF9074 >= 8 OR VCF9074 = 0 THEN VCF9074 =. ;
  IF VCF9075 >= 8 OR VCF9075 = 0 THEN VCF9075 =. ;
  IF VCF9076 >= 8 OR VCF9076 = 0 THEN VCF9076 =. ;
  IF VCF9077 >= 8 OR VCF9077 = 0 THEN VCF9077 =. ;
  IF VCF9078 >= 8 OR VCF9078 = 0 THEN VCF9078 =. ;
  IF VCF9079 >= 8 OR VCF9079 = 0 THEN VCF9079 =. ;
  IF VCF9080 >= 8 OR VCF9080 = 0 THEN VCF9080 =. ;
  IF VCF9081 >= 8 OR VCF9081 = 0 THEN VCF9081 =. ;
  IF VCF9082 >= 8 OR VCF9082 = 0 THEN VCF9082 =. ;
  IF VCF9083 >= 8 OR VCF9083 = 0 THEN VCF9083 =. ;
  IF VCF9084 >= 8 OR VCF9084 = 0 THEN VCF9084 =. ;
  IF VCF9085 >= 8 OR VCF9085 = 0 THEN VCF9085 =. ;
  IF VCF9086 >= 8 OR VCF9086 = 0 THEN VCF9086 =. ;
  IF VCF9087 >= 8 OR VCF9087 = 0 THEN VCF9087 =. ;
  IF VCF9088 >= 8 OR VCF9088 = 0 THEN VCF9088 =. ;
  IF VCF9089 >= 8 OR VCF9089 = 0 THEN VCF9089 =. ;
  IF VCF9090 >= 8 OR VCF9090 = 0 THEN VCF9090 =. ;
  IF VCF9091 >= 8 OR VCF9091 = 0 THEN VCF9091 =. ;
  IF VCF9092 >= 8 OR VCF9092 = 0 THEN VCF9092 =. ;
  IF VCF9093 >= 8 OR VCF9093 = 0 THEN VCF9093 =. ;
  IF VCF9094 >= 8 OR VCF9094 = 0 THEN VCF9094 =. ;
  IF VCF9095 >= 8 OR VCF9095 = 0 THEN VCF9095 =. ;
  IF VCF9096 >= 8 OR VCF9096 = 0 THEN VCF9096 =. ;
  IF VCF9097 >= 8 OR VCF9097 = 0 THEN VCF9097 =. ;
  IF VCF9098 >= 8 OR VCF9098 = 0 THEN VCF9098 =. ;
  IF VCF9099 >= 8 OR VCF9099 = 0 THEN VCF9099 =. ;
  IF VCF9100 >= 8 OR VCF9100 = 0 THEN VCF9100 =. ;
  IF VCF9101 >= 8 OR VCF9101 = 0 THEN VCF9101 =. ;
  IF VCF9102 >= 8 OR VCF9102 = 0 THEN VCF9102 =. ;
  IF VCF9103 >= 8 OR VCF9103 = 0 THEN VCF9103 =. ;
  IF VCF9104 >= 8 OR VCF9104 = 0 THEN VCF9104 =. ;
  IF VCF9105 >= 8 OR VCF9105 = 0 THEN VCF9105 =. ;
  IF VCF9106 >= 8 OR VCF9106 = 0 THEN VCF9106 =. ;
  IF VCF9107 >= 8 OR VCF9107 = 0 THEN VCF9107 =. ;
  IF VCF9108 >= 8 OR VCF9108 = 0 THEN VCF9108 =. ;
  IF VCF9109 >= 8 OR VCF9109 = 0 THEN VCF9109 =. ;
  IF VCF9110 >= 8 OR VCF9110 = 0 THEN VCF9110 =. ;
  IF VCF9111 >= 8 OR VCF9111 = 0 THEN VCF9111 =. ;
  IF VCF9112 >= 8 OR VCF9112 = 0 THEN VCF9112 =. ;
  IF VCF9113 >= 8 OR VCF9113 = 0 THEN VCF9113 =. ;
  IF VCF9114 >= 8 OR VCF9114 = 0 THEN VCF9114 =. ;
  IF VCF9115 >= 8 OR VCF9115 = 0 THEN VCF9115 =. ;
  IF VCF9116 >= 8 OR VCF9116 = 0 THEN VCF9116 =. ;
  IF VCF9117 >= 8 OR VCF9117 = 0 THEN VCF9117 =. ;
  IF VCF9118 >= 8 OR VCF9118 = 0 THEN VCF9118 =. ;
  IF VCF9119 >= 8 OR VCF9119 = 0 THEN VCF9119 =. ;
  IF VCF9120 >= 8 OR VCF9120 = 0 THEN VCF9120 =. ;
  IF VCF9121 >= 8 OR VCF9121 = 0 THEN VCF9121 =. ;
  IF VCF9122 = 9 THEN VCF9122 =. ;
  IF VCF9123 = 99 THEN VCF9123 =. ;
  IF VCF9124 = 99 THEN VCF9124 =. ;
  IF VCF9125 = 9 THEN VCF9125 =. ;
  IF VCF9131 = 9 THEN VCF9131 =. ;
  IF VCF9132 = 9 THEN VCF9132 =. ;
  IF VCF9133 = 9 THEN VCF9133 =. ;
  IF VCF9134 = 9 THEN VCF9134 =. ;
  IF VCF9149 >= 998 OR VCF9149 = 0 THEN VCF9149 =. ;
  IF VCF9150 = 0 THEN VCF9150 =. ;
  IF VCF9151 >= 8 OR VCF9151 = 0 THEN VCF9151 =. ;
  IF VCF9152 = 0 THEN VCF9152 =. ;
  IF VCF9153 >= 8 OR VCF9153 = 0 THEN VCF9153 =. ;
  IF VCF9154 >= 8 OR VCF9154 = 0 THEN VCF9154 =. ;
  IF VCF9155 >= 9 OR VCF9155 = 0 THEN VCF9155 =. ;
  IF VCF9201 <= -1 THEN VCF9201 =. ;
  IF VCF9202 <= -1 THEN VCF9202 =. ;
  IF VCF9203 <= -1 THEN VCF9203 =. ;
  IF VCF9204 <= -1 THEN VCF9204 =. ;
  IF VCF9205 <= -1 THEN VCF9205 =. ;
  IF VCF9206 <= -1 THEN VCF9206 =. ;
  IF VCF9207 <= -1 THEN VCF9207 =. ;
  IF VCF9208 <= -1 THEN VCF9208 =. ;
  IF VCF9209 <= -1 THEN VCF9209 =. ;
  IF VCF9210 <= -1 THEN VCF9210 =. ;
  IF VCF9211 <= -1 THEN VCF9211 =. ;
  IF VCF9212 <= -1 THEN VCF9212 =. ;
  IF VCF9213 <= -1 THEN VCF9213 =. ;
  IF VCF9214 <= -1 THEN VCF9214 =. ;
  IF VCF9215 <= -1 THEN VCF9215 =. ;
  IF VCF9216 <= -1 THEN VCF9216 =. ;
  IF VCF9217 <= -1 THEN VCF9217 =. ;
  IF VCF9218 <= -1 THEN VCF9218 =. ;
  IF VCF9219 <= -1 THEN VCF9219 =. ;
  IF VCF9220 <= -1 THEN VCF9220 =. ;
  IF VCF9221 <= -1 THEN VCF9221 =. ;
  IF VCF9222 <= -1 THEN VCF9222 =. ;
  IF VCF9223 <= -1 THEN VCF9223 =. ;
  IF VCF9224 <= -1 THEN VCF9224 =. ;
  IF VCF9225 <= -1 THEN VCF9225 =. ;
  IF VCF9226 <= -1 THEN VCF9226 =. ;
  IF VCF9227 <= -1 THEN VCF9227 =. ;
  IF VCF9228 <= -1 THEN VCF9228 =. ;
  IF VCF9229 <= -1 THEN VCF9229 =. ;
  IF VCF9230 <= -1 THEN VCF9230 =. ;
  IF VCF9231 <= -1 THEN VCF9231 =. ;
  IF VCF9232 <= -1 THEN VCF9232 =. ;
  IF VCF9233 <= -1 THEN VCF9233 =. ;
  IF VCF9234 <= -1 THEN VCF9234 =. ;
  IF VCF9235 <= -1 THEN VCF9235 =. ;
  IF VCF9236 <= -1 THEN VCF9236 =. ;
  IF VCF9237 <= -1 THEN VCF9237 =. ;
  IF VCF9238 <= -1 THEN VCF9238 =. ;
  IF VCF9239 <= -1 THEN VCF9239 =. ;
  IF VCF9240 <= -1 THEN VCF9240 =. ;
  IF VCF9241 <= -1 THEN VCF9241 =. ;
  IF VCF9242 <= -1 THEN VCF9242 =. ;
  IF VCF9243 <= -1 THEN VCF9243 =. ;
  IF VCF9244 <= -1 THEN VCF9244 =. ;
  IF VCF9245 <= -1 THEN VCF9245 =. ;
  IF VCF9246 <= -1 THEN VCF9246 =. ;
  IF VCF9247 <= -1 THEN VCF9247 =. ;
  IF VCF9248 <= -1 THEN VCF9248 =. ;
  IF VCF9249 <= -1 THEN VCF9249 =. ;
  IF VCF9250 <= -1 THEN VCF9250 =. ;
  IF VCF9251 <= -1 THEN VCF9251 =. ;
  IF VCF9252 <= -1 THEN VCF9252 =. ;
  IF VCF9253 <= -1 THEN VCF9253 =. ;
  IF VCF9254 <= -1 THEN VCF9254 =. ;
  IF VCF9255 <= -1 THEN VCF9255 =. ;
  IF VCF9256 <= -1 THEN VCF9256 =. ;
  IF VCF9257 <= -1 THEN VCF9257 =. ;
  IF VCF9258 <= -1 THEN VCF9258 =. ;
  IF VCF9259 <= -1 THEN VCF9259 =. ;
  IF VCF9260 <= -1 THEN VCF9260 =. ;
  IF VCF9261 <= -1 THEN VCF9261 =. ;
  IF VCF9262 <= -1 THEN VCF9262 =. ;
  IF VCF9263 <= -1 THEN VCF9263 =. ;
  IF VCF9264 <= -1 THEN VCF9264 =. ;
  IF VCF9265 <= -1 THEN VCF9265 =. ;
  IF VCF9266 <= -1 THEN VCF9266 =. ;
  IF VCF9267 <= -1 THEN VCF9267 =. ;
  IF VCF9268 <= -1 THEN VCF9268 =. ;
  IF VCF9269 <= -1 THEN VCF9269 =. ;
  IF VCF9270 <= -1 THEN VCF9270 =. ;
  IF VCF9271 <= -1 THEN VCF9271 =. ;
  IF VCF9272 <= -1 THEN VCF9272 =. ;
  IF VCF9273 <= -1 THEN VCF9273 =. ;
  IF VCF9274 <= -1 THEN VCF9274 =. ;
  IF VCF9275 <= -1 THEN VCF9275 =. ;
  IF VCF9277 <= -1 THEN VCF9277 =. ;
  IF VCF9278 <= -1 THEN VCF9278 =. ;
  IF VCF9279 <= -1 THEN VCF9279 =. ;
  IF VCF9280 <= -1 THEN VCF9280 =. ;
  IF VCF9281 <= -1 THEN VCF9281 =. ;
  IF VCF9282 <= -1 THEN VCF9282 =. ;

   VCF0013 VCF0013F.        VCF0014 VCF0014F.        VCF0015a VCF0015A.    
   VCF0015b VCF0015B.       VCF0016 VCF0016F.        VCF0017 VCF0017F.     
   VCF0018a VCF0018A.       VCF0018b VCF0018B.       VCF0019 VCF0019F.     
   VCF0050a VCF0050A.       VCF0050b VCF0050B.       VCF0070a VCF0070A.    
   VCF0070b VCF0070B.       VCF0071a VCF0071A.       VCF0071b VCF0071B.    
   VCF0071c VCF0071C.       VCF0071d VCF0071D.       VCF0072a VCF0072A.    
   VCF0072b VCF0072B.       VCF0101 VCF0101F.        VCF0102 VCF0102F.     
   VCF0103 VCF0103F.        VCF0104 VCF0104F.        VCF0105a VCF0105A.    
   VCF0105b VCF0105B.       VCF0106 VCF0106F.        VCF0107 VCF0107F.     
   VCF0108 VCF0108F.        VCF0109 VCF0109F.        VCF0110 VCF0110F.     
   VCF0111 VCF0111F.        VCF0112 VCF0112F.        VCF0113 VCF0113F.     
   VCF0114 VCF0114F.        VCF0115 VCF0115F.        VCF0116 VCF0116F.     
   VCF0117 VCF0117F.        VCF0118 VCF0118F.        VCF0119 VCF0119F.     
   VCF0120 VCF0120F.        VCF0121 VCF0121F.        VCF0122 VCF0122F.     
   VCF0123 VCF0123F.        VCF0124 VCF0124F.        VCF0125 VCF0125F.     
   VCF0126 VCF0126F.        VCF0126a VCF0126A.       VCF0126b VCF0126B.    
   VCF0126c VCF0126C.       VCF0127 VCF0127F.        VCF0127a VCF0127A.    
   VCF0127b VCF0127B.       VCF0128 VCF0128F.        VCF0128a VCF0128A.    
   VCF0128b VCF0128B.       VCF0129 VCF0129F.        VCF0130 VCF0130F.     
   VCF0130a VCF0130A.       VCF0131 VCF0131F.        VCF0132 VCF0132F.     
   VCF0133 VCF0133F.        VCF0134 VCF0134F.        VCF0135 VCF0135F.     
   VCF0136 VCF0136F.        VCF0137 VCF0137F.        VCF0138 VCF0138F.     
   VCF0138a VCF0138A.       VCF0138b VCF0138B.       VCF0138c VCF0138C.    
   VCF0138d VCF0138D.       VCF0138e VCF0138E.       VCF0139 VCF0139F.     
   VCF0140 VCF0140F.        VCF0140a VCF0140A.       VCF0141 VCF0141F.     
   VCF0142 VCF0142F.        VCF0143 VCF0143F.        VCF0144 VCF0144F.     
   VCF0145 VCF0145F.        VCF0146 VCF0146F.        VCF0147 VCF0147F.     
   VCF0148 VCF0148F.        VCF0148a VCF0148A.       VCF0149 VCF0149F.     
   VCF0150 VCF0150F.        VCF0151 VCF0151F.        VCF0152 VCF0152F.     
   VCF0153a VCF0153A.       VCF0153b VCF0153B.       VCF0153c VCF0153C.    
   VCF0154a VCF0154A.       VCF0154b VCF0154B.       VCF0155 VCF0155F.     
   VCF0156 VCF0156F.        VCF0157 VCF0157F.        VCF0201 VCF0201F.     
   VCF0202 VCF0202F.        VCF0203 VCF0203F.        VCF0204 VCF0204F.     
   VCF0205 VCF0205F.        VCF0206 VCF0206F.        VCF0207 VCF0207F.     
   VCF0208 VCF0208F.        VCF0209 VCF0209F.        VCF0210 VCF0210F.     
   VCF0211 VCF0211F.        VCF0212 VCF0212F.        VCF0213 VCF0213F.     
   VCF0214 VCF0214F.        VCF0215 VCF0215F.        VCF0216 VCF0216F.     
   VCF0217 VCF0217F.        VCF0218 VCF0218F.        VCF0219 VCF0219F.     
   VCF0220 VCF0220F.        VCF0221 VCF0221F.        VCF0222 VCF0222F.     
   VCF0223 VCF0223F.        VCF0224 VCF0224F.        VCF0225 VCF0225F.     
   VCF0226 VCF0226F.        VCF0227 VCF0227F.        VCF0228 VCF0228F.     
   VCF0229 VCF0229F.        VCF0230 VCF0230F.        VCF0231 VCF0231F.     
   VCF0232 VCF0232F.        VCF0233 VCF0233F.        VCF0234 VCF0234F.     
   VCF0235 VCF0235F.        VCF0236 VCF0236F.        VCF0253 VCF0253F.     
   VCF0290 VCF0290F.        VCF0291 VCF0291F.        VCF0301 VCF0301F.     
   VCF0302 VCF0302F.        VCF0303 VCF0303F.        VCF0305 VCF0305F.     
   VCF0306 VCF0306F.        VCF0307 VCF0307F.        VCF0308 VCF0308F.     
   VCF0309 VCF0309F.        VCF0310 VCF0310F.        VCF0311 VCF0311F.     
   VCF0312 VCF0312F.        VCF0313 VCF0313F.        VCF0314 VCF0314F.     
   VCF0315 VCF0315F.        VCF0316 VCF0316F.        VCF0317 VCF0317F.     
   VCF0318 VCF0318F.        VCF0319 VCF0319F.        VCF0320 VCF0320F.     
   VCF0321 VCF0321F.        VCF0322 VCF0322F.        VCF0323 VCF0323F.     
   VCF0324 VCF0324F.        VCF0338 VCF0338F.        VCF0339 VCF0339F.     
   VCF0340 VCF0340F.        VCF0341 VCF0341F.        VCF0342 VCF0342F.     
   VCF0343 VCF0343F.        VCF0344 VCF0344F.        VCF0345 VCF0345F.     
   VCF0346 VCF0346F.        VCF0347 VCF0347F.        VCF0348 VCF0348F.     
   VCF0349 VCF0349F.        VCF0350 VCF0350F.        VCF0351 VCF0351F.     
   VCF0352 VCF0352F.        VCF0353 VCF0353F.        VCF0354 VCF0354F.     
   VCF0355 VCF0355F.        VCF0356 VCF0356F.        VCF0357 VCF0357F.     
   VCF0358 VCF0358F.        VCF0359 VCF0359F.        VCF0360 VCF0360F.     
   VCF0361 VCF0361F.        VCF0362 VCF0362F.        VCF0363 VCF0363F.     
   VCF0364 VCF0364F.        VCF0365 VCF0365F.        VCF0366 VCF0366F.     
   VCF0367 VCF0367F.        VCF0368 VCF0368F.        VCF0369 VCF0369F.     
   VCF0370 VCF0370F.        VCF0371 VCF0371F.        VCF0372 VCF0372F.     
   VCF0373 VCF0373F.        VCF0374 VCF0374F.        VCF0375a VCF0375A.    
   VCF0375b VCF0375B.       VCF0375c VCF0375C.       VCF0375d VCF0375D.    
   VCF0376b VCF0376B.       VCF0376d VCF0376D.       VCF0377b VCF0377B.    
   VCF0377d VCF0377D.       VCF0378b VCF0378B.       VCF0378d VCF0378D.    
   VCF0379b VCF0379B.       VCF0379d VCF0379D.       VCF0380 VCF0380F.     
   VCF0381a VCF0381A.       VCF0381b VCF0381B.       VCF0381c VCF0381C.    
   VCF0381d VCF0381D.       VCF0382b VCF0382B.       VCF0382d VCF0382D.    
   VCF0383b VCF0383B.       VCF0383d VCF0383D.       VCF0384b VCF0384B.    
   VCF0384d VCF0384D.       VCF0385b VCF0385B.       VCF0385d VCF0385D.    
   VCF0386 VCF0386F.        VCF0387a VCF0387A.       VCF0387b VCF0387B.    
   VCF0387c VCF0387C.       VCF0387d VCF0387D.       VCF0388b VCF0388B.    
   VCF0388d VCF0388D.       VCF0389b VCF0389B.       VCF0389d VCF0389D.    
   VCF0390b VCF0390B.       VCF0390d VCF0390D.       VCF0391b VCF0391B.    
   VCF0391d VCF0391D.       VCF0392 VCF0392F.        VCF0393a VCF0393A.    
   VCF0393b VCF0393B.       VCF0393c VCF0393C.       VCF0393d VCF0393D.    
   VCF0394b VCF0394B.       VCF0394d VCF0394D.       VCF0395b VCF0395B.    
   VCF0395d VCF0395D.       VCF0396b VCF0396B.       VCF0396d VCF0396D.    
   VCF0397b VCF0397B.       VCF0397d VCF0397D.       VCF0401 VCF0401F.     
   VCF0402 VCF0402F.        VCF0403 VCF0403F.        VCF0404 VCF0404F.     
   VCF0405 VCF0405F.        VCF0406 VCF0406F.        VCF0407 VCF0407F.     
   VCF0408 VCF0408F.        VCF0409 VCF0409F.        VCF0410 VCF0410F.     
   VCF0411 VCF0411F.        VCF0412 VCF0412F.        VCF0413 VCF0413F.     
   VCF0414 VCF0414F.        VCF0415 VCF0415F.        VCF0424 VCF0424F.     
   VCF0425 VCF0425F.        VCF0426 VCF0426F.        VCF0427 VCF0427F.     
   VCF0428 VCF0428F.        VCF0429 VCF0429F.        VCF0432 VCF0432F.     
   VCF0433 VCF0433F.        VCF0434 VCF0434F.        VCF0435 VCF0435F.     
   VCF0436 VCF0436F.        VCF0437 VCF0437F.        VCF0438 VCF0438F.     
   VCF0439 VCF0439F.        VCF0440 VCF0440F.        VCF0441 VCF0441F.     
   VCF0442 VCF0442F.        VCF0443 VCF0443F.        VCF0444 VCF0444F.     
   VCF0445 VCF0445F.        VCF0446 VCF0446F.        VCF0447 VCF0447F.     
   VCF0448 VCF0448F.        VCF0449 VCF0449F.        VCF0450 VCF0450F.     
   VCF0451 VCF0451F.        VCF0471 VCF0471F.        VCF0472 VCF0472F.     
   VCF0473 VCF0473F.        VCF0475 VCF0475F.        VCF0476a VCF0476A.    
   VCF0476b VCF0476B.       VCF0476c VCF0476C.       VCF0476d VCF0476D.    
   VCF0477b VCF0477B.       VCF0477d VCF0477D.       VCF0478b VCF0478B.    
   VCF0478d VCF0478D.       VCF0479b VCF0479B.       VCF0479d VCF0479D.    
   VCF0480b VCF0480B.       VCF0480d VCF0480D.       VCF0481 VCF0481F.     
   VCF0482a VCF0482A.       VCF0482b VCF0482B.       VCF0482c VCF0482C.    
   VCF0482d VCF0482D.       VCF0483b VCF0483B.       VCF0483d VCF0483D.    
   VCF0484b VCF0484B.       VCF0484d VCF0484D.       VCF0485b VCF0485B.    
   VCF0485d VCF0485D.       VCF0486b VCF0486B.       VCF0486d VCF0486D.    
   VCF0487 VCF0487F.        VCF0488a VCF0488A.       VCF0488b VCF0488B.    
   VCF0488c VCF0488C.       VCF0488d VCF0488D.       VCF0489b VCF0489B.    
   VCF0489d VCF0489D.       VCF0490b VCF0490B.       VCF0490d VCF0490D.    
   VCF0491b VCF0491B.       VCF0491d VCF0491D.       VCF0492b VCF0492B.    
   VCF0492d VCF0492D.       VCF0493 VCF0493F.        VCF0494a VCF0494A.    
   VCF0494b VCF0494B.       VCF0494c VCF0494C.       VCF0494d VCF0494D.    
   VCF0495b VCF0495B.       VCF0495d VCF0495D.       VCF0496b VCF0496B.    
   VCF0496d VCF0496D.       VCF0497b VCF0497B.       VCF0497d VCF0497D.    
   VCF0498b VCF0498B.       VCF0498d VCF0498D.       VCF0501 VCF0501F.     
   VCF0502 VCF0502F.        VCF0502a VCF0502A.       VCF0503 VCF0503F.     
   VCF0504 VCF0504F.        VCF0507 VCF0507F.        VCF0508 VCF0508F.     
   VCF0509 VCF0509F.        VCF0512 VCF0512F.        VCF0513 VCF0513F.     
   VCF0514 VCF0514F.        VCF0517 VCF0517F.        VCF0518 VCF0518F.     
   VCF0521 VCF0521F.        VCF0521a VCF0521A.       VCF0522 VCF0522F.     
   VCF0523 VCF0523F.        VCF0524 VCF0524F.        VCF0525 VCF0525F.     
   VCF0528 VCF0528F.        VCF0529 VCF0529F.        VCF0533 VCF0533F.     
   VCF0534 VCF0534F.        VCF0537 VCF0537F.        VCF0538 VCF0538F.     
   VCF0541 VCF0541F.        VCF0542 VCF0542F.        VCF0545 VCF0545F.     
   VCF0546 VCF0546F.        VCF0549 VCF0549F.        VCF0550 VCF0550F.     
   VCF0601 VCF0601F.        VCF0602 VCF0602F.        VCF0603 VCF0603F.     
   VCF0604 VCF0604F.        VCF0605 VCF0605F.        VCF0606 VCF0606F.     
   VCF0607 VCF0607F.        VCF0608 VCF0608F.        VCF0609 VCF0609F.     
   VCF0610 VCF0610F.        VCF0611 VCF0611F.        VCF0612 VCF0612F.     
   VCF0613 VCF0613F.        VCF0614 VCF0614F.        VCF0615 VCF0615F.     
   VCF0616 VCF0616F.        VCF0617 VCF0617F.        VCF0618 VCF0618F.     
   VCF0619 VCF0619F.        VCF0620 VCF0620F.        VCF0621 VCF0621F.     
   VCF0622 VCF0622F.        VCF0623 VCF0623F.        VCF0624 VCF0624F.     
   VCF0625 VCF0625F.        VCF0626 VCF0626F.        VCF0627 VCF0627F.     
   VCF0628 VCF0628F.        VCF0629 VCF0629F.        VCF0630 VCF0630F.     
   VCF0631 VCF0631F.        VCF0632 VCF0632F.        VCF0633 VCF0633F.     
   VCF0634 VCF0634F.        VCF0640 VCF0640F.        VCF0648 VCF0648F.     
   VCF0649 VCF0649F.        VCF0650 VCF0650F.        VCF0651 VCF0651F.     
   VCF0652 VCF0652F.        VCF0653 VCF0653F.        VCF0654 VCF0654F.     
   VCF0655 VCF0655F.        VCF0656 VCF0656F.        VCF0675 VCF0675F.     
   VCF0700 VCF0700F.        VCF0701 VCF0701F.        VCF0702 VCF0702F.     
   VCF0703 VCF0703F.        VCF0704 VCF0704F.        VCF0704a VCF0704A.    
   VCF0705 VCF0705F.        VCF0706 VCF0706F.        VCF0707 VCF0707F.     
   VCF0708 VCF0708F.        VCF0709 VCF0709F.        VCF0710 VCF0710F.     
   VCF0711 VCF0711F.        VCF0712 VCF0712F.        VCF0713 VCF0713F.     
   VCF0714 VCF0714F.        VCF0715 VCF0715F.        VCF0716 VCF0716F.     
   VCF0717 VCF0717F.        VCF0718 VCF0718F.        VCF0719 VCF0719F.     
   VCF0720 VCF0720F.        VCF0721 VCF0721F.        VCF0722 VCF0722F.     
   VCF0723 VCF0723F.        VCF0723a VCF0723A.       VCF0724 VCF0724F.     
   VCF0725 VCF0725F.        VCF0726 VCF0726F.        VCF0727 VCF0727F.     
   VCF0728 VCF0728F.        VCF0729 VCF0729F.        VCF0730 VCF0730F.     
   VCF0731 VCF0731F.        VCF0732 VCF0732F.        VCF0733 VCF0733F.     
   VCF0734 VCF0734F.        VCF0735 VCF0735F.        VCF0736 VCF0736F.     
   VCF0737 VCF0737F.        VCF0738 VCF0738F.        VCF0738a VCF0738A.    
   VCF0739 VCF0739F.        VCF0740 VCF0740F.        VCF0741 VCF0741F.     
   VCF0742 VCF0742F.        VCF0743 VCF0743F.        VCF0744 VCF0744F.     
   VCF0745 VCF0745F.        VCF0746 VCF0746F.        VCF0747 VCF0747F.     
   VCF0748 VCF0748F.        VCF0749 VCF0749F.        VCF0750 VCF0750F.     
   VCF0801 VCF0801F.        VCF0803 VCF0803F.        VCF0804 VCF0804F.     
   VCF0805 VCF0805F.        VCF0806 VCF0806F.        VCF0808 VCF0808F.     
   VCF0809 VCF0809F.        VCF0811 VCF0811F.        VCF0813 VCF0813F.     
   VCF0814 VCF0814F.        VCF0815 VCF0815F.        VCF0816 VCF0816F.     
   VCF0817 VCF0817F.        VCF0818 VCF0818F.        VCF0819 VCF0819F.     
   VCF0820 VCF0820F.        VCF0821 VCF0821F.        VCF0822 VCF0822F.     
   VCF0823 VCF0823F.        VCF0824 VCF0824F.        VCF0825 VCF0825F.     
   VCF0826 VCF0826F.        VCF0827 VCF0827F.        VCF0827a VCF0827A.    
   VCF0828 VCF0828F.        VCF0829 VCF0829F.        VCF0830 VCF0830F.     
   VCF0832 VCF0832F.        VCF0833 VCF0833F.        VCF0834 VCF0834F.     
   VCF0836 VCF0836F.        VCF0837 VCF0837F.        VCF0838 VCF0838F.     
   VCF0839 VCF0839F.        VCF0840 VCF0840F.        VCF0841 VCF0841F.     
   VCF0842 VCF0842F.        VCF0843 VCF0843F.        VCF0844 VCF0844F.     
   VCF0845 VCF0845F.        VCF0846 VCF0846F.        VCF0847 VCF0847F.     
   VCF0848 VCF0848F.        VCF0848a VCF0848A.       VCF0849 VCF0849F.     
   VCF0850 VCF0850F.        VCF0851 VCF0851F.        VCF0852 VCF0852F.     
   VCF0853 VCF0853F.        VCF0854 VCF0854F.        VCF0860 VCF0860F.     
   VCF0861 VCF0861F.        VCF0862 VCF0862F.        VCF0863 VCF0863F.     
   VCF0864 VCF0864F.        VCF0865 VCF0865F.        VCF0866 VCF0866F.     
   VCF0867 VCF0867F.        VCF0867a VCF0867A.       VCF0870 VCF0870F.     
   VCF0871 VCF0871F.        VCF0872 VCF0872F.        VCF0873 VCF0873F.     
   VCF0875 VCF0875F.        VCF0875a VCF0875A.       VCF0875b VCF0875B.    
   VCF0876 VCF0876F.        VCF0876a VCF0876A.       VCF0877 VCF0877F.     
   VCF0877a VCF0877A.       VCF0878 VCF0878F.        VCF0879 VCF0879F.     
   VCF0879a VCF0879A.       VCF0880 VCF0880F.        VCF0880a VCF0880A.    
   VCF0880b VCF0880B.       VCF0881 VCF0881F.        VCF0886 VCF0886F.     
   VCF0887 VCF0887F.        VCF0888 VCF0888F.        VCF0889 VCF0889F.     
   VCF0890 VCF0890F.        VCF0891 VCF0891F.        VCF0892 VCF0892F.     
   VCF0893 VCF0893F.        VCF0894 VCF0894F.        VCF0900 VCF0900F.     
   VCF0900b VCF0900B.       VCF0901a VCF0901A.       VCF0902 VCF0902F.     
   VCF0903 VCF0903F.        VCF0904 VCF0904F.        VCF0905 VCF0905F.     
   VCF0906 VCF0906F.        VCF0907 VCF0907F.        VCF0908 VCF0908F.     
   VCF0909 VCF0909F.        VCF0910 VCF0910F.        VCF0911 VCF0911F.     
   VCF0912 VCF0912F.        VCF0913 VCF0913F.        VCF0914 VCF0914F.     
   VCF0915 VCF0915F.        VCF0916 VCF0916F.        VCF0917 VCF0917F.     
   VCF0918 VCF0918F.        VCF0919 VCF0919F.        VCF0920 VCF0920F.     
   VCF0921 VCF0921F.        VCF0922 VCF0922F.        VCF0923 VCF0923F.     
   VCF0924 VCF0924F.        VCF0925 VCF0925F.        VCF0926 VCF0926F.     
   VCF0927 VCF0927F.        VCF0928 VCF0928F.        VCF0929 VCF0929F.     
   VCF0930 VCF0930F.        VCF0931 VCF0931F.        VCF0932 VCF0932F.     
   VCF0933 VCF0933F.        VCF0934 VCF0934F.        VCF0935 VCF0935F.     
   VCF0936 VCF0936F.        VCF0937 VCF0937F.        VCF0938 VCF0938F.     
   VCF0939 VCF0939F.        VCF0940 VCF0940F.        VCF0941 VCF0941F.     
   VCF0942 VCF0942F.        VCF0943 VCF0943F.        VCF0944 VCF0944F.     
   VCF0945 VCF0945F.        VCF0946 VCF0946F.        VCF0946a VCF0946A.    
   VCF0947 VCF0947F.        VCF0947a VCF0947A.       VCF0948 VCF0948F.     
   VCF0948a VCF0948A.       VCF0949 VCF0949F.        VCF0949a VCF0949A.    
   VCF0950 VCF0950F.        VCF0951 VCF0951F.        VCF0952 VCF0952F.     
   VCF0953 VCF0953F.        VCF0954 VCF0954F.        VCF0955 VCF0955F.     
   VCF0956 VCF0956F.        VCF0957 VCF0957F.        VCF0958 VCF0958F.     
   VCF0959 VCF0959F.        VCF0960 VCF0960F.        VCF0961 VCF0961F.     
   VCF0962 VCF0962F.        VCF0963 VCF0963F.        VCF0964 VCF0964F.     
   VCF0965 VCF0965F.        VCF0966 VCF0966F.        VCF0967 VCF0967F.     
   VCF0968 VCF0968F.        VCF0969 VCF0969F.        VCF0970 VCF0970F.     
   VCF0971 VCF0971F.        VCF0972 VCF0972F.        VCF0973 VCF0973F.     
   VCF0974 VCF0974F.        VCF0975 VCF0975F.        VCF0976 VCF0976F.     
   VCF0977 VCF0977F.        VCF0978 VCF0978F.        VCF0980 VCF0980F.     
   VCF0981 VCF0981F.        VCF0982 VCF0982F.        VCF0983 VCF0983F.     
   VCF0984 VCF0984F.        VCF0985 VCF0985F.        VCF0986 VCF0986F.     
   VCF0987 VCF0987F.        VCF0988 VCF0988F.        VCF0989 VCF0989F.     
   VCF0990 VCF0990F.        VCF0991 VCF0991F.        VCF0992 VCF0992F.     
   VCF0993 VCF0993F.        VCF0994 VCF0994F.        VCF0995 VCF0995F.     
   VCF0996 VCF0996F.        VCF0997 VCF0997F.        VCF0998 VCF0998F.     
   VCF0999 VCF0999F.        VCF1000 VCF1000F.        VCF1001 VCF1001F.     
   VCF1002 VCF1002F.        VCF1003 VCF1003F.        VCF1004 VCF1004F.     
   VCF1005 VCF1005F.        VCF1006 VCF1006F.        VCF1007 VCF1007F.     
   VCF1008 VCF1008F.        VCF1009 VCF1009F.        VCF1010 VCF1010F.     
   VCF1011 VCF1011F.        VCF1012 VCF1012F.        VCF1013 VCF1013F.     
   VCF1014 VCF1014F.        VCF1015 VCF1015F.        VCF1016 VCF1016F.     
   VCF1017 VCF1017F.        VCF1018 VCF1018F.        VCF1020 VCF1020F.     
   VCF1021a VCF1021A.       VCF1021b VCF1021B.       VCF1022b VCF1022B.    
   VCF1023b VCF1023B.       VCF1024b VCF1024B.       VCF1025b VCF1025B.    
   VCF1026 VCF1026F.        VCF1027a VCF1027A.       VCF1027b VCF1027B.    
   VCF1028b VCF1028B.       VCF1029b VCF1029B.       VCF1030b VCF1030B.    
   VCF1031b VCF1031B.       VCF1032 VCF1032F.        VCF1033a VCF1033A.    
   VCF1033b VCF1033B.       VCF1034b VCF1034B.       VCF1035b VCF1035B.    
   VCF1036b VCF1036B.       VCF1037b VCF1037B.       VCF1038 VCF1038F.     
   VCF1039a VCF1039A.       VCF1039b VCF1039B.       VCF1040b VCF1040B.    
   VCF1041b VCF1041B.       VCF1042b VCF1042B.       VCF1043b VCF1043B.    
   VCF9001 VCF9001F.        VCF9002 VCF9002F.        VCF9003 VCF9003F.     
   VCF9004 VCF9004F.        VCF9005 VCF9005F.        VCF9006 VCF9006F.     
   VCF9007 VCF9007F.        VCF9008 VCF9008F.        VCF9009 VCF9009F.     
   VCF9010 VCF9010F.        VCF9011 VCF9011F.        VCF9012 VCF9012F.     
   VCF9013 VCF9013F.        VCF9014 VCF9014F.        VCF9015 VCF9015F.     
   VCF9016 VCF9016F.        VCF9017 VCF9017F.        VCF9018 VCF9018F.     
   VCF9019 VCF9019F.        VCF9020 VCF9020F.        VCF9021 VCF9021F.     
   VCF9022 VCF9022F.        VCF9023 VCF9023F.        VCF9024 VCF9024F.     
   VCF9025 VCF9025F.        VCF9026 VCF9026F.        VCF9027 VCF9027F.     
   VCF9028 VCF9028F.        VCF9029 VCF9029F.        VCF9030 VCF9030F.     
   VCF9030a VCF9030A.       VCF9030b VCF9030B.       VCF9030c VCF9030C.    
   VCF9031 VCF9031F.        VCF9032 VCF9032F.        VCF9033 VCF9033F.     
   VCF9034 VCF9034F.        VCF9035 VCF9035F.        VCF9036 VCF9036F.     
   VCF9037 VCF9037F.        VCF9038 VCF9038F.        VCF9039 VCF9039F.     
   VCF9040 VCF9040F.        VCF9041 VCF9041F.        VCF9042 VCF9042F.     
   VCF9043 VCF9043F.        VCF9043a VCF9043A.       VCF9044 VCF9044F.     
   VCF9044a VCF9044A.       VCF9045 VCF9045F.        VCF9046 VCF9046F.     
   VCF9047 VCF9047F.        VCF9048 VCF9048F.        VCF9049 VCF9049F.     
   VCF9050 VCF9050F.        VCF9051 VCF9051F.        VCF9052 VCF9052F.     
   VCF9053 VCF9053F.        VCF9054 VCF9054F.        VCF9055 VCF9055F.     
   VCF9056 VCF9056F.        VCF9057 VCF9057F.        VCF9058 VCF9058F.     
   VCF9059 VCF9059F.        VCF9060 VCF9060F.        VCF9061 VCF9061F.     
   VCF9062 VCF9062F.        VCF9063 VCF9063F.        VCF9064 VCF9064F.     
   VCF9065 VCF9065F.        VCF9066 VCF9066F.        VCF9067 VCF9067F.     
   VCF9069 VCF9069F.        VCF9070 VCF9070F.        VCF9071 VCF9071F.     
   VCF9072 VCF9072F.        VCF9073 VCF9073F.        VCF9074 VCF9074F.     
   VCF9075 VCF9075F.        VCF9076 VCF9076F.        VCF9077 VCF9077F.     
   VCF9078 VCF9078F.        VCF9079 VCF9079F.        VCF9080 VCF9080F.     
   VCF9081 VCF9081F.        VCF9082 VCF9082F.        VCF9083 VCF9083F.     
   VCF9084 VCF9084F.        VCF9085 VCF9085F.        VCF9086 VCF9086F.     
   VCF9087 VCF9087F.        VCF9088 VCF9088F.        VCF9089 VCF9089F.     
   VCF9090 VCF9090F.        VCF9091 VCF9091F.        VCF9092 VCF9092F.     
   VCF9093 VCF9093F.        VCF9094 VCF9094F.        VCF9095 VCF9095F.     
   VCF9096 VCF9096F.        VCF9097 VCF9097F.        VCF9098 VCF9098F.     
   VCF9099 VCF9099F.        VCF9100 VCF9100F.        VCF9101 VCF9101F.     
   VCF9102 VCF9102F.        VCF9103 VCF9103F.        VCF9104 VCF9104F.     
   VCF9105 VCF9105F.        VCF9106 VCF9106F.        VCF9107 VCF9107F.     
   VCF9108 VCF9108F.        VCF9109 VCF9109F.        VCF9110 VCF9110F.     
   VCF9111 VCF9111F.        VCF9112 VCF9112F.        VCF9113 VCF9113F.     
   VCF9114 VCF9114F.        VCF9115 VCF9115F.        VCF9116 VCF9116F.     
   VCF9117 VCF9117F.        VCF9118 VCF9118F.        VCF9119 VCF9119F.     
   VCF9120 VCF9120F.        VCF9121 VCF9121F.        VCF9122 VCF9122F.     
   VCF9123 VCF9123F.        VCF9124 VCF9124F.        VCF9125 VCF9125F.     
   VCF9131 VCF9131F.        VCF9132 VCF9132F.        VCF9133 VCF9133F.     
   VCF9134 VCF9134F.        VCF9149 VCF9149F.        VCF9150 VCF9150F.     
   VCF9151 VCF9151F.        VCF9152 VCF9152F.        VCF9153 VCF9153F.     
   VCF9154 VCF9154F.        VCF9155 VCF9155F.        VCF9201 VCF9201F.     
   VCF9202 VCF9202F.        VCF9203 VCF9203F.        VCF9204 VCF9204F.     
   VCF9205 VCF9205F.        VCF9206 VCF9206F.        VCF9207 VCF9207F.     
   VCF9208 VCF9208F.        VCF9209 VCF9209F.        VCF9210 VCF9210F.     
   VCF9211 VCF9211F.        VCF9212 VCF9212F.        VCF9213 VCF9213F.     
   VCF9214 VCF9214F.        VCF9215 VCF9215F.        VCF9216 VCF9216F.     
   VCF9217 VCF9217F.        VCF9218 VCF9218F.        VCF9219 VCF9219F.     
   VCF9220 VCF9220F.        VCF9221 VCF9221F.        VCF9222 VCF9222F.     
   VCF9223 VCF9223F.        VCF9224 VCF9224F.        VCF9225 VCF9225F.     
   VCF9226 VCF9226F.        VCF9227 VCF9227F.        VCF9228 VCF9228F.     
   VCF9229 VCF9229F.        VCF9230 VCF9230F.        VCF9231 VCF9231F.     
   VCF9232 VCF9232F.        VCF9233 VCF9233F.        VCF9234 VCF9234F.     
   VCF9235 VCF9235F.        VCF9236 VCF9236F.        VCF9237 VCF9237F.     
   VCF9238 VCF9238F.        VCF9239 VCF9239F.        VCF9240 VCF9240F.     
   VCF9241 VCF9241F.        VCF9242 VCF9242F.        VCF9243 VCF9243F.     
   VCF9244 VCF9244F.        VCF9245 VCF9245F.        VCF9246 VCF9246F.     
   VCF9247 VCF9247F.        VCF9248 VCF9248F.        VCF9249 VCF9249F.     
   VCF9250 VCF9250F.        VCF9251 VCF9251F.        VCF9252 VCF9252F.     
   VCF9253 VCF9253F.        VCF9254 VCF9254F.        VCF9255 VCF9255F.     
   VCF9256 VCF9256F.        VCF9257 VCF9257F.        VCF9258 VCF9258F.     
   VCF9259 VCF9259F.        VCF9260 VCF9260F.        VCF9261 VCF9261F.     
   VCF9262 VCF9262F.        VCF9263 VCF9263F.        VCF9264 VCF9264F.     
   VCF9265 VCF9265F.        VCF9266 VCF9266F.        VCF9267 VCF9267F.     
   VCF9268 VCF9268F.        VCF9269 VCF9269F.        VCF9270 VCF9270F.     
   VCF9271 VCF9271F.        VCF9272 VCF9272F.        VCF9273 VCF9273F.     
   VCF9274 VCF9274F.        VCF9275 VCF9275F.        VCF9277 VCF9277F.     
   VCF9278 VCF9278F.        VCF9279 VCF9279F.        VCF9280 VCF9280F.     
   VCF9281 VCF9281F.        VCF9282 VCF9282F. ;

   VCF0004 4                VCF0006 6                VCF0006a 6            
   VCF0012 3                VCF0013 3                VCF0014 3             
   VCF0015a 3               VCF0015b 3               VCF0016 3             
   VCF0017 3                VCF0018a 3               VCF0018b 3            
   VCF0019 3                VCF0050a 3               VCF0050b 3            
   VCF0070a 3               VCF0070b 3               VCF0071a 3            
   VCF0071b 3               VCF0071c 3               VCF0071d 3            
   VCF0072a 3               VCF0072b 3               VCF0101 3             
   VCF0102 3                VCF0103 3                VCF0104 3             
   VCF0105a 3               VCF0105b 3               VCF0106 3             
   VCF0107 3                VCF0108 3                VCF0109 4             
   VCF0110 3                VCF0111 3                VCF0112 3             
   VCF0113 3                VCF0114 3                VCF0115 3             
   VCF0116 3                VCF0117 3                VCF0118 3             
   VCF0119 3                VCF0120 4                VCF0121 4             
   VCF0122 4                VCF0123 4                VCF0124 3             
   VCF0125 3                VCF0126 3                VCF0126a 3            
   VCF0126b 3               VCF0126c 3               VCF0127 3             
   VCF0127a 3               VCF0127b 3               VCF0128 3             
   VCF0128a 3               VCF0128b 3               VCF0129 4             
   VCF0130 3                VCF0130a 3               VCF0131 3             
   VCF0132 4                VCF0133 4                VCF0134 3             
   VCF0135 3                VCF0136 3                VCF0137 3             
   VCF0138 3                VCF0138a 3               VCF0138b 3            
   VCF0138c 3               VCF0138d 3               VCF0138e 3            
   VCF0139 3                VCF0140 3                VCF0140a 3            
   VCF0141 3                VCF0142 4                VCF0143 3             
   VCF0144 4                VCF0145 4                VCF0146 3             
   VCF0147 3                VCF0148 3                VCF0148a 3            
   VCF0149 3                VCF0150 3                VCF0151 3             
   VCF0152 4                VCF0153a 3               VCF0153b 3            
   VCF0153c 3               VCF0154a 3               VCF0154b 3            
   VCF0155 3                VCF0156 3                VCF0157 3             
   VCF0170a 4               VCF0170b 4               VCF0170c 6            
   VCF0170d 6               VCF0201 3                VCF0202 3             
   VCF0203 3                VCF0204 3                VCF0205 3             
   VCF0206 3                VCF0207 3                VCF0208 3             
   VCF0209 3                VCF0210 3                VCF0211 3             
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   VCF0224 3                VCF0225 3                VCF0226 3             
   VCF0227 3                VCF0228 3                VCF0229 3             
   VCF0230 3                VCF0231 3                VCF0232 3             
   VCF0233 3                VCF0234 3                VCF0235 3             
   VCF0236 3                VCF0253 3                VCF0290 4             
   VCF0291 4                VCF0301 3                VCF0302 3             
   VCF0303 3                VCF0305 3                VCF0306 3             
   VCF0307 3                VCF0308 3                VCF0309 3             
   VCF0310 3                VCF0311 3                VCF0312 3             
   VCF0313 3                VCF0314 3                VCF0315 3             
   VCF0316 3                VCF0317 3                VCF0318 3             
   VCF0319 3                VCF0320 3                VCF0321 3             
   VCF0322 4                VCF0323 3                VCF0324 4             
   VCF0338 3                VCF0339 3                VCF0340 3             
   VCF0341 3                VCF0342 3                VCF0343 3             
   VCF0344 3                VCF0345 3                VCF0346 3             
   VCF0347 3                VCF0348 3                VCF0349 3             
   VCF0350 3                VCF0351 3                VCF0352 3             
   VCF0353 3                VCF0354 3                VCF0355 3             
   VCF0356 3                VCF0357 3                VCF0358 3             
   VCF0359 3                VCF0360 3                VCF0361 3             
   VCF0362 3                VCF0363 3                VCF0364 3             
   VCF0365 3                VCF0366 3                VCF0367 3             
   VCF0368 3                VCF0369 3                VCF0370 3             
   VCF0371 3                VCF0372 3                VCF0373 3             
   VCF0374 3                VCF0375a 4               VCF0375b 3            
   VCF0375c 4               VCF0375d 3               VCF0376a 4            
   VCF0376b 3               VCF0376c 4               VCF0376d 3            
   VCF0377a 4               VCF0377b 3               VCF0377c 4            
   VCF0377d 3               VCF0378a 4               VCF0378b 3            
   VCF0378c 4               VCF0378d 3               VCF0379a 4            
   VCF0379b 3               VCF0379c 4               VCF0379d 3            
   VCF0380 3                VCF0381a 4               VCF0381b 3            
   VCF0381c 4               VCF0381d 3               VCF0382a 4            
   VCF0382b 3               VCF0382c 4               VCF0382d 3            
   VCF0383a 4               VCF0383b 3               VCF0383c 4            
   VCF0383d 3               VCF0384a 4               VCF0384b 3            
   VCF0384c 4               VCF0384d 3               VCF0385a 4            
   VCF0385b 3               VCF0385c 4               VCF0385d 3            
   VCF0386 3                VCF0387a 4               VCF0387b 3            
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   VCF0389a 4               VCF0389b 3               VCF0389c 4            
   VCF0389d 3               VCF0390a 4               VCF0390b 3            
   VCF0390c 4               VCF0390d 3               VCF0391a 4            
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   VCF0393c 4               VCF0393d 3               VCF0394a 4            
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   VCF0396c 4               VCF0396d 3               VCF0397a 4            
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