
a598db018b91203a1d8f3a1bd3cf6e7a1e9fe0ea — Dominic Ricottone 1 year, 1 month ago a1800ea
New strategy

Spread out Data Analyst 1/2 to emphasize growth

Required shrinking the education, but that becomes less important every
year it seems.
2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

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@@ 32,8 32,8 @@ Over 5 years of experience in \textbf{survey research}
including data collection, cleaning, and weighting.
I am proficient in \textbf{statistical programming and analysis} especially with
\textbf{SPSS}, \textbf{Stata}, and \textbf{Python}.
A selection of my hobby projects can be found at
\faicon{github} \href{https://github.com/dricottone}{github.com/dricottone}.
I write about my hobbies in computer hardware and open source software at

@@ 41,9 41,9 @@ A selection of my hobby projects can be found at
\faicon{map-marker} Chicago, Illinois
\faicon{envelope} \href{mailto:me@dominic-ricottone.com}{me@dominic-ricottone.com}
\faicon{envelope} \href{mailto:dominic.ricottone@gmail.com}{dominic.ricottone@gmail.com}
\faicon{cloud} \href{https://www.dominic-ricottone.com}{dominic-ricottone.com}
\faicon{github} \href{https://github.com/dricottone}{github.com/dricottone}.
\faicon{phone} 716.548.6305

@@ 55,14 55,18 @@ A selection of my hobby projects can be found at

\textbf{Data Management Analyst 2} \hfill \textit{September 2020 --- Present}
\par \textbf{Data Management Analyst 1} \hfill \textit{February 2019 --- September 2020}
\par Fors Marsh, \textit{Arlington, Virginia (working remote)}
\item Cleaning large (1M+) survey samples with international addresses using SPSS, Stata, and Python
\item Weighting survey data to mitigate design effects and non-response bias using Stata
\item Reviewing and quality assurance testing of junior analysts' work
\item Writing technical chapters for analytical reports, and incident postmortems

\par \textbf{Data Management Analyst 1} \hfill \textit{February 2019 --- September 2020}
\par Fors Marsh, \textit{Arlington, Virginia}
\item Validating multi-modal surveys operated through VoxCo and TeleForm using SPSS and Stata
\item Reviewing and quality assurance testing of junior analysts' work
\item Weighting survey data to mitigate design effects and non-response bias using Stata

\textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} \hfill \textit{November 2018 --- February 2019}

@@ 86,12 90,10 @@ A selection of my hobby projects can be found at
\textbf{\Large Education} \hrulefill

\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} \hfill \textit{2013 --- 2017}
\par University of Rochester, \textit{Rochester, New York}
\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} from the University of Rochester, \textit{Rochester, New York}

\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} \hfill \textit{2016}
\par Nanzan University, \textit{Nagoya, Japan}
\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} at Nanzan University, \textit{Nagoya, Japan}

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