
d3ccc20f01e136558b90767b390ee2580a60c116 — dricottone 5 years ago 30045d3
Dec 2018 updates
3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

A .gitignore
A Makefile
M document.tex
A .gitignore => .gitignore +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@

A Makefile => Makefile +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
resume: document.pdf
	pdflatex document.tex

	rm -f document.aux document.log

	rm document.pdf

M document.tex => document.tex +52 -24
@@ 18,8 18,8 @@

156 Community Manor Dr., Apt. 3 \\
Rochester, New York 14623 \\
4750 Chevy Chase Dr., Apt. 209 \\
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815 \\
(716) 548 6305 \\

@@ 27,51 27,75 @@ dominic.ricottone@gmail.com
\textbf{Experience} \hrulefill

\textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- present}
\textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{December 2018 -- present}
 	\item Cleaning survey data, merging outside datasets, and raking data for survey weights.
	\item Programming tables for public release and client delivery with Quantum.
	\item Leading integration of Decipher survey platform and new coding team into work procedure.
 	\item Programming web surveys through the Decipher platform.

\textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- November 2018}
 	\item Cleaning and merging survey datasets, and raking data to produce survey weights.
	\item Programming tabulation and typesetting scripts with Quantum to produce client deliverables.

\textbf{Campaign Finance Intern} at Chris Harris \& Associates, LLC \hfill \textit{July 2017 --- September 2017}
	\item Transforming and cleaning data sets into prospective donor mailing lists.
	\item Scraping political contribution data from New York state and federal websites.
	\item Outreach to and correspondence with elected officials.
	\item Collecting data on prospective donors, and merging that with in-house donor and voter data.
	\item Administered finances for Todd Baxter, then-Assemblyman Morelle, and late Congresswoman Slaughter.

\textbf{Office Assistant} at Human Resources Dept., U Rochester  \hfill \textit{June 2016 --- May 2017}
	\item Maintaining primary copies of employment records and databases, including W-2 tax forms and OPM letters.

\textbf{Research Assistant} at Cancer Care of Western New York  \hfill \textit{May 2013 --- August 2013}
% \normalsize
% \textbf{Research Assistant} at Cancer Care of Western New York  \hfill \textit{May 2013 --- August 2013}
% \begin{details}
% 	\item Researched the academic literature on penile melanoma for Dr. Roehmholdt's case report.
% \end{details}

\textbf{Projects} \hrulefill

	I joined \textbf{the Harris Poll} as it transitioned from the Confirmit survey platform to Decipher. I lead the new environment's adoption, with my acheivements including:
	\item Researched the academic literature on penile melanoma for Dr. Roehmholdt's case report.
	\item Rewrote XML parsers in our automation tools to handle Decipher's syntax and structures.
%	\item Moved company's codebase from filename-based versioning to a modern Git solution.
	\item Documented Decipher's built-in tabulation solution, and developed the criteria we still use \\
	\hspace{.1in} to determine if it is appropriate for a project.

	I joined \textbf{Chris Harris \& Associates, LLC} in the lead-up to local elections. My lasting contributions are:
	\item Wrote PDF- and web-scraping scripts and VBA macros for collecting political contribution data.
	\item Worked with Todd Baxter on his campaign for Monroe County Sheriff. He defeated Patrick O'Flynn, \\
	\hspace{.1in} a $16$-year incumbent, in a $57$-$41$ landslide.

\textbf{Education} \hrulefill

\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} from U Rochester \hfill \textit{August 2013 --- May 2017}
	\item Focuses in \textbf{mathematical modeling} (e.g. Econometrics, Game Theory) and in the \textbf{interaction of government and the private sector} (e.g. Public Finance, Political Economy, Health Economics).
	\item Focuses in \textbf{mathematical modeling} (e.g. Econometrics, Game Theory) and in the \textbf{interaction of \\
	\hspace{.1in} government and the private sector} (e.g. Public Finance, Political Economy, Health Economics).
	\item Cumulative GPA of $3.43$.

\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} at Nanzan University \hfill \textit{January 2016 --- May 2016}

@@ 85,11 109,15 @@ dominic.ricottone@gmail.com
	Python and VBA scripting for workflow automation and data transformation. \\
	Statistical software including SPSS, STATA, R, Tableau, and Quantum. \\
	Typesetting languages (i.e., \LaTeX) and markup languages (i.e., Markdown, HTML, CSS). \\
	Photo and vector graphics (SVG) editing with Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Inkscape. \\
	Familiarity with and experience maintaining multi-user Linux server work environments.
	Workflow automation---My preferred toolkit is Python, but I've used everything from awk to VBA. \\
	Statistical software and languages including SPSS, STATA, R, SQL, Tableau, and Quantum. \\
	Typesetting languages (i.e., \LaTeX), markup languages (i.e., Markdown, HTML, CSS), and \\
	\hspace{.1in} web programming languages (i.e., JavaScript, jQuery). \\
%	Photo and vector graphics editing with Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Inkscape. \\
%	Familiarity with *nix systems, Git workflow, and command-line interfaces.

\textit{You can find this document and other pieces of my work at at \textbf{https://github.com/dricottone}}
