
3f52b0fd1c9cf727cb21349f398057ff17e6ece9 — Dominic Ricottone 2 years ago 15158e0
Merging part of Jul 29, 2022 upstream commit

Correction to the earlier commit. match and case are soft keywords, they
should only be highlighted within a certain context.
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M syntax/python.vim
M syntax/python.vim => syntax/python.vim +7 -1
@@ 68,13 68,19 @@ syn keyword pythonStatement	as assert break continue del global
syn keyword pythonStatement	lambda nonlocal pass return with yield
syn keyword pythonStatement	class def nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite
syn keyword pythonConditional	elif else if
syn keyword pythonConditional	case match
syn keyword pythonRepeat	for while
syn keyword pythonOperator	and in is not or
syn keyword pythonException	except finally raise try
syn keyword pythonInclude	from import
syn keyword pythonAsync		async await

" Soft keywords
" These keywords do not mean anything unless used in the right context
" See https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#soft-keywords 
" for more on this.
syn match   pythonConditional   "^\s*\zscase\%(\s\+.*:.*$\)\@="
syn match   pythonConditional   "^\s*\zsmatch\%(\s\+.*:\s*\%(#.*\)\=$\)\@="

" Decorators (new in Python 2.4)
" A dot must be allowed because of @MyClass.myfunc decorators.
syn match   pythonDecorator	"@" display contained