
56fd192a79c8c8f1512c665775251a1a813fa83c — Dominic Ricottone 2 years ago c922ea6
Merging part of Dec 3, 2019 upstream commit

Adds support for spell checking
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M syntax/xml.vim
M syntax/xml.vim => syntax/xml.vim +8 -1
@@ 5,11 5,12 @@
"                       Johannes Zellner <johannes@zellner.org>
"                       Paul Siegmann <pauls@euronet.nl>
"                       Lorenzo Ruiz <lars.bs@hotmail.com>
" Last Change: Sept 24, 2019
" Last Changed: Nov 03, 2019
" Filenames: *.xml
" Last Change:
" 20190923 - Fix xmlEndTag to match xmlTag (vim/vim#884)
" 20190924 - Fix xmlAttribute property (amadeus/vim-xml@d8ce1c946)
" 20191103 - Enable spell checking globally

"   syntax folding can be turned on by

@@ 53,6 54,12 @@ set cpo&vim

syn case match

" Allow spell checking in tag values,
" there is no syntax region for that,
" so enable spell checking in top-level elements
" <tag>This text is spell checked</tag>
syn spell toplevel

" mark illegal characters
syn match xmlError "[<&]"