
ref: 51d69278defae2345fa9871ddf6edf91f9a1d3dd blog/content/posts/i_moved.md -rw-r--r-- 1.4 KiB
51d69278Dominic Ricottone Added blog to webring 11 months ago

title: "I Moved" date: 2021-11-11T22:56:46-06:00 aliases:

  • "/posts/i_moved" draft: false

I moved to Chicago a Little while ago. D.C. just wasn't my kind of city. I'm really enjoying Illinois so far, and I'm really really looking forward to the winter.

But also, I moved this site into the cloud. My new ISP isn't so generous with the whole 'wide-open ports' thing. I was faced with a choice: I could move this site to the EC2 instance where my wiki lives. Or I could setup a cloud-based tunnel to smuggle packets past my unscrupulous ISP.

I'm embarrassed to say that I took a long time to make that decision.

Somewhere along the way, I lost track of why I was self-hosting. I have been putting the cart before the horse for too long. The content that I serve up publicly is not data that needs to be kept on-premises. I'm sacrificing bandwidth, flexibility, up-time, and my own sanity just for a buzz word label.

Enough is enough, I moved everything to the cloud and washed my hands of self- hosting public web domains. So, this site has also moved.

I cannot recommend self-hosting enough to those just starting out with web hosting. It's a very cheap way to try new things, make mistakes, and take time learning how to fix them. But there will come a day where all is right with the world and you don't want to deal with the headaches anymore.