
ref: ae56e0e550ad7213a712233f7acc153336b384ae container-images/srht-git-ssh/README.md -rw-r--r-- 581 bytes
ae56e0e5Dominic Ricottone nitter a month ago


#Build and Deploy

make image


  • latest


Deploy the SSH server for a sr.ht system's git service.

The container needs to have the git repositories mounted to /var/lib/git.

$conman run --detach --name srht-git-ssh --restart always \
    --mount type=bind,src=/host/path/to/git/repos,dst=/var/lib/git,z \

The server will listen on port 22.

After starting the container, log in and set the password for the git user. This needs to be done interactively.