
ref: aeea21ad11a681b794ebe21bda485938cffe5f12 container-images/nitter/README.md -rw-r--r-- 1.5 KiB
aeea21adDominic Ricottone Adding a WebDAV variant of Nginx 1 year, 3 months ago


#Build and Deploy

make image


  • amd64
  • arm64


Can be used with any container manager toolchain.

Create a configuration file in $conffile. It should look like:

address = ""
port = 8080
https = false
httpMaxConnections = 10
staticDir = "./public"
title = "nitter"
hostname = "nitter.example.com"

listMinutes = 240
rssMinutes = 10
redisHost = "redis"
redisPort = 6379
redisPassword = ""
redisConnections = 20
redisMaxConnections = 30

hmacKey = "random key for cryptographic signing of video urls"
base64Media = false
enableRSS = false
enableDebug = false
proxy = ""
proxyAuth = ""
tokenCount = 10

cookieHeader = "ct0=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; auth_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
xCsrfToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

theme = "Nitter"
replaceTwitter = "nitter.example.com"
replaceYouTube = ""
replaceReddit = ""
replaceInstagram = ""
proxyVideos = true
hlsPlayback = false
infiniteScroll = false


$conman run --detach --name redis --restart always \
    docker.io/library/redis:6-alpine redis-server
$conman run --detach --name nitter --restart always \
    --mount type=bind,src=$conffile,dst=/src/nitter.conf \