
Deploy a containerized MoinMoin 1.9 wiki
Update to use `/var/moin` instead of `/var/www`.


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Deploy a moinmoin1.9 wiki using Docker.

This image cannot be recommended in good conscience. python2.7 has been unsupported since January 2020. Alpine 3.10 has been unsupported since May 2021.


Note that the www-data uid/gid in the container is 82. Some distributuions use 33 as the www-data uid/gid. To be safe, chown 82:82 all files that will be mounted into the container.

In moinmoin/wikiconfig.py, configure the wiki name (s/your_wiki_name_here/My Wiki/g) as well as your own account name (s/your_name_here/MyName/g).

If setting up a new wiki, a superuser must be created. The easiest method is to use the moin CLI tool inside the container.

moin --config-dir=/var/moin/data --wiki-url=example.com account create --name=MyName --email=me@example.com --password=foobar

As a reminder, to access a shell inside a container, try docker exec -it <CONTAINER> /bin/sh.

The Makefile recipe overwrites moinmoin/wikiconfig.py with /var/deploy/conf/moinmoin/wikiconfig.py if it exists.

Start the container and connect for the first time. Open the LanguageSetup page. Follow on-screen instructions for installing system (i.e. underlay) pages.


This container will expose uWSGI on port 9000. The nginx/ folder contains a recommended web server configuration. See also the compose/ folder for a suggested Docker compose file.

The wiki is served from /var/moin/webroot. uWSGI runs in this directory as www-data.

MoinMoin source code is located at /var/moin/install inside the container, while the wiki data (i.e. pages) are located at /var/moin/data.


All contents of this repository are licensed under BSD (see LICENSE.md). The exceptions are vendored scripts, which will contain all relevent copyright information internally.