// Package rgbterm colorizes bytes and strings using RGB colors, for a
// full range of pretty terminal strings.
// Beyond the traditional boring 16 colors of your terminal lie an
// extended set of 256 pretty colors waiting to be used. However, they
// are weirdly encoded; simply asking for an RGB color is much more
// convenient!
// It's easy to use, pick an RGB code and just use it!
// var r, g, b uint8
// // pick a color
// r, g, b = 252, 255, 43
// // choose a word
// word := "=)"
// // colorize it!
// coloredWord := rgbterm.String(word, r, g, b)
// fmt.Println("Oh!", coloredWord, "hello!")
// Alternately, use ColorOut or one of the Interpret functions to output
// a string with color escape codes:
// fmt.Fprintln(rgbterm.ColorOut, "Let's print some {#ff0000}red{} and {#00ff00}green{} text")
// fmt.Fprintln(rgbterm.ColorOut, "Let's print some {#8080ff}blue,")
// fmt.Fprintln(rgbterm.ColorOut, "blue, blue{} text.")
// The RGB <-> HSL helpers were shamelessly taken from gorilla color, BSD 2 clauses
// licensed:
// https://code.google.com/p/gorilla/source/browse/?r=ef489f63418265a7249b1d53bdc358b09a4a2ea0#hg%2Fcolor
package rgbterm
var (
before = []byte("\033[")
after = []byte("m")
reset = []byte("\033[0;00m")
fgcolors = fgTermRGB[16:232]
bgcolors = bgTermRGB[16:232]
// String colorizes the input with the terminal color that matches
// the closest the RGB color.
// This is simply a helper for Bytes.
func String(in string, fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb uint8) string {
return string(Bytes([]byte(in), fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb))
// FgString colorizes the foreground of the input with the terminal color
// that matches the closest the RGB color.
// This is simply a helper for Bytes.
func FgString(in string, r, g, b uint8) string {
return string(FgBytes([]byte(in), r, g, b))
// BgString colorizes the background of the input with the terminal color
// that matches the closest the RGB color.
// This is simply a helper for Bytes.
func BgString(in string, r, g, b uint8) string {
return string(BgBytes([]byte(in), r, g, b))
// Bytes colorizes the input with the terminal color that matches
// the closest the RGB color.
func Bytes(in []byte, fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb uint8) []byte {
return colorize(rgb(fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb), in)
// Bytes colorizes the foreground with the terminal color that matches
// the closest the RGB color.
func FgBytes(in []byte, r, g, b uint8) []byte {
return colorize(color(r, g, b, true), in)
// BgBytes colorizes the background of the input with the terminal color
// that matches the closest the RGB color.
func BgBytes(in []byte, r, g, b uint8) []byte {
return colorize(color(r, g, b, false), in)
// Byte colorizes the input with the terminal color that matches
// the closest the RGB color.
func FgByte(in byte, r, g, b uint8) []byte {
return colorize(color(r, g, b, true), []byte{in})
// BgByte colorizes the background of the input with the terminal color
// that matches the closest the RGB color.
func BgByte(in byte, r, g, b uint8) []byte {
return colorize(color(r, g, b, false), []byte{in})
func colorize(color, in []byte) []byte {
return append(append(append(append(before, color...), after...), in...), reset...)
func rgb(fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb uint8) []byte {
fore := append(color(fr, fg, fb, true), byte(';'))
back := color(br, bg, bb, false)
return append(fore, back...)
func color(r, g, b uint8, foreground bool) []byte {
// if all colors are equal, it might be in the grayscale range
if r == g && g == b {
color, ok := grayscale(r, foreground)
if ok {
return color
// the general case approximates RGB by using the closest color.
r6 := ((uint16(r) * 5) / 255)
g6 := ((uint16(g) * 5) / 255)
b6 := ((uint16(b) * 5) / 255)
i := 36*r6 + 6*g6 + b6
if foreground {
return fgcolors[i]
} else {
return bgcolors[i]
func grayscale(scale uint8, foreground bool) ([]byte, bool) {
var source [256][]byte
if foreground {
source = fgTermRGB
} else {
source = bgTermRGB
switch scale {
case 0x08:
return source[232], true
case 0x12:
return source[233], true
case 0x1c:
return source[234], true
case 0x26:
return source[235], true
case 0x30:
return source[236], true
case 0x3a:
return source[237], true
case 0x44:
return source[238], true
case 0x4e:
return source[239], true
case 0x58:
return source[240], true
case 0x62:
return source[241], true
case 0x6c:
return source[242], true
case 0x76:
return source[243], true
case 0x80:
return source[244], true
case 0x8a:
return source[245], true
case 0x94:
return source[246], true
case 0x9e:
return source[247], true
case 0xa8:
return source[248], true
case 0xb2:
return source[249], true
case 0xbc:
return source[250], true
case 0xc6:
return source[251], true
case 0xd0:
return source[252], true
case 0xda:
return source[253], true
case 0xe4:
return source[254], true
case 0xee:
return source[255], true
return nil, false