package ascii
import (
// TestNewOptions create options with default values
func TestNewOptions(t *testing.T) {
newOptions := NewOptions()
assertions := assert.New(t)
assertions.True(newOptions.Colored, "Default colored option should be true")
assertions.False(newOptions.Reversed, "Default reverse option should be false")
assertions.Equal(" .,:;i1tfLCG08@", string(newOptions.Pixels), "Default pixels should be .,:;i1tfLCG08@")
// TestMergeOptions test merge the options
func TestMergeOptions(t *testing.T) {
assertions := assert.New(t)
options1 := NewOptions()
options2 := NewOptions()
options2.Colored = false
assertions.False(options1.Reversed, "Merged reverse option should be false")
assertions.False(options1.Colored, "Merged colored option should be false")
// TestConvertPixelToASCIIWhiteColor convert a white image pixel to ascii string
func TestConvertPixelToASCIIWhiteColor(t *testing.T) {
converter := NewPixelConverter()
assertions := assert.New(t)
r, g, b, a := uint8(255), uint8(255), uint8(255), uint8(255)
pixel := color.RGBA{
R: r,
G: g,
B: b,
A: a,
defaultOptions := NewOptions()
defaultOptions.Colored = false
convertedChar := converter.ConvertPixelToASCII(pixel, &defaultOptions)
lastPixelChar := defaultOptions.Pixels[len(defaultOptions.Pixels)-1]
assertions.Equal(convertedChar, string([]byte{lastPixelChar}),
fmt.Sprintf("White color chould be converted to %s", string([]byte{lastPixelChar})))
defaultOptions.Colored = false
defaultOptions.Reversed = true
convertedChar = converter.ConvertPixelToASCII(pixel, &defaultOptions)
firstPixelChar := defaultOptions.Pixels[0]
assertions.Equal(convertedChar, string([]byte{firstPixelChar}),
fmt.Sprintf("Reversed white color chould be converted to %s", string([]byte{firstPixelChar})))
// TestConvertPixelToASCIIBlackColor convert a white image pixel to ascii string
func TestConvertPixelToASCIIBlackColor(t *testing.T) {
converter := NewPixelConverter()
assertions := assert.New(t)
r, g, b, a := uint8(0), uint8(0), uint8(0), uint8(0)
pixel := color.RGBA{
R: r,
G: g,
B: b,
A: a,
defaultOptions := NewOptions()
defaultOptions.Colored = false
convertedChar := converter.ConvertPixelToASCII(pixel, &defaultOptions)
firstPixelChar := defaultOptions.Pixels[0]
assertions.Equal(convertedChar, string([]byte{firstPixelChar}),
fmt.Sprintf("Black color chould be converted to %s", string([]byte{firstPixelChar})))
defaultOptions.Colored = false
defaultOptions.Reversed = true
convertedChar = converter.ConvertPixelToASCII(pixel, &defaultOptions)
lastPixelChar := defaultOptions.Pixels[len(defaultOptions.Pixels)-1]
assertions.Equal(convertedChar, string([]byte{lastPixelChar}),
fmt.Sprintf("Reversed Black color chould be converted to %s", string([]byte{lastPixelChar})))
func TestColoredASCIIChar(t *testing.T) {
converter := NewPixelConverter()
assertions := assert.New(t)
r, g, b, a := uint8(123), uint8(123), uint8(123), uint8(255)
pixel := color.RGBA{
R: r,
G: g,
B: b,
A: a,
defaultOptions := NewOptions()
defaultOptions.Colored = true
coloredChar := converter.ConvertPixelToASCII(pixel, &defaultOptions)
assertions.True(len(coloredChar) > 1)
// TestReverseSlice test reverse a slice
func TestReverseSlice(t *testing.T) {
converter := PixelASCIIConverter{}
s := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
reversedSlice := converter.reverse(s)
expectedReversedSlice := []byte{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(reversedSlice, expectedReversedSlice),
fmt.Sprintf("%+v reversed should equal to %+v", s, expectedReversedSlice))
s = []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
reversedSlice = converter.reverse(s)
expectedReversedSlice = []byte{4, 3, 2, 1}
assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(reversedSlice, expectedReversedSlice),
fmt.Sprintf("%+v reversed should equal to %+v", s, expectedReversedSlice))
// ExampleConvertPixelToASCII is a example convert pixel to ascii char
func ExampleConvertPixelToASCII() {
converter := NewPixelConverter()
// Create the pixel
r, g, b, a := uint8(255), uint8(255), uint8(255), uint8(255)
pixel := color.RGBA{
R: r,
G: g,
B: b,
A: a,
// Create the convert options
defaultOptions := NewOptions()
defaultOptions.Colored = false
convertedChar := converter.ConvertPixelToASCII(pixel, &defaultOptions)
// Output: @