
c168cd406c53bbf956e892e94ea222871e9558b0 — Dominic Ricottone 4 years ago cfa246b
Cleaned up README
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +3 -20
@@ 40,28 40,11 @@ wttr       |Wrapper around `wttr` to fix double-wide runes for some fonts |`wego

## Development

These being re-used scripts, there's been a great deal of feature creep, bikeshedding, and over-engineering. That is to say, there's a lot of uncertainty as to how *reliable* these scripts are. To mitigate these concerns, `shellcheck` is a development dependency.
These being re-used scripts, there's been a great deal of feature creep, bikeshedding, and over-engineering. That is to say, there's a lot of uncertainty as to how *reliable* these scripts are. To mitigate these concerns, `shellcheck` is a development dependency. A test suite is in the making, and hopefully new entrants to this repository will come with tests.

## rand

Returns a random number within a range (inclusive).

Usage: `rand START END [OPTIONS]`

###### Options:
+ `-w N`, `--width N`: zero-pad number to be N wide
+ `-h`, `--help`: print help message

## weather

Wrapper around `wego`--fixes spacing. Shows weather for 2 days unless a number
is specified. Location should be set in `$WEGORC`

Usage: `weather [NUMBER]`

## License

If you really want to use anything in this repository-and I need to stress *if you really want to*-just go right ahead. I'm licensing everything under GPL because I'd appreciate you letting me know I messed something up. But you *really* shouldn't try using anything here in production...