
Starting point for cryptographic utilities

Much of this came from my deep dive into digital signatures for my chat
application. More details in a recent blog post.

These tools are not yet mature enough to warrant an installation recipe.
The sign, verify, and verify-filter utilities are especially so.
New shebangs script; fixes to tar utilities and hugo-post script

The shebangs script helps me manage dependency listings.

The tar utilities were failing with to-directory options or passphrase
options containing space characters. The fix requires some unappealing
bash-isms, but at least it works.

hugo-post now will work from the root directory of a Hugo project.
Help and usage messages

Specify that the help option causes the program to exit immediately.

Standardize order of options then positional arguments.
Documents scripts

Adding scripts used for a Hugo generated blog. Tests for basic CLI usage
are done, a README is TODO.
Use standard arg parser
Rewrote parts of untar, mktar,, tarcat, etc

Added --to-directory and --from-directory options throughout.

Added support for a variety of other archive file types.
Adding note about bats to README
Rewrote test suite for bats
Added to vimsplit test suite
Added to mkbak test suite
rmold update

Added test suite.

Corrected the name that rmold would self-report as.
gitstat update

Helptext update and test suite added.
wttr update

Added test suite.

wttr incorrectly advertised support for -V as the short form of
vimsplit update

Test suite added.

Error messages were being incorrectly suppressed.
Test updates

Added two minor tests for ctdir

Added test suite for enumerate
Rewrote tests with bats

As evidenced by the 11 prior commits, proper testing has revealed a
large number of gaps and inconsistencies in these scripts. bats is a
very capable replacement for the old test suite.
Fix quiet option on whiched and whichvi

Previously the quiet option was suppressing the exit code on these