package main
// Spotify tracks interactions.
import (
// Format an array of Spotify artists into a `&`-delimited list of artist
// names.
func FormatArtists(artists []spotify.SimpleArtist) string {
buff := []string{}
for _, artist := range artists {
buff = append(buff, artist.Name)
//artist_id := artist.ID
//artist_uri := artist.URI
return strings.Join(buff, " & ")
// Format a duration in milliseconds into `[HH]:[MM]:[SS]` (or `[MM]:[SS]` if
// duration is less than 1 hour).
func FormatDuration(ms int) string {
ms /= 1000
s := ms % 60
ms /= 60
m := ms % 60
h := ms / 60
if h == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d", m, s)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s)
// Create a row of table cells from a Spotify track.
func IntoCells(track *spotify.FullTrack) []*tview.TableCell {
name := tview.NewTableCell(track.Name).SetTextColor(tcell.ColorWhite).SetReference(track.URI)
artist := tview.NewTableCell(FormatArtists(track.Artists)).SetTextColor(tcell.ColorWhite)
album := tview.NewTableCell(track.Album.Name).SetTextColor(tcell.ColorWhite)
duration := tview.NewTableCell(FormatDuration(track.Duration)).SetAlign(tview.AlignRight).SetTextColor(tcell.ColorWhite)
//id := track.ID
//number := track.TrackNumber
//album_id := track.Album.ID
//album_uri := track.Album.URI
//album_date := track.Album.ReleaseDate
return []*tview.TableCell{name, artist, album, duration}