# pkgbuilds
## Usage
Get my public PGP key.
curl -o al.pgp https://pkg.intra.dominic-ricottone.com/arch/al.pgp
Import and sign my key as trusted.
pacman-key --add al.pgp
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key D523376F55BD0AAA
Update the configuration for `pacman` to look at this repository. In `/etc/pacman.conf`, try:
Server = https://pkg.intra.dominic-ricottone.com/arch/$arch/
Packages should now be installable.
## License
I share the contents of this repository under the BSD 3 clause license, except
where alternate attribution and licensing is required.
Namely, the `PKGBUILD`s for R packages are highly derivative of the
[ArchRPkgs](https://github.com/dvdesolve/ArchRPkgs) collection hosted by
viktor drobot (a.k.a. dvdesolve) with contributions from numerous others.
The original license is reproduced in this repository, co-located with the
corresponding files.
Ownership, credit, and copyright is attributed at the top of each such file.
The original license can also be viewed online at
https://github.com/dvdesolve/ArchRPkgs/blob/master/LICENSE .
## Notes to myself
Note: the `r` package in the Arch repositories provides:
+ `r-base`
+ `r-boot`
+ `r-class`
+ `r-cluster`
+ `r-codetools`
+ `r-compiler`
+ `r-datasets`
+ `r-foreign`
+ `r-graphics`
+ `r-grdevices`
+ `r-grid`
+ `r-kernsmooth`
+ `r-lattice`
+ `r-mass`
+ `r-matrix`
+ `r-methods`
+ `r-mgcv`
+ `r-nlme`
+ `r-nnet`
+ `r-parallel`
+ `r-rpart`
+ `r-spatial`
+ `r-splines`
+ `r-stats`
+ `r-stats4`
+ `r-survival`
+ `r-tcltk`
+ `r-tools`
+ `r-translations`
+ `r-utils`