pkgbase = r-tidytext
pkgdesc = Functions and supporting data sets to allow conversion of text to and from tidy formats, and to switch seamlessly between tidy tools and existing text mining packages.
pkgver = 0.4.1
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = any
license = MIT
depends = r>=2.10
depends = r-cli
depends = r-dplyr
depends = r-generics
depends = r-janeaustenr
depends = r-lifecycle
depends = r-matrix
depends = r-methods
depends = r-purrr
depends = r-rlang>=0.4.10
depends = r-stringr
depends = r-tibble
depends = r-tokenizers
depends = r-vctrs
optdepends = r-broom
optdepends = r-covr
optdepends = r-data.table
optdepends = r-ggplot2
optdepends = r-hunspell
optdepends = r-knitr
optdepends = r-mallet
optdepends = r-nlp
optdepends = r-quanteda
optdepends = r-readr
optdepends = r-reshape2
optdepends = r-rmarkdown
optdepends = r-scales
optdepends = r-stm
optdepends = r-stopwords
optdepends = r-testthat>=2.1.0
optdepends = r-textdata
optdepends = r-tidyr
optdepends = r-tm
optdepends = r-topicmodels
optdepends = r-vdiffr
optdepends = r-wordcloud
source =
sha256sums = 526750a2cc8ac7b65be1093f4c9186aa27f0a22f00023a6d6b3b878e1310c815
pkgname = r-tidytext