File origins.
Sourced from ANES 2004 cumulative data file. Raw data in delimited format.
Sourced from ANES 2004 cumulative data file. Raw data import routine. Prepared from original '' file.
Sourced from ANES 2004 cumulative data file. Supplemental data preparation that is appropriate only for Stata. Prepared from original '' file.
Sourced from ANES 2012 cumulative data file. Data prepared in Stata format.
Sourced from ANES 2012 cumulative data file. Supplemental data preparation that is appropriate only for Stata.
Sourced from ANES 2020 cumulative data file. Data prepared in Stata format.
My work. Compares the 2004, 2012, and 2020 cumulative data files in a simple way. Demonstrates that data was adjusted in non-trivial ways over time.