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- Dominic Ricottone
- \begin{center}
- 4750 Chevy Chase Dr., Apt. 209 \\
- Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815 \\
- \end{center}
- \columnbreak
- \faCloud \quad \href{https://www.dominic-ricottone.com}{www.dominic-ricottone.com} \\
- \faEnvelope \quad \href{mailto:me@dominic-ricottone.com}{me@dominic-ricottone.com} \\
- \faPhone \quad (716) 548 6305
- Three years experience in survey research operations.
- Training in econometric analysis and qualitative methods.
- Self-trained programmer and systems administrator.
- Proficient in diverse set of programming languages and statistical softwares.
- Experience
-\textbf{Data Management Analyst} at Fors Marsh Group \hfill \textit{February 2019 -- present}
- \item Cleaning and processing large (1M+) sample files, including international addresses
- \item Validating multi-modal survey instruments and data with SPSS, Stata, and Python
- \item Integrating web portals and backend databases through Python, R, SPSS, and Microsoft Access SQL
- \item Managing protection of PII and PHI
-\textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{November 2018 -- February 2019}
- \item Programming web surveys with the Decipher platform
-\textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- November 2018}
- \item Validating web survey instruments and data with SPSS and Quantum
- \item Raking data to generate survey weights
- \item Development of automation, especially syntax generation, through Python and Perl
- \item Maintaining production software and Linux servers
-\textbf{Campaign Finance Intern} at Chris Harris \& Associates, LLC \hfill \textit{July 2017 --- September 2017}
- \item Aggregating data from internal operations and external databases into actionable samples
- \item Scraping contributions disclosures from government websites and PDF filings
- \item Organizing fundraisers for elected officials across Western New York region
- Education
-\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} from U Rochester \hfill \textit{August 2013 --- May 2017}
-\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} at Nanzan University \hfill \textit{January 2016 --- May 2016}
-\vspace{.05in} %the enumitem adds some vertical spacing for other divisions
- Technical Skills
- \item Proficiency with statistical softwares including SPSS and Stata. Some experience with SAS and Tableau.
- \item Proficiency with diverse set of compiled, scripting, and web programming languages; with a demonstrated ability to rapidly learn new languages on-the-job.
- \item Experience deploying applications with external teams as the end-user.
- \item Experience in server administration (esp. Linux), including experience in cloud infrastructure (AWS) and containerization (Docker).
- \item Working with structured (XML, JSON, etc.) and unstructured (PDF and web scraping) data.
+\noindent \textbf{Dominic Ricottone}
+5 years experience in survey research including data collection, cleaning, and weighting.
+Self-trained programmer with proficiencies in SPSS and Stata, and an eagerness to learn new toolsets.
+%\noindent \makebox[1.5em]{\faicon{map-marker}} 444 W Diversey Pkwy,\\
+%\makebox[1.5em]{\strut} Chicago, IL 60614
+\noindent \makebox[1.5em]{\faicon{map-marker}} Chicago, Illinois
+\noindent \makebox[1.5em]{\faicon{envelope}} \href{mailto:me@dominic-ricottone.com}{me@dominic-ricottone.com}
+\noindent \makebox[1.5em]{\faicon{phone}} 716.548.6305
+\noindent \textbf{Skills} \hrulefill
+\tcbox{\strut SPSS}
+\tcbox{\strut Stata}
+\tcbox{\strut Weight Calibration/Raking}
+\tcbox{\strut Python}
+\tcbox{\strut SQL}
+\tcbox{\strut Text Scraping}
+\tcbox{\strut Excel VBA}
+\tcbox{\strut Survey Design}
+\tcbox{\strut Git}
+\tcbox{\strut R}
+\tcbox{\strut Survey Programming}
+\tcbox{\strut SAS}
+\tcbox{\strut Tableau}
+\tcbox{\strut \LaTeX}
+\tcbox{\strut Data Security}
+\noindent \textbf{Experience} \hrulefill
+\noindent \textbf{Data Management Analyst 2} at Fors Marsh Group \hfill \textit{September 2020 --- Present}
+\noindent \textbf{Data Management Analyst 1} \hfill \textit{February 2019 --- September 2020}
+\item Cleaning large (1M+) sample files with international addresses using SPSS, Stata, and Python
+\item Weighting survey data to mitigate design effects and non-response bias using Stata
+\item Writing technical chapters for analytical reports, and incident report postmortems
+\item Validating multi-modal surveys operated through VoxCo and TeleForm using SPSS and Stata
+\item Reviewing and quality assurance testing of junior analysts' work
+\noindent \textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{November 2018 --- February 2019}
+\item Programming web surveys using Decipher
+\noindent \textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- November 2018}
+\item Weighting longitudinal and stratified survey data for rolling-window B2C analysis using Quantum
+\item Validating web surveys operated through Decipher and Confirmit using Quantum and SPSS
+\item Automating data cleaning and quality assurance processes through Bash and Python
+\noindent \textbf{Campaign Finance Intern} at Chris Harris \& Associates, LLC \hfill \textit{July 2017 --- September 2017}
+\item Scraping contributions disclosures from web pages and PDF documents using Python
+\item Canvassing and organizing fundraisers for elected officials across Western New York region
+\noindent \textbf{Education} \hrulefill
+\noindent \textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} \par
+University of Rochester, \textit{Rochester, NY} \par
+August 2013 --- May 2017
+\noindent \textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} \par
+Nanzan University, \textit{Nagoya, Japan} \par
+January 2016 --- May 2016
+\noindent \textbf{Certifications} \hrulefill
+\noindent \textbf{CITI Biomedical Research Support Staff} \par
+February 2022
+\noindent \textbf{SAS Programming 1: Essentials} \par
+November 2019
+\footnotesize \centering
+\faicon{cloud} \enspace \href{https://www.dominic-ricottone.com}{dominic-ricottone.com}
+\faicon{github} \enspace \href{https://github.com/dricottone}{github.com/dricottone}
+\faicon{linkedin} \enspace \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominicricottone}{linkedin.com/in/dominicricottone}