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Dominic Ricottone
4750 Chevy Chase Dr., Apt. 209 \\
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815 \\
\faCloud \quad \href{https://www.dominic-ricottone.com}{www.dominic-ricottone.com} \\
\faEnvelope \quad \href{mailto:me@dominic-ricottone.com}{me@dominic-ricottone.com} \\
\faPhone \quad (716) 548 6305
Three years experience in survey research operations.
Training in econometric analysis and qualitative methods.
Self-trained programmer and systems administrator.
Proficient in diverse set of programming languages and statistical softwares.
\textbf{Data Management Analyst} at Fors Marsh Group \hfill \textit{February 2019 -- present}
\item Cleaning and processing large (1M+) sample files, including international addresses
\item Validating multi-modal survey instruments and data with SPSS, Stata, and Python
\item Integrating web portals and backend databases through Python, R, SPSS, and Microsoft Access SQL
\item Managing protection of PII and PHI
\textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{November 2018 -- February 2019}
\item Programming web surveys with the Decipher platform
\textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- November 2018}
\item Validating web survey instruments and data with SPSS and Quantum
\item Raking data to generate survey weights
\item Development of automation, especially syntax generation, through Python and Perl
\item Maintaining production software and Linux servers
\textbf{Campaign Finance Intern} at Chris Harris \& Associates, LLC \hfill \textit{July 2017 --- September 2017}
\item Aggregating data from internal operations and external databases into actionable samples
\item Scraping contributions disclosures from government websites and PDF filings
\item Organizing fundraisers for elected officials across Western New York region
\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} from U Rochester \hfill \textit{August 2013 --- May 2017}
\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} at Nanzan University \hfill \textit{January 2016 --- May 2016}
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Technical Skills
\item Proficiency with statistical softwares including SPSS and Stata. Some experience with SAS and Tableau.
\item Proficiency with diverse set of compiled, scripting, and web programming languages; with a demonstrated ability to rapidly learn new languages on-the-job.
\item Experience deploying applications with external teams as the end-user.
\item Experience in server administration (esp. Linux), including experience in cloud infrastructure (AWS) and containerization (Docker).
\item Working with structured (XML, JSON, etc.) and unstructured (PDF and web scraping) data.