
d5e282a85e1c5083c2c8a88ab6cc13d6738737a6 — Dominic Ricottone 2 years ago 56fd192
Merging part of Dec 24, 2021 upstream commit

Improves syntax synchronization
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M syntax/xml.vim
M syntax/xml.vim => syntax/xml.vim +8 -4
@@ 11,6 11,7 @@
" 20190923 - Fix xmlEndTag to match xmlTag (vim/vim#884)
" 20190924 - Fix xmlAttribute property (amadeus/vim-xml@d8ce1c946)
" 20191103 - Enable spell checking globally
" 20210428 - Improve syntax synchronizing

"   syntax folding can be turned on by

@@ 308,9 309,12 @@ unlet b:current_syntax

" synchronizing
" TODO !!! to be improved !!!

syn sync match xmlSyncDT grouphere  xmlDocType +\_.\(<!DOCTYPE\)\@=+
syn sync match xmlSyncComment grouphere xmlComment +<!--+
syn sync match xmlSyncComment groupthere NONE +-->+

" The following is slow on large documents (and the doctype is optional
" syn sync match xmlSyncDT grouphere  xmlDocType +\_.\(<!DOCTYPE\)\@=+
" syn sync match xmlSyncDT groupthere  NONE       +]>+

if exists('g:xml_syntax_folding')

@@ 319,7 323,7 @@ if exists('g:xml_syntax_folding')
    syn sync match xmlSync groupthere  xmlRegion  +</[^ /!?<>"']\+>+

syn sync minlines=100
syn sync minlines=100 maxlines=200

" The default highlighting.

@@ 361,4 365,4 @@ let b:current_syntax = "xml"
let &cpo = s:xml_cpo_save
unlet s:xml_cpo_save

" vim: ts=8
" vim: ts=4