
ref: cb513a38f2762511466712591d177a9a295beb0c blog/Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1.6 KiB
Quick fixes

Marked new post as not a draft.

Fixed order of Makefile recipe prerequisites.

Added URL aliases for published posts.

Updated configuration for permalinks.
Portability bug fixes

Now building the site from a Debian-derivative system, as opposed to my
Arch PC. This has made several predictable and one very surprising bug.

First of all, `gawk` has to be specified rather than `/bin/awk` now.
This is a portable change in that `gawk` can be installed on practically
any system and is reliably found at `/usr/bin/gawk`. My mistake for
thinking all Linux distros used `gawk` for system `awk`...

The LaTeX distro for Debian-derivative systems is confusingly broken up,
and best solved by just relying on apt install `latex-cjk-all
texlive-lang-cjk` to work. As a part of this, I broke up the
PDF generation process into separate TeX and PDF file recipes.

I forgot that, due to ignored files, a certain directory wasn't created
by cloning the repo. Oops. Now that directory is explicitly created by a

Lastly, it seems that there's an important difference in how escaped
newlines are interpretted in shell variables between `bash` and `dash`.
No idea what the actual reasoning is, but making `bsky.sh` into
`bsky.bash` works.
Linking to socials

A webring is added to the bottom of all blog posts and the home page.
This is powered by openring and stylized as a vertical list against a
light blue background (same blue as sent messages on Chat page).

My recent posts on bluesky are added to the home page. These are
stylized as received chat messages per the Chat page.

My most listened to songs (in alst 30 days) are listed on the home page.
This is an unstylized ordered list.

Minor change to the way width is applied to horizontal breaks.
Chat identity

The chat app now uses digital signatures for identify verification.

A new blog post discusses this implementation and what I've learned
about PGP and digital signature cryptography.

Also, minor typo fixes and adding an aspell recipe.
Post and updates

A short post and a set of minor updates. The Title is being shown on
more pages and the Makefile recipe was slightly refactored.
Automated generation of HTML CV based on Markdown CV
Automated generation of PDF CV based on Markdown CV
New post and redid some styling/templating
Migrating hosts; Remove old JS