#!/usr/bin/env raku
#TODO: add standard program header
#TODO: add --help message
sub check-environment() {
my $proc = shell <git --version>, :out, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
#say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: gate this behind a --verbose feature
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: git is not installed";
exit 1;
class Arguments {
has Str @.options;
has Str @.positionals;
#TODO: add .interactive-mode
sub parse() {
if any(@*ARGS) eq '--' {
my $sep = @*ARGS.first("--", :k);
return Arguments.new(options => |@*ARGS[0..^$sep], positionals => |@*ARGS[$sep^..*]);
else {
return Arguments.new(options => @*ARGS, positionals => ());
#TODO: set .interactive-mode here
sub check-arguments($args) {
if $args.positionals.elems == 0 {
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: no targets specified";
exit 1;
sub git-rev-parse() {
my $root;
my $proc = run <git rev-parse --show-toplevel>, :out, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
#say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: gate this behind a --verbose feature
else {
$root = $proc.out.slurp(:close).trim.IO;
return $root;
sub interactive-clone() {
my $root = $*CWD;
my $resp = prompt "Create a new repository in $root? [y/N] ";
given $resp {
when "y"|"Y" { }
when "n"|"N" { say "Quiting..."; exit 1 }
default { say "Invalid response. Quiting..."; exit 1 }
my $uri = prompt "Repository to clone: ";
without $uri {
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: no repository to clone";
exit 1;
git-clone $uri;
return $root;
sub git-clone($uri) {
my @cmd = $uri, ".";
@cmd.prepend(<git clone --filter=blob:none --no-checkout -->);
# Purposefully not capturing STDOUT
my $proc = run |@cmd, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: parse error message and print a cleaner version
exit 1;
#TODO: this should not be necessary long term, but no idea how to tell when
sub git-sparse-checkout-legacy() {
my $proc = run <git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index>, :out, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
#say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: gate this behind a --verbose feature
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: failed to set sparse checkouts";
exit 1;
sub git-sparse-checkout($args) {
my @cmd = $args.positionals;
@cmd.prepend(<git sparse-checkout set -->);
#@cmd.prepend(<git sparse-checkout set --cone --sparse-index -->);
#TODO: swap these when legacy code not needed
my $proc = run @cmd, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
#say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: gate this behind a --verbose feature
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: failed to set sparse checkouts";
exit 1;
sub git-remote-show-origin() {
my $proc = run <git remote show origin>, :out, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
#say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: gate this behind a --verbose feature
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: failed to set identify default branch";
exit 1;
my @lines = $proc.out.slurp(:close).lines;
my @branch-line = @lines.grep(*.contains: "HEAD branch");
if @branch-line.elems != 1 {
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: failed to set identify default branch";
exit 1;
my $branch = @branch-line[0].trim;
$branch ~~ s/.*\:\s*//;
return $branch;
sub git-checkout($branch) {
my @cmd = $branch;
@cmd.prepend(<git checkout>);
my $proc = run |@cmd, :out, :err;
if $proc.exitcode != 0 {
#say $proc.err.slurp(:close);
#TODO: gate this behind a --verbose feature
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: failed to checkout branch $branch";
exit 1;
# setup
my $args = parse;
check-arguments $args;
my $init-mode = any($args.options) eq '-i' | '--init' | '--interactive'; # this is a junction; collapse with .so method
#TODO: move this into Arguments class as .interactive-mode
# git repository
my $root = git-rev-parse;
with $root {
if $init-mode.so {
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: not re-initializing the repository in $root"
else {
unless $init-mode.so {
say "$*PROGRAM-NAME: not in a git repository";
exit 1;
$root = interactive-clone;
# sparse checkout