
596d0a2530fc8b5bedf46eb7d9282766a2046ac2 — Dominic Ricottone 1 year, 11 months ago b701c9d
Help and usage messages

Specify that the help option causes the program to exit immediately.

Standardize order of options then positional arguments.
M core/debom => core/debom +2 -2
@@ 4,9 4,9 @@ name="debom"
read -r -d '' help_message <<-EOF
	Remove BOM from a target file
	Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]
	Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET
	 -h, --help            print this message
	 -h, --help            print this message and exit
	 -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts
	 -v, --verbose         show additional messages
	 -V, --version         print version number and exit

M core/enumerate => core/enumerate +1 -1
@@ 8,7 8,7 @@ read -r -d '' help_message <<-EOF
	 -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)
	 -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P
	 -h, --help        print this message
	 -h, --help        print this message and exit
	 -q, --quiet       suppress error messages
	 -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)
	 -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)

M core/mkbak => core/mkbak +1 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ name="mkbak"
read -r -d '' help_message <<-EOF
	Create a backup of a target file
	Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]
	Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET
	 -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite
	 -f, --force           overwrite without asking

M core/rand => core/rand +2 -2
@@ 4,9 4,9 @@ name="rand"
read -r -d '' help_message <<-EOF
	Get a random number within an inclusive range
	Usage: rand START END [OPTIONS]
	Usage: rand [OPTIONS] START END
	 -h, --help        print this message
	 -h, --help        print this message and exit
	 -n N, --number N  print N numbers (Default: 1)
	 -q, --quiet       suppress error messages and prompts
	 -v, --verbose     show additional messages

M core/rebom => core/rebom +2 -2
@@ 4,9 4,9 @@ name="rebom"
read -r -d '' help_message <<-EOF
	Add BOM to a target file
	Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]
	Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET
	 -h, --help            print this message
	 -h, --help            print this message and exit
	 -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts
	 -v, --verbose         show additional messages
	 -V, --version         print version number and exit

M core/test/debom.bats => core/test/debom.bats +13 -13
@@ 15,7 15,7 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]
  [ "$output" = "" ]
  [ "$stderr" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "$stderr" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]

@test "debom version" {

@@ 64,9 64,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom --help
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Remove BOM from a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 77,9 77,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom --help --quiet
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Remove BOM from a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 90,9 90,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom --help -q
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Remove BOM from a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 103,9 103,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom -h
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Remove BOM from a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 116,9 116,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom -h --quiet
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Remove BOM from a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 129,9 129,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr debom -h -q
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Remove BOM from a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: debom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

M core/test/enumerate.bats => core/test/enumerate.bats +6 -6
@@ 154,7 154,7 @@ teardown() {
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[7]}" = " -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)" ]
  [ "${lines[8]}" = " -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)" ]

@@ 173,7 173,7 @@ teardown() {
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[7]}" = " -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)" ]
  [ "${lines[8]}" = " -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)" ]

@@ 192,7 192,7 @@ teardown() {
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[7]}" = " -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)" ]
  [ "${lines[8]}" = " -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)" ]

@@ 211,7 211,7 @@ teardown() {
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[7]}" = " -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)" ]
  [ "${lines[8]}" = " -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)" ]

@@ 230,7 230,7 @@ teardown() {
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[7]}" = " -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)" ]
  [ "${lines[8]}" = " -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)" ]

@@ 249,7 249,7 @@ teardown() {
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --dry-run     print, not execute, changes (Default)" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f P, --filter P  filter targets with filename pattern P" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[7]}" = " -s N, --start N   start enumeration at N (Default: 1)" ]
  [ "${lines[8]}" = " -S N, --step N    step enumeration by N (Default: 1)" ]

M core/test/mkbak.bats => core/test/mkbak.bats +6 -6
@@ 47,7 47,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  run --separate-stderr mkbak --help
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Create a backup of a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f, --force           overwrite without asking" ]

@@ 63,7 63,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  run --separate-stderr mkbak --help --quiet
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Create a backup of a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f, --force           overwrite without asking" ]

@@ 79,7 79,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  run --separate-stderr mkbak --help -q
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Create a backup of a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f, --force           overwrite without asking" ]

@@ 95,7 95,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  run --separate-stderr mkbak -h
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Create a backup of a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f, --force           overwrite without asking" ]

@@ 111,7 111,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  run --separate-stderr mkbak -h --quiet
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Create a backup of a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f, --force           overwrite without asking" ]

@@ 127,7 127,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  run --separate-stderr mkbak -h -q
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Create a backup of a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: mkbak [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -d, --diff            diff files before asking to overwrite" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -f, --force           overwrite without asking" ]

M core/test/rebom.bats => core/test/rebom.bats +13 -13
@@ 15,7 15,7 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]
  [ "$output" = "" ]
  [ "$stderr" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "$stderr" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]

@test "rebom version" {

@@ 64,9 64,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom --help
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Add BOM to a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 77,9 77,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom --help --quiet
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Add BOM to a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 90,9 90,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom --help -q
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Add BOM to a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 103,9 103,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom -h
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Add BOM to a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 116,9 116,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom -h --quiet
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Add BOM to a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

@@ 129,9 129,9 @@ teardown() {
  run --separate-stderr rebom -h -q
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Add BOM to a target file" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom TARGET [OPTIONS]" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: rebom [OPTIONS] TARGET" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help            print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet           suppress error messages and prompts" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --verbose         show additional messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -V, --version         print version number and exit" ]

M core/test/whichcat.bats => core/test/whichcat.bats +6 -6
@@ 70,7 70,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print all lines from a program to the terminal" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 82,7 82,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print all lines from a program to the terminal" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 94,7 94,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print all lines from a program to the terminal" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 106,7 106,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print all lines from a program to the terminal" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 118,7 118,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print all lines from a program to the terminal" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 130,7 130,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print all lines from a program to the terminal" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

M core/test/whiched.bats => core/test/whiched.bats +6 -6
@@ 70,7 70,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 82,7 82,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 94,7 94,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 106,7 106,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 118,7 118,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 130,7 130,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

M core/test/whichhead.bats => core/test/whichhead.bats +6 -6
@@ 70,7 70,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print the first 10 lines from a program" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -v, --verbose     show additional messages" ]

@@ 84,7 84,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print the first 10 lines from a program" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -v, --verbose     show additional messages" ]

@@ 98,7 98,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print the first 10 lines from a program" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -v, --verbose     show additional messages" ]

@@ 112,7 112,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print the first 10 lines from a program" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -v, --verbose     show additional messages" ]

@@ 126,7 126,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print the first 10 lines from a program" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -v, --verbose     show additional messages" ]

@@ 140,7 140,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Print the first 10 lines from a program" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help        print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -q, --quiet       suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[6]}" = " -v, --verbose     show additional messages" ]

M core/test/whichvi.bats => core/test/whichvi.bats +6 -6
@@ 70,7 70,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your visual editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 82,7 82,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your visual editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 94,7 94,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your visual editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 106,7 106,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your visual editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 118,7 118,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your visual editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

@@ 130,7 130,7 @@ bats_require_minimum_version 1.5.0
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "Open a program with your visual editor" ]
  [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM" ]
  [ "${lines[2]}" = "Options:" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message" ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = " -h, --help     print this message and exit" ]
  [ "${lines[4]}" = " -q, --quiet    suppress error messages" ]
  [ "${lines[5]}" = " -v, --version  print version number and exit" ]
  [ "$stderr"  = "" ]

M core/unittest => core/unittest +1 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ name="unittest"
help_message=$(/usr/bin/cat <<-EOF
	Wrapper around Python's 'unittest' module
	Usage: unittest TARGET [OPTIONS]
	Usage: unittest [OPTIONS] TARGET
	 -c, --color              print with color
	 -h, --help               print this message and exit

M core/whichcat => core/whichcat +1 -1
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@ help_message=$(/usr/bin/cat <<-EOF
	Print all lines from a program to the terminal
	Usage: whichcat [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]
	 -h, --help     print this message
	 -h, --help     print this message and exit
	 -q, --quiet    suppress error messages
	 -v, --version  print version number and exit

M core/whiched => core/whiched +1 -1
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@ help_message=$(/usr/bin/cat <<-EOF
	Open a program with your editor
	Usage: whiched [OPTIONS] PROGRAM
	 -h, --help     print this message
	 -h, --help     print this message and exit
	 -q, --quiet    suppress error messages
	 -v, --version  print version number and exit

M core/whichhead => core/whichhead +1 -1
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@ read -r -d '' help_message <<-EOF
	Print the first 10 lines from a program
	Usage: whichhead [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM ..]
	 -h, --help        print this message
	 -h, --help        print this message and exit
	 -n N, --number N  print the first N lines (Default: 10)
	 -q, --quiet       suppress error messages
	 -v, --verbose     show additional messages

M core/whichvi => core/whichvi +1 -1
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@ help_message=$(/usr/bin/cat <<-EOF
	Open a program with your visual editor
	Usage: whichvi [OPTIONS] PROGRAM
	 -h, --help     print this message
	 -h, --help     print this message and exit
	 -q, --quiet    suppress error messages
	 -v, --version  print version number and exit