
ref: ef6d4cd1b378cc0ebbcb6e1460b3909f0cdd71b6 my-utils/core/README.md -rw-r--r-- 1.8 KiB
ef6d4cd1Dominic Ricottone Incomplete work on hardware/media utils 5 days ago

#core utilities

Tools for everyday living.

bats is required for the test suite.


Executable Description Extra Dependencies
ctdir Count entries in a target directory(ies)
debom Remove BOM from a target file bash
gitstat Fetch updates on git repositories bash
git-sparse Create a sparse checkout repository raku
enumerate Rename files in current directory into sequential numbers bash
mkbak Create a backup of a target file bash
rand Get a random number within an inclusive range bash, shuf
rebom Add BOM to a target file bash
rmold Delete old files
start-at After a pattern is matched, re-print GNU or New (AT&T) awk
stop-at Re-print until a pattern is matched GNU or New (AT&T) awk
unittest Wrapper around Python's unittest module python3, GNU or New (AT&T) awk
vimsplit Open two files in split windows nvim
whichcat Print all lines from a program
whiched Open a program with your editor
whichhead Print the first 10 lines from a program bash
whichvi Open a program with your visual editor
wttr Wrapper around wttr to fix double-wide runes for some fonts wego

All scripts support -h and --help for printing built-in documentation.