// ANES 2004 cumulative file
clear all
do "anes 2004 cumulative infile.do"
svyset VCF0006A [pweight=VCF0009A], vce(linearized)
keep if inlist(VCF0004,1982,1984,1998,1992,1996,2000,2002,2004)
recode VCF0803 (1/3=1 "Lib") (4 9=2 "Mod") (5/7=3 "Cons") (else=.), gen(conserv)
svy: tab conserv VCF0004, col
(running tabulate on estimation sample)
Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 12,528
Number of PSUs = 11,368 Population size = 12,501.836
Design df = 11,367
VCF0803 |
(Liberal- |
Conservat |
ive 7pt | Year of Study
Scale) | 1982 1984 1992 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Total
Lib | .1464 .1786 .2022 .1813 .1837 .1963 .2199 .2221 .1904
Mod | .5829 .5357 .4975 .4929 .5134 .5016 .4362 .4591 .5046
Cons | .2707 .2858 .3003 .3258 .3029 .3021 .3439 .3188 .305
Total | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Key: Column proportion
Uncorrected chi2(14) = 90.6470
Design-based F(13.60, 1.5e+05)= 5.6565 P = 0.0000
// ANES 2012 cumulative file
clear all
use "08475-0001-Data.dta"
do "08475-0001-Supplemental_syntax.do"
svyset VCF0006A [pweight=VCF0009Z], vce(linearized)
keep if inlist(VCF0004,1982,1984,1998,1992,1996,2000,2002,2004)
recode VCF0803 (1/3=1 "Lib") (4 9=2 "Mod") (5/7=3 "Cons") (else=.), gen(conserv)
svy: tab conserv VCF0004, col
(running tabulate on estimation sample)
Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 12,675
Number of PSUs = 11,515 Population size = 12,653.846
Design df = 11,514
VCF0803 |
: |
Liberal-C |
onservati | STUDY VARIABLE: Year of Study
ve Scale) | 1982 1984 1992 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Total
Lib | .1464 .1786 .2022 .1813 .1837 .1963 .2199 .1877 .1875
Mod | .5829 .5357 .4975 .4929 .5134 .5016 .4362 .5017 .5081
Cons | .2707 .2858 .3003 .3258 .3029 .3021 .3439 .3106 .3044
Total | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Key: Column proportion
Uncorrected chi2(14) = 79.4757
Design-based F(13.60, 1.6e+05)= 4.9729 P = 0.0000
//ANES 2020 cumulative file
clear all
use "anes_timeseries_cdf_stata_20220916.dta"
svyset VCF0006a [pweight=VCF0009z], vce(linearized)
keep if inlist(VCF0004,1982,1984,1998,1992,1996,2000,2002,2004)
recode VCF0803 (1/3=1 "Lib") (4 9=2 "Mod") (5/7=3 "Cons") (else=.), gen(conserv)
svy: tab conserv VCF0004, col
(running tabulate on estimation sample)
Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 12,675
Number of PSUs = 11,515 Population size = 12,653.846
Design df = 11,514
VCF0803 |
(Liberal- |
Conservat |
ive | Year of Study
Scale) | 1982 1984 1992 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Total
Lib | .1464 .1786 .2022 .1813 .1837 .1963 .2199 .1877 .1875
Mod | .5829 .5357 .4975 .4929 .5134 .5016 .4362 .5017 .5081
Cons | .2707 .2858 .3003 .3258 .3029 .3021 .3439 .3106 .3044
Total | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Key: Column proportion
Uncorrected chi2(14) = 79.4757
Design-based F(13.60, 1.6e+05)= 4.9729 P = 0.0000