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\textbf{Dominic Ricottone}
4750 Chevy Chase Dr., Apt. 209 \\
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815 \\
Contact at: \href{mailto:me@dominic-ricottone.com}{me@dominic-ricottone.com} \\
(716) 548 6305
Over two years experience in survey research operations. Trained in econometric
analysis and statistical methods. My work includes NIST's study on the Chimney
Tops 2 fire in Tennessee, and FVAP's post-election survey of overseas citizens.
I have an ongoing application for Tier 3 Security Clearance.
\textbf{Experience} \hrulefill
\textbf{Data Management Analyst} at Fors Marsh Group \hfill \textit{February 2019 -- present}
\item Cleaning and processing large (1M+) sample files for use in mailing campaigns
\item Validating multi-modal survey instruments and datasets with SPSS, Stata, and Python
\item Managing protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to comply with federal and IRB regulations
\textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{November 2018 -- February 2019}
\item Programming web surveys with the Decipher platform
\textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} at The Harris Poll \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- November 2018}
\item Validating web surveys and datasets with Quantum, SPSS, and Python
\item Raking data to generate survey weights
\item Maintaining internal production software and servers
\textbf{Campaign Finance Intern} at Chris Harris \& Associates, LLC \hfill \textit{July 2017 --- September 2017}
\item Aggregating data from internal operations into actionable mailing lists
\item Scraping political contribution data from government web pages and PDF filings
\item Organizing fundraisers for elected official including Sheriff Baxter and the late Congresswoman Slaughter
\textbf{Office Assistant} at Human Resources Dept., U Rochester \hfill \textit{June 2016 --- May 2017}
\item Maintaining primary copies of employment records
\item Managed internal circulation of sensitive employment records
\textbf{Research Assistant} at Cancer Care of Western New York \hfill \textit{May 2013 --- August 2013}
\item Researched the academic literature on penile melanoma for a case report
\item Data entry from patient records into the internal database
\item Scrubbed PII from records to be used in external research
\textbf{Education} \hrulefill
\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} from U Rochester \hfill \textit{August 2013 --- May 2017}
\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} at Nanzan University \hfill \textit{January 2016 --- May 2016}
\textbf{Technical Skills} \hrulefill
\item Proficiency with statistical software including SPSS, STATA, R, SQL, Tableau, and Quantum
\item Proficiency with scripting and automation languages including Python, \LaTeX, Bash, and VBA
\item Experienced in programming languages including C, Rust, and Go--especially for XML/HTML parsing
\item Experienced in web programming languages, including JavaScript and jQuery
\item Experienced in Linux server administration, including Amazon AWS