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{\textbf{\Huge Dominic Ricottone}}
Over 5 years of experience in \textbf{survey research}
including data collection, cleaning, and weighting.
I am proficient in \textbf{statistical programming and analysis} especially with
\textbf{SPSS}, \textbf{Stata}, and \textbf{Python}.
A selection of my hobby projects can be found at
\faicon{github} \href{https://github.com/dricottone}{github.com/dricottone}.
\faicon{map-marker} Chicago, Illinois
\faicon{envelope} \href{mailto:me@dominic-ricottone.com}{me@dominic-ricottone.com}
\faicon{cloud} \href{https://www.dominic-ricottone.com}{dominic-ricottone.com}
\faicon{phone} 716.548.6305
\textbf{\Large Work Experience} \hrulefill
\textbf{Data Management Analyst 2} \hfill \textit{September 2020 --- Present}
\par \textbf{Data Management Analyst 1} \hfill \textit{February 2019 --- September 2020}
\par Fors Marsh, \textit{Arlington, Virginia (working remote)}
\item Cleaning large (1M+) survey samples with international addresses using SPSS, Stata, and Python
\item Weighting survey data to mitigate design effects and non-response bias using Stata
\item Writing technical chapters for analytical reports, and incident postmortems
\item Validating multi-modal surveys operated through VoxCo and TeleForm using SPSS and Stata
\item Reviewing and quality assurance testing of junior analysts' work
\textbf{Junior Survey Programmer} \hfill \textit{November 2018 --- February 2019}
\par The Harris Poll, \textit{Rochester, New York}
\item Programming web surveys using Decipher
\textbf{Junior Data Processing Programmer} \hfill \textit{September 2017 --- November 2018}
\par The Harris Poll, \textit{Rochester, New York}
\item Automating data pipelines with unsupervised ingestion through POP3 and RESTful APIs
\item Weighting longitudinal and stratified survey data for rolling-window B2C analysis using Quantum
\item Validating web surveys operated through Decipher and Confirmit using Quantum and SPSS
\item Scripting quality assurance processes with Bash, Python, and Perl
\textbf{\Large Education} \hrulefill
\textbf{B.A. in Political Science, Economics} \hfill \textit{2013 --- 2017}
\par University of Rochester, \textit{Rochester, New York}
\textbf{Intensive Japanese Language Program} \hfill \textit{2016}
\par Nanzan University, \textit{Nagoya, Japan}
\textbf{\Large Certifications and Awards} \hrulefill
\textbf{Identifying and Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information} \hfill \textit{March 2023}
\par U.S. Department of Defense Cyber Exchange
\textbf{Core Values Certificate} \hfill \textit{September 2022}
\par Fors Marsh
\textbf{Biomedical Research Support Staff} \hfill \textit{February 2022}
\par CITI Program
\textbf{SAS Programming 1: Essentials} \hfill \textit{November 2019}
\par SAS Institute
\textbf{\Large Skills} \hrulefill
Rapid development of data solutions on a collaborative team.
Rigorous data governance and quality assurance processes.
Automation of key deliverables and continuous data ingestion.